模糊度固定AR 的三个方法

模糊度固定AR 的三个方法


Ambiguity resolution (AR) is a two-step procedure.[1]

  • In the first step, ordinary least-squares estimation is used, all parameters are estimated to their real values, and the corresponding variance–covariance matrices are obtained. The result is called the ‘‘float solution.’’

  • In the second step, the real-value ambiguities and their variance–covariance matrices are used in integer least-squares adjustment, and the float ambiguities are fixed to their integer values. Once the integer ambiguities are obtained, they are treated as true values and used to adjust the baseline solution. The result is called the ‘‘fixed solution.’’


  • Forming differences in multi-constellation solutions with overlapping frequencies are sometimes also referred to as tight combining (Julienet al. 2003; Paziewski and Wielgosz 2014; Zhang et al. 2003). An advantage with tight combining is that the integer nature of the ambiguities is preserved even after forming double differences between the systems. This in turn allows for the increased positioning performance associated with fixing the phase ambiguities to integers
  • Conversely, a multi-constellation solution where the double differences are formed separately for each constellation might be referred to as loose combining (Denget al. 2013).


​ 传统PPP采用浮点解,具有收敛速度慢的缺点,限制了PPP的应用范围,而 模糊度固定能有效提高PPP的定位精度和收敛速度,成为国内外众多学者研究的 热点(Geng et al.2010;Zhang et al.2013;Li et al.2016)。实现PPP模糊度固定的关键 在于接收机端与卫星端模糊度小数偏差的分离,从而恢复模糊度的整数特性。目 前,模糊度固定的几种方法可总结如下:

​ 使用星间单差模型进行单差模糊度固定的思想最早出现于 Gabor 等人的研 究实验中(Gabor and Nerem,1999)。在此基础上,Ge et al.(2008)首次采用星 间单差模型,利用 IGS 跟踪站网上的 GPS 观测数据估计出星间单差的相位小数 偏差(Uncalibrated Phase Delay,UPD),并将此作为产品提供给用户,用户通过数 据后处理即可实现单站模糊度固定解。实验结果表明,模糊度固定后,测站静态 解在东方向上可提升约 30%。Li and Zhang (2012) 在 Ge et al.(2008)算法的基础 上,提出了一种实现非差模糊度固定解的一种 PPP 新方法,通过引入某个测站 的 UPD 作为基准,将单差 UPD 方法转换为非差的 UPD 方法。

​ 不同于前述的 UPD 方法,Laurichesse 和 Mercier(2009)等从钟差估计的角 度出发,提出了一种适用于非差模糊度固定的新方法。该方法通过提供宽巷 UPD 产品与吸收窄巷 UPDs 的整数钟(Integer recovery cllocks,IRCs)产品从而实 现 PPP 模糊度固定,其关键在于整数钟产品的计算。目前法国 CNES 分析中心 已经公开发布用于进行 PPP 模糊度固定的相位整数钟差产品,但是关于 BDS-3 卫星的整数钟产品目前还未被提供。 在 Laurichesse 等人方法的基础上,Collins et al.(2010)基于 IGS 观测站数 据分析了接收端的钟差特性,认为伪距硬件偏差与模糊度参数存在内在相关性, 其会破坏模糊度参数的整数特性,而采用以伪距观测值为基准的 IGS 钟差产品 会导致模糊度无法固定为整数(王广兴,2016)。基于前述研究,提出了钟差去耦 模型(Decoupled Clock Model),即分别估计伪距和相位观测值的钟差参数,使 得模糊度参数不再受伪距硬件延迟的影响,进而恢复模糊度的整数特性。

​ 至此,PPP 非差模糊度固定的几种方法可总结为:基于 UPD 的模糊度固定 方法、基于整数钟的模糊度方法、基于钟差解耦模型的模糊度固定方法。其中, Geng et al.(2010), 张宝成等人(2012)分别从估计过程和引入基准等方面证明 了这三种方法在理论上的等价性,虽然具体实现方法存在不同(Teunissen and Khodabandeh,2014;张宝成和欧吉坤,2012),但是对于 PPP 定位精度的影响量级 相当。

