本文是对Baidu Apollo代码解析之EM Planner中的QP Path Optimizer 2这篇之前的博客的重新梳理。我最近又回顾了一遍代码,觉得以前的注释与排版都不太清晰,故重新发一篇,只介绍QpSplinePathGenerator::AddConstraint()。
EM Planner 中的所谓约束constraint,在底层代码上都是依托于 Spline1dConstraint 和 AffineConstraint 2个类。文件路径为 apollo\modules\planning\math\smoothing_spline\spline_1d_constraint.cc和 apollo\modules\planning\math\smoothing_spline\affine_constraint.cc。
要规划的横向轨迹可以表示为d(s),即横向坐标是纵向坐标的函数。则,一阶导是轨迹的tan(heading angle);根据曲率计算公式,曲率可以用二阶导表示。
bool QpSplinePathGenerator::AddConstraint(const QpFrenetFrame& qp_frenet_frame,
const double boundary_extension) {
constexpr double param_range = 1e-4;
for (int i = qp_spline_path_config_.spline_order(); i < dim;
i += qp_spline_path_config_.spline_order() + 1) {
Eigen::MatrixXd mat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, dim);
Eigen::MatrixXd bd = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, 1);
//对5次多项式,有[0,0,0,0,0,-1] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T >= -param_range
//即 f <= param_range
mat(0, i) = -1;
bd(0, 0) = -param_range;
spline_constraint->AddInequalityConstraint(mat, bd);
//[0,0,0,0,0,1] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T >= -param_range
//即 f >= -param_range
mat(0, i) = 1;
bd(0, 0) = -param_range;
spline_constraint->AddInequalityConstraint(mat, bd);
//综合起来,限定了 -param_range <= f <= param_range
// add init status constraint, equality constraint
//限定了min_d <= d(s) <= max_d
const double kBoundaryEpsilon = 1e-4;
init_frenet_point_.l() - ref_l_,
//限定了min_d' <= d'(s) <= max_d'
init_frenet_point_.s(), init_frenet_point_.dl(), kBoundaryEpsilon);
if (init_trajectory_point_.v() > qp_spline_path_config_.uturn_speed_limit()) {
//限定了min_d'' <= d''(s) <= max_d''
init_frenet_point_.s(), init_frenet_point_.ddl(), kBoundaryEpsilon);
// add end point constraint, equality constraint
double lat_shift = -ref_l_;
if (is_change_lane_path_) {
double lane_change_lateral_shift =
lat_shift = std::copysign(
std::fmin(std::fabs(ref_l_), lane_change_lateral_shift), -ref_l_);
const double kEndPointBoundaryEpsilon = 1e-2;
constexpr double kReservedDistance = 20.0;
const double target_s =
kReservedDistance + init_frenet_point_.s() +
init_trajectory_point_.v() * FLAGS_look_forward_time_sec);
spline_constraint->AddPointConstraintInRange(target_s, lat_shift,
//如果是变道,则不约束一阶导即tan(heading angle)
if (!is_change_lane_path_) {
evaluated_s_.back(), 0.0, kEndPointBoundaryEpsilon);
// add first derivative bound to improve lane change smoothness
std::vector<double> dl_lower_bound(evaluated_s_.size(), -FLAGS_dl_bound);
std::vector<double> dl_upper_bound(evaluated_s_.size(), FLAGS_dl_bound);
if (!spline_constraint->AddDerivativeBoundary(evaluated_s_, dl_lower_bound,
dl_upper_bound)) { ... }
// kappa bound is based on the inequality:
// kappa = d(phi)/ds <= d(phi)/dx = d2y/dx2,此式如何得来?
