一、MACS bdgdiff 简介
bdgdiff Differential peak detection based on paired four bedGraph files.
MACS 内置的找差异峰的命令。
usage: macs2 bdgdiff [-h] --t1 T1BDG --t2 T2BDG --c1 C1BDG --c2 C2BDG
[-C CUTOFF] [-l MINLEN] [-g MAXGAP] [--d1 DEPTH1]
[--d2 DEPTH2] [--outdir OUTDIR] (--o-prefix OPREFIX | -o OFILE OFILE OFILE)
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--t1 T1BDG
MACS pileup bedGraph for condition 1. Incompatible with callpeak --SPMR output.
--t2 T2BDG
MACS pileup bedGraph for condition 2. Incompatible with callpeak --SPMR output.
--c1 C1BDG
MACS control lambda bedGraph for condition 1. Incompatible with callpeak --SPMR
output. REQUIRED
--c2 C2BDG
MACS control lambda bedGraph for condition 2. Incompatible with callpeak --</