












Some key stakeholders cannot participate in the scheduled project kick-off meeting, and the project leader asks the project manager to continue the meeting because these stakeholders have to attend other meetings. What should the project manager do to make sure the project kick-off meeting is held successfully to start execution of the project?

  •  A:在没有太多项目相关方参与的情况下继续召开会议 Continue holding the meeting without the involvement of too many project stakeholders
  •  B:取消会议,并单独跟进各个相关方 Cancel the meeting and follow up with all stakeholders individually
  •  C:推迟会议,直到所有相关方和项目负责人都可以参加Postpone the meeting until all stakeholders and project leaders are available for it
  •  D:重新安排会议,以便除项目负责人以外的所有相关方都可以参加Reschedule the meeting so that all stakeholders, except for the project leaders, can participate in the meeting

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


After an important meeting, the team receives negative feedback from the customer. The team attributes this issue to the approach used to obtain requirement specifications. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:检查相关方参与计划 Check the stakeholder engagement plan
  •  B:提供经验教训知识库 Provide a lessons learned repository
  •  C:更新范围管理计划 Update the scope management plan
  •  D:与团队一起核实验收标准 Verify the acceptance criteria with the team

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


3. 在一个项目期间识别到的技术问题得到了有效解决,项目经理希望正式采用该解决方案的方法,并在整个组织中利用该方法。项目经理能够如何完成这项工作?
The technical issues identified during a project have been effectively resolved, and the project manager hopes to formally adopt the solution method and use it throughout the organization. How can the project manager accomplish this work?

  •  A:在项目管理计划中存档该决定 Archive the decision in the project management plan
  •  B:将问题日志分发给整个公司 Distribute the issue log throughout the company
  •  C:将该解决方案更新到经验教训登记册中 Update the solution to the Lessons Learned Register
  •  D:要求技术团队记录该解决方案 Request the technical team to document the solution

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


The delivery of equipment required for tasks on the critical path of the project was delayed by two weeks. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:在风险登记册中登记该事件,并立即通知项目发起人 Register the event in the risk register and notify the project sponsor immediately
  •  B:在问题日志中解决该事件,并在下次项目状态会议上讨论 Resolve the event in the issue log and discuss it in the next project status meeting
  •  C:在问题日志中记录该事件,并立即通知相关方 Document the event in the issue log and notify the stakeholder immediately
  •  D:在风险登记册中记录该事件,并在下次项目状态会议上讨论 Document the event in the risk register and discuss it in the next project status meeting

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


The company's marketing team approved a new project charter before assigning the project manager. When the project charter was sent to the project manager for review, the project manager identified several issues, including missing and incorrect assumptions. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将观察结果记录在假设日志,问题日志和风险登记册中 Document the observations in the assumption log, issue log, and risk register
  •  B:将观察结果上报给项目发起人,并请求安排时间审查和修改项目章程 Escalate the observation results to the project sponsor and request time to review and modify the project charter
  •  C:联系客户,并请求时间审查和修改项目章程 Contact the customer and request time to review and modify the project charter
  •  D:参照项目章程中的假设,继续推进规划阶段 Refer to the assumptions in the project charter and continue with the planning phase

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


During the project initiation phase, the project manager finds that recent changes of the enterprise environmental factors have had an impact on the budget, making it impractical for the team to complete the full scope of work. How should the project manager deal with this situation?

  •  A:根据纠正后的预算制定项目管理计划 Develop the project management plan according to the corrected budget
  •  B:联系项目发起人,更正项目章程并寻求其重新予以批准 Contact the project sponsor to correct the project charter and seek re-approval
  •  C:找机会缩小项目范围,使之与获批的预算一致 Look for opportunities to narrow the project scope to align with the approved budget
  •  D:将范围方面的顾虑列为一种风险,并制定应急计划 Identify concerns on project scope as a risk and develop contingency plans

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK P81 项目章程。关键词“启动阶段“,事业环境因素变更影响了工作范围,因为在启动阶段,只有项目章程,含有高层级的需求等信息,章程由发起人负责,因此选B,对项目章程更新并再次获得批准。此阶段不存在项目管理计划、范围,ACD错

After sending out invitations for virtual launch meetings for new projects, several of the company's resources indicated that the proposed meeting schedule conflicted with the schedule. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:修改会议议程,以便这些资源能够参会 Modify the meeting agenda so that these resources can engage
  •  B:将该问题上报给资源经理解决 Escalate the issue to the resource manager for resolution
  •  C:取消会议,重新安排不同的时间 Cancel the meeting and reschedule for a different time
  •  D:如期举行启动会议 The launch meeting was held as scheduled

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。 题干关键词“虚拟启动会议”、“与进度计划冲突”。 只需要重新调整会议时间就能解决题干所述的问题,故选C; 选项A错误,会议议程不等同于会议召开的时间; 选项B错误,项目经理可以解决的问题无需上报; 选项D错误,没有重要资源参与的启动会议就算如期召开也没有意义。

The project manager was managing a project. The vendor was responsible for purchasing an important material required for final assembly, but it was discovered that the delivery track record of this important material was missing, and this material had not yet been shipped during the assembly phase. If this material does not arrive on estimated delivery time, it may cause a delay in the overall schedule. What should the project manager do next to solve this issue?

  •  A:记录该情况的所有详细信息,并更新问题日志 Document all the details of the situation and update the issue log
  •  B:将该情况报告给项目发起人,并查明延长项目时限将会产生什么样的影响 Report the situation to the project sponsor and identify what the impact of a time extension will be
  •  C:转向先前实施的评估过程中发现的次优的合格采购供应商 Move to sub-optimal qualified procurement vendors identified in the previously implemented evaluation process
  •  D:与采购团队一起评估该情况,并探索加快交货的所有可能的解决方案 Work with the procurement team to assess the situation and explore all possible solutions to expedite delivery

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK P96 问题日志。根据题意,材料跟踪记录丢失,已经发生了,属于问题,首先应该记入问题日志,其次分析影响等具体行动。因此选A。

During the first review, the project manager identifies and documents several issues. During the second review, these issues remains. What should the project manager have done during the first review?

