

Scrum master: promoter of the theory, practices, rules, and values of scrum.

Scrum master:Scrum的理论,实践,规则和价值的发起者。

公司中的Scrum (Scrum in a company)

Companies didn’t want to use scrum, it was never the goal. Companies try to figure out how to build the right thing at the right time for their customers. They are after customer satisfaction but it turned out that predefining the release dates, trying to land on predetermined targets, defining previous big designs upfront,… it used to work, but now, simply it does not work anymore.

公司不想使用Scrum,这从来都不是目标。 公司尝试找出如何在正确的时间为他们的客户构建正确的事物。 他们追求客户满意,但事实证明,预先确定发布日期,尝试着落在预定目标上,预先定义以前的大型设计……曾经可以使用,但现在不再起作用了。

Successful companies are turning into empiricism, observing behaviours and outcomes, inspecting what is going on and making frequent adaptations. Scrum is the only framework out there that lets them do that, that is why they want to use it.

成功的公司正在转变为经验主义,观察行为和结果,检查正在发生的事情并进行频繁的调整。 Scrum是唯一使他们能够做到这一点的框架,这就是为什么他们想要使用它。

In scrum we learn by doing. We do not prepare super defined roadmaps for the next year(s) and force us to stick to them. We use the feedback we got from our last movement and use it to improve and maximize the result of the next one. Is by doing the work that we understand the work we need to do. Throw away the playbooks, do a little bit, gather feedback and figure out if what you are building is right.

在Scrum中,我们边做边学。 我们不会为下一年准备超定义的路线图,而要我们坚持下去。 我们使用从上一个动作中获得的反馈,并使用它来改善和最大化下一个动作的结果。 通过做工作,我们了解我们需要做的工作。 扔掉剧本,多做点事,收集反馈并弄清楚您所构建的内容是否正确。

Implementing scrum is a huge investment, it is very expensive to hire an agile coach, some scrum masters, prepare events, prepare the people,… we spent so much money doing this that it must be a competitive advantage for the organisation, otherwise it is a waste of time and money. Self-organising teams, cross-functional teams, empowered product owners, all these things get us to that competitive advantage, so the investment in the scrum adoption is worth it, only when done right of course…

实施Scrum是一项巨大的投资,聘请一位敏捷教练,一些Scrum主管,准备活动,为人们做准备是非常昂贵的……我们花了很多钱这样做,这对于组织来说必须是一项竞争优势,否则就是浪费时间和金钱。 自组织团队,跨职能团队,授权的产品所有者,所有这些使我们获得竞争优势,因此,只有在正确完成的情况下,对采用Scrum进行投资才是值得的……

掌握Scrum (Mastering scrum)

Being proficient at implementing scrum is no easy task. If we compare it to chess, the rules of chess are quite simple and basic, you can learn them in just one afternoon, but becoming a great master, requires several years and in most cases a lifetime. Similarly, you can read the 17 pages of the scrum guide in one sit, if you have not done it, do it now, I’ll wait.

精通实施Scrum并非易事。 如果将其与国际象棋进行比较,国际象棋的规则非常简单和基本,您可以在一个下午内学习它们,但要成为一名出色的大师,则需要数年,并且在大多数情况下是一生。 同样,您可以一口气阅读Scrum指南的17页,如果您还没有做,请立即阅读,我将等待。

Once you read it, you can start right after, prepare the first events and artifacts for your team, distribute the roles, but the very first moment you start to apply scrum, impediments happen. Friction appears everywhere because the organisation is not used to work in that way, it is something very disruptive. It takes a long time to learn how to leverage agility and empiricism in a way that it is useful for individuals, teams and the company itself.

阅读后,您可以立即开始,为团队准备第一个事件和工件,分配角色,但是在您开始施加混乱的第一刻,就会遇到障碍。 摩擦无处不在,因为组织不习惯这种方式工作,这极具破坏性。 学习如何以对个人,团队和公司本身有用的方式利用敏捷性和经验主义需要很长时间。

You may need a while to unravel organisational dysfunction, it takes a long while to change the mindsets from command and control to servant leadership, basically, it takes years to master how to change the DNA of a company. The challenge is everywhere else but the scrum framework itself.

您可能需要一段时间来解决组织功能障碍,将思维方式从命令和控制方式转变为仆人领导需要花费很长时间,基本上,掌握如何改变公司的基因需要花费数年时间。 除了Scrum框架本身以外,其他任何地方都面临挑战。

Scrum大师角色 (The scrum master role)

The scrum master is the enabler of the team to succeed, remove impediments and serve the team. Any scrum master should look after these three statements:

Scrum Master是团队成功,消除障碍并为团队服务的推动者。 任何Scrum管理员都应注意以下三个语句:

  • Devotion to the team. Deep care of the team, want them to be as successful as possible.

