scrum master_产品所有者和Scrum Master必须成为敌人吗?

scrum master

“You can roll out Scrum with one of your teams,” my manager said. My eyes widened, and I felt happy. After months of persistence and nagging to convince her allowing one of my teams to adopt Scrum, I finally received the go-ahead.

我的经理说:“您可以与您的一个团队一起推出Scrum。” 我睁大了眼睛,我感到高兴。 经过几个月的坚持不懈和na不休地说服她允许我的一个团队采用Scrum,我终于获得了批准。

“But, there is one important condition,” she continued, “You can’t hire a Scrum Master or appoint anyone the role of Scrum Master. We want our developers to code. Being a Scrum Master would be too distracting for them. I don’t believe in Scrum yet. I’m sure as hell not going to allocate any budget to hire a Scrum Master until you prove it works.”

“但是,有一个重要条件,”她继续说,“您不能雇用Scrum Master或任命任何人担任Scrum Master。 我们希望我们的开发人员进行编码。 作为一名Scrum Master,对他们来说太分心了。 我还不相信Scrum 我敢肯定,在您证明它可行之前,不会分配任何预算来雇用Scrum Master。”

My initial happiness was replaced with disappointment. I did my best to not show it. For a split second, I thought about telling my manager that having a Scrum Master was essential for Scrum to work. But I decided it was better to remain silent. Being able to adopt an impaired version of Scrum was already a big win, and I was not willing to risk that.

我最初的幸福被失望所取代。 我竭尽所能不显示它。 有一瞬间,我想到要告诉经理,拥有Scrum Master对于Scrum的工作至关重要。 但是我认为最好保持沉默。 能够采用受损版本的Scrum已经是一个大胜利,我不愿意冒险。

You now know the story how I ended up in the unenvious position of being a Product Owner and Scrum Master at the same time, for the same Scrum Teams.


Was this exactly what I wanted? No. But sometimes you gotta make it work.

这正是我想要的吗? 不。但是有时候您必须使其工作。

同时戴两顶帽子:产品负责人和Scrum Master (Wearing two hats at the same time: Product Owner and Scrum Master)

I have the questionable experience of having performed the dual role of Product Owner and Scrum Master for many years. I want to preface my experience by saying: I don’t recommend anyone to perform these two roles at the same time.

我有多年担任产品负责人和Scrum Master双重角色的经验,这令人质疑。 我想通过说出我的经历:我不建议任何人同时扮演这两个角色。

Especially with multiple teams, it is the definition of insanity. You will never have sufficient time to perform both roles with success and to your own satisfaction.

尤其是对于多个团队,这是精神错乱的定义。 您将永远没有足够的时间来成功地履行自己的职责并满意。

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… or so they say.


Many believe the dual role setup would never be effective. The main reasoning supporting this belief surprised me. It wasn’t a lack of knowledge or lack of time to do both roles. The biggest critics maintained Product Owners and Scrum Masters must be structural, opposing forces for Scrum to be successful

许多人认为双重角色设置永远不会有效。 支持这种信念的主要推理使我感到惊讶。 扮演这两个角色并不缺乏知识或时间。 最大的批评家认为,产品负责人和Scrum Master必须是结构性的,对立的力量,才能使Scrum成功

The belief underpinning these viewpoints is that doing Scrum and delivering value are diametrically opposing goals. The Product Owner monomaniacally focuses on delivering value, and the Scrum Master cares about Scrum and the team.

支持这些观点的信念是,做Scrum和创造价值是截然相反的目标。 产品负责人专心致志于创造价值,而Scrum Master则关心Scrum和团队。

By putting both roles in a single person, you will be missing out on essential and fruitful friction between these roles. The expectation was also that the Development Team would end up being miserable, as there would be no one that can keep the pushy Product Owner in check.

通过将两个角色都放在一个人中,您将错过这些角色之间必不可少且富有成果的摩擦。 人们还期望开发团队最终会痛苦不堪,因为没有人可以控制这个负责任的产品负责人。

This necessary systemic conflict between roles is absolutely untrue. And to me, this indicates a poor understanding of Scrum. But I’m glad I juggled both roles for a while, as I can now share a unique perspective on the amount of conflict between the two roles.

角色之间的这种必要的系统冲突是绝对不正确的。 对我来说,这表明对Scrum的了解不多。 但是我很高兴我同时兼顾了两个角色,因为我现在可以就两个角色之间的冲突量分享独特的见解。

Let’s grab the Scrum Guide to refresh our memories on the Product Owner role, Scrum Master role, and Scrum framework.

让我们抓住《 Scrum指南》,以刷新对产品所有者角色,Scrum主角色和Scrum框架的记忆。

The primary duty of the Product Owner:


“The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product resulting from work of the Development Team.” — Scrum Guide, Nov 2017

“产品负责人负责使开发团队的工作所产生的产品价值最大化。” — Scrum指南,2017年11月

The main responsibility of the Scrum Master:

Scrum Master的主要职责是:

“The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide” — Scrum Guide, Nov 2017

“ Scrum Master负责促进和支持《 Scrum指南》中定义的Scrum” —《 Scrum指南》,2017年11月

Here’s the definition of Scrum:


Scrum (n): A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. — Scrum Guide, Nov 2017

Scrum(n):一个框架,人们可以在其中解决复杂的适应性问题,同时以富有创造力的方式交付最高价值的产品。 — Scrum指南,2017年11月

The Scrum Master promotes and supports Scrum, to deliver on the promise of delivering products of the highest possible value. The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product.

