Color Grading with Unity and the Asset Store



It takes a split second for a brain to judge your game’s visual style. Color grading, a post processing visual effect, is often the secret sauce that tells the audience that what they’re looking at has a polish, a unique style or a particular mood. I talked to a developer and an Asset Store publisher to get the recipe.

“To get started, try watching films with colour grading you admire! I’ve watched Iron Man, Blade Runner, Transformers, Battlestar Galactica, Oblivion, and many others – it’s great to pick apart what others are doing, and see why it’s effective. ” says Iestyn Lloyd of Lloyd Digital. He also finds Instagram’s filters quite inspiring.

dropship with without full sizeLloy’d Unity 5 Dropship demo, before and after color grading. Asset is Orbital Reentry Craft by Andromeda Station.

When you know what you kind of style you want to go for, take a screenshot of a scene in your game and open it in Photoshop. Play around with everything under Image > Adjustments until you reach the style you’re happy with. There are plenty of tutorials online (like this one) that can help you along the way.

But how do you transfer that look to your game? Color grading is basically mapping every possible color to another color. Imagine all these mapped colors are stored in a cube, with red value on the X axis, green value on the Y axis and the blue on the Z axis.

A 2D representation of this cube is called unwrapped volume texture, also known as LUT (color look-up texture). After you perform the same color adjustments on a new neutral LUT as you did on your screenshot, you can save it as a new LUT. Then assign the new LUT to the effect and hit Convert & Apply. More info on this workflow is in Unity Documentation, but it’s far from the only way to get color grading.

“There’s a number of plugins that don’t require Photoshop at all – that’s where I got started!,” says Iestyn. “Colorful has a number of easy-to-use presets which can be easily tweaked to give a pleasing result. Chromatica is very clever and is my tool of choice right now. It gives you a number of colour grading tools similar to the ones found in Photoshop right in the Unity editor and allows for split-screen before-and-after previews, among many other features.”

UNT_as_sale_may_FB_asset_2_1200x628Colorful – Image Effects

For artists and any professionals that have experience with image editing software, he recommends Amplify Color: “Amplify Color makes it extremely easy to send screenshots directly to Photoshop for colour grading. It also supports volumes, which can be a very easy way to change the grading throughout areas of your game.”

Amplify Color is a script you apply to camera. After you set up remote connection with Photoshop, you can then send a screenshot from Unity to Photoshop with one click, adjust in Photoshop and then click Read screenshot from Photoshop in Unity when you’re done. Apply it to camera by dragging it to the correct slot.

It also has a “File Mode” that allows users to export an image to any kind of professional software they are familiar with such as Davinci Resolve, Nuke, After Effects or even Gimp, grade it and import it back into Unity.

It’s used in a wide range of projects, from realistic games like The Forest to incredibly stylized creations such as Firewatch, the recent GI Unity Demo or even 2D games such asNight in The Woods.

screenshot7Night in the Woods

“Grading film and VFX is easier since all the shots are mostly predetermined. Grading an interactive and free moving game might be quite tricky. Amplify Color offers volume based color grading and a way to bind third party effects to the scene mood in order to simplify the process. It also provides support for dynamically generated color grading masks, a great way to isolate and grade specific assets,” says Ricardo Teixeira of Amplify Creations, the publisher of the asset.

Another advantage of Amplify Color is it’s flexibility. “We offer Full Source Code with all our products, users can build upon and improve their their tools whenever needed and Amplify Color 2.0, as a free update, is already in the works with an easy-to-use LUT editor within Unity and a few other surprises” he adds. This month, Amplify Color is  half-price to all Level 11 members.

