


2)然后添加player sprite ;










#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "cocos2d.h"

@interface GameScene : CCLayer 



+(id) scene;


@implementation GameScene

+(id) scene


    CCScene* scene = [ CCScene node ];

    CCLayer* layer = [ GameScene node ];

    [ scene addChild: layer ];

    return scene;



2、然后添加player sprite :

@interface GameScene : CCLayer 


    CCSprite* player;



-(id) init

中设置 player 的初始位置



-(id) init


[ self setAccelerometerEnabled: YES ];


- (void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration


-(id) init中加入

        [ self scheduleUpdate ];


#pragma mark update

- (void) update:(ccTime)delta


@interface GameScene : CCLayer 


    CCSprite* player;

    CGPoint playerVelocity;


    // 添加障碍物

    CCArray* spiders;

    float spiderMoveDuration;

    int numSpidersMoved;


#pragma mark Spiders

//初始化障碍物的方法 蜘蛛开始的位置和蜘蛛的个数

- (void) initSpiders

// resetSpiders 方法 里面会调用 蜘蛛落下的方法

- (void) resetSpiders

// 让蜘蛛频繁落下的方法

- (void) spidersUpdate: (ccTime) delta

// 控制蜘蛛的运动

- (void) runSpiderMoveSequence: (CCSprite*)spider

// 控制蜘蛛蠕动

- (void) runSpiderWiggleSequence:(CCSprite *)spider

// 重设蜘蛛位置使之可以从屏幕上方重新落下

- (void) spiderDidDrop: (id) sender


#pragma mark Collision Checks

// 碰撞检测

- (void) checkForCollision


#pragma mark Reset Game

// The game is played only using the accelerometer. The screen may go dark while playing because the player

// won't touch the screen. This method allows the screensaver to be disabled during gameplay. 

- (void) setScreenSaverEnabled:(bool)enabled

- (void) showGameOver

- (void) ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event


"tap screen to play again "时重新开始游戏

- (void) ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event


    [ self resetGame ];

    startBOOL = NO;


- (void) resetGame


@interface GameScene : CCLayer 


    CCSprite* player;

    CGPoint playerVelocity;


    // 添加障碍物

    CCArray* spiders;

    float spiderMoveDuration;

    int numSpidersMoved;


    // 标签

//    CCLabelTTF* scoreLabel; 

    CCLabelBMFont* scoreLabel;

    ccTime totalTime; 

    int score;



需要用到Hiero来创建 .fnt文件,自己做出自己喜欢的艺术字


#import "SimpleAudioEngine.h"


        [ [ SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine ] playBackgroundMusic: @"GameLoop.mp3" loop: YES ];


        // Preload the sound effect into memory so there's no delay when playing it the first time.

        [ [ SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine ] preloadEffect: @"alien-sfx.caf" ];





//  GameScene.h

//  DoodleDrop


//  Created by apple on 13-3-14.

//  Copyright 2013 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "cocos2d.h"

@interface GameScene : CCLayer 


    CCSprite* player;

    CGPoint playerVelocity;


    // 添加障碍物

    CCArray* spiders;

    float spiderMoveDuration;

    int numSpidersMoved;


    // 标签

//    CCLabelTTF* scoreLabel; 

    CCLabelBMFont* scoreLabel;

    ccTime totalTime; 

    int score;


    // 是否刚开始

    BOOL startBOOL;


+(id) scene;



//  GameScene.m

//  DoodleDrop


//  Created by apple on 13-3-14.

//  Copyright 2013 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.


#import "GameScene.h"

#import "SimpleAudioEngine.h"

@interface GameScene (PrivateMethods) 

- (void) initSpiders;

- (void) resetSpiders;

- (void) spidersUpdate:(ccTime)delta;

- (void) runSpiderMoveSequence:(CCSprite*)spider;

- (void) runSpiderWiggleSequence:(CCSprite*)spider;

- (void) spiderDidDrop:(id)sender;

- (void) checkForCollision;

- (void) showGameOver;

- (void) resetGame;


@implementation GameScene

+(id) scene


    CCScene* scene = [ CCScene node ];

    CCLayer* layer = [ GameScene node ];

    [ scene addChild: layer ];

    return scene;


-(id) init


    if ( ( self = [ super init ] ) )


        CCLOG( @"%@: %@", NSStringFromSelector( _cmd ), self );


        [ self setAccelerometerEnabled: YES ];


        player = [ CCSprite spriteWithFile: @"Ability_Druid_PredatoryInstincts.png" ];

