赖特 因果分析_那个时候,赖特会把你放在查尔斯·达尔文的鞋子上

赖特 因果分析


The word that best describes Spore’s sprawling design and ambition is “canvas.” Right from a cell to a space-faring species, Spore has you act as god, witness Darwin’s evolutionary process, and live to tell the tale. While its segments can be incredibly simple to grasp and understand, they come together to form a galactic pizza that’s bigger than its slices put together. From cell interaction to intragalactic travel, Maxis Studios has a lot of complex mechanics to deal with. With SimCity under their belt, they sure know how to make complex work.

他一句话最能说明孢子散乱的设计和野心是“画布”。 从细胞到太空物种,孢子让您扮演上帝的角色,见证达尔文的进化过程,并活着讲述这个故事。 尽管它的各个部分非常容易理解和理解,但它们聚在一起就形成了一个银河比萨饼,其大小要大于其拼合而成的薄片。 从细胞相互作用到银河系内旅行,Maxis Studios有很多复杂的机制要处理。 有了SimCity ,他们肯定知道如何进行复杂的工作。

Even despite the complexities, they curate and weave these impossible stages together with such finesse that your journey is smooth-sailing throughout, free from headache. It’s got something for everyone, from people who don’t play games to veterans of the platform. While things don’t get messy until the final Space stage, the seemingly counterintuitive gesture of simplifying everything has paid off. Stages expand in dimensions unexpected, from a minuscule cell duking it out in the food chain to stepping onto land, ready to evolve. Perhaps that is what Spore does best. It keeps things simple while trying to mash up multiple genres into one offering.

尽管很复杂,但他们精心策划和编织了这些不可能的阶段,并精巧地制作了您的旅程,整个旅程都很顺利,没有头痛。 从不玩游戏的人到平台的资深人士,每个人都有它的东西。 虽然直到最后的太空阶段都不会变得凌乱,但简化一切的看似反直觉的手势已见成效。 阶段的规模是出乎意料的,从微小的细胞在食物链中扩散出来,再到准备进化的土地。 也许那是孢子擅长的 。 在尝试将多种类型融合为一种产品时,它使事情变得简单。

To the point where a child can fashion a spaceship and make their way to the center of the cosmos.


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The Cell Stage. Source: WIRED.
细胞阶段。 资料来源:有线。

细胞的动力源 (Powerhouse of the cell)

Spore’s wondrous journey begins like all other journeys. Small.

孢子奇妙的旅程就像其他所有旅程一样开始。 小。

For a game over a decade old, its visuals are stunning. The game attempts to set the record straight once and for all: life exploded onto your planet with the help of an asteroid. Pick your food type, name your planet and you’re good to go. While the game’s aesthetics are rather dated, its colorful creatures are as endearing as they are unique. Spore’s creature creator is filled to the brim with parts you can find in meteor fragments to augment your own. Each part aids your cell in its odyssey through the primordial soup. As you float about with millions of user-created cells from the game’s Sporepedia, you’ll see what I mean.

对于具有十年历史的游戏,其视觉效果令人惊叹。 游戏试图一劳永逸地打破纪录:在小行星的帮助下,生命爆炸到了您的星球上。 选择您的食物类型,命名您的星球,您就该做好了。 尽管游戏的美学风格过时,但其色彩鲜艳的生物却与众不同,既讨人喜欢。 孢子的生物创造者充满了流星碎片中可以找到的部分,以增加自己的部分。 每个部分都会通过原始汤帮助您的细胞进行冒险之旅。 当您从游戏的《孢子》中找到数百万个用户创建的单元时,您会明白我的意思。

The tide pushes and pulls your cell about as you graze at leafy plants as a herbivore or chew up smaller cells as a carnivore. You level up and make your way to the ocean surface as you eat, in true evolutionary fashion. It’s eerily reminiscent of popular online games like agar.io and slither.io. The “eat or be eaten” genre is still alive and kicking in 2020. If you want to bring up the creature creator, you can’t just press a button and go all Frankenstein. You’ll need to perform a mating ritual to get there. As you get bigger, predators become the prey and you’ll soon be able to leave these waters to seek out your destiny.