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Go语言(也称为Golang)是由Google开发的一种静态强类型、编译型的编程语言。它旨在成为一门简单、高效、安全和并发的编程语言,特别适用于构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统。以下是Go语言的一些主要特点和优势: 简洁性:Go语言的语法简单直观,易于学习和使用。它避免了复杂的语法特性,如继承、重载等,转而采用组合和接口来实现代码的复用和扩展。 高性能:Go语言具有出色的性能,可以媲美C和C++。它使用静态类型系统和编译型语言的优势,能够生成高效的机器码。 并发性:Go语言内置了对并发的支持,通过轻量级的goroutine和channel机制,可以轻松实现并发编程。这使得Go语言在构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统时具有天然的优势。 安全性:Go语言具有强大的类型系统和内存管理机制,能够减少运行时错误和内存泄漏等问题。它还支持编译时检查,可以在编译阶段就发现潜在的问题。 标准库:Go语言的标准库非常丰富,包含了大量的实用功能和工具,如网络编程、文件操作、加密解密等。这使得开发者可以更加专注于业务逻辑的实现,而无需花费太多时间在底层功能的实现上。 跨平台:Go语言支持多种操作系统和平台,包括Windows、Linux、macOS等。它使用统一的构建系统(如Go Modules),可以轻松地跨平台编译和运行代码。 开源和社区支持:Go语言是开源的,具有庞大的社区支持和丰富的资源。开发者可以通过社区获取帮助、分享经验和学习资料。 总之,Go语言是一种简单、高效、安全、并发的编程语言,特别适用于构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统。如果你正在寻找一种易于学习和使用的编程语言,并且需要处理大量的并发请求和数据,那么Go语言可能是一个不错的选择。
Go语言(也称为Golang)是由Google开发的一种静态强类型、编译型的编程语言。它旨在成为一门简单、高效、安全和并发的编程语言,特别适用于构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统。以下是Go语言的一些主要特点和优势: 简洁性:Go语言的语法简单直观,易于学习和使用。它避免了复杂的语法特性,如继承、重载等,转而采用组合和接口来实现代码的复用和扩展。 高性能:Go语言具有出色的性能,可以媲美C和C++。它使用静态类型系统和编译型语言的优势,能够生成高效的机器码。 并发性:Go语言内置了对并发的支持,通过轻量级的goroutine和channel机制,可以轻松实现并发编程。这使得Go语言在构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统时具有天然的优势。 安全性:Go语言具有强大的类型系统和内存管理机制,能够减少运行时错误和内存泄漏等问题。它还支持编译时检查,可以在编译阶段就发现潜在的问题。 标准库:Go语言的标准库非常丰富,包含了大量的实用功能和工具,如网络编程、文件操作、加密解密等。这使得开发者可以更加专注于业务逻辑的实现,而无需花费太多时间在底层功能的实现上。 跨平台:Go语言支持多种操作系统和平台,包括Windows、Linux、macOS等。它使用统一的构建系统(如Go Modules),可以轻松地跨平台编译和运行代码。 开源和社区支持:Go语言是开源的,具有庞大的社区支持和丰富的资源。开发者可以通过社区获取帮助、分享经验和学习资料。 总之,Go语言是一种简单、高效、安全、并发的编程语言,特别适用于构建高性能的服务器和分布式系统。如果你正在寻找一种易于学习和使用的编程语言,并且需要处理大量的并发请求和数据,那么Go语言可能是一个不错的选择。
Unity is a game engine that allows developers to create games and interactive experiences for various platforms such as PC, consoles, mobile devices, and virtual reality. It also provides a range of tools for creating and managing art assets, including 3D models, textures, animations, and visual effects. With Unity, artists can create visually stunning and immersive worlds, characters, and environments using a variety of techniques such as photorealistic rendering, real-time lighting, and particle systems. The engine also supports a wide range of file formats, making it easy for artists to import and export their work from other software tools. Unity's art engine is designed to streamline the art creation process by providing a range of features and tools that help artists work more efficiently. Some of the key features of Unity's art engine include: 1. Real-time rendering: Unity's real-time rendering capabilities allow artists to see their changes in real-time, without the need to wait for long rendering times. 2. Asset Store: Unity's Asset Store is a marketplace for artists to buy and sell assets such as 3D models, textures, and animations. 3. Animation tools: Unity's animation tools allow artists to create complex animations and blend between them easily. 4. Shader graph: Unity's shader graph enables artists to create custom shaders without the need for coding. 5. Post-processing effects: Unity's post-processing effects allow artists to apply various effects such as bloom, depth of field, and color grading to their scenes. Overall, Unity's art engine provides artists with the tools they need to create high-quality art assets for their games and interactive experiences.


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