        [ self addChild: player z: 0 tag: 1 ];


        CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];

        float imageHeight = [ player texture ].contentSize.height;

        player.position = CGPointMake( screenSize.width / 2 , imageHeight / 2 );


        [ self scheduleUpdate ];

        [ self initSpiders ];


//        scoreLabel = [ CCLabelTTF labelWithString: @"0" fontName: @"Cochin" fontSize: 48 ];

        scoreLabel = [ CCLabelBMFont labelWithString: @"0" fntFile: @"bitmapfont3.fnt" ];

        scoreLabel.position = CGPointMake( screenSize.width / 2 , screenSize.height );


        // ajust the label's anchorPoint's y position to make it align with the top.

        scoreLabel.anchorPoint = CGPointMake( 0.5f , 1.0f );


        // add the score label with z value of -1 so it's drawn below everything else

        [ self addChild: scoreLabel z: -1 ];



        [ [ SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine ] playBackgroundMusic: @"GameLoop.mp3" loop: YES ];


        // Preload the sound effect into memory so there's no delay when playing it the first time.

        [ [ SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine ] preloadEffect: @"alien-sfx.caf" ];


        // Seed the randomizer once with current time. This way the game doesn't start with the same sequence

        // of spiders dropping every time it is started.

        srandom( time( NULL ) );


        // start with game over first

        startBOOL = YES;

        [ self showGameOver ];


    return self;


-(void) dealloc


    CCLOG( @"%@: %@", NSStringFromSelector( _cmd ) , self );


    // 障碍物

    [ spiders release ];

//    // 标签

//    [ scoreLabel release ]; 


    //never forget to call [ super dealloc ]

    [ super dealloc ];


#pragma mark Spiders


- (void) initSpiders


//    CCLOG( @"蜘蛛" );

    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];


    // using a temporary spider sprite is the easiest way to get the image's size

    CCSprite* tempSprider = [ CCSprite spriteWithFile: @"spider.png" ];


    float imageWidth = [ tempSprider texture ].contentSize.width;


    // use as many spiders as can fit next to each other over the whole screen width.

    int numSpiders = screenSize.width / imageWidth;


    // Initialize the spiders array. Make sure it hasn't been initialized before.

    NSAssert( spiders == nil , @"%@: spiders array is already initialized!" , NSStringFromSelector( _cmd ) );

    spiders = [ [ CCArray alloc ] initWithCapacity: numSpiders ];


    for ( int i = 0 ; i < numSpiders ; i++ )


        CCSprite* spider = [ CCSprite spriteWithFile: @"spider.png" ];

        [ self addChild: spider z: 0 tag: 2 ];

//        CCLOG( @"%@" , spiders );


        // also add the spider to the spiders array.

        [ spiders addObject: spider ];


    // call the method to reposition all spiders

    [ self resetSpiders ];


// resetSpiders 方法

- (void) resetSpiders


    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];


    int numSpiders = [ spiders count ];


    if ( numSpiders > 0 )


        // get any spider to get its image width

        CCSprite* tempSpider = [ spiders lastObject ];

        CGSize size = [ tempSpider texture ].contentSize;


        for ( int i = 0 ; i < numSpiders ; i++ )


            // put each spider at its designated position outside the screen

            CCSprite* spider = [ spiders objectAtIndex: i ];

            spider.position = CGPointMake( size.width * i + size.width * 0.5f , screenSize.height + size.height );


            [ spider stopAllActions ];




    // 让蜘蛛频繁落下的方法

    // unschedule the selector just in case. if it isn't scheduled it won't do anything.

    [ self unschedule: @selector( spidersUpdate:) ];


    // schedule the spiders update logic to run at the given interval.

    [ self schedule: @selector( spidersUpdate:) interval: 0.7f ];


    // reset the move spiders counter and spider move duration ( affects speed )

    numSpidersMoved = 0;

    spiderMoveDuration = 4.0f;


// 让蜘蛛频繁落下的方法

- (void) spidersUpdate: (ccTime) delta


    //    CCLOG( @"999" );

    // try to find a spider which isn't currently moving. 

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )


        int randomSpiderIndex = CCRANDOM_0_1() * [ spiders count ];

        //        CCLOG( @"%d" , randomSpiderIndex );

        CCSprite* spider = [ spiders objectAtIndex: randomSpiderIndex ];


        // if the spider isn't moving it won't have any running actions.

        if ( [ spider numberOfRunningActions ] == 0 )


            // If you're curious how often the for i < 10 loop is actually run ...

            if ( i > 0 )


                CCLOG( @"Dropping a Spider after %i retries." , i );



            // This is the sequence which controls the spiders' movement 

            [ self runSpiderMoveSequence: spider ];


            // only one spider should start moving at a time.