当您以草食动物的身份在多叶植物上吃草时,或像食肉动物一样咀嚼较小的细胞时,潮水将推挤您的细胞。 当您进食时,您会以真正的进化方式升级并进入海洋表面。 令人不禁联想到agar.iosplither.io等流行的在线游戏。 “吃不吃”的类型仍然活着,并在2020年开始。如果要培养这个生物创造者,就不能只按一下按钮就可以把所有的科学怪人都丢掉。 您需要执行交配仪式才能到达那里。 随着您变得更大,捕食者将成为猎物,您很快就可以离开这些水域寻找自己的命运。

You can’t stay for long in one place. Cells bigger than you see you as a snack, so you’ll need to keep moving to survive. And once you’re no longer fin-deep in danger, it’s time to conquer the next frontier. The possibilities are endless.

您不能在一个地方呆太久。 比零食大的细胞是零食,因此您需要继续前进才能生存。 一旦您不再陷入危险之中,就该征服下一个前沿领域了。 可能性是无止境。

Land, ahoy!


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The Creature Creator. Source: GamingNexus.
生物创造者。 资料来源:GamingNexus。

神奇的野兽以及在哪里找到它们 (Fantastic beasts and where to find them)

The creature creator in Spore’s creature stage is astonishing in its intricacy. Maxis even distributed the creator as a free standalone application to drum up attention for Spore’s majestic and customized creations. In subsequent playthroughs, you’ll even encounter some of your previous creations chilling at an oasis in an obscure planet or firing lasers at you. But first, get some legs. And a few pairs of hands.

处于孢子生物阶段的生物创造者复杂性令人惊讶。 Maxis甚至将创作者作为一个免费的独立应用程序进行分发,以吸引人们对Spore雄伟和定制化创作的关注。 在后续的演练中,您甚至会遇到一些以前的作品,在一片晦涩的星球上的绿洲上冰冷,或者向您发射激光。 但是首先,要站起来。 和几双手。

Flagellum-waddling isn’t woke anymore.


Remember that some changes you make from here on will be permanent in nature. You can’t just switch from a vegan to a T-Rex. Once you taste the forbidden fruit, there’s no going back. Unless you’re an omnivore, of course, you indecisive little thing. Once you leave the cell stage, it’s boots on the ground from here, until you get your hands on a pair of wings. You’ll encounter other species and their nests too. Make war or peace with them as you see fit. Making friends is effectively a dancing simulator where you time and perform moves just as your new friend does. Combat isn’t very complex either and boils down to spamming attacks and evading your opponents’ punches. It’s silly fun, as long as you’re cool with murdering helpless children and eggs along with their older counterparts. Slaughtering an entire species lets you rest up at their nest.

请记住,您从此处进行的某些更改本质上将是永久性的。 您不能只从纯素食主义者转变为霸王龙。 一旦您品尝了禁果,就再也没有回头路了。 当然,除非您是杂杂杂乱的人,否则您举棋不定。 离开牢房台后,它会从这里在地面上穿靴子,直到您将手放在一对翅膀上。 您还会遇到其他物种及其巢。 在您认为合适的地方与他们进行战争或和平。 交朋友实际上是一种舞蹈模拟器,您可以像新朋友一样安排时间并执行动作。 战斗也不是很复杂,归结为垃圾邮件攻击和逃避对手的攻击。 只要您对杀死无助的孩子和鸡蛋以及他们的年长同伴很酷,这是很有趣的。 宰杀整个物种可以让您在它们的巢中休息。

At what cost?


The next big thing Spore tosses at you is the concept of migration. Grab a couple of companions and follow the trail to a new spot to roost. You can set up checkpoints in the middle, just in case. Be warned, it’s not just nests you need to worry about. Evolution sometimes hands species growth steroids, leading to epic monsters who can crush you underfoot. Case in point, humanity. Anyway, keep filling your experience bar with points until you can head to the next stage. While it can become a slog at times, the grind keeps you going. Remember, you can’t play dress-up with anatomy from now on.

孢子扔给您的​​下一件大事是迁移的概念。 抓住几个同伴,沿着小路到新的栖息地。 您可以在中间设置检查点,以防万一。 请注意,不仅仅是您需要担心的嵌套。 进化有时会导致类固醇生长,从而导致史诗般的怪物将您踩在脚下。 以人为本。 无论如何,请继续为您的体验栏充值,直到可以进入下一个阶段。 虽然有时可能会成为障碍,但磨砺使您前进。 请记住,从现在开始,您将无法进行解剖学装扮。

It’s time to shake a spear.