std::vector<double> kappa_lower_bound(evaluated_s_.size(), -FLAGS_kappa_bound);
std::vector<double> kappa_upper_bound(evaluated_s_.size(), FLAGS_kappa_bound);
if (!spline_constraint->AddSecondDerivativeBoundary(
evaluated_s_, kappa_lower_bound, kappa_upper_bound)) { ... }
std::vector<double> dkappa_lower_bound(evaluated_s_.size(), -FLAGS_dkappa_bound);
std::vector<double> dkappa_upper_bound(evaluated_s_.size(), FLAGS_dkappa_bound);
if (!spline_constraint->AddThirdDerivativeBoundary(
evaluated_s_, dkappa_lower_bound, dkappa_upper_bound)) { ... }
// add map bound constraint
double lateral_buf = boundary_extension;
if (is_change_lane_path_) {
lateral_buf = qp_spline_path_config_.cross_lane_lateral_extension();
std::vector<double> boundary_low;
std::vector<double> boundary_high;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < evaluated_s_.size(); ++i) {
auto road_boundary = qp_frenet_frame.GetMapBound().at(i);
auto static_obs_boundary = qp_frenet_frame.GetStaticObstacleBound().at(i);
auto dynamic_obs_boundary = qp_frenet_frame.GetDynamicObstacleBound().at(i);
if (evaluated_s_.at(i) - evaluated_s_.front() <
qp_spline_path_config_.cross_lane_longitudinal_extension()) {
road_boundary.first =
std::fmin(road_boundary.first, init_frenet_point_.l() - lateral_buf);
road_boundary.second =
std::fmax(road_boundary.second, init_frenet_point_.l() + lateral_buf);
std::vector<double>{road_boundary.first, static_obs_boundary.first,
std::vector<double>{road_boundary.second, static_obs_boundary.second,
const double start_l = ref_l_;
std::for_each(boundary_low.begin(), boundary_low.end(),
[start_l](double& d) { d -= start_l; });
std::for_each(boundary_high.begin(), boundary_high.end(),
[start_l](double& d) { d -= start_l; });
if (!spline_constraint->AddBoundary(evaluated_s_, boundary_low, boundary_high)) { ... }
// add spline joint third derivative constraint
if (knots_.size() >= 3 &&
!spline_constraint->AddThirdDerivativeSmoothConstraint()) { ... }
return true;
0. 添加spline多项式系数中的最高次项系数取值范围约束,详见代码和注释
1. 添加起始点处函数值范围约束
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddPointConstraintInRange(const double x,
const double fx,
const double range) {
return AddConstraintInRange(
std::bind(&Spline1dConstraint::AddBoundary, this, _1, _2, _3), x, fx, range);
AddConstraintInRange() 又调用了Spline1dConstraint::AddBoundary()。
//添加lower_bound <= f(x_coord) <= upper_bound取值范围约束
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddBoundary(...) {
//将一一对应的x_coord -> lower_bound存入filtered_lower_bound_x和filtered_lower_bound
//将一一对应的x_coord -> upper_bound存入filtered_upper_bound_x和filtered_upper_bound
if (!FilterConstraints(x_coord, lower_bound, upper_bound,
&filtered_lower_bound_x, &filtered_lower_bound,
&filtered_upper_bound_x, &filtered_upper_bound)) { ... }
// emplace affine constraints
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
Eigen::MatrixXd inequality_constraint = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(
filtered_upper_bound.size() + filtered_lower_bound.size(), //行,即不等式个数
(x_knots_.size() - 1) * num_params); //列
Eigen::MatrixXd inequality_boundary = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(
filtered_upper_bound.size() + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 1);
//由val-range < val < val+range ==>
//f(filtered_lower_bound_x) >= filtered_lower_bound
//且 f(filtered_upper_bound_x) <= filtered_upper_bound
//这个for循环对应f(filtered_lower_bound_x) >= filtered_lower_bound的情况,
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_lower_bound.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t index = FindIndex(filtered_lower_bound_x[i]);
const double corrected_x = filtered_lower_bound_x[i] - x_knots_[index];
double coef = 1.0;