// 控制蜘蛛的运动

- (void) runSpiderMoveSequence: (CCSprite*)spider


    // slowly increase the spider speed over time 


    if ( numSpidersMoved % 8 == 0 && spiderMoveDuration > 2.0f )


        spiderMoveDuration -= 0.1f;



    // this is the sequence which controls the spiders' movement. A CCCallFuncN is used to reset the

    // spider once it has moved outside the lower border of the screen, which is when it can be re-used.

    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];

    CGPoint hangInTherePosition = CGPointMake( spider.position.x , screenSize.height - 3 * [ spider texture ].contentSize.height );

    CGPoint belowScreenPosition = CGPointMake( spider.position.x , - ( 3 * [ spider texture ].contentSize.height ) );


    CCMoveTo* moveHang = [ CCMoveTo actionWithDuration: 4 position: hangInTherePosition ];

    CCEaseElasticOut* easeHang = [ CCEaseElasticOut actionWithAction: moveHang period: 0.8f ];

    CCMoveTo* moveEnd = [ CCMoveTo actionWithDuration: spiderMoveDuration position: belowScreenPosition ];

    CCEaseBackInOut* easeEnd = [ CCEaseBackInOut actionWithAction: moveEnd ];

    CCCallFuncN* callDidDrop = [ CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget: self

                                                     selector: @selector(spiderDidDrop:) ];

    CCSequence* sequence = [ CCSequence actions: easeHang , easeEnd , callDidDrop , nil ];

    [ spider runAction: sequence ];



// 控制蜘蛛蠕动

- (void) runSpiderWiggleSequence:(CCSprite *)spider


    // Do something icky with the spiders ...

    CCScaleTo* scaleUp = [ CCScaleTo actionWithDuration: CCRANDOM_0_1() * 2 + 1  scale: 1.05f ];

    CCEaseBackInOut* easeUp = [ CCEaseBackInOut actionWithAction: scaleUp ];

    CCScaleTo* scaleDown = [ CCScaleTo actionWithDuration: CCRANDOM_0_1() * 2 + 1 scale: 0.95f ];

    CCEaseBackInOut* easeDown = [ CCEaseBackInOut actionWithAction: scaleDown ];

    CCSequence* scaleSequence = [ CCSequence actions: easeUp , easeDown , nil ];

    CCRepeatForever* repeatScale = [ CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: scaleSequence ];

    [ spider runAction: repeatScale ];


// 重设蜘蛛位置使之可以从屏幕上方重新落下

- (void) spiderDidDrop: (id) sender


    // make sure sender is actually of the right class.

    NSAssert( [ sender isKindOfClass: [ CCSprite class ] ], @"sender is not a CCSprite!" );

    CCSprite* spider = ( CCSprite* )sender;


    // move the spider back up outside the top of the screen

    CGPoint pos = spider.position;

    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];

    pos.y = screenSize.height + [ spider texture ].contentSize.height;

    spider.position = pos;


#pragma mark Accelerometer Input


- (void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration


    // controls how quickly velocity decelerates (lower = quicker to change direction )

    float deceleration = 0.4f;

    // determines how sensitive the accelerometer reacts ( higher = more sensitive )

    float sensitivity = 6.0f;

    // how fast the velocity can be at most 

    float maxVelocity = 100;

    // adjust velocity based on current accelerometer acceleration 

    playerVelocity.x = playerVelocity.x * deceleration + acceleration.x * sensitivity;


    // we must limit the maximum velocity of the player sprites , in both directions

    if ( playerVelocity.x > maxVelocity )


        playerVelocity.x = maxVelocity;


    else if ( playerVelocity.x < - maxVelocity )


        playerVelocity.x = - maxVelocity;



#pragma mark update

- (void) update:(ccTime)delta


    // Keep adding up the playerVelocity to the player's position 

    CGPoint pos = player.position;

    pos.x += playerVelocity.x;


    // The Player should also be stopped from going outside the screen

    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];

    float imageWidthHalved = [ player texture ].contentSize.width * 0.5f;

    float leftBorderLimit = imageWidthHalved;

    float rightBorderLimit = screenSize.width - imageWidthHalved;