  • .Geng J, Meng X, Dodson AH, Teferle FN. 2010. Integer ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning: Method comparison. Journal of Geodesy, 84(9):569–581.
  • .Ge M, Gendt G, Rothacher M, Shi C, Liu J. 2008. Resolution of GPS carrier-phase ambiguities in Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with daily observations. Journal of Geodesy, 82(7):389-399

2.整数钟恢复法 Integer Recovery Clock (IRC) method (Laurichesse and Mercier 2009)

The fixing of phase integer ambiguities is a key element of precise GPS applications . Usually,integer constraints are only applied to phase double differences, because all unknown non-integer common biases are eliminated by the differentiation process. An alternate approach is to work on simple differences, either station-station differences, or satellite-satellite differences , with interesting results.



  1. 根据已知GPS星座的bias估计宽巷模糊度
  2. 由宽巷模糊度固定非差模糊度,起始几何形状和对流层延迟由浮点解给出。

An even more challenging problem is to work directly on undifferenced measurements . A new method for fixing undifferenced integer phase ambiguities is presented in the first half of this paper, followed by applications to precise point positioning of ground-based receivers and to the precise orbit determination of Low Earth Orbit satellites. This method involves two independent steps:

  1. undifferenced wide-lane ambiguities are estimated for each receiver following the identification of biases for the GPS constellation
  2. L1 ambiguities are fixed over a network. The starting geometry and troposphere delays are given by a standard floating solution of the problem. The complete process fixes about 90% of all elementary ambiguities over the entire network.



γ = f 1 2 f 2 2 , λ 1 = c f 1 , λ 2 = c f 2 \gamma=\frac{f_{1}^{2}}{f_{2}^{2}}, \lambda_{1}=\frac{c}{f_{1}}, \lambda_{2}=\frac{c}{f_{2}} γ=f22f12,λ1=f1c,λ2=f2c
where $ f_{1} $ and f 2 f_{2} f2 are the two frequencies of the GPS system and c c c is the speed of light. For GPS L 1 \mathrm{L}_{1} L1 and L 2 \mathrm{L}_{2} L2 bands, f 1 = 154 f 0 f_{1}=154 f_{0} f1=154f0 and f 2 = 120 f 0 , f_{2}=120 f_{0}, f2=120f0, where f 0 = f_{0}= f0= 10.23 MHz. Pseudorange or code measurements, P 1 P_{1} P1 and P 2 P_{2} P2 are expressed in meters, while phase measurements, L 1 L_{1} L1 and L 2 , L_{2}, L2, are expressed in cycles. The pseudorange and phase measurements are modeled as:

where f 1 f_{1} f1 and f 2 f_{2} f2 are the two frequencies of the GPS system and c c c is the speed of light. For GPS L 1 \mathrm{L}_{1} L1 and L 2 \mathrm{L}_{2} L2 bands, f 1 = 154 f 0 f_{1}=154 f_{0} f1=154f0 and f 2 = 120 f 0 , f_{2}=120 f_{0}, f2=120f0, where f 0 = f_{0}= f0= 10.23 MHz. Pseudorange or code measurements, P 1 P_{1} P1 and P 2 , P_{2}, P2, are expressed in meters, while phase measurements, L 1 L_{1} L1 and L 2 , L_{2}, L2, are expressed in cycles. The pseudorange and phase measurements are modeled as:

P 1 = D 1 + e + Δ h p + Δ τ p P 2 = D 2 + γ e + Δ h p + γ Δ τ p λ 1 L 1 = D 1 + λ 1 W − e + Δ h + Δ τ − λ 1 N 1 λ 2 L 2 = D 2 + λ 2 W − γ e + Δ h + γ Δ τ − λ 2 N 2 \begin{array}{rlll} P_{1} &= D_{1} +e +\Delta h_{p} +\Delta \tau_{p} \\ P_{2} & = D_{2} +\gamma e+\Delta h_{p} +\gamma \Delta \tau_{p} \\ \lambda_{1} L_{1} & = D_{1}+\lambda_{1} W -e +\Delta h +\Delta \tau -\lambda_{1} N_{1} \\ \lambda_{2} L_{2} & = D_{2}+\lambda_{2} W -\gamma e +\Delta h +\gamma \Delta \tau-\lambda_{2} N_{2} \end{array} P1P2λ1L1λ2L2=D1+e+Δhp+Δτp=D2+γe+Δhp+γΔτp=D1+λ1We+Δh+Δτλ1N1=D2+λ2Wγe+Δh+γΔτλ2N2

