Fast-Planner代码阅读-1. Robust and Efficient Quadrotor Trajectory Generation for Fast Autonomous Flight


参考文献:B. Zhou, F. Gao, L. Wang, C. Liu and S. Shen, “Robust and Efficient Quadrotor Trajectory Generation for Fast Autonomous Flight,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 3529-3536, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2927938.



包括了前端 kinodynamic a_star 路径搜索(在控制空间进行motion primitive)以及基于帕特利亚金最小值原理的两点边界值问题求解(解决控制空间稀疏采样无法抵达目标点的问题-在状态空间进行motion primitive)。

后端首先利用 均匀B样条曲线 对前端得到的路径进行拟合,之后基于距离场地图( SDF )对轨迹平滑性(纯几何性质,不是控制的Norm的时间积分,因为之后还要对时间进行调整),离障碍物距离,速度加速度超限等进行软约束优化。

得到优化的轨迹过后,使用 非均匀B样条曲线 对轨迹进行表达,然后对每一段超过速度,加速度上界的曲线进行时间节点的迭代调整,直到该段曲线的速度加速度符合约束。

一. kinodynamic a_star(前端hybrid A_star动力学路径搜索)

主要对应的是Fast planner->path ->path_searching->kinodynamic a_star.cpp。路径搜索的主要函数为kinodynamicAstar类的search函数,我们从这一函数开始阅读并逐一分析其中的重要函数:
search函数的参数包含起始点以及重点的位置,速度,加速度。以及两个标志位init 和dynamic,还有一个搜索起始时间。上图代码中主要是将起始点及目标点的三维位置转化至栅格地图的index. 并计算第一个扩展点的Heuristic cost.





1.2 Compute shot Traj


这里我们遇到了第二个重要的函数ComputeShotTraj. 即利用庞特里亚金原理解一个两点边值问题。因为最优控制时间已经在estimateHeuristic中计算过了,所以这里只要引入该时间进行多项式计算即可。这部分的目的是为了验证该轨迹是安全的,即不发生碰撞,速度、加速度不超限。

bool KinodynamicAstar::computeShotTraj(Eigen::VectorXd state1, Eigen::VectorXd state2, double time_to_goal)
  /* ---------- get coefficient ---------- */
  const Vector3d p0 = state1.head(3);
  const Vector3d dp = state2.head(3) - p0;
  const Vector3d v0 = state1.segment(3, 3);
  const Vector3d v1 = state2.segment(3, 3);
  const Vector3d dv = v1 - v0;
  double t_d = time_to_goal;
  MatrixXd coef(3, 4);
  end_vel_ = v1;

  Vector3d a = 1.0 / 6.0 * (-12.0 / (t_d * t_d * t_d) * (dp - v0 * t_d) + 6 / (t_d * t_d) * dv);
  Vector3d b = 0.5 * (6.0 / (t_d * t_d) * (dp - v0 * t_d) - 2 / t_d * dv);
  Vector3d c = v0;
  Vector3d d = p0;

  // 1/6 * alpha * t^3 + 1/2 * beta * t^2 + v0
  // a*t^3 + b*t^2 + v0*t + p0
  coef.col(3) = a, coef.col(2) = b, coef.col(1) = c, coef.col(0) = d;

  Vector3d coord, vel, acc;
  VectorXd poly1d, t, polyv, polya;
  Vector3i index;

  Eigen::MatrixXd Tm(4, 4);
  Tm << 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0;

  /* ---------- forward checking of trajectory ---------- */
  double t_delta = t_d / 10;
  for (double time = t_delta; time <= t_d; time += t_delta)
    t = VectorXd::Zero(4);
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      t(j) = pow(time, j);

    for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++)
      poly1d = coef.row(dim);
      coord(dim) =;
      vel(dim) = (Tm * poly1d).dot(t);
      acc(dim) = (Tm * Tm * poly1d).dot(t);

      if (fabs(vel(dim)) > max_vel_ || fabs(acc(dim)) > max_acc_)
        // cout << "vel:" << vel(dim) << ", acc:" << acc(dim) << endl;
        // return false;

    if (coord(0) < origin_(0) || coord(0) >= map_size_3d_(0) || coord(1) < origin_(1) || coord(1) >= map_size_3d_(1) ||
        coord(2) < origin_(2) || coord(2) >= map_size_3d_(2))
      return false;

    // if (edt_environment_->evaluateCoarseEDT(coord, -1.0) <= margin_) {
    //   return false;
    // }
    if (edt_environment_->sdf_map_->getInflateOccupancy(coord) == 1)
      return false;
  coef_shot_ = coef;
  t_shot_ = t_d;
  is_shot_succ_ = true;
  return true;


1.3 节点扩张

    cur_node->node_state = IN_CLOSE_SET;
    iter_num_ += 1;

    double res = 1 / 2.0, time_res = 1 / 1.0, time_res_init = 1 / 20.0;
    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> cur_state = cur_node->state;
    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> pro_state;
    vector<PathNodePtr> tmp_expand_nodes;
    Eigen::Vector3d um;
    double pro_t;
    vector<Eigen::Vector3d> inputs;
    vector<double> durations;
    if (init_search)
      for (double tau = time_res_init * init_max_tau_; tau <= init_max_tau_ + 1e-3;
           tau += time_res_init * init_max_tau_)
      init_search = false;
      for (double ax = -max_acc_; ax <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; ax += max_acc_ * res)
        for (double ay = -max_acc_; ay <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; ay += max_acc_ * res)
          for (double az = -max_acc_; az <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; az += max_acc_ * res)
            um << ax, ay, az;
      for (double tau = time_res * max_tau_; tau <= max_tau_; tau += time_res * max_tau_)

    // cout << "cur state:" << cur_state.head(3).transpose() << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i)
      for (int j = 0; j < durations.size(); ++j)
        um = inputs[i];
        double tau = durations[j];
        stateTransit(cur_state, pro_state, um, tau);
        pro_t = cur_node->time + tau;

        Eigen::Vector3d pro_pos = pro_state.head(3);

        // Check if in close set
        Eigen::Vector3i pro_id = posToIndex(pro_pos);
        int pro_t_id = timeToIndex(pro_t);
        PathNodePtr pro_node = dynamic ? expanded_nodes_.find(pro_id, pro_t_id) : expanded_nodes_.find(pro_id);
        if (pro_node != NULL && pro_node->node_state == IN_CLOSE_SET)
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "close" << std::endl;

