3. 然后,我们继续选取剩余的所有点中距离P0最远的点,记为P1。
4. 对于剩下的每个点,分别计算到P0和P1的距离,并选取最短的那个作为这个点到P0,P1整体的距离。计算这些距离后选择距离最大的那个点,记为P2。
5. 依次重复操作,直到选取所需数目的点。例如:继续选取点,分别计算剩余各点到P0,P1,P2的距离,并选取最短的那个距离作为某点到P1,P2,P3整体的距离,然后选取这些点中距离最大的那个点,记为P3。
template<typename PointT> void
pcl::FarthestPointSampling<PointT>::applyFilter (Indices &indices)
const std::size_t size = input_->size();
//if requested number of point is equal to the point cloud size, copy original cloud
//如果请求的采样点数与点云的点数相等,则直接将原始索引赋值给输出索引并清空 removed_indices_ (如果存在),然后函数返回。
if (sample_size_ == size)
indices = *indices_;
removed_indices_->clear ();
//如果请求的采样点数大于点云的点数,则抛出异常 BadArgumentException。
//check if requested number of points is greater than the point cloud size
if (sample_size_ > size)
PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (BadArgumentException,
"Requested number of points is greater than point cloud size!");
//创建一个大小为 size 的浮点数向量 distances_to_selected_points,并初始化所有元素的值为 float 类型的最大值。
std::vector<float> distances_to_selected_points (size, std::numeric_limits<float>::max ());
//set random seed
//初始化伪随机数生成器 random_gen,并且将生成的随机数限定在 [0, size-1] 的范围内。
std::mt19937 random_gen(seed_);
std::uniform_int_distribution<index_t> dis(0, size -1);
//pick the first point at random
//用随机生成的索引作为起点的索引,将其距离设为 -1.0,并将该索引添加到输出索引 indices 中。
index_t max_index = dis(random_gen);
distances_to_selected_points[max_index] = -1.0;
for (std::size_t j = 1; j < sample_size_; ++j)
//初始化下一个最远点的索引 next_max_index,并获取当前最远点的坐标 max_index_point。
index_t next_max_index = 0;
const PointT& max_index_point = (*input_)[max_index];
//recompute distances
//计算未选择点到当前最远点的距离,并更新下一个最远点的索引 next_max_index。
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (distances_to_selected_points[i] == -1.0)
distances_to_selected_points[i] = std::min(distances_to_selected_points[i], geometry::distance((*input_)[i], max_index_point));
if (distances_to_selected_points[i] > distances_to_selected_points[next_max_index])
next_max_index = i;
//select farthest point based on previously calculated distances
//since distance is set to -1 for all selected elements,previously selected
//elements are guaranteed to not be selected
//更新最远点的索引为下一个最远点的索引,将该索引添加到输出索引 indices 中,并将其距离设为 -1.0,以确保下一次迭代中不会再选择该点。
max_index = next_max_index;
distances_to_selected_points[max_index] = -1.0;
//set distance to -1 to ignore during max element search
//如果提取已移除的点的索引(extract_removed_indices_ 为真),则将未被选择的点的索引添加到 removed_indices_(如果存在) 中。
if (extract_removed_indices_)
for (std::size_t k = 0; k < distances_to_selected_points.size(); ++k)
if (distances_to_selected_points[k] != -1.0)