  •  A:与团队分享问题日志 Share the issue log with the team
  •  B:根据所记录的问题制定行动计划 Develop an action plan based on the issues documented
  •  C:请求团队跟进所有问题 Request the team to follow up with all the issues
  •  D:用行动项目清晰定义问题日志中的问题 Use action projects to define issues in the issue log clearly

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



During the review of a long-term project, stakeholders disagree with the project manager’s claim that project performance has been improved over time, and they ask for a detailed report. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:完成趋势分析,并报告结果 Complete the trend analysis and escalate the results
  •  B:确定进度绩效指数(SPI),以显示团队的工作效率 Determine the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) to show the team's productivity
  •  C:计算完工尚需估算(ETC),以显示潜在的新完成日期 Calculate the Estimate to Complete (ETC) to show potential new finish dates
  •  D:执行偏差分析,并报告结果 Execute a variance analysis and escalate the results

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


2. 在一个项目中途,一名新项目经理加入团队。在审查项目管理计划后,项目经理意识到项目需求存在差距。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
In the middle of a project, a new project manager joins the team. After reviewing the project management plan, the project manager realized that there was a gap in project requirements. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:要求项目发起人提供所有遗漏的需求 Request the project sponsor to provide any missing requirements
  •  B:与项目团队合作以收集所有遗漏的需求 Work with the project team to gather any missing requirements
  •  C:与关键相关方开会,以识别与遗漏需求相关的风险 Have a meeting with key stakeholders to identify risks associated with missing requirements
  •  D:安排一次与关键相关方的需求澄清会议 Schedule a requirement clarification meeting with key stakeholders

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


After several meetings to identify project activities, the project team still disagreed on many issues. What should the project manager use to reach consensus?

  •  A:名义小组技术 Nominal group technique
  •  B:亲和图 Affinity diagrams
  •  C:大多数原则 The majority principle
  •  D:一致同意原则 The unanimity principle

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


The project manager is well aware of the expectations of the project stakeholders and what should the project manager do next to plan effectively?

  •  A:根据资源可用性评估所需的能力 Assess the required capabilities based on resource availability
  •  B:与团队一起举行开工会议 Hold a kick-off meeting with the team
  •  C:发现需要并将其分解为需求 Discover the need and break it down into requirements
  •  D:确定项目预算和资金来源 Determine the project budget and source of funding

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



A project implementation team needs to meet a very strict schedule. Compared with the completed items, this will cause the ongoing work to overload. In order to solve this issue, the project manager needs to obtain additional resources. What reasons should the project manager provide to the sponsor to support the request for additional resources?

  •  A:防止整个项目延迟交付 Prevent delays in project delivery
  •  B:提高团队生产力 Improve the team's productivity
  •  C:在实施过程中推动资源平衡优化 Promote Resource leveling optimization during implementation
  •  D:帮助提高团队士气 Help improve team morale

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


The project team is implementing a two-phase project. It is currently in the first phase, which involves no costs, as the costs are included in the next phase. A team member cannot easily report the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) at this phase. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:审查项目管理计划,以便将成本分配到两个阶段,并计算挣值 (EV) Review the project management plan to allocate costs to two phases and calculate earned value (EV)
  •  B:使用挣值和计划值(PV)指标监控进度计划 Monitor the schedule using earned and planned value (PV) metrics
  •  C:将该阶段无法报告进度绩效指数这一情况报告给项目管理办公室(PMO) Report management indices that are not possible to report schedule performance index at this phase to the Project Management Office (PMO)
  •  D:将项目分成多个部分并选择替代指标 Divide the project into multiple sections and select alternative metrics

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


Since the stakeholders consider the estimated cost of the project to be very low compared to similar previous projects, they ask the project manager to re-estimate the cost. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新净值(EV)评估以确定遗漏的成本 Update the Net Value (EV) assessment to determine the cost of missing
  •  B:制定新的方法来计算成本。并制作新的成本估算 Develop new ways to calculate costs and produce new cost estimates
  •  C:审查工作分解结构(WBS),并重新制作成本估算 Review the work breakdown structure (WBS) and re-create cost estimates
  •  D:确定管理和应急储备,并更新成本 Identify management and contingency reserves and update costs

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


The project manager must determine the project finish date. Although most activities are known, some work packages cannot be scheduled because the product delivery date is unknown. What should the project manager use to provide the stakeholder with an estimate of the finish date?

  •  A:滚动式规划 Rolling wave planning
  •  B:蒙特卡洛模拟 Monte Carlo simulation
  •  C:分解 Decomposition
  •  D:计划评审技术(PERT) Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


蒙特卡洛模拟:一种计算机模型分析技术,基于概率分布和概率分支进行许多 次迭代,每次迭代都随机抽取输入数据。最终输出的是可能的项目结果的概率分布区间。

5.一个项目的工作说明书(SOW)要求在六个月内交付项目。项目经理担心时间表不合理。 为解决这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project's Statement of work (SOW) required delivery within six months. The project manager is concerned that the schedule is not reasonable. What should the project manager do to resolve this situation?

