
A client asks a global IT company to develop a supply chain monitoring system. A project manager then begins to assist in the creation of the project charter for the project sponsor. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在经验教训知识库中搜索制定项目章程的历史信息 Search the lessons learned repository for historical information on project charter.
  •  B:与关键相关方和发起人一起开会讨论项目假设条件,成功标准和关键输入 Meet with key stakeholders and the sponsor to discuss project assumption success criteria, and critical inputs.
  •  C:识别并定义项目可交付成果最适合的实施方法 Identify and define the most appropriate Implementation approach for the project deliverable.
  •  D:为进行资源分配,与发起人开会以概述出一个含有项目里程碑的详细时间表 Meet with the sponsors to outline a detailed timeline with project milestones for resource.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


A steering committee member submits a new request that appears poorly considered and could negatively impact the project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:评估该请求的影响 Evaluate of the impact of the request
  •  B:记录该请求,并将其提交给变更控制委员会(CCB) Log the request and submits it to the change control board(CCB)
  •  C:要求支持的成员说服该指导委员会成员撤回请求 Ask supportive members to persuade the steering committee member to withdraw the request
  •  D:拒绝该请求,并告知该指导委员会成员拒绝的原因 Reject the request and advise the steering committee member of the reason

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P113,4.6-实施整体变更控制。变更请求已经提交,接下来要对变更请求进行评估。“似乎没有充分考虑”、"可能产生负面影响”并不是评估结果,而是某位项目团队成员的主观认识,所以直接拒绝该变更请求是错误的,排除CD。选项B要根据对变更请求的结果来判断是否提交给CCB进行决策,在选项A之后。

A low probability/high impact technical risk occurs. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:提交变更请求来调整成本和进度基准 Submit a change request to adjust the cost and schedule baselines,
  •  B:进行风险审查,评估其对项目可交付成果的影响 Conduct a risk review to evaluate its impact on project deliverables
  •  C:实施风险登记册中概述的减轻计划 Implement the mitigation plan outlined in the risk register.
  •  D:查询经验教训知识库,了解可能的风险减轻选项 Consult the lessons learned repository for possible risk mitigation options.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P453,11.7-监督风险,风险一旦发生,要首先查看风险登记册,看是否已经识别在册。”低概率/高影响”,已经评估过过,下来实施预设的应急计划对风险进行干预。选项A,这道题目考察的是对风险的管理。选项B,风险审查针对风险管理的有效性。选项D,查询经验教训知识库,是规划风险应对的输入,现在的焦点在于风险已经触发。

A project manager determines that two company trucks assigned to activity will be unavailable for the project on the schedule date.Project manager decides to obtain external quote for hiring one truck on that date in case the company trucks are unavailable.Which risk response strategy is used by the project manager?

  •  A:减轻 Mitigate
  •  B:规避 Avoid
  •  C:转移 Transfer
  •  D:开拓 Exploit

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


A project manager joins a project that has just starteThe sponsor and project team assure the new project manager that the project has an adequate budget and realistic schedule.The project manager is concerned about unplanned events that could threaten the project’s success. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:识别并评估任何项目风险 Identity and evaluate any project risks
  •  B:请求项目发起人为项目规划提供额外资金 Request additional funding from the project sponsor for project planning
  •  C:与职能经理讨论潜在的计划外风险 Discuss the potential of unplanned risks with the functional manager
  •  D:关注按计划执行项目 Focus on executing the project as planned

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P409,11.2-识别风险。“可能威胁”,不确定性,属于风险,所以要对风险进行识别和分析评估。选项B,是否追加投资,需要根据评估的结果。选项C,风险被识别后,讨论其潜在影响,在选项A之后。选项D,忽视不确定性会对项目带来负面影响。

A project team member challenged other members on inaccurate critical acceptance criteria, pointing out that inaccuracies could reduce the quality of critical deliverables. Which document should the project manager document this issue?