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The Tribal Stage. Source: GamePressure.
部落舞台。 资料来源:GamePressure。

部落上升 (Tribes ascend)

Now that you’re a sapient being, it’s time to think bigger. The tribe stage doesn’t reinvent the stone wheel. It just rolls with it. War and peace, just bigger. Your wardrobe shifts from body parts to clothing. While that isn’t exactly how Darwin envisioned it, it lets you customize your not-so-little critter even further. Another stage, another bar to fill.

既然您是一个聪明的人,是时候考虑更大了。 部落阶段并没有彻底改变石轮。 它随它滚动。 战争与和平,只是更大。 您的衣柜从身体部位转移到衣服。 尽管这并不是达尔文所设想的,但它可以让您进一步自定义小动物。 另一个阶段,另一个酒吧要填补。

It’s more of the same, but it changes things up enough to be refreshing.


You start off with a single village. You can gather fruits or catch fish to build up your food supply. You can even interact with creatures who are yet to hit the tribal stage, remnants of the past. Expansion comes in two flavors: cozying up to neighbors or straight-up termination. Crafting lets you build instruments to kill or impress neighboring tribes. Don’t let the huts that expand the population, the rudimentary battles, and the diplomacy routes fool you: this is no fleshed-out real-time strategy game.

您从一个村庄开始。 您可以收集水果或捕捞鱼类来增加食物供应。 您甚至可以与尚未进入部落舞台的生物(过去的残余物)互动。 扩张有两种形式:与邻居安逸或直截了当。 制作Craft.io可让您制造杀死或打动邻近部落的乐器。 不要让扩大人口的小屋,简陋的战斗和外交路线蒙骗您:这不是充实的实时战略游戏。

A wise decision, because accessibility is the name of the game here.


There are plenty of serviceable RTS games out there and Spore’s mission encompasses far more than a mere iteration of an existing concept. Keep bringing tribes to their knees and you’ll soon find yourself outgrowing your tribal roots. It’s time for the industrial revolution. But remember, the way you played through the tribal stage determines how you’ll progress through the next age.

那里有很多可维修的RTS游戏,而Spore的使命不仅限于现有概念的迭代。 不断使部落屈膝,您很快就会发现自己已经超出部落根源。 现在是工业革命的时候了。 但是请记住,您在部落舞台上的演奏方式决定了您在下一个年龄段的进步。

Cars, ships, and planes await. Religion too.

汽车,轮船和飞机正在等待。 宗教也一样。

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The Civilization Stage. Source: GamePressure.
文明阶段。 资料来源:GamePressure。

文明,不是那个 (Civilization, not that one)

Spore’s civilization stage is still very much a watered-down RTS, but with some city-building bones tossed in there for good measure. You now have three paths to glory: military, economic, and religious routes. Based on how you handled the tribe stage, the game makes this decision for you. Your buildings and vehicles can only be composed of bits and pieces that represent the deeds you intend to perform. Sporebucks, Spore’s currency, are earned from mining spice (cough, Dune) from geysers scattered across the planet. You’ll need the funds to conquer the rest of your fellow beings, regardless of the means you intend to use.

孢子的文明阶段仍然是一个枯燥乏味的RTS,但是其中一些城市建筑的骨骼被很好地抛弃了。 您现在拥有了三种荣耀之路:军事,经济和宗教路线。 根据您处理部落阶段的方式,游戏将为您做出此决定。 您的建筑物和车辆只能由代表您要执行的行为的点点滴滴组成。 孢子币是孢子的货币,它是从散布在地球上的间歇泉的采矿香料(咳嗽, 沙丘 )中获得的。 无论您打算使用何种方式,您都需要资金来征服其他同胞。

Vehicles perform different functions based on the type of cities you possess. Military fleets are outfitted with sharp objects that detonate on impact, while economic vehicles let you establish trade routes, a stepping stone to buying out other cities. While you can negotiate, a failed transaction could mean waiting for the opportunity to present itself again. Religious ones are by far the most interesting, letting you convert cities with your propaganda-blaring chariots. You’ll need to keep your citizens happy if you don’t want infidels descending upon your city with a similar plan. Speaking of happiness, factories that boost your income come at a cost. It’s a simple balancing act, one that’s different enough for each city to keep things from becoming repetitive.