    对团队的热爱 团队的深切关怀,希望他们尽可能成功。

  • Level up people. Help to get promote and elevate each one of them, even in their careers.

    提升人们水平 帮助提升和提升他们每个人,甚至在他们的职业生涯中。

  • Remove organizational impediments. Zero tolerance for anything that is holding the team back.

    消除组织障碍。 对阻碍团队发展的一切零容忍。

The person that holds the role of scrum master should impact the scrum team, help the team to deliver, empower each one of the team members and remove any organizational issues. This person should never fulfill the PO’s role nor tell the developers what to do. Also do not neglect the organisation problems avoiding difficult conversations with leadership or HR. With the COVID-19 situation and all the remote working, these organizational problems only get amplified, but now the impact is 10x.

担任Scrum主管的人员应影响Scrum团队,帮助团队交付,赋予团队中的每个成员权力并消除任何组织问题。 该人员永远不应履行采购订单的职责,也不应告诉开发人员该怎么做。 同样不要忽视组织的问题,避免与领导或人力资源部门进行艰难的对话。 在COVID-19情况和所有远程工作的情况下,这些组织问题只会得到放大,但现在的影响是10倍。

The scrum master is the bridge between the team and everybody else, a bridge that is constantly shrinking until it completely disappears. The duty here is to connect people, not being a proxy, put the stakeholders and the dev team together, not place themselves in the middle.

Scrum Master是团队与其他人之间的桥梁,不断缩小直到完全消失的桥梁。 这里的职责是联系人们,而不是充当代理,将利益相关者和开发团队放在一起,而不是摆在中间。

A scrum master does not keep the backlog up to date, a scrum master does not baby sit the dev team. In scrum, the teams have to keep their progress visible and transparent so we can keep them out of the status meetings with managers, that is the deal.

Scrum主管不会及时更新积压的订单,Scrum主管不会让开发团队参与进来。 在混乱中,团队必须使他们的进度保持可见性和透明性,因此我们可以使他们脱离与经理的状态会议,这就是交易。

Always fulfill the three levels of service: P.O., Dev team and organisation, in a way that empowers others, not commanding and controlling. Do not take the power and influence of the role to command and control other people.

始终以授权他人(而不是指挥和控制)的方式来满足三个级别的服务:PO,开发团队和组织。 不要以角色的力量和影响来指挥和控制他人。

The scrum master only makes sure that the scrum events happen and is only facilitating when needed. They are not the center of attention, it is not about them, it is about everybody else in the meeting. For instance, daily meetings? Totally optional, the scrum master just has to make sure that it takes place and they should only facilitate when the team still does not know how to do it.

Scrum主管仅确保Scrum事件发生并且仅在需要时提供帮助。 他们不是关注的中心,不是与他们有关,而是与会议中的其他所有人有关。 例如,每天开会? Scrum管理员完全是可选的,只需要确保它发生就可以,并且只有在团队仍然不知道如何做到时,他们才应该提供帮助。

让所有人了解Scrum价值观 (Make everybody understand the scrum values)

It is very easy to turn scrum into a process, in order to avoid making people understand that this is a framework, a human practice, and leadership should go first. People will crush any scrum implementation if the values are not followed. We need:

为了避免使人们理解这是一个框架,一种人类实践,应该首先把领导变成一个过程,这很容易。 如果不遵循这些值,人们将粉碎任何Scrum实现。 我们需要:

  • Focus: to tackle fewer things at once, but getting things done.

    重点 :一次处理更少的事情,但是把事情做好。

  • Courage: to speak to the power, to managers and leaders. to say a stakeholder “no” or to a customer “not yet”.

    勇气 :对权力,对经理和领导者说话。 对利益相关者说“不”,对客户说“还没有”。

  • Openness: to new ideas, to be wrong, to diversity, to inclusion,…

    开放性 :对新想法,错误,多样性,包容性……

  • Commitment: to give the 100% of ourselves, but never to a scope, big misunderstanding here.

    承诺 :付出100%的努力,但绝不给自己一个范围,这是一个很大的误解。

  • Respect: all things above must be done in a respectful way, otherwise everything tears apart.

    尊重 :以上所有事情都必须以尊重的方式进行,否则一切都会崩溃。

Teach the culture because this is what is really important.


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准备开发团队 (Prepare the development team)

The dev team is a self-organized and cross functional group of people that is capable of delivering a product. The team can build and ship an increment of the software on their own without depending on any other team to do anything for them. We implement scrum in an organisation to use it as a competitive advantage, part of that competitive advantage is time to market, being able to generate a new idea and place it into the world in hours, if not minutes, is game changing. If we have to wait for decisions, if we have to wait for permissions, wait for all these proxies,… we lose time and money. We are giving up this competitive advantage by organising us in bad ways. When setting a new scrum team, we expect a good return on that investment.