  • D 1 D_{1} D1 D 2 D_{2} D2 分别在频率 f 1 f_{1} f1 f 2 f_{2} f2 为卫星发射机与接收机的天线相位中心的几何距离(单位为米),包含了对流层延迟和相对论效应等误差影响;

  • W W W 为天线缠绕(以周期为单位)

  • e e e 是在频率 f 1 f_{1} f1上的电离层延迟(单位为米),与频率平方成反比,对伪距和载波相位测量的影响符号相反;

  • Δ h = h i − h j \Delta h=h_{i}-h^{j} Δh=hihj is the difference between receiver i i i and emitter j j j ionosphere-free phase clocks;

  • Δ h p \Delta h_{p} Δhp is the corresponding term for pseudo-range clocks;

  • − Δ τ = τ i − τ j -\Delta \tau=\tau_{i}-\tau^{j} Δτ=τiτj is the difference between receiver i i i and emitter j j j offsets between the phase clocks at f 1 f_{1} f1 and the ionosphere-free phase clocks. By construction, the corresponding quantity at f 2 f_{2} f2 is γ Δ τ . \gamma \Delta \tau . γΔτ. Similarly, the corresponding quantity for pseudorange is Δ τ p \Delta \tau_{p} Δτp (Time Group Delay); and,

  • N 1 N_{1} N1 and N 2 N_{2} N2 为两个载波相位模糊度. By definition, these ambiguities are integers. Unambiguous phases measurements are therefore L 1 + N 1 L_{1}+N_{1} L1+N1 and L 2 + N 2 L_{2}+N_{2} L2+N2

这个公式考虑了所有和时钟以及延迟相关的误差,The four independent parameters Δ h , Δ τ , Δ h p , Δ τ p \Delta h, \Delta \tau, \Delta h_{p}, \Delta \tau_{p} Δh,Δτ,Δhp,Δτp are equivalent to the definition of one clock per observable. However, this choice of parameters emphasizes the specific nature of the problem by identifying reference clocks for pseudorange and phase ( Δ h p \left(\Delta h_{p}\right. (Δhp and Δ h ) \left.\Delta h\right) Δh) and the corresponding hardware offsets ( Δ τ p \left(\Delta \tau_{p}\right. (Δτp and Δ τ ) \left.\Delta \tau\right) Δτ). These offsets are assumed to have slow variations with time, with limited amplitudes. The offset between phase and pseudorange clocks, Δ h − Δ h p \Delta h-\Delta h_{p} ΔhΔhp has similar slow limited variations, as shown by direct comparison of code and phase residuals . Additionally, we define the widelane ambiguity, N w = N 2 − N 1 N_{w}=N_{2}-N_{1} Nw=N2N1. This quantity is an integer, with an
associated wavelength, λ w , \lambda_{\mathrm{w}}, λw, given by 1 λ w = 1 λ 1 − 1 λ 2 \frac{1}{\lambda_{w}}=\frac{1}{\lambda_{1}}-\frac{1}{\lambda_{2}} λw1=λ11λ21(around $ 87 \mathrm{~cm}$ for GPS L 1 {L}_{1} L1 and L 2 \mathrm{L}_{2} L2 bands).

