Real-Time Rendering——9.11 Wave Optics BRDF Models波动光学BRDF模型

The models we have discussed in the last few sections rely on geometrical optics,which treats light as propagating in rays rather than waves. As discussed on page 303,geometrical optics is based on the assumption that any surface irregularities are either smaller than a wavelength or larger than about 100 wavelengths.


Real-world surfaces are not so obliging. They tend to have irregularities at all scales, including the 1–100 wavelength range. We refer to irregularities with such sizes as nanogeometry to distinguish them from the microgeometry irregularities discussed in earlier sections, which are too small to be individually rendered but larger than 100 light wavelengths. The effects of nanogeometry on reflectance cannot be modeled by geometrical optics. These effects depend on the wave nature of light and wave optics (also called physical optics) is required to model them.


Surface layers, or films, with thicknesses close to a light wavelength also produce optical phenomena related to the wave nature of light.


In this section we touch upon wave optics phenomena such as diffraction and thinfilm interference, discussing their (sometimes surprising) importance in realistically rendering what otherwise can seem to be relatively mundane materials.


9.11.1 Diffraction Models衍射模型

Nanogeometry causes a phenomenon called diffraction. To explain it we make use of the Huygens-Fresnel principle, which states that every point on a wavefront (the set of points that have the same wave phase) can be treated as the source of a new spherical wave. See Figure 9.44. When waves encounter an obstacle, the Huygens-Fresnel principle shows that they will bend slightly around corners, which is an example of diffraction. This phenomenon cannot be predicted by geometrical optics. In the case of light incident on a planar surface, geometrical optics does correctly predict that light will be reflected in a single direction. That said, the Fresnel-Huygens principle provides additional insight. It shows that the spherical waves on the surface line up just right to create the reflected wavefront, with waves in all other directions being eliminated through destructive interference. This insight becomes important when we look at a surface with nanometer irregularities. Due to the different heights of the surface points, the spherical waves on the surface no longer line up so neatly. See Figure 9.45.


Figure 9.44. To the left, we see a planar wavefront propagating in empty space. If each point on the wavefront is treated as the source of a new spherical wave, the new waves interfere destructively in all directions except forward, resulting in a planar wavefront again. In the center, the waves encounter an obstacle. The spherical waves at the edge of the obstacle have no waves to their right that destructively interfere with them, so some waves diffract or “leak” around the edge. To the right, a planar wavefront is reflected from a flat surface. The planar wavefront encounters surface points on the left earlier than points on the right, so the spherical waves emitting from surface points on the left have had more time to propagate and are therefore larger. The different sizes of spherical wavefronts interfere constructively along the edge of the reflected planar wavefront, and destructively in other directions.


Figure 9.45. On the left we see planar wavefronts incident to a surface with rough nanogeometry. In the center we see the spherical waves formed on the surface according to the Fresnel-Huygens principle. On the right we see that after constructive and destructive interference has occurred, some of the resulting waves (in red) form a planar reflected wave. The remainder (in purple) are diffracted, with different amounts of light propagating in each direction, depending on wavelength. 


As the figure shows, light is scattered in different directions. Some portion of it is specularly reflected, i.e., adds up to a planar wavefront in the reflection direction. The remaining light is diffracted out in a directional pattern that depends on certain properties of the nanogeometry. The division between specularly reflected and diffracted light depends on the height of the nanogeometry bumps, or, more precisely, on the variance of the height distribution. The angular spread of diffracted light around the specular reflection direction depends on the width of the nanogeometry bumps relative to the light wavelength. Somewhat counter-intuitively, wider irregularities cause a smaller spread. If the irregularities are larger than 100 light wavelengths, the angle between the diffracted light and the specularly reflected light is so small as to be negligible. Irregularities of decreasing size cause a wider spread of diffracted light, until the irregularities become smaller than a light wavelength, at which point no diffraction occurs.


Diffraction is most clearly visible in surfaces with periodic nanogeometry, since the repeating patterns reinforce the diffracted light via constructive interference, causing a colorful iridescence. This phenomena can be observed in CD and DVD optical disks and certain insects. While diffraction also occurs in non-periodic surfaces, the computer graphics community has assumed for many years that the effect is slight. For this reason, with a handful of exceptions [89, 366, 686, 1688], the computer graphics literature has mostly ignored diffraction for many years.


However, recent analysis of measured materials by Holzschuch and Pacanowski [762] has shown that significant diffraction effects are present in many materials,and may explain the continuing difficulty of fitting these materials with current models. Follow-up work by the same authors [763] introduced a model combining microfacet and diffraction theory, via the use of the general microfacet BRDF (Equation 9.26) with a micro-BRDF that accounts for diffraction. In parallel, Toisoul and Ghosh [1772, 1773] presented methods for capturing the iridescent diffraction effects resulting from periodic nanogeometry, and for rendering them in real time with point light sources as well as image-based lighting.