开发人员团队是一个自组织且具有跨职能的人员小组,能够交付产品。 团队可以自行构建和交付增量软件,而无需依赖任何其他团队为他们做任何事情。 我们在组织中实施scrum来将其用作竞争优势,这种竞争优势的一部分是上市时间,能够产生新想法并将其在数小时(甚至不是数分钟)之内放到世界上,就改变了游戏规则。 如果我们必须等待决策,如果我们必须等待许可,请等待所有这些代理,…我们将浪费时间和金钱。 我们通过组织不好的方式来放弃这种竞争优势。 在组建新的Scrum团队时,我们希望该投资能带来良好的回报。

Engineering managers should clear impediments, take care of HR duties, but it is not their task to tell the team how to do their work anymore. In scrum, we empower the dev team to figure out how best to do their work, we trust the team to decide how to do their work, the team is accountable to get the job done, accountable to deliver and they have to decide how to get there passing all the constraints along the way.

工程经理应清除障碍,承担人力资源职责,但是告诉团队如何再做工作不是他们的任务。 在Scrum中,我们授权开发团队确定如何最好地完成工作,我们信任团队决定如何完成工作,团队负责完成工作,负责交付,并且他们必须决定如何到达那里,一路过关斩将。

From a scrum perspective, if you have an engineer manager, people manager, lead architect,… is up to the organisation, but the team is fully empowered in any case to decide how to do their job. If they find obstacles, they can go to their manager to help them or to clear the way, but in any case the manager/lead role is only to help the teams, not command and control them.

从Scrum角度来看,如果您有工程师经理,人事经理,首席架构师,则……取决于组织,但无论如何,团队都有权决定如何做自己的工作。 如果他们发现障碍,他们可以向经理寻求帮助或为他们扫清道路,但无论如何,经理/领导角色只是帮助团队,而不是指挥和控制团队。

Scrum does not recognize titles between dev team members, in a self organized team, a tech lead fades away. There is not one voice louder than another, we want a highly collaborative environment, respect, rely on others and help each other,… A scrum master should detect this and correct it: Go to HR and make them understand that by creating hierarchies inside the teams, they are killing the team self organization, they are causing issues to the team culture. For sure they can compensate these more experienced people in different ways.

Scrum无法识别开发团队成员之间的头衔,在一个自组织的团队中,技术主管逐渐消失。 没有一个声音比另一个声音响亮,我们需要一个高度协作的环境,相互尊重,相互依赖,互相帮助,……Scrum主管应检测到并纠正此问题:转到HR,让他们通过在内部创建层次结构来了解这一点。团队,他们正在杀死团队的自我组织,正在给团队文化造成问题。 可以肯定的是,他们可以以不同的方式补偿这些更有经验的人。

Truly cross functional self organizing teams with strong ownership, always will find ways to sort things out.


教产品负责人 (Teach the product owner)

A scrum master has to make the product owner understand they have to maximize the value of the dev team, that they have to protect the investment made by the organisation and look after the 3 Vs:


  • Vision: The impact of our project in the world with our effort.

    愿景 :我们的努力将我们的项目对世界的影响。

  • Value: Define what value actually means,


  • Validation: Accountable to check if what we deliver reached the value expected.

    验证 :负责检查我们交付的产品是否达到预期值。

Usually product owners are very busy persons, they have to talk to customers, perform a/b tests, perform market research, have constant meetings with leadership and managers,… They are here to make sure that what we are building is actually what people need and want. They have to define how winning looks like.

通常,产品负责人非常忙碌,他们必须与客户交谈,进行A / B测试,进行市场研究,与领导和经理进行不间断的会面,等等。他们在这里是为了确保我们所建立的正是人们所需要的和想要。 他们必须定义获胜的样子。

In the scrum guide it says: “The Product Owner is one person, not a committee”. We want just one voice for one product, a person that is able to make decisions tactically, strategically and even financially without waiting for permission. When we have a proxy product owner, it only leads to waste of time, waste of work, and if the needs are not communicated properly to the head product owner, this person is not going to make the appropriate decision. Many problems will come up. This doesn’t mean that the P.O. cannot get any help, a person inside the dev team could be accountable for the value of a piece of product in front of the rest of the team.