Scrum Master促进并支持Scrum,以兑现交付最高价值产品的承诺。 产品负责人负责使产品价值最大化。

When reading these sentences, does it seem like the Scrum Master and Product Owner should be, by definition, at odds with each other?

在阅读这些句子时,Scrum Master和Product Owner看起来是否应该彼此矛盾?

The Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team all share the same goal of delivering products of the highest possible value. Even though they play different roles, the ultimate goal is the same.

产品负责人,Scrum主管和开发团队的共同目标是交付最高价值的产品。 即使他们扮演不同的角色,但最终目标是相同的。

Delivering products of the highest possible value is the purpose of Scrum. If there ever is a conflict between following Scrum by the book or delivering value, then delivering value should win.

提供最高价值的产品是Scrum的宗旨。 如果遵循本书的Scrum或交付价值之间存在冲突,那么交付价值应该是成功的。

I agree with the sentiment that constructive friction is necessary to deliver the best results. But this creative tension applies for each member of the Scrum Team, regardless of the role. This does not translate to a compulsory unavoidable conflict between the Product Owner and Scrum Master.

我同意这样的观点,即建设性的摩擦是取得最佳结果所必需的。 但是这种创造性的张力适用于Scrum团队的每个成员,无论其角色是什么。 这并不意味着产品负责人和Scrum Master之间存在不可避免的强制性冲突。

产品负责人和Scrum Master是否有利益冲突? (Do Product Owners and Scrum Masters have a conflict of interest?)

No, the roles don’t have a conflict of interest. But when you wear two hats you can’t always act the right way to do justice to both roles. These are moments when normally there would be some friction between the Product Owner and Scrum Master. Friction is something else than having structural conflict by design.

不,角色没有利益冲突。 但是,当您戴上两顶帽子时,就无法始终以正确的方式对这两个角色进行公正对待。 在这些时刻,产品负责人和Scrum Master之间通常会有一些摩擦。 摩擦与设计上的结构冲突不同。

Scrum exists to serve the delivery of value. Both Product Owners and Scrum Masters have this same interest in mind. The roles have quite a significant overlap in skills and capabilities, but there are also significant differences.

存在Scrum以服务于价值传递。 产品负责人和Scrum Master都怀有同样的兴趣。 角色在技能和能力上有很大的重叠,但是也存在很大的差异。

Similarities between Product Owners and Scrum Masters


Product Owners and Scrum Masters are both servant leaders who need to influence without authority to nudge the team in the right direction. Usually, nobody in the Scrum Team reports to either the Product Owner or Scrum Master. The Scrum Master is an expert in Scrum and teaching others about Scrum. The Product Owner is a Product Management specialist with a deep understanding of the business.

产品负责人和Scrum Master都是仆人领导者,他们需要未经授权就施加影响,以正确的方向推动团队。 通常,Scrum团队中没有人向产品负责人或Scrum负责人报告。 Scrum Master是Scrum的专家,并向其他人讲授Scrum。 产品负责人是一位对业务有深入了解的产品管理专家。

Both the Scrum Master and Product Owner role require strong soft skills: persuasion, situational leadership, ability to listen, and communicating at all levels in the organization. If someone is interested in switching between roles, from a soft skills perspective the two roles don’t have significant differences.

Scrum主管和产品负责人都需要强大的软技能:说服力,情景领导力,倾听能力以及组织中各个级别的沟通能力。 如果有人对角色切换感兴趣,那么从软技能的角度来看,这两个角色没有明显的区别。

Both the Product Owner and the Scrum Master should always care about the team. An unhappy team will never give their best performance, which will have a negative impact on value. There is zero incentive for me to push a team over the edge in either role. I adopt the servant leader stance in both roles, asking for their opinion, and trying to involve them as much as possible in decision-making.

产品负责人和Scrum主管都应始终关心团队。 一个不满意的团队永远不会表现出最好的表现,这会对价值产生负面影响。 在任何一个角色中,我都会以零激励将团队推向边缘。 我在这两个角色中都采用仆人式的领导立场,征求他们的意见,并尝试使他们尽可能多地参与决策。

Differences between Product Owners and Scrum Masters

产品负责人和Scrum Master之间的差异

Stakeholder management is a particular type of influencing that Scrum Masters usually don’t have a lot of experience with. Influencing stakeholders is not something that comes naturally to most people. Mastering the art of saying “No” while everybody remains happy is not an easy feat. Only through years of practice can you perfect the dark art pleasing people while not doing what they want.