We define the measured pseudorange ionosphere elongation and the measured ambiguities by:
e P = P 1 − P 2 1 − γ N ~ 1 = P 1 − 2 e P λ 1 − L 1 N ~ 2 = P 2 − 2 γ e P λ 2 − L 2 \begin{array}{} e_{P} &=\frac{P_{1}-P_{2}}{1-\gamma} \\ \tilde{N}_{1} &=\frac{P_{1}-2 e_{P}}{\lambda_{1}}-L_{1} \\ \tilde{N}_{2} &=\frac{P_{2}-2 \gamma e_{P}}{\lambda_{2}}-L_{2} \end{array} ePN~1N~2=1γP1P2=λ1P12ePL1=λ2P22γePL2

这三个等式中我们可知,结果只由测量量决定(特别是伪距,精度很低),伪距测量的噪声很大,所以单个周期的不足以用来进行cycle level的模糊度固定。 The noise level of pseudorange measurements is too large to estimate ambiguities at the cycle level using N ~ 1 \tilde{N}_{1} N~1and \tilde N ~ 2 \tilde{N}_{2} N~2 with a single pass of data.通常而言,这个噪声量级可达到10 cycles,所以我们要先进行宽巷模糊度固定。

宽巷模糊度 N ~ w = N ~ 2 − N ~ 1 \tilde{N}_{w}=\tilde{N}_{2}-\tilde{N}_{1} N~w=N~2N~1 (also called the Melbourne-Wübbena widelane). 将公式(2) 带入(3)得 N ~ w \tilde{N}_{w} N~w :
N ~ w = N w + d + ( μ i − μ j ) \tilde{N}_{w}=N_{w}+d+\left(\mu_{i}-\mu^{j}\right) N~w=Nw+d+(μiμj)
where μ i \mu_{i} μi is a linear combination of τ i , τ p , i , \tau_{i}, \tau_{p, i}, τi,τp,i, and h i − h_{i}- hi h p , i , h_{p, i}, hp,i, and μ j \mu^{j} μj is a linear combination of τ j , τ p j \tau^{j}, \tau_{p}^{j} τj,τpj and h j − h^{j}- hj h p j . d = 2 ( D 1 − D 2 ) / ( λ 1 + λ 2 ) h_{p}^{j} . d=2\left(D_{1}-D_{2}\right) /\left(\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2}\right) hpj.d=2(D1D2)/(λ1+λ2) is non-zero because of the offset between the phase center locations at L 1 \mathrm{L}_{1} L1 and L 2 \mathrm{L}_{2} L2. Its value is generally below 0.1 widelane cycles with current geodetic antennas where the two phase centers are only a few centimeters apart. The fluctuations in ( 4 ) over a pass are thus generally well below 1 cycle. By averaging (4) over the duration of a pass:
⟨ N ~ w ⟩ ≈ N w + ⟨ μ i ⟩ − ⟨ μ j ⟩ \left\langle\tilde{N}_{w}\right\rangle \approx N_{w}+\left\langle\mu_{i}\right\rangle-\left\langle\mu^{j}\right\rangle N~wNw+μiμj
由于 d d d的零均值特性, ⟨ d ⟩ \langle d\rangle d 可以忽略。 ⟨ N ~ w ⟩ \left\langle\tilde{N}_{w}\right\rangle N~w 上的噪声通常非常小 ( μ i \mu_{i} μi and $\mu^{j} 的噪声很小,相比于整数 的噪声很小,相比于整数 的噪声很小,相比于整数N_{w}$). It can be shown that the widelane delays for GPS satellites, μ j \mu^{j} μj, are constant over long periods of time . Note that there is an infinity of solutions to Equation (4), since it is possible to shift N w N_{w} Nw by any integer number of cycles, modifying the μ \mu μ values accordingly. This is the reason why only the fractional parts of the μ \mu μ 's are observable. Also, without any other constraint, the problem remains singular, because the equations only constain the differences $\mu_{I}-\mu^{j} , , , \mu_{i}$ and μ j \mu^{j} μj are thus each defined up to an unknown floating constant.