在Scrum指南中说:“产品负责人是一个人,而不是委员会”。 我们只需要一种声音就可以代表一种产品,这种人能够在不等待许可的情况下从战术,战略甚至财务上做出决策。 当我们有代理产品负责人时,这只会导致时间的浪费,工作的浪费,并且如果没有将适当的信息传达给主要产品负责人,那么该人员将不会做出适当的决定。 将会出现许多问题。 这并不意味着PO无法获得任何帮助,开发团队中的某个人可能要为团队其他成员面前的某件产品的价值负责。

The cohesion is going well in the team when a PO can defer a question from a stakeholder to anybody else in the dev team. It is a really good sign that the relationship is working. The PO trusts the dev team, and the dev team show that they truly understand what they are doing. Just a little thing, but very significative.

当PO可以将问题从利益相关者推迟到开发团队中的其他任何人时,团队中的凝聚力就会很好。 这是一个良好的关系的良好迹象。 PO信任开发团队,并且开发团队表明他们真正了解自己在做什么。 只是一小件事,但非常有意义。

保护积压 (Protect the backlog)

POs express the value and vision in the backlog, holding all the things we could do to match the product vision, sorted by value of what we could do. In english, by definition, priority is singular. Having more than one priority invalidates the first one. In a scrum team we only have one priority and this is the sprint goal. The backlog is not sorted by priority, the backlog is sorted by amount of value, notice the big difference. In the daily we inspect our progress towards the sprint goal, and if necessary we perform some adaptations with the things we learnt along the way. We are in a complex domain, and we are learning about it constantly.

采购订单在待办事​​项列表中表达了价值和愿景,其中包含我们为实现产品愿景而可以做的所有事情,并按我们可以做的价值排序。 用英语定义,优先级是单数。 具有多个优先级会使第一个优先级无效。 在Scrum团队中,我们只有一个优先级,这就是冲刺目标。 待办事项未按优先级排序,待办事项按价值量排序,请注意有很大的不同。 在日常工作中,我们会检查向冲刺目标的进展情况,如有必要,我们会对沿途学习的内容进行一些调整。 我们处于一个复杂的领域,并且我们正在不断学习它。

Prevent backlog from growing too big, set a limit time to live for a story, something like 3, 4 or 6 months, depending on your project, and delete everything that goes beyond that. If a story never got enough value during this time, most probably is never going to come, and if it does, the context would have completely changed, so you’d need to rewrite the whole thing again. Don’t worry about deleting stories, if it was important, it will come back from the feedback of your customers.

防止积压太大,设置故事的生存时间(大约3、4或6个月,具体取决于您的项目),并删除超出此范围的所有内容。 如果故事在这段时间内从未获得足够的价值,那么很可能永远也不会出现,如果确实如此,上下文将会完全改变,因此您需要再次重写整个内容。 不必担心删除故事,如果它很重要,它将从客户的反馈中返回。

当心变化的混乱 (Beware of changing scrum)

Be careful and be sure that you adapt the company to scrum and not scrum to the company. When scrum has to change, it is because some organisational dysfunction, rather than changing scrum, change the way your company works. Leave the framework alone! There is a lot of space to be creative outside the boundaries of scrum, between the events, artifacts and roles, but do not change the framework itself.

请当心,并确保使公司适应混乱,而不是对公司混乱。 当必须更改Scrum时,是因为某些组织功能失调(而不是更改Scrum)会更改公司的工作方式。 不用管框架! 在Scrum边界之外,事件,工件和角色之间有很多创造空间,但不改变框架本身。

衡量Scrum的成功 (Measuring success in scrum)

We know whether we adopted scrum successfully when we can answer affirmatively to the question “Do we deliver high quality products that delight your customers?” That is the only measure that it counts. Do not focus on the figures of the scrum master or the agile coach, if your company cannot ship an increment of the product at the end of the sprint, it is a clear sign of failure.

我们可以肯定地回答“我们提供的优质产品是否能使您的客户满意吗?”这个问题,我们是否成功采用了Scrum? 那是唯一重要的度量。 不要专注于Scrum Master或敏捷教练的数字,如果您的公司在sprint结束时无法交付增量产品,则很明显是失败的迹象。

The scrum master is an advocate of the scrum process, values and principles. Clearing the way far beyond the process: remove organizational obstacles, create a cozy work environment, ensure communication with and within the team, promote collaboration,… a servant-leader to the team, to protect it and to push it forward. A scrum master can only succeed if the whole team succeeds. The name master is not given by chance, we consider this person an expert of scrum, and as an expert, we expect from that person to help and coach any member of the team in need.

Scrum主管是Scrum流程,价值观和原则的倡导者。 扫除过程之外的障碍:消除组织障碍,创造舒适的工作环境,确保与团队内部和团队内部的沟通,促进协作…………团队的仆人-领导者,以保护团队并推动团队前进。 只有整个团队成功,Scrum Master才能成功。 大师这个名字不是偶然的,我们认为这个人是Scrum的专家,作为专家,我们希望这个人能帮助和指导有需要的团队中的任何成员。



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