//[1, x, x^2, x^3, x^4, x^5] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T >= lower_bound
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i, j + index * num_params) = coef;
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i, 0) = filtered_lower_bound[i];
//这个for循环对应f(filtered_upper_bound_x) <= filtered_upper_bound的情况,
//为符合QP中Ax>=b的形式,将Ax<=b ==> -Ax>=-b,故coef赋初值-1,与上部分比,全为负数
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_upper_bound.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t index = FindIndex(filtered_upper_bound_x[i]);
const double corrected_x = filtered_upper_bound_x[i] - x_knots_[index];
double coef = -1.0;
//-f(x) = [-1, -x, -x^2, -x^3, -x^4, -x^5] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= -upper_bound ==>
//f(x) = [1, x, x^2, x^3, x^4, x^5] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// <= upper_bound
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(), //行
j + index * num_params) = coef; //列
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 0) = //行变化
return inequality_constraint_.AddConstraint(inequality_constraint, nequality_boundary);
AddBoundary()最终还是调用了 AffineConstraint::AddConstraint()。
bool AffineConstraint::AddConstraint(
const Eigen::MatrixXd& constraint_matrix,
const Eigen::MatrixXd& constraint_boundary) {
if (constraint_matrix.rows() != constraint_boundary.rows()) { ... }
if (constraint_matrix_.rows() == 0) {
constraint_matrix_ = constraint_matrix;
constraint_boundary_ = constraint_boundary;
return true;
if (constraint_matrix_.cols() != constraint_matrix.cols()) { ... }
if (constraint_boundary.cols() != 1) { ... }
Eigen::MatrixXd n_matrix(constraint_matrix_.rows() + constraint_matrix.rows(),
Eigen::MatrixXd n_boundary(
constraint_boundary_.rows() + constraint_boundary.rows(), 1);
n_matrix << constraint_matrix_, constraint_matrix;
n_boundary << constraint_boundary_, constraint_boundary;
constraint_matrix_ = n_matrix;
constraint_boundary_ = n_boundary;
return true;
AddBoundary() 中的 FindIndex() 用来寻找x 在分界点中的下标,以确定其所在的spline seg段。
uint32_t Spline1dConstraint::FindIndex(const double x) const {
//upper_bound(起始地址,结束地址,要查找的数值) 返回的是数值最后一个出现的位置。
auto upper_bound = std::upper_bound(x_knots_.begin() + 1, x_knots_.end(), x);
return std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(x_knots_.size() - 1),
static_cast<uint32_t>(upper_bound - x_knots_.begin())) - 1;
2. 添加起始点处一阶导范围约束
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddPointDerivativeConstraintInRange(
const double x, const double dfx, const double range) {
return AddConstraintInRange(
std::bind(&Spline1dConstraint::AddDerivativeBoundary, this, _1, _2, _3),
x, dfx, range);
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddDerivativeBoundary(...) {
if (!FilterConstraints(...)) { ... }
// emplace affine constraints
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
Eigen::MatrixXd inequality_constraint = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(
filtered_upper_bound.size() + filtered_lower_bound.size(), //行
(x_knots_.size() - 1) * num_params);
Eigen::MatrixXd inequality_boundary = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(
filtered_upper_bound.size() + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_lower_bound.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t index = FindIndex(filtered_lower_bound_x[i]);
const double corrected_x = filtered_lower_bound_x[i] - x_knots_[index];
double coef = 1.0;
//f'(x) = [0, 1, 2x, 3x^2, 4x^3, 5x^4] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= filtered_lower_bound
for (uint32_t j = 1; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i, j + index * num_params) = coef * j;
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i, 0) = filtered_lower_bound[i];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_upper_bound.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t index = FindIndex(filtered_upper_bound_x[i]);