        // Check maximal velocity
        Eigen::Vector3d pro_v = pro_state.tail(3);
        if (fabs(pro_v(0)) > max_vel_ || fabs(pro_v(1)) > max_vel_ || fabs(pro_v(2)) > max_vel_)
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "vel" << std::endl;

        // Check not in the same voxel
        Eigen::Vector3i diff = pro_id - cur_node->index;
        int diff_time = pro_t_id - cur_node->time_idx;
        if (diff.norm() == 0 && ((!dynamic) || diff_time == 0))
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "same" << std::endl;

        // Check safety
        Eigen::Vector3d pos;
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> xt;
        bool is_occ = false;
        for (int k = 1; k <= check_num_; ++k)
          double dt = tau * double(k) / double(check_num_);
          stateTransit(cur_state, xt, um, dt);
          pos = xt.head(3);
          if (edt_environment_->sdf_map_->getInflateOccupancy(pos) == 1 )
            is_occ = true;
        if (is_occ)
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "safe" << std::endl;

        double time_to_goal, tmp_g_score, tmp_f_score;
        tmp_g_score = (um.squaredNorm() + w_time_) * tau + cur_node->g_score;
        tmp_f_score = tmp_g_score + lambda_heu_ * estimateHeuristic(pro_state, end_state, time_to_goal);

以上代码在当前节点的基础上,根据对输入、时间的离散进行扩展得到tmp临时节点,首先判断节点是否已经被扩展过,是否与当前节点在同一个节点,检查速度约束,检查碰撞,都通过的话,就计算当前节点的g_score以及f_score. 其中的state transit函数即通过前向积分得到扩展节点的位置和速度。接下来,就要进行节点剪枝。

1.4 节点剪枝

        // Compare nodes expanded from the same parent
        bool prune = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < tmp_expand_nodes.size(); ++j)
          PathNodePtr expand_node = tmp_expand_nodes[j];
          if ((pro_id - expand_node->index).norm() == 0 && ((!dynamic) || pro_t_id == expand_node->time_idx))
            prune = true;
            if (tmp_f_score < expand_node->f_score)
              expand_node->f_score = tmp_f_score;
              expand_node->g_score = tmp_g_score;
              expand_node->state = pro_state;
              expand_node->input = um;
              expand_node->duration = tau;
              if (dynamic)
                expand_node->time = cur_node->time + tau;

        // This node end up in a voxel different from others
        if (!prune)
          if (pro_node == NULL)
            pro_node = path_node_pool_[use_node_num_];
            pro_node->index = pro_id;
            pro_node->state = pro_state;
            pro_node->f_score = tmp_f_score;
            pro_node->g_score = tmp_g_score;
            pro_node->input = um;
            pro_node->duration = tau;
            pro_node->parent = cur_node;
            pro_node->node_state = IN_OPEN_SET;
            if (dynamic)
              pro_node->time = cur_node->time + tau;
              pro_node->time_idx = timeToIndex(pro_node->time);

            if (dynamic)
              expanded_nodes_.insert(pro_id, pro_node->time, pro_node);
              expanded_nodes_.insert(pro_id, pro_node);


            use_node_num_ += 1;
            if (use_node_num_ == allocate_num_)
              cout << "run out of memory." << endl;
              return NO_PATH;
          else if (pro_node->node_state == IN_OPEN_SET)
            if (tmp_g_score < pro_node->g_score)
              // pro_node->index = pro_id;
              pro_node->state = pro_state;
              pro_node->f_score = tmp_f_score;
              pro_node->g_score = tmp_g_score;
              pro_node->input = um;
              pro_node->duration = tau;
              pro_node->parent = cur_node;
              if (dynamic)
                pro_node->time = cur_node->time + tau;
            cout << "error type in searching: " << pro_node->node_state << endl;

首先判断当前临时扩展节点与current node的其他临时扩展节点是否在同一个voxel中,如果是的话,就要进行剪枝。要判断当前临时扩展节点的fscore是否比同一个voxel的对比fscore小,如果是的话,则更新这一Voxel节点为当前临时扩展节点。


需要进行说明的是,在Fast planner的实现中,open集是通过两个数据结构实现的,一个队列用来存储,弹出open集中的节点。另一个哈希表NodeHashtable 用来查询节点是否已经存在于open集中。而判断一个节点是否存在于close set中,则是通过Nodehashtable 与nodestate来决定的,如果nodeState 是 InCloseSet, 且存在于NodeHashtable, 则说明该节点已经被扩展过了,存在于close set中。

1.5 返回kinopath与 getsamples

getKinoTraj这一 函数多作用是在完成路径搜索后按照预设的时间分辨率delta_t通过节点回溯和状态前向积分得到分辨率更高的路径点。如果最后的shot trajectory存在的话,则还要加上最后一段shot trajectory(即通过computeshottraj)算出来得到的。

std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> KinodynamicAstar::getKinoTraj(double delta_t)
  vector<Vector3d> state_list;

  /* ---------- get traj of searching ---------- */
  PathNodePtr node = path_nodes_.back();
  Matrix<double, 6, 1> x0, xt;

  while (node->parent != NULL)
    Vector3d ut = node->input;
    double duration = node->duration;
    x0 = node->parent->state;

    for (double t = duration; t >= -1e-5; t -= delta_t)
      stateTransit(x0, xt, ut, t);
    node = node->parent;
  reverse(state_list.begin(), state_list.end());
  /* ---------- get traj of one shot ---------- */
  if (is_shot_succ_)
    Vector3d coord;
    VectorXd poly1d, time(4);

    for (double t = delta_t; t <= t_shot_; t += delta_t)
      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
        time(j) = pow(t, j);

      for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++)
        poly1d = coef_shot_.row(dim);
        coord(dim) =;

  return state_list;


void KinodynamicAstar::getSamples(double& ts, vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point_set,
                                  vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& start_end_derivatives)
  /* ---------- path duration ---------- */
  double T_sum = 0.0;
  if (is_shot_succ_)
    T_sum += t_shot_;
  PathNodePtr node = path_nodes_.back();
  while (node->parent != NULL)
    T_sum += node->duration;
    node = node->parent;
  // cout << "duration:" << T_sum << endl;

  // Calculate boundary vel and acc
  Eigen::Vector3d end_vel, end_acc;
  double t;
  if (is_shot_succ_)
    t = t_shot_;
    end_vel = end_vel_;
    for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
      Vector4d coe = coef_shot_.row(dim);
      end_acc(dim) = 2 * coe(2) + 6 * coe(3) * t_shot_;
    t = path_nodes_.back()->duration;
    end_vel = node->state.tail(3);
    end_acc = path_nodes_.back()->input;