  •  A:按照 SOW 制定项目管理计划 Develop the project management plan according to SOW
  •  B:请求额外的资源 Request additional resources
  •  C:与主题专家(SMEs)和发起人会面,以设定可实现的期望 Have a meeting with subject matter experts (SMEs) and sponsors to set achievable expectations
  •  D:通知项目发起人不能满足时间表 Notify the project sponsor that the schedule cannot be met

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P200-专家判断。 题干关键词“时间表不合理”。 题干所述的问题,定位在制定进度计划之前的估算活动时间过程,现在这个时间不合理,在缺乏其他信息支撑的情况下,最佳方案是寻求专家的帮助,故选C; 选项A错误,忽略了SOW的限制条件; 选项B错误,不能脱离进度计划单单请求增加资源; 选项D错误,行动消极。

A vendor is delivering an improvement on a complex product. An important function is not properly defined in the Requirements Documentation. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:所需功能一经确定,即提交变更请求 Submit a change request once the required functionality has been identified
  •  B:熟悉采购和缔约过程 Be familiar with the procurement and contracting process
  •  C:在项目的整个实施过程中让用户参与进来,以便定义和详述需求 Involve users throughout the implementation of the project to define and detail requirements
  •  D:进行市场调查,以便备选供应商可以交付所需功能 Execute market research so that alternative vendors can deliver the required functionality

正确答案:C 你的答案:A



During the execution of the project, it was noted that actual expenditures were too high compared to baseline cost estimates. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:重新审视项目范围并缩减高成本事项 Re-examine the project scope and reduce high-cost matters
  •  B:查看假设日志以了解哪些成本假设是错误的 Review the assumption log to see which cost assumptions are wrong
  •  C:查看历史数据以获得新的成本估算 View historical data for new cost estimates
  •  D:更新成本预测并与项目发起人讨论选项 Update the cost forecast and discuss options with the project sponsor

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P257-7.4控制成本。 题干关键词“实际支出超出成本基准”。 发生了问题,首先要分析问题,然后才是解决问题,优选B。 选项ACD都是在B之后可能采取的行动之一。

An experienced project manager was recently assigned to manage a number of projects in a city recovering from bankruptcy. The city is on a tight budget. Which cost factor should the project manager take into account when planning the budget when calculating the unexpected budget to make adjustments for the project's cash flow contingencies?

  •  A:实际成本(AC) Actual cost (AC)
  •  B:挣值(EV) Earned value (EV)
  •  C:计划价值(PV) Planned value (PV)
  •  D:成本偏差 (CV) Cost variance (CV)

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


A project team has completed the deliverables of Project A and needs to start the new project, Project B, immediately in order to deliver the project on time. The project manager wishes to hold an external meeting with the team to capture the lessons learned on Project A, but he forgets to budget for the activity. How can the project manager hold the meeting?

  •  A:动用项目 A 的应急储备来举行该会议 Hold the meeting from the contingency reserve under Project A
  •  B:在项目 B 的项目启动阶段增加一项任务 Add a task during the project initiation phase of Project B
  •  C:举行内部会议以获得经验教训 Hold internal meetings to get lessons learned
  •  D:提出针对额外资金的变更请求,以便举行该会议 Make a change request for additional funds in order to hold the meeting

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P269-变更请求。 题干关键词“忘记为该活动安排预算”。 问题的原因已经清楚了,那就着手解决问题,通过整理变更控制流程来完成,故选D。 选项A错误,项目A已经结束,不应动用A的应急储备来处理额外的超支; 选项B错误,语焉不详,未说明增加一个什么任务; 选项C错误,内部会议未必能取得外部会议同样的效果,排除。

4.一个项目预算为6000万美元,预计需要24个月才能完成。12个月后,该项目完成了 60%,并使用了 3500万美元。那么预算和进度的状态如何?
A project with a budget of $60 million is expected to take 24 months to complete. Twelve months later, the project was 60% complete and used $35 million. What is the status of budget and progress?

  •  A:符合预算,并超前于进度 On budget and ahead of schedule
  •  B:超出预算,但超前于进度 Over the budget and ahead of schedule
  •  C:符合预算和进度 On budget and on schedule
  •  D:落后于进度,并超出预算 Behind schedule and over the budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-表7-1挣值计算汇总表。 由题干已知,BAC=6000万,24个月完工。 12个月后,EV=60%*6000万=3600万,PV=50%*6000=3000万,AC=3500万, 则SPI=EV/PV=3600/3000>1,代表进度超前; CPI=EV/AC=3600/3500>1,代表成本有结余; 综上,选A。

5.完成进度计划中考虑的所有活动的估算成本为14,500美元。该项目的发起人需要至少90%的成本基准确定性水平,按照蒙特卡洛模拟的结果,计算的预计成本为:概率 估算成本 40% 10,000 美元 50% 12,000 美元 60% 13,000 美元 70% 15,000 美元 80% 18,000 美元 90% 20,000 美元 100% 21,000美元 若要满足发起人的要求,应急储备应该是多少?
The estimated cost of completing all activities considered in the schedule is $14,500. The sponsor of the project needs at least 90% of the cost baseline determination level and, based on the results of the Monte Carlo simulation, the estimated cost calculated is: probability estimated cost 40%; $10,000 50%; $12,000 60%; $13,000 70%; $15,000 80%; $18,000 90%; $20,000 100%; $21,000. What should be the contingency reserve to meet the sponsor's requirements?

  •  A:5,500美元
  •  B:6,500美元
  •  C:7,000美元
  •  D:8,200美元

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


A project has spent $3.5 million, and work worth $4 million has now been completed. The planned value (PV) of the project is $8 million. The subject matter expert (SME) estimates that another $6 million will be needed to complete the project. The technical method to complete the project is no longer valid. What is the current estimate at completion (EAC)?

  •  A:800万美元
    $8 million
  •  B:950万美元
    $9.5 million
  •  C:1000万美元
    $10 million
  •  D:1150万美元
    $11.5 million

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-表7-1挣值计算汇总表。 题干关键词“技术方法不再有效”。 由关键词可知,最初的计划不再有效,意味着CPI和SPI都不能对后续的工作产生影响,那么要应用EAC=AC+ETC, 本题中,AC=350万,ETC=600万,所以EAC=950万,选B。

The cost performance index (CPI) of an ongoing project is 1.25, the schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.8, the planned value (PV) is $10,000, and the budget at completion (BAC) is $100,000. What is the efficiency that must be maintained in order for the project to be completed as planned?