车辆根据您拥有的城市类型执行不同的功能。 军事舰队配备有锋利的物体,它们会在撞击时爆炸,而经济车辆则使您可以建立贸易路线,这是购买其他城市的垫脚石。 虽然您可以协商,但交易失败可能意味着等待机会再次展示自己。 到目前为止,宗教是最有趣的,它使您可以将带有宣传车的战车转换为城市。 如果您不希望异教徒以类似的计划降临您的城市,就需要让您的公民开心。 说到幸福,增加收入的工厂是有代价的。 这是一种简单的平衡行为,每个城市的差异足以使事情不再重复。

Now, it’s time to create your own anthem.


Yep, Spore’s surprisingly complex music editor lets you bust some tunes and call it an anthem. And now that you call your planet your own, it’s time to look beyond. To go where no “insert species” has gone before. A giant leap for your kind.

是的, Spore令人惊讶的复杂音乐编辑器,可让您演奏一些音乐并将其称为国歌。 现在,您将自己的星球称为自己的星球,是时候超越视野了。 前往没有“插入物种”的地方 。 您的飞跃。

Until you find out you’re far from alone in the galaxy.


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The Space Stage. Source: ModDB.
太空舞台。 资料来源:ModDB。

在不那么遥远的星系中 (In a galaxy not so far away)

Ah, space. Unfathomable depths. Encounters beyond alien. The hunt for Sporebucks.

啊,空间。 深不可测的深度。 遭遇超越外星人。 寻找孢子鹿。

Thank goodness Maxis Studios understands that a unified currency is the way to go. But first, design your space wanderer. And then run a couple of laps with it. You’ll be piloting this thing for an absurd amount of time. Maxis’ vision was to ensure that everyone made it to the space stage. The experience bar at the bottom remains, but it merely adds spaceships to your fleet. The endgame is farther than you think. From here on, the going gets tough. But perfecting an upgradeable spaceship is definitely worth it.

谢天谢地,Maxis Studios理解统一货币是必经之路。 但是首先,设计您的太空流浪者。 然后跑几圈。 您将在荒谬的时间内试用该产品。 明讯的愿景是确保每个人都进入太空舞台。 底部的体验栏仍然保留,但它只是为您的舰队增加了太空飞船。 残局比您想象的要远。 从这里开始,事情变得艰难。 但是完善可升级的太空船绝对是值得的。

Your intragalactic vehicle of trade/peace/annihilation offers a variety of tools to tinker with. As you travel across planets with an interstellar drive, you can scan all kinds of flora and fauna to add them to your database. Upgrades boost your health and energy meters, crucial if you wish to survive in hostile planets. And that doesn’t necessarily mean aliens. The planet itself might be a ball of lava or encased in shards of frost. Terraforming instruments let you change the very nature of a planet, to the point where life can begin anew. Keep animals in stock to populate planets like a utopian Noah. You can even enhance planets to build more settlements or to boost spice output. There are different kinds of spice whose worth is determined by the absence or excess of it in a colony’s shelves. Play your cards right and you’ll be minting Sporebucks like it’s nothing. Eventually, you’ll be able to zip across black holes with ease, opening up new swathes of the impossibly massive galaxy for you to explore.

您的贸易/和平/歼灭星系内车辆提供多种工具进行修补。 当您通过星际驱动器穿越行星时,您可以扫描各种动植物,并将其添加到数据库中。 升级可以提高您的健康和能量计,如果您希望在敌对的星球中生存,则至关重要。 那并不一定意味着外星人。 行星本身可能是熔岩球或被霜冻包裹。 Terraforming仪器可让您改变行星的本质,使生命可以重新开始。 保持动物存量,像乌托邦式的诺亚人一样栖息在行星上。 您甚至可以增强星球以建造更多的定居点或提高香料产量。 有多种香料,其价值取决于殖民地货架上是否存在或过多。 正确玩纸牌,您会像没事一样造出Sporebucks。 最终,您将能够轻松地在黑洞之间滑动,打开不可能的庞大星系的新范围,供您探索。

I even found some of my own creations hanging out on a couple of planets. The shark-faced gentlemen were remarkably gentle in their demeanor, while others merely aimed their turrets towards me. The galaxy is peppered with user-generated creations, which injects the game with an incredible amount of charm and a lack of polish that sets it apart from the meticulously crafted campaigns of other open-world games. It feels real, despite the game’s inherent limitations. And if you thought the previous stages were a slog, this stage is bigger than all of them put together.

