
CV - 计算机视觉 |  ML - 机器学习 |  RL - 强化学习 | NLP 自然语言处理 

Subjects: cs.Cv

1.MixFormer: End-to-End Tracking with Iterative Mixed Attention


作者:Yutao Cui, Cheng Jiang, Gangshan Wu, LiMin Wang





Visual object tracking often employs a multi-stage pipeline of feature extraction, target information integration, and bounding box estimation. To simplify this pipeline and unify the process of feature extraction and target information integration, in this paper, we present a compact tracking framework, termed as MixFormer, built upon transformers. Our core design is to utilize the flexibility of attention operations, and propose a Mixed Attention Module (MAM) for simultaneous feature extraction and target information integration. This synchronous modeling scheme allows to extract target-specific discriminative features and perform extensive communication between target and search area. Based on MAM, we build our MixFormer trackers simply by stacking multiple MAMs and placing a localization head on top. Specifically, we instantiate two types of MixFormer trackers, a hierarchical tracker MixCvT, and a non-hierarchical tracker MixViT. For these two trackers, we investigate a series of pre-training methods and uncover the different behaviors between supervised pre-training and self-supervised pre-training in our MixFormer trackers. We also extend the masked pre-training to our MixFormer trackers and design the competitive TrackMAE pre-training technique. Finally, to handle multiple target templates during online tracking, we devise an asymmetric attention scheme in MAM to reduce computational cost, and propose an effective score prediction module to select high-quality templates. Our MixFormer trackers set a new state-of-the-art performance on seven tracking benchmarks, including LaSOT, TrackingNet, VOT2020, GOT-10k, OTB100 and UAV123. In particular, our MixViT-L achieves AUC score of 73.3% on LaSOT, 86.1% on TrackingNet, EAO of 0.584 on VOT2020, and AO of 75.7% on GOT-10k. 

2.DilateFormer: Multi-Scale Dilated Transformer for Visual Recognition


作者:Jiayu Jiao, Yu-Ming Tang, Kun-Yu Lin, Yipeng Gao, Jinhua Ma, YaoWei Wang, Wei-Shi Zheng




        作为一个事实上的解决方案,香草视觉变换器(ViTs)被鼓励在任意图像斑块之间建立长距离的依赖关系,而全局关注的接受场会导致二次计算成本。视觉变换器的另一个分支是利用CNN启发的局部注意,它只对小范围内的斑块之间的相互作用进行建模。虽然这样的解决方案降低了计算成本,但它自然会受到小的受体场的影响,这可能会限制性能。在这项工作中,我们探索了有效的视觉变换器,以便在计算复杂性和出席的感受区的大小之间寻求一个理想的权衡。通过分析ViTs中全局注意力的补丁交互,我们观察到浅层中的两个关键属性,即局部性和稀疏性,表明ViTs浅层中全局依赖性建模的冗余性。因此,我们提出了多尺度扩张注意(MSDA)来模拟滑动窗口内的局部和稀疏的斑块互动。通过金字塔结构,我们在低级阶段堆叠MSDA块,在高级阶段堆叠全局多头自我注意块,从而构建了一个多尺度稀释变换器(DilateFormer)。我们的实验结果表明,我们的DilateFormer在各种视觉任务上取得了最先进的性能。在ImageNet-1K分类任务中,DilateFormer以比现有最先进的模型少70%的FLOPs实现了相当的性能。我们的DilateFormer-Base在ImageNet-1K分类任务上取得了85.6%的最高准确率,在COCO物体检测/实例分割任务上取得了53.5%的盒式mAP/46.1%的掩模mAP,在ADE20K语义分割任务上取得了51.1%的MS mIoU。

As a de facto solution, the vanilla Vision Transformers (ViTs) are encouraged to model long-range dependencies between arbitrary image patches while the global attended receptive field leads to quadratic computational cost. Another branch of Vision Transformers exploits local attention inspired by CNNs, which only models the interactions between patches in small neighborhoods. Although such a solution reduces the computational cost, it naturally suffers from small attended receptive fields, which may limit the performance. In this work, we explore effective Vision Transformers to pursue a preferable trade-off between the computational complexity and size of the attended receptive field. By analyzing the patch interaction of global attention in ViTs, we observe two key properties in the shallow layers, namely locality and sparsity, indicating the redundancy of global dependency modeling in shallow layers of ViTs. Accordingly, we propose Multi-Scale Dilated Attention (MSDA) to model local and sparse patch interaction within the sliding window. With a pyramid architecture, we construct a Multi-Scale Dilated Transformer (DilateFormer) by stacking MSDA blocks at low-level stages and global multi-head self-attention blocks at high-level stages. Our experiment results show that our DilateFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance on various vision tasks. On ImageNet-1K classification task, DilateFormer achieves comparable performance with 70% fewer FLOPs compared with existing state-of-the-art models. Our DilateFormer-Base achieves 85.6% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K classification task, 53.5% box mAP/46.1% mask mAP on COCO object detection/instance segmentation task and 51.1% MS mIoU on ADE20K semantic segmentation task.

3.The Learnable Typewriter: A Generative Approach to Text Line Analysis


作者:Ioannis Siglidis, Nicolas Gonthier, Julien Gaubil, Tom Monnier, Mathieu Aubry





We present a generative document-specific approach to character analysis and recognition in text lines. Our main idea is to build on unsupervised multi-object segmentation methods and in particular those that reconstruct images based on a limited amount of visual elements, called sprites. Our approach can learn a large number of different characters and leverage line-level annotations when available. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide the first adaptation and evaluation of a deep unsupervised multi-object segmentation approach for text line analysis. Since these methods have mainly been evaluated on synthetic data in a completely unsupervised setting, demonstrating that they can be adapted and quantitatively evaluated on real text images and that they can be trained using weak supervision are significant progresses. Second, we demonstrate the potential of our method for new applications, more specifically in the field of paleography, which studies the history and variations of handwriting, and for cipher analysis. We evaluate our approach on three very different datasets: a printed volume of the Google1000 dataset, the Copiale cipher and historical handwritten charters from the 12th and early 13th century.





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