  •  A:0.728
  •  B:0.983
  •  C:1.017
  •  D:1.563

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-表7-1挣值计算汇总表。 题干关键词“按计划完成”。 本题已知CPI=1.25,SPI=0.8,PV=10000,BAC=100000,问的是TCPI是多少? 需要先求得EV和AC: EV=SPI*PV=0.8*10000=8000, AC=EV/CPI=8000/1.25=6400. 由于要求按计划完成,所以TCPI=(BAC-EV)/(BAC-AC)=(100000-8000)/(100000-6400)=0.983,故选B。


A newly hired project manager took over an ongoing project. When reviewing the project management plan, the project manager realized that the quality management plan deviated from known quality requirements. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:与项目相关方一起审查质量管理计划 Review the quality management plan together with project stakeholders
  •  B:准备并提交更新质量管理计划的变更请求 Prepare and submit a change request to update the quality management plan
  •  C:确保项目遵循当前的质量管理计划 Ensure that the project follows the current quality management plan
  •  D:将该项目制定为质量标准可发生变化的敏捷项目 Develop projects as agile projects with good quality criteria

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


A university has a project to implement a new online application system for new students, and pilot solutions show that large numbers of applications capture incomplete and inaccurate data. The project team, subject matter experts (SME), and key stakeholders held a workshop to investigate the causes of these errors. To focus on making changes in the right areas to improve the quality of the data capture process, which of the following techniques should the project manager use with the team?

  •  A:因果图 Cause and effect diagrams
  •  B:亲和图 Affinity diagrams
  •  C:影响图 Influence diagrams
  •  D:鱼骨图 Fishbone diagrams

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


The project manager is drafting a quality management plan for a large project and, based on recent experience with similar projects, the project manager is aware that some subcontractors tend to use inexperienced resources, resulting in insufficient quality deliverables. How should the project manager minimize any quality issues that may arise?

  •  A:对所有里程碑可交付成果强制要求并执行全面检查 Mandate all milestone deliverables and execute a thorough inspection
  •  B:在项目生命周期中增加质量检查的频率 Increase the frequency of quality checks throughout the project life cycle
  •  C:修订分包商合同中有关此情景的处罚条款 Amend the penalties in the subcontractor's contract for this scenario
  •  D:在质量管理计划中包含资源的最低资格要求 Minimum eligibility requirements for including resources in a quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


During the execution of the project, the regulatory compliance team published new quality criteria. What should the project manager consider when updating the quality management plan?

  •  A:经验教训登记册 The Lessons learned register
  •  B:成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis
  •  C:风险登记册 The risk register
  •  D:事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


While project management procedures have been developed for a multi-phase project, the first phase has resulted in poor quality deliverables. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:识别根本原因 Identify the root cause
  •  B:审计质量过程 Audit quality processes
  •  C:更新质量管理过程 Update the quality management process
  •  D:增加完成质量控制的资源 Increase resources to complete quality control

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


6.核对已完成的工程工作进行随机检查时,发现某些组件不符合标准。工程经理向项目经理保证,不符合标准组件的数量很少,不会影响整体项目质量。 项目经理应该做什么?
During random checks of completed engineering work, some components were found to be non-conforming. The project manager assures the project manager that the number of non-conforming components is small and will not affect overall project quality. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:记录工程经理的评论,并继续推进项目以避免延期 Document the comments of the project manager and move the project forward to avoid delays
  •  B:坚持要求团队拆除已完成的工作并替换不符合标准的组件 Insist that the team dismantle the completed work and replace the non-conforming components
  •  C:使用统计抽样来验证组件的质量是否在可接受的水平内 Statistical sampling is used to verify that the quality of the component is within an acceptable level
  •  D:参考既定的质量保证政策和程序,以确定适当的措施 Refer to established quality assurance policies and procedures to determine appropriate actions

正确答案:D 你的答案:C



The project team has successfully delivered the project, and this success is partly attributed to effective team building. Which of the following has the greatest contribution to effective team building?

  •  A:有效的组织过程 A valid group process
  •  B:灵活的变更控制程序 Flexible change control procedures
  •  C:有规律的团队会议 Regular team meetings
  •  D:挑战性的项目目标 Challenging project objectives

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


The project teams are less motivated and less productive, which can put project schedules at risk. What should the project manager do to encourage the team?

  •  A:了解团队成员的个人需要,并通过满足他们的需要鼓励其提高绩效 Understand the individual needs of team members and meet their needs to encourage them to improve their assessment
  •  B:运用服务型领导法并计划团队建设活动,以帮助鼓励团队成员提高绩效 Apply a service-based leadership approach and plan team building activities to help encourage team members to improve the law
  •  C:审查团队章程,并使用与团队成员的个人需要相关的行动更新团队章程 Review the team charter and update the team charter with actions related to the individual needs of the team members
  •  D:请求项目发起人提供可为团队建设活动分配的额外预算 Request the project sponsor to provide additional budget that can be assigned to team building activities

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


The project manager finds that one of the team members communicated with the client about project deliverables and project schedule without notifying the project manager. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与该团队成员沟通资源分解结构(RBS) Communicate the Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) with the team member
  •  B:在下一次计划的进度会议中讨论该情况 Discuss the situation at the next planned schedule meeting
  •  C:与该团队成员沟通执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)图表 Communicate the Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) charts with the team member
  •  D:每天向客户发送包含团队成就更新的电子邮件 Send daily e-mails to customers with updates on team achievements

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


The customers and hardware engineering teams disagree on the present value of the control chart used to measure quality. The project manager meets with two stakeholders and listens to their opinions. In order to continue the project, the project manager believes that the average of b the present values provided by both stakeholders should be used. Which of the following examples does this belong to?

  •  A:缓解 Ease
  •  B:妥协 Compromise
  •  C:解决问题 Problem solving
  •  D:协作 Collaboration

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


How does the project manager ensure that the project and all tasks are on track when a project team member decides to prioritize functional work rather than tasks assigned in the project?

