Apollo Cyber RT学习日记 (二)

3.Cyber RT API for Developers

This document provides an extensive technical deep dive into how to create, manipulate and use Cyber RT’s API.

3.1 Talker-Listener(Like Chatter/Topic in ROS)

The first part of demonstrating CyberRT API is to understand the Talker/Listener example. Following are three essential concepts: node (basic unit), reader(facility to read message) and writer(facility to write message) of the example.

3.1.1 Create a node

In the Cyber RT framework, the node is the most fundamental unit, similar to the role of a handle. When creating a specific functional object (writer, reader, etc.), you need to create it based on an existing node instance.
The node creation interface is as follows:

std::unique_ptr<Node> apollo::cyber::CreateNode(const std::string& node_name, const std::string& name_space = "");
  • Parameters:

    • node_name: name of the node, globally unique identifier
    • name_space: name of the space where the node is located

    name_space is empty by default. It is the name of the space concatenated with node_name. The format is(格式) /namespace/node_name

  • Return value - An exclusive smart pointer to Node

  • Error Conditions - when cyber::Init() has not called, the system is in an uninitialized state, unable to create a node, return nullptr

3.1.2 Create a writer

The writer is the basic facility used in Cyber RT to send messages. Every writer corresponds to a channel with a specific data type.
The writer is created by the CreateWriter interface in the node class. The interfaces are listed as below:

template <typename MessageT>
   auto CreateWriter(const std::string& channel_name)
       -> std::shared_ptr<Writer<MessageT>>;//指函数返回值
template <typename MessageT>
   auto CreateWriter(const proto::RoleAttributes& role_attr)
       -> std::shared_ptr<Writer<MessageT>>;
  • Parameters:
    • channel_name: the name of the channel to write to
    • MessageT: The type of message to be written out
  • Return value - Shared pointer to the Writer object
3.1.3 Create a reader

The reader is the basic facility used in cyber to receive messages. Reader has to be bound to a callback function when it is created. When a new message arrives in the channel, the callback will be called. (LIKE ROS.)
The reader is created by the CreateReader interface of the node class. The interfaces are listed as below:

template <typename MessageT>
auto CreateReader(const std::string& channel_name, const std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<MessageT>&)>& reader_func)
    -> std::shared_ptr<Reader<MessageT>>;

template <typename MessageT>
auto CreateReader(const ReaderConfig& config,
                  const CallbackFunc<MessageT>& reader_func = nullptr)
    -> std::shared_ptr<cyber::Reader<MessageT>>;

template <typename MessageT>
auto CreateReader(const proto::RoleAttributes& role_attr,
                  const CallbackFunc<MessageT>& reader_func = nullptr)
-> std::shared_ptr<cyber::Reader<MessageT>>;
  • Parameters:
    • MessageT: The type of message to read
    • channel_name: the name of the channel to receive from
    • reader_func: callback function to process the messages
  • Return value - Shared pointer to the Reader object

3.2 Code Example

3.2.1 Talker (cyber/examples/talker.cc)
#include "cyber/cyber.h"
#include "cyber/proto/chatter.pb.h"
#include "cyber/time/rate.h"
#include "cyber/time/time.h"
using apollo::cyber::Rate;
using apollo::cyber::Time;
using apollo::cyber::proto::Chatter;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // init cyber framework
  // create talker node
  std::shared_ptr<apollo::cyber::Node> talker_node(
  // create talker
  auto talker = talker_node->CreateWriter<Chatter>("channel/chatter");
  Rate rate(1.0);
  while (apollo::cyber::OK()) {
    static uint64_t seq = 0;
    auto msg = std::make_shared<apollo::cyber::proto::Chatter>();
    msg->set_content("Hello, apollo!");
    AINFO << "talker sent a message!";
  return 0;
3.2.2 Listener (cyber/examples/listener.cc)
#include "cyber/cyber.h"
#include "cyber/proto/chatter.pb.h"
void MessageCallback(
    const std::shared_ptr<apollo::cyber::proto::Chatter>& msg) {
  AINFO << "Received message seq-> " << msg->seq();
  AINFO << "msgcontent->" << msg->content();
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // init cyber framework
  // create listener node
  auto listener_node = apollo::cyber::CreateNode("listener");
  // create listener
  auto listener =
          "channel/chatter", MessageCallback);
  return 0;
3.2.3 Bazel BUILD file(cyber/samples/BUILD)
    name = "talker",
    srcs = [ "talker.cc", ],
    deps = [

    name = "listener",
    srcs = [ "listener.cc", ],
    deps = [
3.2.4 Build and Run
  • Build: bazel build cyber/examples/…
  • Run talker/listener in different terminals:
    • ./bazel-bin/cyber/examples/talker
    • ./bazel-bin/cyber/examples/listener
  • Examine t.he results: you should see message printing out on listener.

3.3 Service Creation and Use

3.3.1 Introduction

In an autonomous driving system, there are many scenarios that require more from module communication than just sending or receiving messages. Service is another way of communication between nodes. Unlike channel, service implements two-way communication, e.g. a node obtains a response by sending a request. This section introduces the service module in Cyber RT API with examples.

3.3.2 Demo - Example

Problem: create a client-server model that pass Driver.proto back and forth.
When a request is sent in by the client, the server parses/processes the request and returns the response.
The implementation of the demo mainly includes the following steps.

Define request and response messages

All messages in cyber are in the protobuf format. 所有的cyber中的数据均以protobuf的形式存在
Any protobuf message with serialize/deserialize interfaces can be used as the service request and response message. Driver in examples.proto is used as service request and response in this example:

// filename: examples.proto
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.cyber.examples.proto;
message Driver {
    optional string content = 1;
    optional uint64 msg_id = 2;
    optional uint64 timestamp = 3;
Create a service and a client
// filename: cyber/examples/service.cc
#include "cyber/cyber.h"
#include "cyber/examples/proto/examples.pb.h"

using apollo::cyber::examples::proto::Driver;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  • 1
  • 14
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  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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