
#ifndef __CCGEMETRY_H__

#define __CCGEMETRY_H__   //Geometry 几何学

#include "platform/CCPlatformMacros.h"

#include "CCObject.h"

#include <math.h>


// for CCPoint assignement(分配 ,任务) operator and copy constructor

class CC_DLL CCSize;

class CC_DLL CCPoint



    float x;

    float y;



    CCPoint(float x, float y);

    CCPoint(const CCPoint& other);

    CCPoint(const CCSize& size);

    CCPoint& operator= (const CCPoint& other);

    CCPoint& operator= (const CCSize& size);

    CCPoint operator+(const CCPoint& right) const;

    CCPoint operator-(const CCPoint& right) const;

    CCPoint operator-() const;

    CCPoint operator*(float a) const;

    CCPoint operator/(float a) const;

    void setPoint(float x, float y);

    bool equals(const CCPoint& target) const;


    /** @returns if points have fuzzy equality which means equal with some degree of variance. */

    bool fuzzyEquals(const CCPoint& target, float variance) const;

    /** Calculates distance between point an origin*/  长度

    inline float getLength() const {    

        return sqrtf(x*x + y*y);


    /** Calculates thesquare(平方) length of a CCPoint (not calling sqrt() )  */长度平方(sqrt虽然得到长度 但耗 不必要情况使用距离平方

    inline float getLengthSq() const {

        return dot(*this); //x*x + y*y;



    /** Calculates dot product of two points.


    inline float dot(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return x*other.x + y*other.y;



    /** Calculates the square distance between two points (not calling sqrt() )    */两点距离平方

    inline float getDistanceSq(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return (*this - other).getLengthSq();


    /** Calculates the distance between two points */  两点距离

    inline float getDistance(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return (*this - other).getLength();


    /** @returns the angle in radians(弧度) between this vector and the x axis(轴)*/ 得到向量与x轴夹角弧度值

    inline float getAngle() const {

        return atan2f(y, x);


    /** @returns the angle in radians between two vector directions*/  得到两个向量夹角弧度值

    float getAngle(const CCPoint& other) const;

    /** Calculates dot product(产品 乘积) of two points. */   得到两个向量点乘结果

    inline float dot(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return x*other.x + y*other.y;


    /** Calculates cross product of two points.*/    得到两个向量叉乘结果 

    inline float cross(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return x*other.y - y*other.x;


    /** Calculates perpendicular(垂直) of v, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise(逆时针方向) -- cross(v, perp(v)) >= 0*/计算垂线

    inline CCPoint getPerp() const {

        return CCPoint(-y, x);


    /** Calculates perpendicular of v, rotated 90 degrees clockwise -- cross(v, rperp(v)) <= 0*/ 计算垂线

    inline CCPoint getRPerp() const {

        return CCPoint(y, -x);


    /** Calculates the projection(投影) of this over other.*/  得到this在另一个向量上的投影向量

    inline CCPoint project(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return other * (dot(other)/;


    /** Complex(复杂的) multiplication([数] 乘法;增加) of two points ("rotates" two points).

     @return CCPoint vector with an angle of this.getAngle() + other.getAngle(),

     and a length of this.getLength() * other.getLength().*/

    inline CCPoint rotate(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return CCPoint(x*other.x - y*other.y, x*other.y + y*other.x);


    /** Unrotates two points.

     @return CCPoint vector with an angle of this.getAngle() - other.getAngle(),

     and a length of this.getLength() * other.getLength().


    inline CCPoint unrotate(const CCPoint& other) const {

        return CCPoint(x*other.x + y*other.y, y*other.x - x*other.y);


    /** Returns point multiplied to a length of 1.

     * If the point is 0, it returns (1, 0)


    inline CCPoint normalize() const {      单位化向量

        float length = getLength();

        if(length == 0.) return CCPoint(1.f, 0);

        return *this / getLength();


    /** Linear(直线的) Interpolation(插入 添加) between two points a and b//将两个向量线性结合 alpha为权重值


        alpha == 0 ? a

        alpha == 1 ? b

        otherwise a value between a..b


    inline CCPoint lerp(const CCPoint& other, float alpha) const {

        return *this * (1.f - alpha) + other * alpha;


    /** Rotates a point counter(相反的) clockwise(顺时针方向地) by the angle around a pivot(枢轴)

     @param pivot is the pivot, naturally

     @param angle is the angle of rotation ccw(反时针方向(counterclockwise)) in radians

     @returns the rotated point

     @since v2.1.4


    CCPoint rotateByAngle(const CCPoint& pivot, float angle) const;  得到 以参数a为轴 参数b为旋转角度旋转得到的向量

    static inline CCPoint forAngle(const float a)


   return CCPoint(cosf(a), sinf(a));



class CC_DLL CCSize //两成员 float width;  float height;  只是一个大小概念 无位置



    float width;

    float height;



    CCSize(float width, float height);

    CCSize(const CCSize& other);

    CCSize(const CCPoint& point);

    CCSize& operator= (const CCSize& other);

    CCSize& operator= (const CCPoint& point);

    CCSize operator+(const CCSize& right) const;

    CCSize operator-(const CCSize& right) const;

    CCSize operator*(float a) const;

    CCSize operator/(float a) const;

    void setSize(float width, float height);

    bool equals(const CCSize& target) const;


class CC_DLL CCRect//成员  CCPoint origin; CCSize  size; 前者确定位置 后者确定大小



    CCPoint origin;

    CCSize  size;



    CCRect(float x, float y, float width, float height);

    CCRect(const CCRect& other);

    CCRect& operator= (const CCRect& other);

    void setRect(float x, float y, float width, float height);

    float getMinX() const; /// return the leftmost x-value of current rect

    float getMidX() const; /// return the midpoint x-value of current rect

    float getMaxX() const; /// return the rightmost x-value of current rect

    float getMinY() const; /// return the bottommost y-value of current rect

    float getMidY() const; /// return the midpoint y-value of current rect

    float getMaxY() const; /// return the topmost y-value of current rect

    bool equals(const CCRect& rect) const;   

    bool containsPoint(const CCPoint& point) const; //是否包含一个ccpoint

    bool intersectsRect(const CCRect& rect) const;//是否与另一个rect相交



#defineCCPointMake(x, y) CCPoint((float)(x), (float)(y))

#defineCCSizeMake(width, height) CCSize((float)(width), (float)(height))

#defineCCRectMake(x, y, width, height) CCRect((float)(x), (float)(y), (float)(width), (float)(height))

const CCPointCCPointZero = CCPointMake(0,0);

/* The "zero" size -- equivalent to CCSizeMake(0, 0). */ 

const CCSizeCCSizeZero = CCSizeMake(0,0);

/* The "zero" rectangle -- equivalent to CCRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0). */ 

const CCRect CCRectZero = CCRectMake(0,0,0,0);

// end of data_structure group

/// @}


#endif //





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