利益相关者管理是Scrum Master通常没有很多经验的一种特殊影响类型。 影响利益相关者并不是大多数人自然而然的事情。 在每个人都保持快乐的同时掌握说“不”的技巧并非易事。 只有通过多年的实践,您才能完善令人愉悦的黑暗艺术,而不去做他们想要的事情。

The Scrum Master role requires way more patience than the Product Owner role. A Product Owner wants to move quickly and deliver results. As a Scrum Master, if you want to transform an organization or a team, forget about moving fast.

Scrum Master角色比Product Owner角色需要更多的耐心。 产品负责人希望Swift采取行动并交付成果。 作为Scrum Master,如果您想改变组织或团队,请别忘了快速行动。

Scrum Masters need to take it one step at a time, meet the team where they are, and help them take the next best possible step. Likely they’ll fail, and you’ll need to pick them up so they can try again.

Scrum Master需要一次迈出一步,与他们所在的团队见面,并帮助他们迈出下一步 。 它们可能会失败,并且您需要将它们捡起,以便它们可以重试。

Making progress with your team as a Scrum Master resembles emptying a bottle a of ketchup: at times a lot comes out, and sometimes little to nothing. Not everyone has enough patience to deal with this.

与Scrum Master一起在团队中取得进步就像倒空一瓶番茄酱:有时会收获很多,有时几乎没有。 并非每个人都有足够的耐心来应对这一问题。

To me, this is actually the biggest reason it is hard to find a person who is equally adept at being a Product Owner and a Scrum Master. It’s hard to find someone equally comfortable with switching between the patient and results-oriented stances.

对我来说,这实际上是最大的原因,因为很难找到一个同样擅长于产品所有者和Scrum Master的人。 很难找到一个人能在患者和结果导向的立场之间进行转换。

In the role of Product Owner I sometimes have to make a final call the team doesn’t agree with. But then I’ll discuss it together and explain why I’m making the decision. There still might be disagreement, but I will then try to get the team to disagree and commit. In the Scrum Master role, I try to grant them more trust so they can make their own mistakes and lean from them.

在产品负责人的角色中,有时我不得不做出团队不同意的最终决定。 但是,然后我将一起讨论并解释为什么要做出决定。 仍然可能会有分歧,但是我将尝试让团队不同意并作出承诺。 在Scrum Master角色中,我尝试赋予他们更多信任,以便他们可以犯错并从错误中汲取教训。

产品负责人和Scrum Master应该像蝙蝠侠和罗宾一样 (Product Owners and Scrum Masters should be like Batman and Robin)

Mike Cohn wrote a great article where he says Batman would be the perfect Scrum Master. The relationship between Product Owner and Scrum Master should be like Batman and Robin: both working together as a strong team towards the same goals.

迈克·科恩 ( Mike Cohn)写了一篇很棒的文章,他说蝙蝠侠将是完美的Scrum Master。 产品负责人和Scrum Master之间的关系应该像蝙蝠侠和罗宾一样:都是为实现相同目标而组成的强大团队。

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ErikaWittlieb ErikaWittlieb

The Scrum Master role has Scrum in mind, and Scrum focuses on delivering value. The Product Owner and Scrum Master need to have a close relationship together if you want to get the most out of your team. There should be no opposing goals, as Scrum exists to serve the delivery of value. We’re all on the same team, and it doesn’t help if we’re each going in a different direction.

Scrum Master角色考虑了Scrum,Scrum专注于交付价值。 如果您想最大程度地利用团队,产品负责人和Scrum Master必须保持紧密的联系。 不应存在​​相反的目标,因为Scrum存在于服务于价值的传递中。 我们都在同一个团队中,如果我们每个人都朝着不同的方向前进,那无济于事。

As a Product Owner, you should always keep the team in mind. Bullying your team only gets you somewhere in the short-term, and becomes destructive quickly. As a Product Owner, you should help your Scrum Team understand the customers and the business as much as possible. This empowers your team to come up with solutions that are better than what you can devise on your own.

作为产品负责人,您应该始终牢记团队精神。 欺负您的团队只会使您短期内陷入困境,并Swift变得具有破坏性。 作为产品负责人,您应该帮助Scrum团队尽可能地了解客户和业务。 这使您的团队能够提出比自己设计的解决方案更好的解决方案。

Scrum should rarely be the main topic of conversation. We should spend most of our time talking about the following question: how can we make sure we’re delivering value to our customers and the business?

Scrum应该很少是谈话的主题。 我们应该将大部分时间花在谈论以下问题上:我们如何确保我们为客户和企业创造价值?

This question is especially important because Scrum is a process framework. What the Scrum framework doesn’t provide — what you need to add yourself — plays a crucial role in Scrum’s ability to help deliver products of the highest possible value.

这个问题尤其重要,因为Scrum是一个流程框架。 Scrum框架无法提供的内容- 您需要添加的内容 -在Scrum帮助交付具有最高价值的产品的能力中起着至关重要的作用。

What Scrum doesn’t tell and leaves up to the Scrum Team to figure out, that’s where the magic happens to deliver valuable products.


Special thanks to Todd Lankford for all the excellent suggestions.

特别感谢 Todd Lankford 的所有出色建议。

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