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翻译 flutter w10抓包_10个最受喜爱的flutter软件包

flutter w10抓包Flutter is “Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.” Flutter是“ Google的UI工具包,可通过单个代码库为移动,Web和桌面构建漂亮的...

2020-09-30 05:34:48 378

翻译 swift ui控件_swift ui自定义分段控件

swift ui控件Last week I published a social network application created using Swift-UI. For this post, I’m going to elaborate on the custom segmented control that I implemented. 上周,我发布了使用Swift-UI创建的社交网络应...

2020-09-30 05:25:39 388

翻译 苹果应用商店应用截图尺寸_向苹果应用商店提交博览会应用

苹果应用商店应用截图尺寸After weeks for design, development, and testing, it was time for me to submit my first app to the Apple app store. I used Expo / React Native to develop, and found the submission process ...

2020-09-30 05:16:18 212

翻译 快速ui设计_快速ui社交网络

快速ui设计During the last weekend, I decided to start playing with Swift UI and I found a great post by Esra Kadah for building an Instagram like travel app, which I found really awesome, and for the sake...

2020-09-16 19:54:07 170

翻译 uiresponder_ios-响应者链uiresponder uievent uicontrol和使用

uiresponderHave you ever asked yourself: 您是否曾经问过自己: What on earth is this “first responder” thing when I’m dealing with UITextFields? 当我处理UITextField时,“第一响应者”到底是什么? Why do UIViews subclass things lik...

2020-09-16 19:44:17 215

翻译 放弃android系列结局得出结论

重点 (Top highlight)I have spent far too long trying to get this conclusion just right and, in the end, I’ve had to throw it all in the round filing cabinet and start over from scratch. 我花了太长时间试图使这个结论正...

2020-09-16 19:34:31 284

翻译 移动应用程序和网页应用程序_如何在众筹移动应用程序中添加本机WebReact

移动应用程序和网页应用程序React Native is a fantastic framework that continues to improve over time. It’s open-source and allows us to build cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript as its core. React N...

2020-09-16 19:23:37 251

翻译 ios音频硬编码和软编码_停止在iOS应用中对颜色进行硬编码

ios音频硬编码和软编码Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging<br/> 难度:初学者| 容易| 普通 | 具有挑战性的<br/> This article has been developed using Xcode 11.4.1, and Swift 5.2.2 本文是使用Xcode 11.4.1和Swif...

2020-09-16 19:13:39 255

翻译 kong一次发起多个请求_swiftui状态的三个面Kong

kong一次发起多个请求It’s quite common in the programming to have different implementations resulting in the same effect. Today I wanted to share with you three different ways to use SwiftUI State. 在编程中使用不同的实现...

2020-09-16 19:03:19 95

翻译 创建youtube样式加载动画

Custom loading animation for you apps 为您的应用程序自定义加载动画 总览 (Overview)In this tutorial we will be building a shimmer animation which can be used as a placeholder view for time when your app is busy fet...

2020-09-16 18:53:24 201

翻译 macos 8现在是可下载的应用程序

The guy who transformed the classic Windows 95 into an app back in 2018 is now back with another classic port for you. Felix Rieseberg a senior engineer at Slack has transformed macOS 8 into an app fo...

2020-09-16 18:43:07 289

翻译 uicollectionview中的合成布局

I had a lot of fun when explore the new API so I decided to make a post to share with you guys what I’ve learned. Let’s get started. 在探索新的API时,我玩得很开心,所以我决定发表一篇文章,与大家分享我所学到的东西。 让我们开始吧。 无聊的介绍(但值得阅读) (...

2020-09-16 18:32:13 234

翻译 自动编码和编程的未来

Editor’s Note: Automation has been a game-changing phenomenon in many fields. As the VP of Content Strategy at O’Reilly Media, Mike Loukides has an intimate knowledge of how automation has transformed...

2020-09-16 18:22:35 173

翻译 xcode ios 模块化_xcode模块化的第1部分

xcode ios 模块化 w ^帽子modularising? (What is modularising?)When we use “import something,” we say to our beautiful Mac, that connect the code in this particular file to that something. When we make any ...

2020-09-06 17:24:55 338

翻译 swift redux_使用redux和swift

swift reduxRedux is a state management system. Intrigued? Read on Redux是一种状态管理系统。 感兴趣吗? 继续阅读 Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging 难度:初学者| 容易| 普通 | 具有挑战性的 This article has been develope...

2020-09-06 17:14:05 277

翻译 一切都连接了吗

Have you ever had a bug that the solution was just setting a delegate? Or an entire feature that broke because a single reference was not being set correctly? This is an everyday issue of everybody, b...

2020-09-03 14:18:07 108

翻译 swift mvvm_使用swift mvvm设计模式的登录屏幕实现

swift mvvmI’m glad to present in this article well-known for software engineers MVVM design pattern which was invented by Microsoft architects Ken Cooper and Ted Peters specifically to simplify event-...

2020-09-03 14:08:37 514

翻译 ios storekit_在iOS 14中的应用购买和storekit中

ios storekitMuch of the buzz at WWDC2020 was given over to SwiftUI 2.0 and ARKit, so you should forgive yourself for missing a seismic change to the StoreKit framework — a change that will make your l...

2020-09-03 13:48:24 942

翻译 aws fargate_使用AWS Fargate和AWS CDK在AWS上部署服务器端Swift蒸气应用程序

aws fargateHave you ever thought about how to write your back-end applications using Swift without having to worry about scaling, patching, and other cumbersome infrastructure tasks? If you answered y...

2020-09-03 13:38:33 220

翻译 echars堆叠区域表_使用安全区域构建复杂的堆叠式布局

echars堆叠区域表Ever since Apple released the iPhone X, using the safe area has been a must-do for developers. You don’t want your work hidden under the notch or clipped beneath the status bar or under the...

2020-09-03 13:18:32 120

翻译 微信小程序可视化ui_程序化ui不和

微信小程序可视化uiI have been practicing programmatic UI constraints and decided to test my current abilities by building something familiar from scratch. Two coffees later, I landed on the iOS Discord app. 我...

2020-09-03 13:08:40 600

翻译 swift 与 js的交互_如何在Swift 5中创建交互式底部工作表

swift 与 js的交互In this article, we will learn how to create a reusable UI element — a bottom sheet. 在本文中,我们将学习如何创建可重复使用的UI元素-底页。 At the end of the tutorial, you will have a finished component you can e...

2020-08-18 21:45:12 187

翻译 swiftui_在swiftui中使用自定义后退按钮的情况

swiftuiSwiftUI streamlines many of the common functionalities, capabilities, and controls common in apps. It is quite apparent that a focus during development was to consider how devs could incorporat...

2020-08-18 21:35:04 1392

翻译 swift和swiftui_在swiftui中查看布局和演示

swift和swiftui 您一直在等待的完整SwiftUI 2文档 (The Complete SwiftUI 2 Documentation You’ve Been Waiting For)At the start of 2020, I wrote a long Medium article called “The Complete SwiftUI Documentation You’ve ...

2020-08-18 21:24:09 501

翻译 uikit2 uikit3_uikit和装饰器设计模式第1部分

uikit2 uikit3 IOS中的设计模式 (DESIGN PATTERNS IN IOS)Design patterns are general solutions to a commonly occurring problems, understanding them gives you more freedom and confidence of choosing solution t...

2020-08-18 21:14:32 205



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