[ECE] C3








这里的 "active-High" 和 "active-Low" 指的是逻辑门的输出状态与它们所代表的逻辑级别。

  • active-High:指的是当逻辑门的输出为高电平(HIGH)时,表示的是逻辑"1"或者"真"的状态。
  • active-Low:指的是当逻辑门的输出为低电平(LOW)时,表示的是逻辑"1"或者"真"的状态。


  • 当说NOR门的输出为active-Low时,意味着如果输入中有一个或多个是高电平(即逻辑"1"),输出将是低电平(即逻辑"0"),这是active-Low的条件下的"真"。
  • 当所有输入均为低电平(即逻辑"0")时,NOR门的输出将为高电平(即逻辑"1"),这时active-High表示的是"真"状态。


可不可以理解为,事件P是output等于High,如果P为真,那么就是说active,所以叫active—High?Q是output等于Low,如果Q为真,说明Q is active然后叫active-Low

  • active-High:如果事件P定义为输出等于High,当P为真时(即输出确实为High),我们说输出是active-High。
  • active-Low:同样地,如果事件Q定义为输出等于Low,当Q为真时(即输出确实为Low),我们说输出是active-Low。
  • 所以,带active的这种表述可以翻译为:the event: "output is Low" is true (when balabala...)








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1. An inverter performs a NOT operation.

2. A NOT gate cannot have more than one input.

3. If any input to an OR gate is zero, the output is zero.

4. If all inputs to an AND gate are 1, the output is 0.

5. A NAND gate can be considered as an AND gate followed by a NOT gate.

6. A NOR gate can be considered as an OR gate followed by an inverter.

7. The output of an exclusive-OR is 0 if the inputs are opposite.

8. Two types of fixed-function logic integrated circuits are bipolar and NMOS.

9. Once programmed, PLD logic can be changed.

10. Fan-out is the number of similar gates that a given gate can drive.


  1. True: An inverter performs a NOT operation.
  2. True: A NOT gate has only one input by definition.
  3. False: If any input to an OR gate is one, the output is one.
  4. False: If all inputs to an AND gate are 1, the output is also 1.
  5. True: A NAND gate is an AND gate followed by a NOT gate.
  6. True: A NOR gate is an OR gate followed by an inverter.
  7. False: The output of an exclusive-OR is 1 if the inputs are opposite.
  8. True: Bipolar and NMOS are two types of fixed-function logic integrated circuits.
  9. True: PLD (Programmable Logic Device) logic can be changed by reprogramming.
  10. True: Fan-out is the number of inputs of identical gates that a single output can drive without exceeding its load limit.
  11. 在电路设计中,当一个电子设备(比如一个电路板上的一个芯片)输出一个信号时,这个信号需要传递到其他部分。但是,这个信号有时候需要通过一些门来处理,这些门可以理解为电子设备中的一种部件,用来执行特定的逻辑操作。扇出就是指一个输出信号可以传递到多少个这样的门里,而不会导致电路出现问题。负载限制是指这个输出信号能够传递的门的数量上限,超过这个数量就可能导致信号传输不稳定。所以,了解和控制扇出是非常重要的,可以确保电路正常工作。
  12. A positive-going pulse is applied to an inverter. The time interval from the leading edge of the input to the leading edge of the output is 7 ns. This parameter is
    1. (a) speed-power product
    2. (b) propagation delay, tPHL
    3. (c) propagation delay, tPLH
    4. (d) pulse width
    5. (b) propagation delay, tPHL

      Propagation delay, specifically tPHL, refers to the time interval from the leading edge of the input signal to the leading edge of the output signal in an inverter.

  13. Most PLDs utilize an array of (a) NOT gates (b) NOR gates (c) OR gates (d) AND gates

    1. (d) AND gates

      Most Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) utilize an array of AND gates followed by an array of OR gates. This arrangement allows for the implementation of various logic functions within the device.

  14. 10. The rows and columns of the interconnection matrix in an SPLD are connected using (a) fuses (b) switches (c) gates (d) transistors

    1. (b) switches

      The rows and columns of the interconnection matrix in a Simple Programmable Logic Device (SPLD) are typically connected using switches. These switches can be configured to create the desired logic functions within the device.

    2. (a) fuses

      For some older Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs), fuses were used to connect the rows and columns of the interconnection matrix. These fuses could be selectively blown to create the desired connections, but this process was irreversible.

      (c) gates

      While gates are used within the internal structure of PLDs to implement the logic functions, they are not used to directly connect the rows and columns of the interconnection matrix.