• Eliminate—the bias cancels out in the positioning model used, usually by between satellites or between receivers differencing
• Estimate—the bias is estimated as an unknown parameter in the positioning process
• Correction—the bias is estimated by other sources and
broadcasted to the user in real-time as the bias only
have a short-term stability
• Calibrate—the bias is pre-estimated by other sources
and used for the more stable biases

3.UPD PPP-AR 研究现状:

​ 传统PPP采用浮点解,具有收敛速度慢的缺点,限制了PPP的应用范围,而 模糊度固定能有效提高PPP的定位精度和收敛速度,成为国内外众多学者研究的 热点(Geng et al.2010;Zhang et al.2013;Li et al.2016)。实现PPP模糊度固定的关键 在于接收机端与卫星端模糊度小数偏差的分离,从而恢复模糊度的整数特性。目 前,模糊度固定的几种方法可总结如下:

​ 使用星间单差模型进行单差模糊度固定的思想最早出现于 Gabor 等人的研 究实验中(Gabor and Nerem,1999)。在此基础上,Ge et al.(2008)首次采用星 间单差模型,利用 IGS 跟踪站网上的 GPS 观测数据估计出星间单差的相位小数 偏差(Uncalibrated Phase Delay,UPD),并将此作为产品提供给用户,用户通过数 据后处理即可实现单站模糊度固定解。实验结果表明,模糊度固定后,测站静态 解在东方向上可提升约 30%。Li and Zhang (2012) 在 Ge et al.(2008)算法的基础 上,提出了一种实现非差模糊度固定解的一种 PPP 新方法,通过引入某个测站 的 UPD 作为基准,将单差 UPD 方法转换为非差的 UPD 方法。

​ 不同于前述的 UPD 方法,Laurichesse 和 Mercier(2009)等从钟差估计的角 度出发,提出了一种适用于非差模糊度固定的新方法。该方法通过提供宽巷 UPD 产品与吸收窄巷 UPDs 的整数钟(Integer recovery cllocks,IRCs)产品从而实 现 PPP 模糊度固定,其关键在于整数钟产品的计算。目前法国 CNES 分析中心 已经公开发布用于进行 PPP 模糊度固定的相位整数钟差产品,但是关于 BDS-3 卫星的整数钟产品目前还未被提供。 在 Laurichesse 等人方法的基础上,Collins et al.(2010)基于 IGS 观测站数 据分析了接收端的钟差特性,认为伪距硬件偏差与模糊度参数存在内在相关性, 其会破坏模糊度参数的整数特性,而采用以伪距观测值为基准的 IGS 钟差产品 会导致模糊度无法固定为整数(王广兴,2016)。基于前述研究,提出了钟差去耦 模型(Decoupled Clock Model),即分别估计伪距和相位观测值的钟差参数,使 得模糊度参数不再受伪距硬件延迟的影响,进而恢复模糊度的整数特性。

​ 至此,PPP 非差模糊度固定的几种方法可总结为:基于 UPD 的模糊度固定 方法、基于整数钟的模糊度方法、基于钟差解耦模型的模糊度固定方法。其中, Geng et al.(2010), 张宝成等人(2012)分别从估计过程和引入基准等方面证明 了这三种方法在理论上的等价性,虽然具体实现方法存在不同(Teunissen and Khodabandeh,2014;张宝成和欧吉坤,2012),但是对于 PPP 定位精度的影响量级 相当。

  1. .Geng J, Meng X, Dodson AH, Teferle FN. 2010. Integer ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning: Method comparison. Journal of Geodesy, 84(9):569–581.
  2. .Ge M, Gendt G, Rothacher M, Shi C, Liu J. 2008. Resolution of GPS carrier-phase ambiguities in Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with daily observations. Journal of Geodesy, 82(7):389-399

4.BDS 现状:

​ The BeiDou Navigation Satellite Systems (BDS) has been established independently by China, aiming at offering a continuous and reliable positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) service to global users (Yang et al. 2019). The construction of BDS can be divided into three phases, that is, the
demonstration system (BDS-1), the regional system (BDS-2), and the global system (BDS-3). BDS-1 was accomplishedin 2003, and BDS-2 has been providing operational services for China and Asia–Pacific region since the end of 2012.The build-up of the BDS-3 constellation was initiated in November 2017, and will be completed by 2020 with the constellation consisting of 3 Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO),3 Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) and 24 MediumEarth Orbit (MEO) satellites (CSNO 2019a). As of December 2019, the core constellation of BDS-3 has been fully deployed with the 28 satellites and a global BDS serviceis jointly provided by BDS-2 and BDS-3 with positioning,timing and velocity accuracy of 10 m, 20 ns and 0.2 m/s,respectively (CSNO 2019b; Zhang et al. 2019).