  •  A:相关方登记册 Stakeholder register
  •  B:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
  •  C:质量核对单 Quality checklist
  •  D:风险登记册 Risk register

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P417,风险登记册。”在哪份文件记录“,已识别出来的不确定性事件要记入风险登记册。选项A,相关方登记册记录已识别的相关方。选项B,石川图用于分析导致问题发生的原因。选项C,核对单是包括需要考虑的项目、行动或要点的清单。

A Project has been temporarily stopped due to unforeseen community disagreements.Since this was not identified as a risk during the project planning phase.It was not included in the risk register.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:通过会议和头脑风暴向相关方推荐减轻措施 Recommend mitigation options to the stakeholders obtained via meetings and brainstorming
  •  B:重新计划剩余工作,并为未完成的任务和完成日期重新制定进度计划 Replan the remaining work,and reschedule the outstanding tasks and completion date.
  •  C:将该事项升级上报给项目发起人和职能经理 Escalate the matter to the project sponsor and functional manager
  •  D:与相关方开会以审查各种应急方案,建议适当行动方案 Meet with stakeholders to review various contingency options,and then recommend the appropriate actions

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P442,威胁应对策略-上报。”不可预见的”,新风险,“暂时停止”,已经影响到了组织的利益,此时采用上报策略较为合适。将这个风险在项目组合或者项目集的层级上处理。选项AD,如果只是让工期出现延误,采取减轻的应对策略是可以的,但是停止后的恢复时间不确定,所以减轻的效果有限。选项B是接受了风险。

A project has been deviating for several mouths. This status has been emailed to all stakeholders in weekly reports. One key stakeholder just learned of this deviation and is upset that they were only notified via email. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  •  A:确认所有相关方都收到并理解每份状态报告 Verified that all stakeholders received and understood each status report
  •  B:为每一个相关方选择适当的沟通方法 Chosen the appropriate communication method for each stakeholder
  •  C:直接与关键相关方就重要问题或项目偏差进行接洽 Engaged directly with key stakeholders about critical issues or project deviations
  •  D:计划与关键相关方定期举行会议以报告项目状态 Planned periodic meetings with key stake stakeholders to report project status

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P390,监督沟通-沟通管理计划。是关于及时收集、生成和发布信息的现行计划,它确定了沟通过程中的团队成员、相关方和有关工作。推式沟通能保证信息的发送,但是不能确保对信息的接收,沟通方法存在问题。情景强调了先做什么”,所以在制定沟通管理计划的时候要根据每个人对信息的获取要求选择适当的沟通方法,选B。选项A,互动式沟通适用于对沟通效果有要求的场景,但是否要求所有的相关方都受到并确认,这个要因人而异。选项CD,是可能针对暴露出来的问题的解决方案,在题干的情景之后。

During project execution, some tasks arc taking longer than expecte There is some divisiveness among team members, and the sponsor is demanding quick action to resolve the issue. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:制定团队章程 Develop a team charter.
  •  B:与团队一起审查团队章程 Review the team charter with the team
  •  C:与人力资源部门和团队一起开会讨论这个问题 Meet with human resource department and the team to discuss the issue.
  •  D:实施冲突管理过程 Implement the conflict engagement process.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P348,人际关系技能-冲突管理。情景中提到了“存在分歧”,还需要”迅速采取行动“,所以此时可以采用冲突管理中的强迫策略。选项ABC,与”迅速采取行动“的情景冲突。

A milestone payment was stopped by a customer because required acceptance criteria were unmet. What quality management process should the company use to prevent this issue from reoccurring?

  •  A:质量保证(QA) Quality assurance (QA)
  •  B:质量控制(QC) Quality control (QC)
  •  C:质量规划 Quality planning
  •  D:质量反馈 Quality feedback

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P288,8.2-管理质量。在项目管理中,质量保证着眼于项目使用的过程,旨在高效地执行项目过程,包括遵守 和满足标准,向相关方保证最终产品可以满足他们的需求、期望和要求。情景中强调了未能满足验收标准,所以采用质量保证有助于阻止问题的再次发生。选项B,通常用于在提交给客户验收前的内部测试。选项C,质量规划是为在整个项目期间如何管理和核实质量提供指南和方向。

A project manager joins a project that is already in progress.The quality audit report shows that some materials provided by a vendor were approved for payment without documentation of approval by the material inspector.The project manager learns that the inspector verbally communicates approval,then later provides the approval documentation. What plan will help the project manager evaluate whether this approval approach is compliant with the project management plan?