    // preventing the player sprite from moving outside the screen 

    if ( pos.x < leftBorderLimit )


        pos.x = leftBorderLimit;

        playerVelocity = CGPointZero;


    else if ( pos.x > rightBorderLimit )


        pos.x = rightBorderLimit;

        playerVelocity = CGPointZero;



    // assigning the modified position back

    player.position = pos;


    [ self checkForCollision ];


    // Update the Score ( Timer ) once per second. If you'd do it more often, especially every frame, this

    // will easily drag the framerate down. Updating a CCLabel's strings is slow!

    totalTime += delta;

    int currentTime = (int) totalTime;

    if ( score < currentTime )


        score = currentTime;

        [ scoreLabel setString: [ NSString stringWithFormat: @"%i" , score ] ];



#pragma mark Collision Checks

// 碰撞检测

- (void) checkForCollision


    // assumption : both player and spider images are squares.

    float playerImageSize = [ player texture ].contentSize.width;

    float spiderImageSize = [ [ spiders lastObject ] texture ].contentSize.width;


    float playerCollisionRadius = playerImageSize * 0.4f;

    float spiderCollisionRadius = spiderImageSize * 0.4f;


    // this collision distance will roughly equal the image shapes.

    float maxCollisionDistance = playerCollisionRadius + spiderCollisionRadius;


    int numSpiders = [ spiders count ];

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < numSpiders ; i++ )


        CCSprite* spider = [ spiders objectAtIndex: i ];

        if ( [ spider numberOfRunningActions ] == 0 )


            // this spider isn't even moving so we can skip checking it.




        // get the distance between player and spider.

        float actualDistance = ccpDistance( player.position , spider.position );

        // are the two objects closer than allowed?

        if ( actualDistance < maxCollisionDistance )


            [ [ SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine ] playEffect: @"alien-sfx.caf" ];


//            // game Over ( just restart the game for now )

//            [ self resetGame ];

            [ self showGameOver ];





#pragma mark Reset Game

// The game is played only using the accelerometer. The screen may go dark while playing because the player

// won't touch the screen. This method allows the screensaver to be disabled during gameplay. 

- (void) setScreenSaverEnabled:(bool)enabled


    UIApplication* thisApp = [ UIApplication sharedApplication ];

    thisApp.idleTimerDisabled = !enabled;


- (void) showGameOver


    // Re-enable screensaver , to prevent battary drain in case the user puts the device aside without turning it off.

    [ self setScreenSaverEnabled: YES ];


    // have everything stop

    CCNode* node;

    CCARRAY_FOREACH( [ self children ] , node )


        [ node stopAllActions ];



    // I do want the spiders to keep wiggling so I simply restart this here

    CCSprite* spider;

    CCARRAY_FOREACH( spiders , spider )


        [ self runSpiderWiggleSequence: spider ];



    // disable accelerometer input for the time being

    [ self setAccelerometerEnabled: NO ];


    // but allow touch input now

    [ self setTouchEnabled: YES ];


    // stop the scheduled selectors

    [ self unscheduleAllSelectors ];


    // add the labels shown during game over

    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];


//    CCLabelTTF* gameOver = [ CCLabelTTF labelWithString: @"GAME OVER!" fontName: @"Marker Felt" fontSize: 60 ];

    CCLabelTTF* gameOver = [ CCLabelTTF labelWithString: @"GAME OVER!" fontName: @"TrebuchetMS" fontSize: 60 ];

//    CCLOG( @"gameOver %@" , gameOver );

    gameOver.position = CGPointMake( screenSize.width / 2 , screenSize.height / 3 );

    [ self addChild: gameOver z: 100 tag: 100 ];


    // 一开始隐藏 game over label

    gameOver.visible = !startBOOL ;


    // game over label runs 3 different actions at the same time to create the combined effect

    // 1) color tinting

    CCTintTo* tint1 = [ CCTintTo actionWithDuration: 2 red: 255 green: 0 blue: 0 ];

    CCTintTo* tint2 = [ CCTintTo actionWithDuration: 2 red: 255 green: 255 blue: 0 ];

    CCTintTo* tint3 = [ CCTintTo actionWithDuration: 2 red: 0 green: 255 blue: 0 ];

    CCTintTo* tint4 = [ CCTintTo actionWithDuration: 2 red: 0 green: 255 blue: 255 ];

    CCTintTo* tint5 = [ CCTintTo actionWithDuration: 2 red: 0 green: 0 blue: 255 ];

    CCTintTo* tint6 = [ CCTintTo actionWithDuration: 2 red: 255 green: 0 blue: 255 ];