  •  A:与该团队成员讨论动机,以更好地了解其工作量 Discuss motivations with the team member to better understand their workload
  •  B:与该团队成员的职能经理会面,建议将项目任务纳入绩效考核 Have a meeting with the team member's functional manager and recommend that project tasks be included in the performance review
  •  C:为该团队成员提供薪酬激励,以完成所分配的项目工作 Provide compensation incentives to the team member to complete the assigned project work
  •  D:将该团队成员的不合格情况升级上报给其职能经理并请求其他资源 Escalate the team member's nonconformity to their functional manager and request additional resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P350-影响力。 题干关键词“优先处理职能性工作”。 矩阵环境中,团队成员实际由职能经理管理,职能经理具有评估绩效等对员工的企业实际权力。项目经理没有实际管理权力,在题目中当资源在项目和行政工作存在冲突并且优先处理行政工作时,需要与其职能经理(资源相关方)协商来解决该问题。选项B,因在矩阵企业,对资源滞后处理项目工作,应与资源上级即职能经理协商,以促进完成项目工作,选项中“将项目工作纳入绩效考核”是合适的方案。 选项A错误,这不是工作量的问题,而是工作优先级的问题; 选项C错误,认可和奖励应该在团队成员有优良表现时施行; 选项D错误,采取的措施极端且消极。

An influential functional leader removes a key team resource from the project, which will negatively impacts activities on the critical path. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与该职能领导协商,并影响其转变决定 Consult with the functional leadership and influence their transition decisions
  •  B:让发起人与该职能领导讨论这名资源的重要性 Have the sponsor discuss the importance of this resource with the functional leader
  •  C:分析对项目管理计划的影响并提交变更请求 Analyze the impact on the project management plan and submit change requests
  •  D:遵循资源管理计划获取替代资源 Follow the resource management plan to obtain alternative resources

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P357-变更请求。 题干关键词“造成负面影响”、“该怎么做”。 资源的变动对项目进度产生里负面影响,定位在9.6控制资源。这时应该考虑按整体变更控制流程提交变更请求,选C。 选项ABD都是在C之后可能采取的行动之一。

During the supervision phase of a project, the project manager discovered that the project staff was not using lessons learned to update the project documentation. How should the project manager respond to this situation?

  •  A:将经验教训连同简明的行动计划记入问题日志 Document the lessons learned along with a concise action plan in the issue log
  •  B:审查经验教训的记录过程,并将之告知项目团队 Review the documented process of learning and communicate it to the project team
  •  C:举行培训会议,为项目团队成员提供经验教训 Execute training meetings to provide lessons learned to project team members
  •  D:请求项目成员将所有经验教训发给项目经理 Ask project members to send all lessons learned to the project manager

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P342-培训。 题干关键词“未使用经验教训更新项目文档”。 本题用排除法为宜。 选项A错误,问题日志中不会记载经验教训的具体内容; 选项B错误,经验教训的记录过程本身没有问题,简单告知团队不能彻底解决问题; 选项C正确,通过培训提高团队成员的能力; 选项D错误,收集经验教训不是靠项目经理一个人。

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) announced that in order to improve the allocation of resources between projects, next year, the current functional organizational structure will be adjusted to adopt a matrix structure. When the project manager asked the human resource manager about the impact of the decision on the current project, the human resource manager said that the resource allocation of the existing project would not change. Based on this answer, which of the following should still be reviewed by the project manager?

  •  A:风险管理计划 The risk management plan
  •  B:责任分配矩阵(RAM) The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
  •  C:资源分解结构 The resource breakdown structure
  •  D:相关方参与计划 The Stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P317-责任分配矩阵。 题干关键词“组织结构”、“资源分配不会有变”。 组织结构发生变化,项目经理关心的是工作包、活动与团队成员之间的关系是否发生了变化,因此要去审查RAM,选B。 选项AD属于知识领域定位错误; 选项C是按资源类别和类型进行展现的层级列表,不能说明人与工作包之间的关系。

The members of a project team come from multiple functional departments and are born in different times, which leads to their different viewpoints, thoughts and ideas. How should the project manager ensure that the project is effectively executed?

  •  A:帮助营造通力协作的决策环境,以便团队能够集体负责开展工作 Help create a collaborative decision-making environment where the team can work collectively
  •  B:当团队成员之间存在分歧时,采用举手表决这种决策技术 Use a show of hands as the decision-making technique when there is a disagreement among team members
  •  C:根据项目管理计划执行项目,并指派团队成员开展项目进度计划中的任务 Execute the project according to the project management plan and assign team members to carry out the tasks in the project schedule
  •  D:咨询采购专业人士,以识别潜在问题和团队所需知识资本 Consult purchasing professionals to identify potential issues and the knowledge capital required by the team

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P386-人际交往、政治意识。 题干关键词“来自于多个职能部门”、“生于不同的时代”“不同观点、思想、想法”。 本题采用排除法为宜。 选项B错误,题干不涉及决策; 选项C错误,题干与进度计划无关; 选项D错误,题干与采购无关,也不需要做有关知识资本的工作。 综合来看,A是最佳选项。

The project manager is having problems assigning tasks and calling team members, and some team members are doing tasks unrelated to the project. Why do these issues occur?

  •  A:项目经理没有实施职能所需的职权 The project manager does not have the authority necessary to carry out the function
  •  B:团队成员不能胜任项目工作 Team members are not competent for the project
  •  C:相关方未推动项目团队开展工作 The stakeholder did not promote the project team to carry out work
  •  D:项目进展比项目管理计划提前 The project schedule is ahead of the project management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P357-影响力。 关键词“项目经理在分配任务和调用团队成员方面遇到问题” 项目经理在管理团队的能力有缺失,做得不够好。选项A指向项目经理没有行使应有的职权,影响力以及调配项目工作。选A 选项B错误,问题的原因不在于团队成员不能胜任; 选项C错误,相关方的推动与否不是这个问题的原因; 选项D错误,与进度无关;

What should the project manager do if a team member resigns due to conflicting opinions about the direction of the project?