  •  A:需求管理计划 Requirements management
  •  B:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement
  •  C:沟通管理计划 Communications management
  •  D:质量管理计划 Quality management

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


During a new project’s planing phase,the quality assurance manager insists that standard for precision and accuracy be added to the quality management plan, where can the project manager find this infomiation?

  •  A:事业环境因素 Enteiprise environmental factors
  •  B:需求文件 Requirements documentation
  •  C:变更控制过程文档 Change control process documentation
  •  D:组织过程资产 Organizational process assets

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P280,需求文件。需求文件记录项目和产品为满足相关方的期望应达到的要求,它包括(但不限于)针对项目和产品的质量要求。这些需求有助于项目团队规划将如何实施项目质量控制。选项A,事业环境因素起制约作用。选项D,组织过程资产提供借鉴。选项C,还没有提出进行变更,所以排除。

A project manager is leading in a state-of-the art billing system project.The project manager has checked the existing billing system,as well as the lessons learned repository in the company’s project management information system(PMIS).The project manager would like to gather more system requirements.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:参考所有的行业最佳实践 Refer to existing industry best practices.
  •  B:咨询任何有经验的内部或外部团队 Consult any experienced internal or external group.
  •  C:与外部主题专家(SME)一起工作 Work with external subject matter experts(SMEs).
  •  D:与内部业务和技术支持资源一起工作 Work with internal business and technical support resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P142,专家判断。就需求收集和需求分析向具备相关专业知识或接受过相关培训的个人或小组征求意见。选项A,注意情景中的“经验教训知识库”,和选项A存在重叠,另外行业最佳实践提供的是借鉴作用,而系统需求受制于企业的能力。选项CD,包括在了选项B中。

A project is working hard o deliverables to meet the planned schedule.One team member identifies that scope creep is affecting project costs. What should the project management do?

  •  A:执行风险评估和范围变更管理程序 Perform risk assessment and scope change management procedures
  •  B:允许范围蔓延,并与变更控制委员会(CCB)沟通以获得批准 Estimate the impact on the project and communicate the findings to project stakeholders
  •  C:估算对项目的影响,并将结果传达给项目相关方 Estimate the impact on the project and communicate the findings to project stakeholders
  •  D:调查为什么会发生范围蔓延,并立即启动变更管理程序 Investigate why scope creep occurred and immediately initiate change management

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:答案:D 解析:PMDOK(6)P170,变更请求。分析项目绩效后,可能会就范围基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组成部分 提出变更请求。变更请求需要经过实施整体变更控制过程的审查和处理。选项A,变更往往产生连锁效果,范围的蔓延也可能影响到进度基准和成本基准,所以只对范围进行变更是片面的。选项B,范围蔓延是范围管理出现缺失,所以允许范围蔓延错误。选项C,评估影响是对的,但是只传递给相关方并不能解决范围蔓延的问题。

A project manager for a successfully completed project needs to collect feedback from a large number of geographically dispersed stakeholders. What communication method should the project manager use to collect this feedback?

  •  A:拉式沟通 Pull communication
  •  B:推式沟通 Push communication
  •  C:有效沟通 Effective communication
  •  D:互动式沟通 Interactive communication

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P374,沟通方法-拉式沟通。适用于大量复杂信息或大量信息受众的情况,例如题干中需要收集大量反馈的场景。选项B,推式沟通能够确保信息发送,但是不能保证信息发送的效果。选项D,互动式沟通适用于信息交互比较频繁的场景,对于“地理位置分散”、“大量相关方”的情况,互动式沟通的效率不如拉式沟通。

A senior executive joins an agile team during production go-live following the go-live,The Executive wants to know what did and did not go well during the sprint。What meeting should the executive have attended?

  •  A:回顾会议 Retrospective
  •  B:每日scrum会议 Daily scrum
  •  C:sprint评审会议 Sprint review
  •  D:sprint计划会议 Sprint planning

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


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