    CCSequence* tintSequence = [ CCSequence actions: tint1 , tint2 , tint3 , tint4 , tint5 , tint6 , nil ];

    CCRepeatForever* repeatTint = [ CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: tintSequence ];

    [ gameOver runAction: repeatTint ];


    // 2) rotation with ease 旋转自如

    CCRotateTo* rotate1 = [ CCRotateTo actionWithDuration: 2 angle: 3 ];

    CCEaseBounceInOut* bounce1 = [ CCEaseBounceInOut actionWithAction: rotate1 ];

    CCRotateTo* rotate2 = [ CCRotateTo actionWithDuration: 2 angle: -3 ];

    CCEaseBounceInOut* bounce2 = [ CCEaseBounceInOut actionWithAction: rotate2 ];

    CCSequence* rotateSequence = [ CCSequence actions: bounce1 , bounce2 , nil ];

    CCRepeatForever* repeatBounce = [ CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: rotateSequence ];

    [ gameOver runAction: repeatBounce ];


    // 3) jumping

    CCJumpBy* jump = [ CCJumpBy actionWithDuration: 3 position: CGPointZero height: screenSize.height / 3 jumps: 1 ];

    CCRepeatForever* repeatJump = [ CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: jump ];

    [ gameOver runAction: repeatJump ];


    // touch to continue label  

    // MarkerFelt-Thin  TrebuchetMS

    CCLabelTTF* touch = [ CCLabelTTF labelWithString: @"tap screen to play again " fontName: @"Verdana-Italic" fontSize: 20 ];

    touch.position = CGPointMake( screenSize.width / 2 , screenSize.height / 4 );

    [ self addChild: touch z: 100 tag: 101 ];


    // did you try turning it off and on again? 你尝试将其关闭,重新打开吗?

    CCBlink* blink = [ CCBlink actionWithDuration: 10 blinks: 20 ];

    CCRepeatForever* repeatBlink = [ CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: blink ];

    [ touch runAction: repeatBlink ];


//- (void) ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event


//    [ self resetGame ];


- (void) ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event


    [ self resetGame ];

    startBOOL = NO;


- (void) resetGame


    // prevent screensaver from darkening the screen while the game is played

    [ self setScreenSaverEnabled: NO ];


    // remove game over label & touch to continue label

    [ self removeChildByTag: 100 cleanup: YES ];

    [ self removeChildByTag: 101 cleanup: YES ];


    // re-enable accelerometer

    self.accelerometerEnabled = YES;

    self.touchEnabled = NO;


    // put all spiders back to top 

    [ self resetSpiders ];


    // re-schedule update

    [ self scheduleUpdate ];


    // reset score

    score = 0;

    totalTime = 0;

    [ scoreLabel setString: @"0" ];


// Only draw this debugging information in , well , debug builds.

- (void) draw



    // Iterate through all nodes of the layer.

    CCNode* node;

    CCARRAY_FOREACH( [ self children ] , node )


        // Make sure the node is a CCSprite and has the right tags.

        if ( [ node isKindOfClass: [ CCSprite class ] ] &&  node.tag == 2 )


            // The sprite's collision radius is a percentage of its image width. Use that to draw a circle

            // which represents the sprite's collision radius.

            CCSprite* sprite = (CCSprite*) node;

            float radius = [ sprite texture ].contentSize.width * 0.4f;

            float angle = 0;

            int numSegments = 10;

            bool drawLineToCenter = NO;

            ccDrawCircle( sprite.position , radius , angle , numSegments , drawLineToCenter );





    CGSize screenSize = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];


    // always keep variables you have to calculate only outside the loop

    float threadCutPosition = screenSize.height * 0.75f;


    // Draw a spider thread using OpenGL

    // CCARRAY_FOREACH is a bit faster than regular for loop

    CCSprite* spider;

    CCARRAY_FOREACH( spiders , spider )


        // only draw thread up to a certain point 

        if ( spider.position.y > threadCutPosition )


            // vary thread position a little so it looks a bit more dynamic

            float threadX = spider.position.x + ( CCRANDOM_0_1() * 2.0f - 1.0f );


//            glColorMask( 0.5f , 0.5f , 0.5f , 1.0f );

//            ccDrawLine( spider.position , CGPointMake( threadX , screenSize.height ) );

//            glColor4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);

//            ccColor4F( 0.5f , 0.5f , 0.5f , 1.0f ); 

//            ccc4f( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.5f , 1.0f );

            ccDrawLine(spider.position, CGPointMake(threadX, screenSize.height));






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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