  // Get point samples
  int seg_num = floor(T_sum / ts);
  seg_num = max(8, seg_num);
  ts = T_sum / double(seg_num);
  bool sample_shot_traj = is_shot_succ_;
  node = path_nodes_.back();

  for (double ti = T_sum; ti > -1e-5; ti -= ts)
    if (sample_shot_traj)
      // samples on shot traj
      Vector3d coord;
      Vector4d poly1d, time;

      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
        time(j) = pow(t, j);

      for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++)
        poly1d = coef_shot_.row(dim);
        coord(dim) =;

      t -= ts;

      /* end of segment */
      if (t < -1e-5)
        sample_shot_traj = false;
        if (node->parent != NULL)
          t += node->duration;
      // samples on searched traj
      Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> x0 = node->parent->state;
      Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> xt;
      Vector3d ut = node->input;

      stateTransit(x0, xt, ut, t);

      t -= ts;

      // cout << "t: " << t << ", t acc: " << T_accumulate << endl;
      if (t < -1e-5 && node->parent->parent != NULL)
        node = node->parent;
        t += node->duration;
  reverse(point_set.begin(), point_set.end());

  // calculate start acc
  Eigen::Vector3d start_acc;
  if (path_nodes_.back()->parent == NULL)
    // no searched traj, calculate by shot traj
    start_acc = 2 * coef_shot_.col(2);
    // input of searched traj
    start_acc = node->input;


至此,Kinodynamic_astar的所有重要函数都已经分析完毕,根据search函数流程即可获得一条包含一定动力学约束的collision free的路径。



  1. 一个有N+1个控制点的 P b P_b Pb次B样条曲线,则其一共有 P b P_b Pb+N+1时间节点,即 [ t 0 , t 1 , . . . t M ] [t_0,t_1,...t_M] [t0,t1,...tM]。同样的,假定希望设计一条 P b P_b Pb次B样条曲线,且具备M个时间节点,则相应的控制点数量应为: M + 1 − P b M+1-P_b M+1Pb
  2. 这样一条B样条的定义域为 [ t P b , t M + 1 − P b ] [t_{P_b},t_{M+1-P_{b}}] [tPb,tM+1Pb]
  3. 每一个控制点 P i P_i Pi的作用域为 [ t i , t i + p b + 1 ] [t_i,t_{i+p_{b}+1}] [ti,ti+pb+1]
  4. 该B样条曲线的重的一段曲线 [ t i , t i + 1 ] [t_i,t_{i+1}] [ti,ti+1]只被 [ P i − p b , P i ] [P_{i-p_{b}},P_{i}] [Pipb,Pi] p b + 1 p_b+1 pb+1个控制点影响。


2.1 均匀B样条设置

得到初始路径后,需要在前端初始路径的基础上进行B样条优化。B样条的第一部分是利用均匀B样条进行轨迹平顺性、安全性、速度和加速度优化。在non_uniform_bspline.cpp中,均匀B样条的设置函数为setUniformBspline()。 这一函数在获得控制点,轨迹次数,以及时间间隔的情况下,设置时间区间(Knot vector), 需要注意的是,在Fast-planner的实现中, t p = 0 t_p=0 tp=0, 以文章中的3次样条函数为例, t 0 = − 3 Δ t t_0=-3\Delta t t0=3Δt, t 1 = − 2 Δ t t_1=-2\Delta t t1=2Δt, t 2 = − Δ t t_2=-\Delta t t2=Δt

void NonUniformBspline::setUniformBspline(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const int& order,
                                          const double& interval) {
  control_points_ = points;
  p_              = order;
  interval_       = interval;

  n_ = points.rows() - 1;
  m_ = n_ + p_ + 1;

  u_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(m_ + 1);
  for (int i = 0; i <= m_; ++i) {

    if (i <= p_) {
      u_(i) = double(-p_ + i) * interval_;
    } else if (i > p_ && i <= m_ - p_) {
      u_(i) = u_(i - 1) + interval_;
    } else if (i > m_ - p_) {
      u_(i) = u_(i - 1) + interval_;

2.2 B样条函数值计算

给定一个时间 μ \mu μ, 如何计算该点的坐标值?通常的做法是根据Cox-DeBoor公式把整个B样条函数计算出来。但在evaluateDeBoor()这一函数中,作者采用的是递归的DeBoor算法,如下图所示,具体参见wikipedia,
其中 k k k x x x落在的时间区间,即 x ∈ [ t k , t k + 1 ] x \in[t_k,t_{k+1}] x[tk,tk+1]

Eigen::VectorXd NonUniformBspline::evaluateDeBoor(const double& u) {

  double ub = min(max(u_(p_), u), u_(m_ - p_));

  // determine which [ui,ui+1] lay in
  int k = p_;
  while (true) {
    if (u_(k + 1) >= ub) break;

  /* deBoor's alg */
  vector<Eigen::VectorXd> d;
  for (int i = 0; i <= p_; ++i) {
    d.push_back(control_points_.row(k - p_ + i));
    // cout << d[i].transpose() << endl;

  for (int r = 1; r <= p_; ++r) {
    for (int i = p_; i >= r; --i) {
      double alpha = (ub - u_[i + k - p_]) / (u_[i + 1 + k - r] - u_[i + k - p_]);
      // cout << "alpha: " << alpha << endl;
      d[i] = (1 - alpha) * d[i - 1] + alpha * d[i];

  return d[p_];

同样的,evaluateDeBoorT()函数只是直接得到一个 [ t p , t m − p ] [t_p,t_{m-p}] [tp,tmp]作用域中的B样条函数值。

2.3 控制点获得-前端路径拟合

通过上面两小节,我们已经能够在已知控制点的情况下计算任一时间对应的轨迹值,那么,控制点要如何获得呢。在Fast-Planner的实现中,初始控制点时通过对前端hybrid A*寻找到的初始路径进行拟合得到的。

void NonUniformBspline::parameterizeToBspline(const double& ts, const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point_set,
                                              const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& start_end_derivative,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXd&               ctrl_pts) {
  if (ts <= 0) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:time step error." << endl;

  if (point_set.size() < 2) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:point set have only " << point_set.size() << " points." << endl;

  if (start_end_derivative.size() != 4) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:derivatives error." << endl;

  int K = point_set.size();

  // write A
  Eigen::Vector3d prow(3), vrow(3), arow(3);
  prow << 1, 4, 1;
  vrow << -1, 0, 1;
  arow << 1, -2, 1;

  Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(K + 4, K + 2);

  for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) A.block(i, i, 1, 3) = (1 / 6.0) * prow.transpose();

  A.block(K, 0, 1, 3)         = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();
  A.block(K + 1, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();

  A.block(K + 2, 0, 1, 3)     = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
  A.block(K + 3, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
  // cout << "A:\n" << A << endl;

  // A.block(0, 0, K, K + 2) = (1 / 6.0) * A.block(0, 0, K, K + 2);
  // A.block(K, 0, 2, K + 2) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * A.block(K, 0, 2, K + 2);
  // A.row(K + 4) = (1 / ts / ts) * A.row(K + 4);
  // A.row(K + 5) = (1 / ts / ts) * A.row(K + 5);

  // write b
  Eigen::VectorXd bx(K + 4), by(K + 4), bz(K + 4);
  for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
    bx(i) = point_set[i](0);
    by(i) = point_set[i](1);
    bz(i) = point_set[i](2);

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    bx(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](0);
    by(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](1);
    bz(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](2);

  // solve Ax = b
  Eigen::VectorXd px = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bx);
  Eigen::VectorXd py = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(by);
  Eigen::VectorXd pz = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bz);

  // convert to control pts
  ctrl_pts.resize(K + 2, 3);
  ctrl_pts.col(0) = px;
  ctrl_pts.col(1) = py;
  ctrl_pts.col(2) = pz;

  // cout << "[B-spline]: parameterization ok." << endl;

虽然在计算B样条曲线上某一点的值时论文用的是DeBoor公式,但是在使用均匀B样条对前端路径进行拟合时用的是B样条的矩阵表达方法,具体参见论文:K. Qin, “General matrix representations for b-splines,” The Visual Computer, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 177–186, 2000.

首先假设获得的离散轨迹点一共有K个,则有K-1段轨迹,根据B样条性质,这K-1段3次B样条曲线的定义域是 [ u 3 , u 3 + k − 1 ] [u_3,u_{3+k-1}] [u3,u3+k1]。则一共有K+5个knot vector,即 M = K − 1 + 3 + 3 M=K-1+3+3 M=K1+3+3 ,所以应该有M-3即K+2个控制点。

如以下公式所示,对于B样条曲线上定义在 t m , t m + 1 t_m,t_{m+1} tm,tm+1上的一小段曲线,其被 [ p m − p b , p m ] [p_{m-p_b},p_m] [pmpb,pm]这四个控制点所决定。其中 s ( t ) = t − t m Δ t s(t)=\frac{t-t_m}{\Delta t} s(t)=Δtttm M p b M_{p_b} Mpb是四维常数矩阵,具体参见以上论文链接。
p ( s ( t ) ) = s ( t ) ⊤ M p b + 1 q m s ( t ) = [ 1 s ( t ) s 2 ( t ) ⋯ s p b ( t ) ] ⊤ q m = [ Q m − p b Q m − p b ∣ + 1 Q m − p b + 2 ⋯ Q m ] ⊤ \begin{aligned} &\mathbf{p}(s(t))=\mathbf{s}(t)^{\top} \mathbf{M}_{p_{b}+1} \mathbf{q}_{m} \\ &\mathbf{s}(t)=\left[\begin{array}{lllll} 1 & s(t) & s^{2}(t) & \cdots & s^{p_{b}}(t) \end{array}\right]^{\top} & \\ &\mathbf{q}_{m}=\left[\begin{array}{lllll} \mathbf{Q}_{m-p_{b}} & \mathbf{Q}_{m-p_{b}} \mid+1 & \mathbf{Q}_{m-p_{b}+2} & \cdots & \mathbf{Q}_{m} \end{array}\right]^{\top} \end{aligned} p(s(t))=s(t)Mpb+1qms(t)=[1s(t)s2(t)spb(t)]qm=[QmpbQmpb+1Qmpb+2Qm]
x 1 = 1 6 ( Q 2 − Q 0 ) x_1 =\frac{1}{6}(Q_2-Q_0) x1=61(Q2Q0)

对于速度约束与加速度约束,只需要对时间 t t t求一次及二次微分即可,所得约束关系如代码中所示。需要注意的是,由于s(t)是关于t的函数,具有常数项 1 Δ t \frac{1}{\Delta t} Δt1, 所以一次及二次微分需要乘以对应的常数项 1 Δ t \frac{1}{\Delta t} Δt1 1 Δ t 2 \frac{1}{\Delta t^2} Δt21

通过对K+2个控制点构建K+4个等式约束(K个位置约束,两个速度约束,两个加速度约束),利用 A x = b Ax=b Ax=b进行线性拟合,即可得到拟合的控制点。

2.4 非均匀B样条一阶及二阶微分



Eigen::MatrixXd NonUniformBspline::getDerivativeControlPoints() {
  // The derivative of a b-spline is also a b-spline, its order become p_-1
  // control point Qi = p_*(Pi+1-Pi)/(ui+p_+1-ui+1)
  Eigen::MatrixXd ctp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(control_points_.rows() - 1, control_points_.cols());
  for (int i = 0; i < ctp.rows(); ++i) {
    ctp.row(i) =
        p_ * (control_points_.row(i + 1) - control_points_.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));
  return ctp;

NonUniformBspline NonUniformBspline::getDerivative() {
  Eigen::MatrixXd   ctp = getDerivativeControlPoints();
  NonUniformBspline derivative(ctp, p_ - 1, interval_);

  /* cut the first and last knot */
  Eigen::VectorXd knot(u_.rows() - 2);
  knot = u_.segment(1, u_.rows() - 2);

  return derivative;

代码中利用递归的形式求得速度与加速度,B样条的一阶微分是次数-1,控制点数-1的B样条曲线,因此相应的Knot vector-2。 在利用上图公式获得一阶微分控制点后,新定义一个NonUniformBspline对象,并将新的控制点,次数,Knot vector赋值给它。

2.5 可达性检查

bool NonUniformBspline::checkFeasibility(bool show) {
  bool fea = true;
  // SETY << "[Bspline]: total points size: " << control_points_.rows() << endl;

  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();

  /* check vel feasibility and insert points */
  double max_vel = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));

    if (fabs(vel(0)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 || fabs(vel(1)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(vel(2)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4) {

      if (show) cout << "[Check]: Infeasible vel " << i << " :" << vel.transpose() << endl;
      fea = false;

      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));

  /* acc feasibility */
  double max_acc = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {

    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));

    if (fabs(acc(0)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 || fabs(acc(1)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(acc(2)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4) {

      if (show) cout << "[Check]: Infeasible acc " << i << " :" << acc.transpose() << endl;
      fea = false;

      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));

  double ratio = max(max_vel / limit_vel_, sqrt(fabs(max_acc) / limit_acc_));

  return fea;

double NonUniformBspline::checkRatio() {
  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();

  // find max vel
  double max_vel = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));
  // find max acc
  double max_acc = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));
  double ratio = max(max_vel / limit_vel_, sqrt(fabs(max_acc) / limit_acc_));
  ROS_ERROR_COND(ratio > 2.0, "max vel: %lf, max acc: %lf.", max_vel, max_acc);

  return ratio;

bool NonUniformBspline::reallocateTime(bool show) {
  // SETY << "[Bspline]: total points size: " << control_points_.rows() << endl;
  // cout << "origin knots:\n" << u_.transpose() << endl;
  bool fea = true;

  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();

  double max_vel, max_acc;

  /* check vel feasibility and insert points */
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));

    if (fabs(vel(0)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 || fabs(vel(1)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(vel(2)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4) {

      fea = false;
      if (show) cout << "[Realloc]: Infeasible vel " << i << " :" << vel.transpose() << endl;

      max_vel = -1.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));

      double ratio = max_vel / limit_vel_ + 1e-4;
      if (ratio > limit_ratio_) ratio = limit_ratio_;

      double time_ori = u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1);
      double time_new = ratio * time_ori;
      double delta_t  = time_new - time_ori;
      double t_inc    = delta_t / double(p_);

      for (int j = i + 2; j <= i + p_ + 1; ++j) {
        u_(j) += double(j - i - 1) * t_inc;
        if (j <= 5 && j >= 1) {
          // cout << "vel j: " << j << endl;

      for (int j = i + p_ + 2; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
        u_(j) += delta_t;

  /* acc feasibility */
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {

    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));

    if (fabs(acc(0)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 || fabs(acc(1)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(acc(2)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4) {

      fea = false;
      if (show) cout << "[Realloc]: Infeasible acc " << i << " :" << acc.transpose() << endl;

      max_acc = -1.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));

      double ratio = sqrt(max_acc / limit_acc_) + 1e-4;
      if (ratio > limit_ratio_) ratio = limit_ratio_;
      // cout << "ratio: " << ratio << endl;

      double time_ori = u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2);
      double time_new = ratio * time_ori;
      double delta_t  = time_new - time_ori;
      double t_inc    = delta_t / double(p_ - 1);

      if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
        // cout << "acc i: " << i << endl;
        for (int j = 2; j <= 5; ++j) {
          u_(j) += double(j - 1) * t_inc;

        for (int j = 6; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
          u_(j) += 4.0 * t_inc;

      } else {

        for (int j = i + 3; j <= i + p_ + 1; ++j) {
          u_(j) += double(j - i - 2) * t_inc;
          if (j <= 5 && j >= 1) {
            // cout << "acc j: " << j << endl;

        for (int j = i + p_ + 2; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
          u_(j) += delta_t;

  return fea;

void NonUniformBspline::lengthenTime(const double& ratio) {
  int num1 = 5;
  int num2 = getKnot().rows() - 1 - 5;

  double delta_t = (ratio - 1.0) * (u_(num2) - u_(num1));
  double t_inc   = delta_t / double(num2 - num1);
  for (int i = num1 + 1; i <= num2; ++i) u_(i) += double(i - num1) * t_inc;
  for (int i = num2 + 1; i < u_.rows(); ++i) u_(i) += delta_t;

这一部分的三个函数 checkFeasibility(), checkRatio(), reallocateTime()的大部分内容都是一致的。都是利用如下两个公式计算每个控制点的速度和加速度是否超限,最大速度是多少,并获得调整比例。
真正进行重新时间调整的函数时reallocateTime,通过计算当前控制点是否超限,以及调整表比例。对于当前控制点 i i i有关的时间区间进行时间调整, [ t i , t i + p b + 1 ] [t_i,t_{i+p_b +1}] [ti,ti+pb+1]。注意,这里的 p b p_b pb是当前B样条的次数,如果是速度则是3-1=2, 加速度则是3-2=1(针对论文中的3次B样条曲线而言)。在 t i + p b + 1 t_{i+p_b +1} ti+pb+1以后的是时间节点则是直接加上总的扩张时间就可以。

需要注意的是,代码中有一处地方暂时无法理解为何需要单独考虑,即加速度超限时间调整的i=1 及 i=2的部分

if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
        // cout << "acc i: " << i << endl;
        for (int j = 2; j <= 5; ++j) {
          u_(j) += double(j - 1) * t_inc;

        for (int j = 6; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
          u_(j) += 4.0 * t_inc;

2.6 小结



3.1 优化项计算



这里需要注意的是,速度与加速度的优化项及梯度都考虑了时间项 Δ t \Delta t Δt,但jerk项省略了时间项-或许对应文中说的后续纯几何构造法,便于后续进行时间调整。但是,平顺项的实现方式与原论文中的elastic band的方法也是不一样的。



void BsplineOptimizer::calcSmoothnessCost(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& q, double& cost,
                                          vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& gradient) {
  cost = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d zero(0, 0, 0);
  std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(), zero);
  Eigen::Vector3d jerk, temp_j;

  for (int i = 0; i < q.size() - order_; i++) {
    /* evaluate jerk */
    jerk = q[i + 3] - 3 * q[i + 2] + 3 * q[i + 1] - q[i];
    cost += jerk.squaredNorm();
    temp_j = 2.0 * jerk;
    /* jerk gradient */
    gradient[i + 0] += -temp_j;
    gradient[i + 1] += 3.0 * temp_j;
    gradient[i + 2] += -3.0 * temp_j;
    gradient[i + 3] += temp_j;

void BsplineOptimizer::calcDistanceCost(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& q, double& cost,
                                        vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& gradient) {
  cost = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d zero(0, 0, 0);
  std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(), zero);

  double          dist;
  Eigen::Vector3d dist_grad, g_zero(0, 0, 0);

  int end_idx = (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) ? q.size() : q.size() - order_;

  for (int i = order_; i < end_idx; i++) {
    edt_environment_->evaluateEDTWithGrad(q[i], -1.0, dist, dist_grad);
    if (dist_grad.norm() > 1e-4) dist_grad.normalize();

    if (dist < dist0_) {
      cost += pow(dist - dist0_, 2);
      gradient[i] += 2.0 * (dist - dist0_) * dist_grad;

void BsplineOptimizer::calcFeasibilityCost(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& q, double& cost,
                                           vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& gradient) {
  cost = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d zero(0, 0, 0);
  std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(), zero);