我什至发现自己的一些创作挂在几个行星上。 面对鲨鱼的先生们的举止非常温和,而其他人只是将炮塔对准了我。 银河系中充斥着用户生成的作品,这为游戏注入了难以置信的魅力,并且缺乏抛光感,这使其与其他开放世界游戏的精心制作的活动区分开来。 尽管有游戏固有的局限性,但感觉还是很真实的。 而且,如果您认为以前的阶段很艰难,那么这个阶段要比所有阶段的总和还要大。

Good thing it’s fleshed out.


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Spore’s Galaxy. Source: TheDasCryptBlog.
孢子星系。 资料来源:TheDasCryptBlog。

在太空的海洋中,星星是其他太阳 (Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns)

You can tell that Spore’s space stage means business when I need two segments to outline everything you’ll be doing in that tiny spaceship. Speaking of which, keep an eye on your health and energy levels. The latter lets you travel and use tools like your trusty laser for purposes beyond research. You can refill them for free at your homeworld, at little cost at your colonies, and for absurd amounts at the bases of other civilizations. Expanding your base of operations is critical if you want to complete the game’s main goal: reaching the center of the galaxy.

您可以说,当我需要两个部分来概述您将在那小巧的太空船中进行的所有工作时, Spore的太空舞台就意味着生意。 说到这,请注意您的健康和能量水平。 后者使您可以旅行和使用可信赖的激光之类的工具进行超出研究范围的目的。 您可以在自己的家中免费为它们加油,在您的殖民地以很少的成本加油,而在其他文明基地则以荒谬的价格加油。 如果要完成游戏的主要目标,那就是扩大运营基础至关重要:到达银河系的中心。

Diplomacy and the lack of it are at the very core of the space stage experience. Trade forms the backbone of Spore’s upgrade system, which means you’ll have to actively seek out new civilizations if you want a shinier ship or more Sporebucks. You’ll be able to run missions for neutral civilizations you meet, letting you gain their trust while earning a tidy profit. These quests range from exploring ruins for artifacts to examining or abducting species for (probably) research purposes. Some of these ruins are often ambushes set by space pirates, so keep your lasers charged and your eyes peeled. Speaking of diplomacy, not every space-faring species will play nice with your vision. Some may whittle your colonies down with missiles at the first chance they get, forcing you to bring out the big guns.

外交和缺乏外交是太空阶段经验的核心。 贸易是Spore升级系统的骨干,这意味着如果您想要一艘更光亮的飞船或更多的Sporebucks,则必须积极寻找新的文明。 您将能够为遇到的中立文明执行任务,让您获得他们的信任,同时获得可观的利润。 这些任务的范围从探索遗址的文物到检查或绑架物种以(可能)用于研究目的。 这些废墟中的一些通常是太空海盗在伏击中造成的,因此请保持激光器充电并剥去眼睛。 说到外交,并非每一个太空物种都会对您的愿景起到很好的作用。 有些人可能会在第一时间获得导弹,使您的殖民地沦落,迫使您拿出大枪。

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Source: EA/Maxis.
资料来源:EA / Maxis。

Again, the approach you took in the previous stages determines whether you’ll destroy every city on a planet to call it your own, buy out entire solar systems, or both. While the main goal is to get to the center of the galaxy, you don’t have to. It’s like Geralt in the Witcher 3 stopping for a game of Gwent while his adopted daughter is chased by the hounds of death. Hunting for an artifact or coughing up the Sporebucks needed for a brand-new upgrade can take hours in itself. Truth be told, the only knock I have against the game is its Disney aesthetic while was deliberately chosen for its wide appeal. I can’t really sum up what Spore is about. Or what it aimed to achieve.

同样,您在之前的阶段中采用的方法决定了是否要摧毁星球上的每个城市,将其称为自己的城市,还是购买整个太阳系,还是两者兼而有之。 尽管主要目标是到达银河系的中心,但您不必这样做。 就像《 巫师3》中的杰拉特(Geralt)在格温特(Gwent)的游戏中停下脚步,而他的养女却被死亡猎犬追赶。 寻找人工制品或咳嗽以进行全新升级所需的孢子本身可能要花费数小时。 实话实说,我对这款游戏唯一的不满就是迪士尼的美感,而其广泛的吸引力是特意选择的。 我不能真正总结出孢子到底是什么。 还是它要实现的目标。

But what I can tell you is that they succeeded.


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/that-time-will-wright-put-you-in-charles-darwins-shoes-3eb968987aea

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