      (d) transistors 晶体管

      Transistors are used within the internal circuitry of PLDs to control the flow of current and implement the logic functions, but they are not used to directly connect the rows and columns of the interconnection matrix. 晶体管是一种半导体器件,可以放大或开关电子信号和电力。它们是现代电子设备的基本构建块。在数字电路中,晶体管用于创建逻辑门,这构成了数字电子学和计算机处理器的基础。晶体管是数字电路中门的基本组成部分之一。在数字电路中,晶体管可以用来构建逻辑门,如与门、或门、非门等。多个晶体管组合在一起可以实现更复杂的逻辑功能,从而构建整个数字系统。

  15. 11. An antifuse is formed using (a) two insulators separated by a conductor (b) two conductors separated by an insulator (c) an insulator packed beside a conductor (d) two conductors connected in a series

    1. 反熔链路是通过什么形成的? (a) 两个绝缘体之间有导体隔开 (b) 两个导体之间有绝缘体隔开 (c) 一个绝缘体旁边有导体 (d) 两个导体串联连接

      答案:(b) 两个导体之间有绝缘体隔开


  16. 12. An EPROM can be programmed using (a) transistors (b) diodes (c) a multiprogrammer (d) a device programmer

    1. EPROM可以使用以下哪种方式进行编程? (a) 晶体管 (b) 二极管 (c) 多路编程器 (d) 设备编程器

      答案:(c) 多路编程器


  17. 13. Two ways to enter a logic design using PLD development software are (a) text and numeric (b) text and graphic (c) graphic and coded (d) compile and sort

    1. 使用PLD开发软件输入逻辑设计的两种方式是什么? (a) 文本和数字 (b) 文本和图形 (c) 图形和编码 (d) 编译和排序

      答案:(b) 文本和图形


  18. 14. JTAG stands for (a) Joint Test Action Group (b) Java Top Array Group (c) Joint Test Array Group (d) Joint Time Analysis Group

    1. JTAG代表什么? (a) 联合测试动作组 (b) Java顶级数组组 (c) 联合测试数组组 (d) 联合时间分析组

      答案:(a) 联合测试动作组


    2. 就像是给电子设备配备了一个通用的测试、调试和编程的“插槽”,方便工程师们进行相关操作。

  19. 15. In-system programming of a PLD typically utilizes (a) an embedded clock generator (b) an embedded processor (c) an embedded PROM (d) both (a) and (b) (e) both (b) and (c)

    1. PLD的系统内编程通常利用 (a) 嵌入式时钟生成器 (b) 嵌入式处理器 (c) 嵌入式PROM (d) (a)和(b)都是 (e) (b)和(c)都是

      答案:(d) (a)和(b)都是


    2. 嵌入式时钟生成器:类似于手表的心脏,它负责产生系统中所有时序相关的信号,就像整个系统的节拍器。在PLD编程时,时钟生成器确保编程操作按照正确的时间序列进行,这样才能正确地配置PLD内部的逻辑功能。

    3. 嵌入式处理器:类似于系统的大脑,它负责处理并控制整个编程过程。通过嵌入式处理器,可以向PLD发送编程指令,控制数据的传输和存储,以及确保编程操作的准确性和完整性。

    4. 简而言之,嵌入式时钟生成器提供正确的时间序列,而嵌入式处理器控制整个编程过程,使得PLD能够正确、高效地进行编程操作。

  20. 16. To measure the period of a pulse waveform, you must use (a) a DMM (b) a logic probe (c) an oscilloscope (d) a logic pulser

    1. 要测量脉冲波形的周期,必须使用 (a) 数字万用表 (b) 逻辑探头 (c) 示波器 (d) 逻辑脉冲发生器

      答案:(c) 示波器


  21. 17. Once you measure the period of a pulse waveform, the frequency is found by (a) using another setting (b) measuring the duty cycle (c) finding the reciprocal of the period (d) using another type of instrument

    1. 一旦测量了脉冲波形的周期,就可以通过以下哪种方式找到频率? (a) 使用另一个设置 (b) 测量占空比 (c) 求周期的倒数 (d) 使用另一种仪器

      答案:(c) 求周期的倒数


  22. 33. In the comparison of certain logic devices, it is noted that the power dissipation for one particular type increases as the frequency increases. Is the device bipolar or CMOS?

    1. The device with power dissipation increasing as frequency increases is most likely bipolar. Bipolar devices tend to have higher power dissipation compared to CMOS devices, especially at higher frequencies.

    2. 这是因为双极型(bipolar)器件在高频率下通常会消耗更多功率。在双极型器件中,由于电流在晶体管中是通过少量载流子的传输而实现的,因此在高频率下,晶体管需要更频繁地切换,这会导致更多的能量损耗。相比之下,互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)器件在切换时消耗的能量要少得多,因为它们使用的是电流驱动器而不是电压驱动器,这使得它们在高频率下的功耗更低。在数字电路中,CMOS通常使用电压驱动器,因为它们的工作方式更适合于这种驱动方式。双极型器件在某些情况下可能会使用电流驱动器,但也可以使用电压驱动器。选择驱动器类型通常取决于电路的性能要求、功耗和设计复杂度等因素。

    3. 电压驱动器:通过改变电压来控制设备的工作。当电压达到一定的阈值时,设备开始工作。在数字电路中,逻辑门通常是以这种方式工作的,输入电压高于某个阈值时,逻辑门输出高电平,否则输出低电平。

    4. 电流驱动器:通过改变电流来控制设备的工作。电流驱动器在某些情况下可以提供更稳定和可靠的工作,特别是在高频率下。在数字电路中,一些传输线和输出驱动器可能会使用电流驱动器来提高性能和稳定性。





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