然而,Holzschuch和Pacanowski [762]最近对测量材料的分析表明,许多材料中存在显著的衍射效应,这可能解释了用当前模型拟合这些材料的持续困难。相同作者的后续工作[763]介绍了一种结合微法和衍射理论的模型,通过使用一般微法BRDF(方程9.26)和考虑衍射的微BRDF。与此同时,Toisoul和Ghosh [1772,1773]提出了捕捉周期性纳米几何产生的虹彩衍射效应的方法,以及使用点光源和基于图像的照明实时渲染这些效应的方法。

9.11.2 Models for Thin-Film Interference薄膜干涉模型

Thin-film interference is a wave optics phenomenon that occurs when light paths reflecting from the top and bottom of a thin dielectric layer interfere with each other.See Figure 9.46.


 Figure 9.46. Light incident to a thin film on top of a reflective substrate. Besides the primary reflection, there are multiple paths of light refracting, reflecting from the substrate, and either reflecting from the inside of the top thin film surface or refracting through it. These paths are all copies of the same wave, but with short phase delays caused by difference in path length, so they interfere coherently with each other.


The different wavelengths of light either interfere constructively or destructively,depending on the relationship between the wavelength and the path length difference.Since the path length difference changes with angle, the end result is an iridescent color shift as different wavelengths transition between constructive and destructive interference.


The reason that the film needs to be thin for this effect to occur is related to the concept of coherence length. This length is the maximum distance by which a copy of a light wave can be displaced and still interfere coherently with the original wave. This length is inversely proportional to the bandwidth of the light, which is the range of wavelengths over which its spectral power distribution (SPD) extends. Laser light, with its extremely narrow bandwidth, has an extremely long coherence length. It can be miles, depending on the type of laser. This relationship makes sense, since a simple sine wave displaced by many wavelengths will still interfere coherently with the original wave. If the laser was truly monochromatic, it would have an infinite coherence length, but in practice lasers have a nonzero bandwidth. Conversely, light with an extremely broad bandwidth will have a chaotic waveform. It makes sense that a copy of such a waveform needs to be displaced only a short distance before it stops interfering coherently with the original.


In theory, ideal white light, which is a mixture of all wavelengths, would have a coherence length of zero. However, for the purposes of visible-light optics, the bandwidth of the human visual system (which senses light only in the 400–700 nm range) determines the coherence length, which is about 1 micrometer. So, in most cases the answer to the question “how thick can a film get before it no longer causes visible interference?” is “about 1 micrometer.”


Similarly to diffraction, for many years thin-film interference was thought of as a special case effect that occurs only in surfaces such as soap bubbles and oil stains. However, Akin [27] points out that thin-film interference does lend a subtle coloration to many everyday surfaces, and shows how modeling this effect can increase realism.See Figure 9.47. His article caused the level of interest in physically based thin-film interference to increase considerably, with various shading models including Render-Man’s PxrSurface [732] and the Imageworks shading model [947] incorporating support for this effect.

与衍射相似,多年来薄膜干涉被认为是一种特殊情况,只发生在表面,如肥皂泡和油渍。然而,Akin [27]指出,薄膜干涉确实给许多日常表面带来了微妙的色彩,并展示了如何模拟这种效果可以增加真实感。见图9.47。他的文章引起了人们对基于物理的薄膜干涉的兴趣,包括Render-Man的PxrSurface [732]和Imageworks着色模型[947]在内的各种着色模型都支持这种效果。

Figure 9.47. A leather material rendered without (on the left) and with (on the right) thin-film interference. The specular coloration caused by thin-film interference increases the realism of the image. (Image by Atilla Akin, Next Limit Technologies [27].) 

图9.47。一种皮革材质,渲染时没有(左侧)和有(右侧)薄膜干涉。由薄膜干涉引起的镜面着色增加了图像的真实性。(图片由下一个极限技术公司Atilla Akin提供。)

Thin-film interference techniques suitable for real-time rendering have existed for some time. Smits and Meyer [1667] proposed an efficient method to account for thinfilm interference between the first- and second-order light paths. They observe that the resulting color is primarily a function of the path length difference, which can be efficiently computed from the film thickness, viewing angle, and index of refraction.Their implementation requires a one-dimensional lookup table with RGB colors. The contents of the table can be computed using dense spectral sampling and converted to RGB colors as a preprocess, which makes the technique quite fast. In the game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, a different fast thin-film approximation is used as part of a layered material system [386]. These techniques do not model multiple bounces of light in the thin film, as well as other physical phenomena. A more accurate and computationally expensive technique, yet still targeted at real-time implementation,is presented by Belcour and Barla [129].

适用于实时渲染的薄膜干涉技术已经存在了一段时间。Smits和Meyer [1667]提出了一种有效的方法来解释一阶和二阶光路之间的薄膜干涉。他们观察到,最终的颜色主要是光程差的函数,光程差可以通过薄膜厚度、视角和折射率有效地计算出来。它们的实现需要具有RGB颜色的一维查找表。该表的内容可以使用密集光谱采样来计算,并作为预处理转换为RGB颜色,这使得该技术非常快。在游戏《使命召唤:无限战争》中,一种不同的快速薄膜近似被用作分层材料系统的一部分[386]。这些技术没有模拟薄膜中的多次光反射以及其他物理现象。Belcour和Barla [129]提出了一种更精确且计算成本更高的技术,但仍以实时实施为目标。

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