  •  A:说服该资源留下来,因为他们对项目团队的成功非常宝贵 Convince the resource to stay, as they are invaluable to the success of the project team
  •  B:立即通知项目发起人,并招募替代人员,以尽可能减少项目偏移 Notify the project sponsor immediately and recruit replacement personnel to minimize project offshoring
  •  C:修改项目团队分配文件,并更新资源管理计划 Modify project team assignment documents and update resource management plan
  •  D:更新资源管理计划,并修改项目进度计划以反映资源短缺 Update the resource management plan and modify the project schedule to reflect resource shortages

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P358-资源管理计划。 本题用排除法为宜。 选项A错误,项目方向有意见的资源一般很难继续合作; 选项B错误,不是项目经理不能解决的问题,不需要上报发起人; 选项C正确; 选项D错误,题目当中没有提及到资源离职对于项目进度的影响,因此直接就采取修改进度计划的方式不可取.


The project manager for a large project observes that the way the stakeholder communicates would jeopardize the success of the project. What should the project manager do to deal with this situation?

  •  A:将该问题上报给发起人,以确保这种情况不会重复发生 Escalate the issue to the sponsor to ensure that it does not recur
  •  B:参照沟通管理计划,寻求让相关方了解相关情况方面的指导 Refer to the communications management plan and seek guidance for stakeholders to understand the relevant situation
  •  C:审查事业环境因素(EEFs),以建立适当的沟通渠道 Review Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEFs) to establish appropriate communication channels
  •  D:直接与相关方讨论该问题,以纠正沟通问题 Discuss the issue directly with the stakeholder to correct the communication problem

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


Project approvals have been received, and all project stakeholders have been communicated according to the communications management plan. One of whom has been transferred, and newly appointed stakeholders have joined in, make a request that the project scope and budget will be changed. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与项目发起人和相关方开会磋商,以期维持初始需求不变 Meet with the project sponsor and stakeholders to maintain initial requirements
  •  B:与相关方的经理交谈,将变更请求告知他们 Talk to the managers of the stakeholders and inform them of the change request
  •  C:将相关方的新需求告知项目发起人,并准备变更请求 Inform the project sponsor of new requirements from the stakeholders and prepare change requests
  •  D:与相关方开会,分享已获批的项目管理计划 Meet with the stakeholders to share approved project management plans

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


A project manager's team members are located on three continents. The project manager found that some project team members did not receive important information in a timely manner. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:对所有进度计划做出调整,以便每个人都能同时工作。从而实现实时沟通和决策 Make adjustments to all schedules so that everyone can work at the same time. This enables real-time communication and decision-making
  •  B:轮流安排电话会议和视频会议,以便顾及每个人的日程安排,使团队成员能够进行互动 Take turns scheduling conference calls and videocons to take into account each person's schedule and enable team members to interact
  •  C:在分散工作团队之间仅使用电子邮件和书面通信,以便团队成员保留书面记录 Use only e-mail and written communications between decentralized work teams so that team members can keep written records
  •  D:启用各团队内的一个中心人物,限制分散工作团队之间的沟通,从而减少错误传达的发生 Enable a central person within each team to limit communication between decentralized work teams, reducing the occurrence of false communication

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P392-会议。 题干关键词“无法及时收到重要信息”。 本题用排除法为宜。 选项A错误,关键词说明这是一个沟通问题,而不是进度计划出了问题; 选项B正确,交互式的沟通(会议)有利于团队成员交流和分享信息; 选项C错误,推式沟通效果不如交互式沟通; 选项D错误,为了减少错误传达而限制沟通是消极的做法。

A project is behind schedule, the project manager has escalated the issue to the steering committee through the latest status report, and a functional delivery manager claims that they are not yet aware of the schedule delays in the status update report. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:让职能部门经理参阅定期团队状态更新,该问题会在上报前首先予以报告
    Have the functional manager refer to regular team status updates, and the issue will be escalated before escalation
  •  B:更新沟通管理计划,以反映职能部门经理的需求,并发送状态更新的早期草案
    Update the communications management plan to reflect the requirements of the functional manager and send early draft status updates
  •  C:向指导委员会全体成员发送每周进展情况报告,并在开会前收集反馈
    Send weekly progress reports to all members of the Steering Committee and gather feedback before meetings
  •  D:查阅相关方参与计划,并执行相关活动,以确保符合所有相关方的沟通需要
    Review the stakeholder engagement plan and execute related activities to ensure that the communication requirements of all stakeholders are met

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



The project sponsor of a software development project are concerned that overall negative project risks may result in the failure of the project objectives. Which of the following strategies can the project manager adopt to adjust the overall project risk level and optimize the likelihood of achieving project objectives?

  •  A:举行风险评估研讨会,以便最大程度地降低风险影响估算 Execute risk assessment workshops to minimize risk impact estimation
  •  B:将高收益要素增加到项目范围之中 Add high-yield elements to the project scope
  •  C:将风险转移给第三方 Transfer risks to a third party
  •  D:更改项目的范围和界限 Change the project scope and boundary

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


One of the tasks on the critical path is considered high-risk because it is a completely new and innovative task. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:阐明特定需求,以降低不确定性 Clarify specific requirements to reduce uncertainty
  •  B:更新质量管理计划,将更多测试包含进来 Update the quality management plan to include more tests
  •  C:忽视该风险,因为有充足的应急储备 Ignore this risk because there are sufficient contingency reserves
  •  D:更新进度计划,将该任务从关键路径移除 Update the schedule to remove the task from the critical path