const double corrected_x = filtered_upper_bound_x[i] - x_knots_[index];
double coef = -1.0;
//-f'(x) = [0, -1, -2x, -3x^2, -4x^3, -5x^4] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= -filtered_upper_bound ==>
//f'(x) = [0, 1, 2x, 3x^2, 4x^3, 5x^4] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// <= filtered_upper_bound
for (uint32_t j = 1; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(),
j + index * num_params) = coef * j;
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 0) = -filtered_upper_bound[i];
return inequality_constraint_.AddConstraint(inequality_constraint,inequality_boundary);
最后一行调用的AddConstraint() 与上面相同。
3. 添加起始点处二阶导范围约束
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddPointSecondDerivativeConstraintInRange(
const double x, const double ddfx, const double range) {
return AddConstraintInRange(
std::bind(&Spline1dConstraint::AddSecondDerivativeBoundary, this, _1, _2, _3),
x, ddfx, range);
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddSecondDerivativeBoundary(...) {
if (!FilterConstraints(...)) { ... }
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_lower_bound.size(); ++i) {
//f''(x) = [0, 0, 2, 6x, 12x^2, 20x^3] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= filtered_lower_bound
for (uint32_t j = 2; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i, j + index * num_params) = coef * j * (j - 1);
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i, 0) = filtered_lower_bound[i];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_upper_bound.size(); ++i) {
//-f''(x) = [0, 0, -2, -6x, -12x^2, -20x^3] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= -filtered_upper_bound ==>
//f''(x) = [0, 0, 2, 6x, 12x^2, 20x^3] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// <= filtered_upper_bound
for (uint32_t j = 2; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(),
j + index * num_params) = coef * j * (j - 1);
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 0) = -filtered_upper_bound[i];
return inequality_constraint_.AddConstraint(inequality_constraint,inequality_boundary);
最后一行调用的AddConstraint() 与上面相同。
4. 添加终止点处函数值范围约束,与1.类似
5. 添加终止点处一阶导范围约束,与2.类似
6. 添加各采样点一阶导(朝向角)范围约束,与2.类似
7. 添加各采样点曲率Kappa范围约束,与3.类似
8. 添加各采样点3阶导范围约束,与3.大同小异
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddThirdDerivativeBoundary(
const std::vector<double>& x_coord, const std::vector<double>& lower_bound,
const std::vector<double>& upper_bound) {
if (!FilterConstraints(x_coord, lower_bound, upper_bound,
&filtered_lower_bound_x, &filtered_lower_bound,
&filtered_upper_bound_x, &filtered_upper_bound)) { ... }
// emplace affine constraints
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
Eigen::MatrixXd inequality_constraint = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(
filtered_upper_bound.size() + filtered_lower_bound.size(),
(x_knots_.size() - 1) * num_params);
Eigen::MatrixXd inequality_boundary = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(
filtered_upper_bound.size() + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_lower_bound.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t index = FindIndex(filtered_lower_bound_x[i]);
const double corrected_x = filtered_lower_bound_x[i] - x_knots_[index];
double coef = 1.0;
//f'''(x) = [0, 0, 0, 6, 24, 60] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= filtered_lower_bound
for (uint32_t j = 3; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i, j + index * num_params) = coef * j * (j - 1) * (j - 2);
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i, 0) = filtered_lower_bound[i];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filtered_upper_bound.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t index = FindIndex(filtered_upper_bound_x[i]);