  /* abbreviation */
  double ts, vm2, am2, ts_inv2, ts_inv4;
  vm2 = max_vel_ * max_vel_;
  am2 = max_acc_ * max_acc_;

  ts      = bspline_interval_;
  ts_inv2 = 1 / ts / ts;
  ts_inv4 = ts_inv2 * ts_inv2;

  /* velocity feasibility */
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size() - 1; i++) {
    Eigen::Vector3d vi = q[i + 1] - q[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      double vd = vi(j) * vi(j) * ts_inv2 - vm2;
      if (vd > 0.0) {
        cost += pow(vd, 2);

        double temp_v = 4.0 * vd * ts_inv2;
        gradient[i + 0](j) += -temp_v * vi(j);
        gradient[i + 1](j) += temp_v * vi(j);

  /* acceleration feasibility */
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size() - 2; i++) {
    Eigen::Vector3d ai = q[i + 2] - 2 * q[i + 1] + q[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      double ad = ai(j) * ai(j) * ts_inv4 - am2;
      if (ad > 0.0) {
        cost += pow(ad, 2);

        double temp_a = 4.0 * ad * ts_inv4;
        gradient[i + 0](j) += temp_a * ai(j);
        gradient[i + 1](j) += -2 * temp_a * ai(j);
        gradient[i + 2](j) += temp_a * ai(j);

3.2 优化项结合

因为在KinoReplan中只用到Smoothness, distance,以及feasibility这三项优化项,因此,其余的优化项计算我们暂且不谈。现在考虑如何将这几项优化项结合起来,并将其自变量从控制点转化为Nlopt优化的变量x。

void BsplineOptimizer::combineCost(const std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double>& grad,
                                   double& f_combine) {
  /* convert the NLopt format vector to control points. */

  // This solver can support 1D-3D B-spline optimization, but we use Vector3d to store each control point
  // For 1D case, the second and third elements are zero, and similar for the 2D case.
  for (int i = 0; i < order_; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j) {
      g_q_[i][j] = control_points_(i, j);
    for (int j = dim_; j < 3; ++j) {
      g_q_[i][j] = 0.0;

  for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j) {
      g_q_[i + order_][j] = x[dim_ * i + j];
    for (int j = dim_; j < 3; ++j) {
      g_q_[i + order_][j] = 0.0;

  if (!(cost_function_ & ENDPOINT)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < order_; i++) {

      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j) {
        g_q_[order_ + variable_num_ / dim_ + i][j] =
            control_points_(control_points_.rows() - order_ + i, j);
      for (int j = dim_; j < 3; ++j) {
        g_q_[order_ + variable_num_ / dim_ + i][j] = 0.0;

  f_combine = 0.0;
  fill(grad.begin(), grad.end(), 0.0);

  /*  evaluate costs and their gradient  */
  double f_smoothness, f_distance, f_feasibility, f_endpoint, f_guide, f_waypoints;
  f_smoothness = f_distance = f_feasibility = f_endpoint = f_guide = f_waypoints = 0.0;

  if (cost_function_ & SMOOTHNESS) {
    calcSmoothnessCost(g_q_, f_smoothness, g_smoothness_);
    f_combine += lambda1_ * f_smoothness;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda1_ * g_smoothness_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & DISTANCE) {
    calcDistanceCost(g_q_, f_distance, g_distance_);
    f_combine += lambda2_ * f_distance;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda2_ * g_distance_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & FEASIBILITY) {
    calcFeasibilityCost(g_q_, f_feasibility, g_feasibility_);
    f_combine += lambda3_ * f_feasibility;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda3_ * g_feasibility_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) {
    calcEndpointCost(g_q_, f_endpoint, g_endpoint_);
    f_combine += lambda4_ * f_endpoint;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda4_ * g_endpoint_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & GUIDE) {
    calcGuideCost(g_q_, f_guide, g_guide_);
    f_combine += lambda5_ * f_guide;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda5_ * g_guide_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & WAYPOINTS) {
    calcWaypointsCost(g_q_, f_waypoints, g_waypoints_);
    f_combine += lambda7_ * f_waypoints;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda7_ * g_waypoints_[i + order_](j);
  /*  print cost  */
  // if ((cost_function_ & WAYPOINTS) && iter_num_ % 10 == 0) {
  //   cout << iter_num_ << ", total: " << f_combine << ", acc: " << lambda8_ * f_view
  //        << ", waypt: " << lambda7_ * f_waypoints << endl;
  // }

  // if (optimization_phase_ == SECOND_PHASE) {
  //  << ", smooth: " << lambda1_ * f_smoothness
  //  << " , dist:" << lambda2_ * f_distance
  //  << ", fea: " << lambda3_ * f_feasibility << endl;
  // << ", end: " << lambda4_ * f_endpoint
  // << ", guide: " << lambda5_ * f_guide
  // }

double BsplineOptimizer::costFunction(const std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double>& grad,
                                      void* func_data) {
  BsplineOptimizer* opt = reinterpret_cast<BsplineOptimizer*>(func_data);
  double            cost;
  opt->combineCost(x, grad, cost);

  /* save the min cost result */
  if (cost < opt->min_cost_) {
    opt->min_cost_      = cost;
    opt->best_variable_ = x;
  return cost;

  // /* evaluation */
  // ros::Time te1 = ros::Time::now();
  // double time_now = (te1 - opt->time_start_).toSec();
  // opt->vec_time_.push_back(time_now);
  // if (opt->vec_cost_.size() == 0)
  // {
  //   opt->vec_cost_.push_back(f_combine);
  // }
  // else if (opt->vec_cost_.back() > f_combine)
  // {
  //   opt->vec_cost_.push_back(f_combine);
  // }
  // else
  // {
  //   opt->vec_cost_.push_back(opt->vec_cost_.back());
  // }

结合三种优化项的函数是combineCost()函数,函数有三个参数,第一个std::vector& x即是Nlopt优化的变量,应该与三个维度的控制点对应。第二个参数是std::vector& grad,即总的优化项关于每个优化变量的梯度信息。第三个参数是double& f_combine 。即结合后的Cost。

首先是给g_q赋值,g_q是用来计算每次优化循环三个优化项的控制点。值得注意的是,前 p b p_b pb个控制点和最后 p b p_b pb个控制点是不进行优化的,始终保持线性拟合得到控制点原值。中间的控制点则是因为每一次迭代优化后都不同,因此用x来赋值。这里的x是通过Nlopt的opt 对象在set_min_objective中进行初始化的,具体的大小在构造 Nlopt optimizer对象时就通过variable_num的大小确定了。而初始值则是在Nlopt求解时 .optimize函数中进行赋值。