​ Several researches have been carried out to assess the positioning performance of BDS-2 (Montenbruck et al. 2013; Shiet al. 2013; He et al. 2014; Li et al. 2018a). It has been demonstrated that BDS-2 is capable of obtaining reliable locations for precise point positioning (PPP, Zumberge et al. 1997)users in Asia–Pacific region with a few centimeter accuracy(Li et al. 2017). In recent years, the ambiguity resolutionAR) method has been developed to speed up the initializa-123107 Page 2 of 15 X. Li et al.tion process and improve the positioning accuracy of PPP(Collins et al. 2008; Ge et al. 2008; Laurichesse et al. 2009;Li et al. 2018b). With the stable phase bias products, BDS-2PPP AR was achieved by Li et al. (2018a) with the time tofirst fix (TTFF) of about 60 min. All the BDS-2 satellitesare transmitting navigation signals on three frequencies.Theavailability of multi-frequency signals provides an opportunity to improve the PPP AR. Gu et al. (2015) firstly achievedtriple-frequency ambiguity-fixed PPP based on BDS-2 observations of a small network. The results show that fixing the extra-wide-lane (EWL) and wide-lane (WL) ambiguities canimprove the accuracy of PPP by about 20.6% on average. Liet al. (2019) investigated the performance of BDS-2 triplefrequency PPP AR using 12 stations mainly distributed in theAsia Pacific region. Results indicate that the triple-frequency PPP AR presents better performance than dual-frequencysolution, however, it still needs 47.4 min to achieve the first ambiguity resolution.

​ In addition to the legacy B1I and B3I signals, BDS-3 employs several new signals with advanced signal structure, namely B1C, B2a, B2b and B2a + b, to achieve betterperformance and compatibility with other GNSS signals(Lu et al. 2019). In particular, the dual-frequency constant envelope multiplexing (DCEM) technique was employed for BDS-3 B2 signals (Butman and Timor 1972; Kharisov and Povalyaev 2011). It has been demonstrated that BDS-3 B2 signals (B2a/B2b/B2a + b) are affected by the similar code/phase biases, which is highly valuable for ambiguity resolution and precise positioning (Yao et al. 2016; Liet al. 2020b). The time-varying inter-frequency clock bias (IFCB) and satellite-induced code bias, which are observed for BDS-2 observations, are insignificant for BDS-3 satellites, therefore, these biases can be ignored in the data processing (Li et al. 2020b). It is expected that the fusion of BDS-2 and BDS-3 will increase the number of observed satellites, optimize the spatial geometry and further improve the continuity and reliability of positioning. Moreover, multi-frequency BDS-3 signals with advanced signal structure will also contribute to BDS PPP AR (Jin and Su 2020).

In this study, we implemented BDS multi-frequency PPP AR with legacy B1I and B3I signals and new B2a, B2b and B2a + b signals. The uncalibrated phase delay (UPD) products were estimated based on observations from 222 Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) stations. With the estimated UPD products, BDS multi-frequency PPP AR was achieved and the performance was assessed in terms of TTFF, convergence and positioning accuracy. This study is organized as follows: after this introduction, the current status of BDS-3 is introduced. Then, the method of BDS fivefrequency PPP AR is described and the processing strategies are exhibited. Thereafter, results of BDS multi-frequency UPD estimation and PPP AR are presented. Finally, some conclusions and perspectives are provided.


[1]DENG C, TANG W, LIU J, et al. 2014. Reliable single-epoch ambiguity resolution for short baselines using combined GPS/BeiDou system. 18: 375-386.

[2]HåKANSSON M, JENSEN A B O, HOREMUZ M, et al. 2016. Review of code and phase biases in multi-GNSS positioning. GPS Solutions [J], 21: 849-860.

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