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function lynxStart(varargin)% lynxStart  Loads kinematic data for a Lynx AL5D manipulator and sets%   variables.%%   If using hardware:%   Starts the Lynx and moves the Lynx to its home position.%%   WARNING: Be aware of the Lynx's position before turning on the%   controller. To prevent damage, remove any objects in the path between%   the current position and the home position. If the Lynx is likely to%   slam into the table surface or other immovable object, manually move%   the Lynx towards the home position before using this command.%%     Options         Values {Default Value}%       'Hardware'      'Legend' | 'Lucky' | 'Lyric' | {'off'} Sets up the code to use the Lynx%                       hardware.  If hardware is enabled then there%                       is no visualization.  Default is simulation.%                       Be careful to read the above warning before%                       enabling hardware.%%       'Port'          string. e.g. 'com3'  -  The com port may change.%                       Go to Device manager on a PC to find the port.%                       To use the Lynx with a MAC, see instructions in%                       lynxInitializeHardware.m%%       'Joints'        {'on'} | 'off' Display the joints of the robot%%       'Frame'         {'on'} | 'off' Display the end effector frame%%       'Shadow'        {'on'} | 'off' Plot the shadow of the robot on the%                       ground plane%%       'Gripper'       'on' | {'off'} Plot the gripper.  Cool, but is it%                       really helpful?%%  Updated for MEAM 520, 2018. May still have a few bugs, so please let us%  know if you find any bugs.  And better yet, suggest how to fix it =)global lynx pennkeysaddpath('utils')%%SET THISpennkeys = 'sol';robot_spec_file = 'utils/robot_specs.json';file_spec = fopen(robot_spec_file);jsobj = jsondecode(fscanf(file_spec, '%c', inf));fclose(file_spec);lynx.param = jsobj.('Simulation');lynx.servoTimeStamp = tic;lynx.lidarTimeStamp = tic;lynx.firstFrame = true;lynx.showFrame = true;lynx.showJoints = true;lynx.showShadow = true;lynx.showGripper = false;lynx.hardware_on = false;% Home poselynx.q = [0,0,0,0,0,0];% Check property inputs is even (each property must be paired with a value)if mod(size(varargin,2), 2) == 1    error('Must be a value for each property set')endfor j = 1:2:size(varargin,2)    % Use the Lynx hardware or simulation    if strcmpi(varargin{1,j}, 'Hardware')        hardware_config = varargin{1,j+1};        if strcmpi(hardware_config, 'off')            lynx.hardware_on = false;        elseif strcmpi(hardware_config, 'Legend') || ...               strcmpi(hardware_config, 'Lucky')  || ...               strcmpi(hardware_config, 'Loopy')  || ...               strcmpi(hardware_config, 'Lyric')            lynx.hardware_on = true;            lynx.param = jsobj.(hardware_config);        else            error('Invalid value for Hardware property');        end    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j}, 'Port')        lynx.serialPort = varargin{1,j+1};    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j}, 'Joints')        if strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'off')            lynx.showJoints = false;        elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'on')            lynx.showJoints = true;        else            error('Invalid value for Joints property');        end    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j}, 'Frame')        if strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'off')            lynx.showFrame = false;        elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'on')            lynx.showFrame = true;        else            error('Invalid value for Frame property');        end    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j}, 'Shadow')        if strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'off')            lynx.showShadow = false;        elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'on')            lynx.showShadow = true;        else            error('Invalid value for Shadow property');        end    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j}, 'Gripper')        if strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'off')            lynx.showGripper = false;        elseif strcmpi(varargin{1,j+1}, 'on')            lynx.showGripper = true;        else            error('Invalid value for Gripper property');        end    endend% Initialize the Lynx if using hardwareif lynx.hardware_on    % Display warning message    str = input(['Warning: Be aware of the Lynx''s position before continuing.\n'...        'Hold the lynx as close to the home position as possible.\n' ...        'Do you want to continue (y/n)?\n'],'s');    if isempty(str)        str = 'n';    end    if strcmpi(str, 'y') || strcmpi(str, 'yes')        %Opens serial communication with the lynx        %serialPort is a string. e.g. 'com3'        %The com port may change.  Go to Device manager on a PC to find the port.        %Close any previous communication.        delete(instrfindall);        %Alternatively, on a MAC,        %ttl = serial('/dev/cu.usbserial-AI0484D4');        %Note that the portion after the hypen depends on the usb cable.  Type        %ls /dev/cu.* into the command line to find this name.        lynx.serialPort = serial(lynx.serialPort, 'BaudRate', 115200, 'Terminator', 'CR');        fopen(lynx.serialPort);        if(~strcmp(lynx.serialPort.Status,'open'))            error('Please connect the Lynx robot via the USB port');        end        % send a handshaking frame        % if lynx.controlBoard == 'botboarduino'            % fprintf(lynx.serialPort, '%s\r', 'tick')        % end    else        disp('Start cancelled.');    end% Initialize the plot if using simulationelse    plotLynx(lynx.q);end% Set global variables in the base workspaceevalin('base', 'global lynx pennkeys')%Send the robot to a home configurationlynxServo(lynx.q);

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4 参考文献

[1]祝敬, 杨马英. 基于改进人工势场法的机械臂避障路径规划[J]. 计算机测量与控制, 2018, 26(10):6.​


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基于人工势场方法的6自由度机械臂三维路径规划是一种常用的方法,它可以根据设定的起始点和目标点,通过构建一个人工势场来规划机械臂的路径。以下是一个简单的示例MATLAB代码: ```matlab % 机械臂三维路径规划示例 % 设置机械臂的起始点和目标点 start_point = [0, 0, 0]; % 起始点坐标 target_point = [1, 1, 1]; % 目标点坐标 % 设置机械臂的自由度和关节范围 dof = 6; % 自由度 joint_range = [-pi/2, pi/2; -pi/2, pi/2; -pi/2, pi/2; -pi/2, pi/2; -pi/2, pi/2; -pi/2, pi/2]; % 关节范围 % 设置参数 step_size = 0.01; % 步长 epsilon = 0.1; % 终止条件 % 初始化机械臂的当前点 current_point = start_point; while norm(target_point - current_point) > epsilon % 计算当前位置到目标点的距离 distance = norm(target_point - current_point); % 计算机械臂的力场 attractive_force = (target_point - current_point) * distance; % 计算机械臂的斥力场 repulsive_force = zeros(1, dof); for i = 1:dof % 随机生成一个障碍物点 obstacle_point = rand(1, 3); % 计算当前关节到障碍物点的距离 obstacle_distance = norm(current_point - obstacle_point); % 计算斥力大小 repulsive_force(i) = (1 / obstacle_distance^2) * (1 / distance - 1 / obstacle_distance); end % 计算机械臂的合力 total_force = attractive_force + repulsive_force; % 更新机械臂关节角度 for i = 1:dof current_point(i) = current_point(i) + step_size * total_force(i); % 限制关节角度在范围内 if current_point(i) > joint_range(i, 2) current_point(i) = joint_range(i, 2); elseif current_point(i) < joint_range(i, 1) current_point(i) = joint_range(i, 1); end end end % 输出最终结果 disp("机械臂路径规划完成,最终点坐标:"); disp(current_point); ``` 注意,以上代码仅为示例,实际应用中可能需要根据具体情况进行修改和优化。此外,人工势场方法虽然简单易于实现,但在复杂环境中可能遇到局部最小值和振荡等问题,因此还需要其他算法和方法进行优化和改进。


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