接下来就是利用CalcSmoothneesCost, CalcDistanceCost, CalcFeasibilityCost 三个函数计算每一部分的cost和grad,并乘上权重后累加至grad 和 f_combine中,唯一需要注意的是grad和各部分优化项梯度之间维度上差了两个B样条次数。


3.3 Nlopt优化


Eigen::MatrixXd BsplineOptimizer::BsplineOptimizeTraj(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const double& ts,
                                                      const int& cost_function, int max_num_id,
                                                      int max_time_id) {
  setTerminateCond(max_num_id, max_time_id);

  return this->control_points_;

void BsplineOptimizer::optimize() {
  /* initialize solver */
  iter_num_        = 0;
  min_cost_        = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  const int pt_num = control_points_.rows();

  if (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) {
    variable_num_ = dim_ * (pt_num - order_);
    // end position used for hard constraint
    end_pt_ = (1 / 6.0) *
        (control_points_.row(pt_num - 3) + 4 * control_points_.row(pt_num - 2) +
         control_points_.row(pt_num - 1));
  } else {
    variable_num_ = max(0, dim_ * (pt_num - 2 * order_)) ;

  /* do optimization using NLopt slover */
  nlopt::opt opt(nlopt::algorithm(isQuadratic() ? algorithm1_ : algorithm2_), variable_num_);
  opt.set_min_objective(BsplineOptimizer::costFunction, this);

  vector<double> q(variable_num_);
  for (int i = order_; i < pt_num; ++i) {
    if (!(cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) && i >= pt_num - order_) continue;
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) {
      q[dim_ * (i - order_) + j] = control_points_(i, j);

  if (dim_ != 1) {
    vector<double> lb(variable_num_), ub(variable_num_);
    const double   bound = 10.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_; ++i) {
      lb[i] = q[i] - bound;
      ub[i] = q[i] + bound;

  try {
    // cout << fixed << setprecision(7);
    // vec_time_.clear();
    // vec_cost_.clear();
    // time_start_ = ros::Time::now();

    double        final_cost;
    nlopt::result result = opt.optimize(q, final_cost);

    /* retrieve the optimization result */
    // cout << "Min cost:" << min_cost_ << endl;
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    ROS_WARN("[Optimization]: nlopt exception");
    cout << e.what() << endl;

  for (int i = order_; i < control_points_.rows(); ++i) {
    if (!(cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) && i >= pt_num - order_) continue;
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) {
      control_points_(i, j) = best_variable_[dim_ * (i - order_) + j];

  if (!(cost_function_ & GUIDE)) ROS_INFO_STREAM("iter num: " << iter_num_);

首先是BsplineOptimizeTraj()函数,将优化的控制点,均匀B样条的时间间隔,cost Function包含的优化项,以及终止条件(最大优化次数及最长优化时间)都设置好以后,就利用BsplineOptimizer的optimize()函数进行优化。


接下来就是实例化Nlopt::opt类对象 opt。并设定目标函数。设定最大优化次数与最长优化时间,设定目标函数的最小值(这三者都是设定终止条件)。接着,根据线性你和得到的控制点设置优化变量的初值,并设置每个优化变量的上下界(初始值±10)。


3.4 小结


四. 规划系统运行逻辑

4.1 plan_mannager

首先来看 plan_manage 包中的plan_manager.h 和planner_manager.cpp。 这两个文件主要是定义了一个FastPlannerManager类,用以对整个规划过程进行管理。


#include <bspline_opt/bspline_optimizer.h>
#include <bspline/non_uniform_bspline.h>

#include <path_searching/astar.h>
#include <path_searching/kinodynamic_astar.h>
#include <path_searching/topo_prm.h>

#include <plan_env/edt_environment.h>

#include <plan_manage/plan_container.hpp>

#include <ros/ros.h>

namespace fast_planner {

// Fast Planner Manager
// Key algorithms of mapping and planning are called

class FastPlannerManager {
  // SECTION stable

  /* main planning interface */
  bool kinodynamicReplan(Eigen::Vector3d start_pt, Eigen::Vector3d start_vel, Eigen::Vector3d start_acc,
                         Eigen::Vector3d end_pt, Eigen::Vector3d end_vel);
  bool planGlobalTraj(const Eigen::Vector3d& start_pos);
  bool topoReplan(bool collide);

  void planYaw(const Eigen::Vector3d& start_yaw);

  void initPlanModules(ros::NodeHandle& nh);
  void setGlobalWaypoints(vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& waypoints);

  bool checkTrajCollision(double& distance);

  PlanParameters pp_;
  LocalTrajData local_data_;
  GlobalTrajData global_data_;
  MidPlanData plan_data_;
  EDTEnvironment::Ptr edt_environment_;

  /* main planning algorithms & modules */
  SDFMap::Ptr sdf_map_;

  unique_ptr<Astar> geo_path_finder_;
  unique_ptr<KinodynamicAstar> kino_path_finder_;
  unique_ptr<TopologyPRM> topo_prm_;
  vector<BsplineOptimizer::Ptr> bspline_optimizers_;

  void updateTrajInfo();

  // topology guided optimization

  void findCollisionRange(vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& colli_start, vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& colli_end,
                          vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& start_pts, vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& end_pts);

  void optimizeTopoBspline(double start_t, double duration, vector<Eigen::Vector3d> guide_path,
                           int traj_id);
  Eigen::MatrixXd reparamLocalTraj(double start_t, double& dt, double& duration);
  Eigen::MatrixXd reparamLocalTraj(double start_t, double duration, int seg_num, double& dt);

  void selectBestTraj(NonUniformBspline& traj);
  void refineTraj(NonUniformBspline& best_traj, double& time_inc);
  void reparamBspline(NonUniformBspline& bspline, double ratio, Eigen::MatrixXd& ctrl_pts, double& dt,
                      double& time_inc);

  // heading planning
  void calcNextYaw(const double& last_yaw, double& yaw);

  // !SECTION stable

  // SECTION developing

  typedef unique_ptr<FastPlannerManager> Ptr;

}  // namespace fast_planner


FastPlannerManager首先是包含了一系列plan的接口函数,然后,包含了一些定义在plan_container.hpp中的数据结构和类。接着是SDF地图的智能指针以及前端路径寻找类以及后端B样条优化类的智能指针。关于 tology guided optimization的部分这篇博客我们先不谈。 最后包含了一个FastPlannerManager类的智能指针 Ptr。