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


The project manager is informed of a high-risk matter prior to the start of the project, and the project manager has completed the risk analysis and concludes that the risk was a positive, high-impact, low-probability risk. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:进行成本效益分析 Execute a cost-benefit analysis
  •  B:安排风险头脑风暴会议 Arrange a risk brainstorming session
  •  C:采取行动以捕捉不确定性的正面影响 Take actions to capture the positive impact of uncertainty
  •  D:进行优势、劣势、机会和威胁(SWOT)分析 Execute Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


A basic-salary purchaser submits a resignation notice one month beforehand during the critical phase of the project, which put the project at risk of overspending. Although in a matrix environment, the project manager has influence over the functional manager and can ask for a pay rise for the purchaser. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求职能经理给该采购人员加薪 Request the functional manager to give the purchasing officer a raise
  •  B:咨询职能经理并查看风险管理计划以确定应对措施 Consult the functional manager and review the risk management plan to determine the response
  •  C:与管理团队召开会议,以讨论下一步行动 Have a meeting with the management team to discuss the next steps
  •  D:更新风险登记册并请求提供新的采购人员 Update the risk register and request new procurement staff

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


During the construction of a road infrastructure project, some contingency reserves have been arranged according to the official weather forecast's risk estimates for weather conditions. However, the latest weather forecast predicts worse weather conditions in the coming weeks than the initial forecasts used in the project planning process. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:分析风险相对较小的项目活动剩余未用的应急储备,并在必要时动用它们 Analysis of unused contingency reserves for relatively low-risk project activities and, where necessary, their use
  •  B:由于根据气象预报可能会出现额外风险,向变更控制委员会(CCB)提出动用管理储备的请求 Submit a request to the Change Control Board (CCB) to use the management reserve, as additional risks may arise based on weather forecasts
  •  C:确定剩余的应急储备是都足以应对不确定的气象条件,并在必要时提出变更请求 Determine that the remaining contingency reserves are sufficient to cope with uncertain weather conditions and, if necessary, propose change requests
  •  D:检查剩余的项目预算是否足以涵盖更加恶劣的气象条件可能会造成的额外风险 Check that the remaining project budget is sufficient to cover the additional risks that may result from harsher weather conditions

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


During a project execution phase, the project manager is informed that the requirements for a project may change, which can have a significant impact on the cost and schedule of the project. What should the project manager do in this case?

  •  A:将对该需求的潜在变更增加到项目章程中,然后立即调整项目成本和进度计划文件 Add potential changes to the requirement to the project charter, and then immediately adjust the project cost and schedule documentation
  •  B:对风险登记册不作修改,但就对项目成本和进度计划的影响征得项目发起人批准 There are no changes to the risk register, but the impact on project cost and schedule is approved by the project sponsor
  •  C:分配必要人员应对该潜在变更,尽管该应对措施未在风险应对计划中获批 Assign the necessary personnel to respond to this potential change, although the response was not approved in the risk response plan
  •  D:提出针对潜在变更的变更请求,并征得变更控制委员会(CCB)批准 Make a change request for a potential change and obtain approval from the Change Control Board (CCB)

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK 实施风险应对-输出-项目团队派工单;关键词“执行阶段,PM获悉,可能变更,重大影响”表明这是一个风险,且已被识别,应当规划并实施应对,其中实施应对的一个关键措施就是分配资源以应对风险。项目章程变更意味着项目的重新授权,排除A,从题目中很明显发现了新的风险,需要更新风险登记册,排除B。变更还没有发生就直接申请潜在变更不正确,排除D。

During the project technical team review, a risk previously identified has now been reviewed. Based on this information, what actions should the project manager take?

  •  A:在风险登记册中关闭该风险,但要将相关的应急储备作为未来风险的缓冲 Close risks in the risk register, but use the relevant contingency reserves as a buffer against future risks
  •  B:继续监督该风险,直到项目完成,因为未来还可能会发生该风险 Continue to monitor the risk until the project is completed, as the risk may occur in the future
  •  C:利用相关的风险储备分配额外资源,从而加速项目的推进 Use associated risk reserves to allocate additional resources to accelerate project schedule
  •  D:在风险登记册中将该风险标记为已关闭,并减少相关的应急储备 Mark the risk as closed in the risk register and reduce the relevant contingency reserves

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK P458 监督风险,输出,项目文件更新,风险登记册。关键词“审核期间,识别的风险已通过审核”表明风险应对已实施,可以关闭,并将结果更新到风险登记册上。该题容易误导的选项是B,确实应该继续监督该风险直到项目完成,但不是因为该风险还会发生,而是因为需要监督风险是否发生变化而导致之前实施的应对不再起作用了;由于风险关闭而释放的应急储备应该释放给组织,而不是在项目内继续使用,排除AC,已关闭的风险不用再继续监督。若有新风险或此生风险应该再记录在登记册中。

8.用于构建一个关键项目组件的设备所报的成本超过了预算金额和应急储备,但是,由于 已记录该风险并执行了风险应对措施,因此该组件已成功构建。项目经理应该更新什么?
The reported cost of the equipment used to build a key project component exceeds the budgeted amount and contingency reserve; however, due to the risk has been documented and a risk response implemented, so the component has been built successfully. What should the project manager update?

  •  A:经验教训登记册 The lessons learned register
  •  B:风险登记册 The risk register
  •  C:问题日志 The issue log
  •  D:假设日志 The assumption log

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK P452 实施风险应对,输出,项目文件更新,经验教训登记册。关键词“执行了风险应对措施,已经成功构建”表示风险应对已实施,后续就是总结经验用于后续项目,选A;

What document should the project manager refer to in order to manage the risk of a project requiring new techniques?

  •  A:风险报告 The risk reports
  •  B:风险应对计划 The risk response plan
  •  C:风险登记册 The risk register
  •  D:风险管理计划 The risk management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK P405 风险管理计划定义:描述如何安排与实施风险管理活动。关键词“若要管理这个风险”;风险报告是向相关方提供的风险的情况信息;风险应对计划是用来应对风险降低风险发生概率或危害的;风险登记册是用来跟踪风险的,都不用用来管理风险,排除ABC。


The project team needs to obtain additional data available on the market to clarify the product specifications in the scope. What type of bid document should be used in this case?

