Windows 7简易升级路径真值表/图表

Wow, everyone is moving up to Windows 7. I'm looking forward, as IT Manager for the Hanselman Family, to upgrading everyone. New OS for all the cousins and uncles and what-not is always a highlight of my year.

哇,每个人都在升级到Windows7。作为Hanselman家族的IT经理,我期待着升级每个人。 适用于所有堂兄和叔叔的新操作系统,而这一切始终是我这一年的亮点。

Personally, I think Windows 7 is a good time to do a "clean" install. Most people have decent internet speeds and there's just nothing quite like the fresh minty smell of a new install.

我个人认为Windows 7是进行“全新”安装的好时机。 大多数人的互联网速度都不错,没有什么比新安装的薄荷味更像了。

Disclaimer: I don't work for the Windows team and I wrote this post in the dead of night completely off the clock on a PalmPilot so there might be no confusion about my motives. I'm just a techie dude who happens to work for the Big Blue Monster. This is not official anything and it's a blog. It's very likely wrong or complete nonsense. One day you'll show up and I'll have been fired, drawn and quartered and this site will be all 404s. That is all. I may start selling T-shirts containing my disclaimers in case they are in any way unclear.

免责声明:我不在Windows团队工作,我在深夜里完全不使用PalmPilot编写了这篇文章,所以可能不会混淆我的动机。 我只是一个花花公子的家伙,碰巧为蓝色巨人工作。 这不是官方的东西,而是博客。 这很可能是错误的或完全废话。 有一天你会出现,我将被解雇,被画成四分之一,这个站点将是所有404。 就这些。 我可能会开始销售包含免责声明的T恤,以防万一它们不清楚。

There's a few choices for you:


Clean Install + Migrate: You can certainly "migrate" your settings from an old machine to a new one still doing a clean install. It's a clean install, but you're saving time by bringing lots of little things over like browser history, favorites, usernames, passwords, subtle settings. Either way, you've got choices.

全新安装+迁移:您当然可以将设置从旧计算机“迁移”到仍在进行全新安装的新计算机。 这是一个干净的安装,但是您可以通过浏览器历史记录,收藏夹,用户名,密码,微妙的设置等许多小东西来节省时间。 无论哪种方式,您都有选择。

In-Place Upgrade: You can also "upgrade in-place," meaning you're installing Windows 7 to c:\windows (or whatever) and it'll upgrading your Vista installation directly. Once Windows 7 is installed, you can do an "Anytime Upgrade," for example, taking Win 7 Home Premium to Win 7 Pro if you like.

就地升级:您也可以“就地升级”,这意味着您将Windows 7安装到c:\ windows(或其他任何方式),它将直接升级Vista安装。 安装Windows 7后,您可以执行“随时升级”,例如,根据需要将Win 7 Home Premium升级为Win 7 Pro。

There's a chart that explains this, but visually, it's too complex in my opinion. I stated working on a simpler one, then Ed Bott in his wisdom beat me to it. It's a truth table of sorts, and technical folks LOVE to collapse their tables. What may have made sense to the original designer is begging for refactoring by one of us.

有一个图表对此进行了解释,但从视觉上来说,我认为它太复杂了。 我说过要研究一种简单的方法,然后埃德·博特以他的智慧击败了我。 这是一个真值表,技术人员喜欢折叠表。 对于最初的设计师来说可能有意义的,是我们中的一个人乞求重构。

The original table looks scary and sends a negative message. However, as Ed points out "Most Vista users will have clear and logical upgrade paths from their current edition to the same edition of Windows 7."

原始表看起来很吓人,并发送否定消息。 但是,正如Ed指出的那样: “大多数Vista用户将拥有从当前版本到Windows 7相同版本的清晰且合乎逻辑的升级途径。”

Basically, if you're going from whatever version of Vista you have to a similar (or greater) version of Windows 7, you're all set. You'll only need to clean install if you're going from a "high sku" to a lower one. Go check out Ed's chart or click on the image above and enjoy your upgrade!

基本上,如果要从任何版本的Vista升级到类似(或更高版本)的Windows 7,您都已准备就绪。 如果您要从“高sku”转到较低的sku,则仅需要全新安装。 请查看Ed的图表或单击上面的图像,享受升级的乐趣!






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