// Re-compute the cluster statistics for a sample set
// 计算某一聚类的统计特性, amcl_node.cpp中根据聚类,获取权重最高的聚类的统计特性,即为当前机器人所在的位姿
// 注意set 和 cluster的区别 另外,第一个参数没用上啊,可能两个形参有关系???
这个函数的思路,传入 set 指针,对这个指针进行一系列操作:
1、将set->kdtree 中的节点分群
2、按照 cluster_max_count 初始化所有的 cluster
3、初始化 filter stats 和 cluster stats
4、按照 sample_count 给每个 sample 找cluster 并且合理的增加 cluster_max_count 以及set->cluster_count
5、通过 cluster 指针,修改 set->cluster 中的数据
6、如果一类中有多个粒子(sample),cluster->count += 1 , 同时权重 weight += sample->weight
7、根据权重计算均值cluster->m[0] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[0],
与此同时overall filter 的信息也得到修改,m[0] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[0];
8、每进来一个粒子(sample) 就计算 cluster->c[] , 这是每一个类(种群)的协方差(不是真的协方差,还差一步)。同时修改 overall filter
9、归一化,对每一个类(种群)进行归一化处理,sum/weight , 同时计算协方差,协方差公式就是。。。额百度吧,打公式太费劲
10、Compute overall filter stats 上面是计算每个群的 平均值、协方差矩阵,这里是计算多个群组成所有的粒子的 stats
void pf_cluster_stats(pf_t *pf, pf_sample_set_t *set)
int i, j, k, cidx;
pf_sample_t *sample;
pf_cluster_t *cluster;//
// Workspace
double m[4], c[2][2];
size_t count;
double weight;
// Cluster the samples
// Initialize cluster stats
set->cluster_count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < set->cluster_max_count; i++)
cluster = set->clusters + i;
cluster->count = 0;
cluster->weight = 0;
cluster->mean = pf_vector_zero();
cluster->cov = pf_matrix_zero();
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cluster->m[j] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
cluster->c[j][k] = 0.0;
// Initialize overall filter stats
count = 0;
weight = 0.0;
set->mean = pf_vector_zero();
set->cov = pf_matrix_zero();
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
m[j] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
c[j][k] = 0.0;
// Compute cluster stats 部分的sample属于一个cluster,全部的sample属于几个cluster
for (i = 0; i < set->sample_count; i++)
sample = set->samples + i;
//printf("%d %f %f %f\n", i, sample->pose.v[0], sample->pose.v[1], sample->pose.v[2]);
// Get the cluster label for this sample
cidx = pf_kdtree_get_cluster(set->kdtree, sample->pose);
assert(cidx >= 0);
if (cidx >= set->cluster_max_count)
if (cidx + 1 > set->cluster_count)
set->cluster_count = cidx + 1;//聚类群中新加一个种群
cluster = set->clusters + cidx;
cluster->count += 1;
cluster->weight += sample->weight;
count += 1;
weight += sample->weight;
// Compute mean
cluster->m[0] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[0];
cluster->m[1] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[1];
cluster->m[2] += sample->weight * cos(sample->pose.v[2]);
cluster->m[3] += sample->weight * sin(sample->pose.v[2]);
m[0] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[0];
m[1] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[1];
m[2] += sample->weight * cos(sample->pose.v[2]);
m[3] += sample->weight * sin(sample->pose.v[2]);
// Compute covariance in linear components
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
[w*x*x w*x*y]
[w*y*x w*y*y]
cluster->c[j][k] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[j] * sample->pose.v[k];
c[j][k] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[j] * sample->pose.v[k];
// Normalize
for (i = 0; i < set->cluster_count; i++)
cluster = set->clusters + i;
cluster->mean.v[0] = cluster->m[0] / cluster->weight;
cluster->mean.v[1] = cluster->m[1] / cluster->weight;
cluster->mean.v[2] = atan2(cluster->m[3], cluster->m[2]);
cluster->cov = pf_matrix_zero();
// Covariance in linear components
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
cluster->cov.m[j][k] = cluster->c[j][k] / cluster->weight - cluster->mean.v[j] * cluster->mean.v[k];
// Covariance in angular components; I think this is the correct
// formula for circular statistics.
[ xx xy 0 ]
[ xy yy 0 ]
[ 0 0 theta ]
cluster->cov.m[2][2] = -2 * log(sqrt(cluster->m[2] * cluster->m[2] +
cluster->m[3] * cluster->m[3]));
//printf("cluster %d %d %f (%f %f %f)\n", i, cluster->count, cluster->weight,
//cluster->mean.v[0], cluster->mean.v[1], cluster->mean.v[2]);
//pf_matrix_fprintf(cluster->cov, stdout, "%e");
// Compute overall filter stats
set->mean.v[0] = m[0] / weight;
set->mean.v[1] = m[1] / weight;
set->mean.v[2] = atan2(m[3], m[2]);
// Covariance in linear components
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
set->cov.m[j][k] = c[j][k] / weight - set->mean.v[j] * set->mean.v[k];//跟上面的一样
// Covariance in angular components; I think this is the correct
// formula for circular statistics.
set->cov.m[2][2] = -2 * log(sqrt(m[2] * m[2] + m[3] * m[3]));