const double corrected_x = filtered_upper_bound_x[i] - x_knots_[index];
double coef = -1.0;
//-f'''(x) = [0, 0, 0, -6, -24, -60] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// >= -filtered_upper_bound ==>
//f'''(x) = [0, 0, 0, 6, 24, 60] * [a, b, c, d, e, f].T
// <= filtered_upper_bound
for (uint32_t j = 3; j < num_params; ++j) {
inequality_constraint(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(),
j + index * num_params) = coef * j * (j - 1) * (j - 2);
coef *= corrected_x;
inequality_boundary(i + filtered_lower_bound.size(), 0) = -filtered_upper_bound[i];
return inequality_constraint_.AddConstraint(inequality_constraint,inequality_boundary);
最后一行调用的AddConstraint() 与上面相同。
9. 添加各采样点函数值(横向坐标)范围约束,与1.类似
10. 添加各采样点处0~3阶导连续约束
//添加joint points处0~3阶导连续 等式约束,即
//fl(xl)=fr(xr); fl'(xl)=fr'(xr); fl''(xl)=fr''(xr); fl'''(xl)=fr'''(xr),转换为QP的形式,即
//fl(xl)-fr(xr)=0; fl'(xl)-fr'(xr)=0; fl''(xl)-fr''(xr)=0; fl'''(xl)-fr'''(xr)=0
//fl()和fr()是相邻的2段curve polynomial,xl和xr是同一个点在不同的段不同的起点下的相对坐标
bool Spline1dConstraint::AddThirdDerivativeSmoothConstraint() {
//如果只有一段spline,就没有joint point了,也没有平滑一说了
if (x_knots_.size() < 3) {
return false;
const uint32_t n_constraint =
(static_cast<uint32_t>(x_knots_.size()) - 2) * 4; //中间连接点的个数,4代表0~3阶导都连续
const uint32_t num_params = spline_order_ + 1;
Eigen::MatrixXd equality_constraint =
Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(n_constraint, (x_knots_.size() - 1) * num_params);
Eigen::MatrixXd equality_boundary = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(n_constraint, 1);
//这里的2层for循环很不直观,其实是把不同阶导数、不同的joint point、不同的系数杂糅在一起计算了
//每行左边6项是joint point左侧的curve系数,右边6项是joint point右侧的curve系数
//0~3行是1个joint point的0~3阶导,每4行表示一个点
// | 1 xl xl^2 xl^3 xl^4 xl^5 -1 -xr -xr^2 -xr^3 -xr^4 -xr^5 | | al | = | 0 |
// | 0 1 2xl 3xl^2 4xl^3 5xl^4 0 -1 -2xr -3xr^2 -4xr^3 -5xr^4 | | bl | = | 0 |
// | 0 0 2 6xl 12xl^2 20xl^3 0 0 -2 -6xr -12xr^2 -20xr^3 | * | cl | = | 0 |
// | 0 0 0 6 24xl 60xl^2 0 0 0 -6 -24xr -60xr^2 | | dl | = | 0 |
// | . . . . . . . . . . . . | | el | = | 0 |
// | . . . . . . . . . . . . | | fl | = | 0 |
// | ar | = | 0 |
// | br | = | 0 |
// | cr | = | 0 |
// | dr | = | 0 |
// | er | = | 0 |
// | fr | = | 0 |
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_constraint; i += 4) {
double left_coef = 1.0;
double right_coef = -1.0;
double left_dcoef = 1.0;
double right_dcoef = -1.0;
double left_ddcoef = 1.0;
double right_ddcoef = -1.0;
double left_dddcoef = 1.0;
double right_dddcoef = -1.0;
const double x_left = x_knots_[i / 4 + 1] - x_knots_[i / 4];
const double x_right = 0.0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_params; ++j) {
equality_constraint(i, num_params * i / 4 + j) = left_coef;
equality_constraint(i, num_params * (i / 4 + 1) + j) = right_coef;
if (j >= 3) {
equality_constraint(i + 3, num_params * i / 4 + j) =
left_dddcoef * j * (j - 1) * (j - 2);
equality_constraint(i + 3, num_params * (i / 4 + 1) + j) =
right_dddcoef * j * (j - 1) * (j - 2);
left_dddcoef = left_ddcoef;
right_dddcoef = right_ddcoef;
if (j >= 2) {
equality_constraint(i + 2, num_params * i / 4 + j) =
left_ddcoef * j * (j - 1);
equality_constraint(i + 2, num_params * (i / 4 + 1) + j) =
right_ddcoef * j * (j - 1);
left_ddcoef = left_dcoef;
right_ddcoef = right_dcoef;
if (j >= 1) {
equality_constraint(i + 1, num_params * i / 4 + j) = left_dcoef * j;
equality_constraint(i + 1, num_params * (i / 4 + 1) + j) =
right_dcoef * j;
left_dcoef = left_coef;
right_dcoef = right_coef;
left_coef *= x_left;
right_coef *= x_right;
return equality_constraint_.AddConstraint(equality_constraint, equality_boundary);
最后一行调用的AddConstraint() 与上面相同。