  •  A:建议邀请书(RFP) The request for proposal (RFP)
  •  B:报价邀请书(RFQ) The Request for Quotation (RFQ)
  •  C:信息邀请书(RFI) The request for information (RFI)
  •  D:解决方案邀请书(RFS) The request for solution (RFS)

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


A project in the execution phase receives an assembly component that requires more raw materials to produce than is required under a contract with the vendor. The vendor requests payment for the additional materials used. How should the project manager handle this situation?

  •  A:接受该额外成本,向供应商支付该成本 Accept the additional cost and pay the vendor the cost
  •  B:接收这批材料,但将付款延迟至项目结束 Receive the materials, but defer payment until the end of the project
  •  C:就降低该批额外材料的价格展开谈判 Negotiate to reduce the price of the additional material
  •  D:拒绝该额外成本,让供应商承担该成本 Reject the additional cost and let the vendor bear the cost

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK P489 实施采购-输出-协议(合同):道德题目,项目经理应该按照合同做事,超出合同的部分不应该谈判或接受,D选项正确。干扰选项C,在实际情况中更常见,但不适用于PMI考试答题;

An organization that wanted to adopt a new concept for a section of its web portal, the Chief Executive Officer designated a project manager and wanted to pick a vendor immediately. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:了解供应商的期望 Understand vendor expectations
  •  B:为供应商设定资源选择原则 Set resource selection principles for vendors
  •  C:根据组织过程资产创建一份供应商清单 Create a list of vendors based on the organizational process assets
  •  D:为供应商制定行业标杆 Set industry baselines for vendors

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK P478 规划采购管理,输出,供方选择标准。关键词“采用新理念,选定供应商”意味着这种新理念是选择供应商的关键标准,B选项合适;

4.项目团队收到的原材料未能满足产品的质量需求,供应商的合同中没有记录质量规范。 项目经理应该做什么?
The raw materials received by the project team failed to meet the quality requirements of the product, and the vendor's contract did not document the quality specifications. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:接受该材料并创建一份新合同 Accept the material and create a new contract
  •  B:要求供应商替换该材料 Request the vendor to replace the material
  •  C:请求供应商采取纠正措施 Request vendor to take corrective action
  •  D:拒绝该材料并创建一份变更单 Reject the material and create a change sheet

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK P499 控制采购,输出,变更请求。关键词“合同中没有记录”需要更新合同,往往要先在内部进行变更控制,D选项合适。A选项直接创建新合同,不合适。B要求替换没有依据。C采取纠正措施前需要先提出变更;

Due to scope changes during project execution, the project manager identifies that a vendor must make changes to a product module already in use. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:准备一份变更请求,以更新供应商的合同条款 Prepare a change requests to update contract terms with the vendor
  •  B:检查采购管理计划和合同条款 Check the procurement management plan and the contract terms
  •  C:将该信息更新到风险登记册和问题日志 Update the risk register and issue log with this information
  •  D:直接与供应商谈达成协议 Negotiate directly with the vendor to reach an agreement

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK 6th 4.6 实施整体变更控制,题干中帮助判断的关键字:范围变更。确定变更了,就直接准备变更请求就好了。

A project ordered a large number of computer spare parts from a new vendor. How can the project manager ensure product quality while sticking to the project schedule?

  •  A:确保提供商在发货前执行质量检查 Ensure that the provider performs a quality check before shipping
  •  B:咨询主题专家(SME)应采用哪些标准 Request the subject matter expert (SME) what criteria should be used
  •  C:根据故障率进行抽样检查 Carry out sample checks based on the failure rate
  •  D:为客户购买更多备件 Buy more spare parts for the customers

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


During the delivery of services, an outsourcing project reported several human errors, including uncompleted procedures, procedures that were not correctly followed, and general inspections that were not performed. The general manager discovered these issues and requested that the service quality be improved as soon as possible. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将惩罚条款纳入合同,以迫使该外包公司提高服务交付人员的水平 Include penalty clauses in the contract to force the outsourcing company to improve the level of service delivery personnel
  •  B:提交变更请求,将资源的技能质量标准纳入与该外包公司签订的合同 Submit a change request to include the skill quality criteria of the resource in the contract with the outsourcing company
  •  C:要求该外包公司制定相关过程并对服务交付人员进行培训 Request the outsourcing company is d to develop processes and train service delivery personnel
  •  D:如果外包公司未提高服务的交付质量,则与该公司终止合同 Terminate the contract with the company, if the outsourcing company fails to improve the quality of service delivery

正确答案:B 你的答案:A



The project manager is documenting the stakeholder engagement of a project involved with a large number of stakeholders. The project manager is not clear about the relationship between the stakeholders. What should the project manager do to understand these stakeholders more clearly?

  •  A:构建相关方思维导图 Build a Mind-Mapping for the stakeholders
  •  B:审查各相关方过往的项目文件 Review past project documents of all stakeholders
  •  C:审查相关方参与度评估矩阵 Review the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
  •  D:请求与发起人和团队开会讨论相关方事宜 Request a meeting with the sponsor and team to discuss matters concerned with the stakeholders

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


During the deployment of an enterprise resource management system, the Finance Director resigned and was replaced by the new Finance Director. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:发布更新联系人列表和相关方登记册的变更请求,以包含该财务总监 Post a change request to update the contact list and stakeholder register to include the Finance Director
  •  B:将项目文档发送给该财务总监,并请求其进行审查 Send the project document to the Finance Director and request his or her review
  •  C:请新财务总监更新项目成本管理计划 Request the new Finance Director to update the project cost management plan
  •  D:与新的财务总监开会,以介绍项目并了解它们的参与情况 Have a meeting with the new Finance Director to present the projects and understand their engagement

正确答案:A 你的答案:D






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