// #include <fstream>
#include <plan_manage/planner_manager.h>
#include <thread>

namespace fast_planner {

// SECTION interfaces for setup and query

FastPlannerManager::FastPlannerManager() {}

FastPlannerManager::~FastPlannerManager() { std::cout << "des manager" << std::endl; }

void FastPlannerManager::initPlanModules(ros::NodeHandle& nh) {
  /* read algorithm parameters */

  nh.param("manager/max_vel", pp_.max_vel_, -1.0);
  nh.param("manager/max_acc", pp_.max_acc_, -1.0);
  nh.param("manager/max_jerk", pp_.max_jerk_, -1.0);
  nh.param("manager/dynamic_environment", pp_.dynamic_, -1);
  nh.param("manager/clearance_threshold", pp_.clearance_, -1.0);
  nh.param("manager/local_segment_length", pp_.local_traj_len_, -1.0);
  nh.param("manager/control_points_distance", pp_.ctrl_pt_dist, -1.0);

  bool use_geometric_path, use_kinodynamic_path, use_topo_path, use_optimization, use_active_perception;
  nh.param("manager/use_geometric_path", use_geometric_path, false);
  nh.param("manager/use_kinodynamic_path", use_kinodynamic_path, false);
  nh.param("manager/use_topo_path", use_topo_path, false);
  nh.param("manager/use_optimization", use_optimization, false);

  local_data_.traj_id_ = 0;
  sdf_map_.reset(new SDFMap);
  edt_environment_.reset(new EDTEnvironment);

  if (use_geometric_path) {
    geo_path_finder_.reset(new Astar);

  if (use_kinodynamic_path) {
    kino_path_finder_.reset(new KinodynamicAstar);

  if (use_optimization) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
      bspline_optimizers_[i].reset(new BsplineOptimizer);

  if (use_topo_path) {
    topo_prm_.reset(new TopologyPRM);

void FastPlannerManager::setGlobalWaypoints(vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& waypoints) {
  plan_data_.global_waypoints_ = waypoints;

bool FastPlannerManager::checkTrajCollision(double& distance) {

  double t_now = (ros::Time::now() - local_data_.start_time_).toSec();

  double tm, tmp;
  local_data_.position_traj_.getTimeSpan(tm, tmp);
  Eigen::Vector3d cur_pt = local_data_.position_traj_.evaluateDeBoor(tm + t_now);

  double          radius = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d fut_pt;
  double          fut_t = 0.02;

  while (radius < 6.0 && t_now + fut_t < local_data_.duration_) {
    fut_pt = local_data_.position_traj_.evaluateDeBoor(tm + t_now + fut_t);

    double dist = edt_environment_->evaluateCoarseEDT(fut_pt, -1.0);
    if (dist < 0.1) {
      distance = radius;
      return false;

    radius = (fut_pt - cur_pt).norm();
    fut_t += 0.02;

  return true;


// SECTION kinodynamic replanning

bool FastPlannerManager::kinodynamicReplan(Eigen::Vector3d start_pt, Eigen::Vector3d start_vel,
                                           Eigen::Vector3d start_acc, Eigen::Vector3d end_pt,
                                           Eigen::Vector3d end_vel) {

  std::cout << "[kino replan]: -----------------------" << std::endl;
  cout << "start: " << start_pt.transpose() << ", " << start_vel.transpose() << ", "
       << start_acc.transpose() << "\ngoal:" << end_pt.transpose() << ", " << end_vel.transpose()
       << endl;

  if ((start_pt - end_pt).norm() < 0.2) {
    cout << "Close goal" << endl;
    return false;

  ros::Time t1, t2;

  local_data_.start_time_ = ros::Time::now();
  double t_search = 0.0, t_opt = 0.0, t_adjust = 0.0;

  Eigen::Vector3d init_pos = start_pt;
  Eigen::Vector3d init_vel = start_vel;
  Eigen::Vector3d init_acc = start_acc;

  // kinodynamic path searching

  t1 = ros::Time::now();


  int status = kino_path_finder_->search(start_pt, start_vel, start_acc, end_pt, end_vel, true);

  if (status == KinodynamicAstar::NO_PATH) {
    cout << "[kino replan]: kinodynamic search fail!" << endl;

    // retry searching with discontinuous initial state
    status = kino_path_finder_->search(start_pt, start_vel, start_acc, end_pt, end_vel, false);

    if (status == KinodynamicAstar::NO_PATH) {
      cout << "[kino replan]: Can't find path." << endl;
      return false;
    } else {
      cout << "[kino replan]: retry search success." << endl;

  } else {
    cout << "[kino replan]: kinodynamic search success." << endl;

  plan_data_.kino_path_ = kino_path_finder_->getKinoTraj(0.01);

  t_search = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();

  // parameterize the path to bspline

  double                  ts = pp_.ctrl_pt_dist / pp_.max_vel_;
  vector<Eigen::Vector3d> point_set, start_end_derivatives;
  kino_path_finder_->getSamples(ts, point_set, start_end_derivatives);

  Eigen::MatrixXd ctrl_pts;
  NonUniformBspline::parameterizeToBspline(ts, point_set, start_end_derivatives, ctrl_pts);
  NonUniformBspline init(ctrl_pts, 3, ts);

  // bspline trajectory optimization

  t1 = ros::Time::now();

  int cost_function = BsplineOptimizer::NORMAL_PHASE;

  if (status != KinodynamicAstar::REACH_END) {
    cost_function |= BsplineOptimizer::ENDPOINT;

  ctrl_pts = bspline_optimizers_[0]->BsplineOptimizeTraj(ctrl_pts, ts, cost_function, 1, 1);

  t_opt = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();

  // iterative time adjustment

  t1                    = ros::Time::now();
  NonUniformBspline pos = NonUniformBspline(ctrl_pts, 3, ts);

  double to = pos.getTimeSum();
  pos.setPhysicalLimits(pp_.max_vel_, pp_.max_acc_);
  bool feasible = pos.checkFeasibility(false);

  int iter_num = 0;
  while (!feasible && ros::ok()) {

    feasible = pos.reallocateTime();

    if (++iter_num >= 3) break;

  // pos.checkFeasibility(true);
  // cout << "[Main]: iter num: " << iter_num << endl;

  double tn = pos.getTimeSum();

  cout << "[kino replan]: Reallocate ratio: " << tn / to << endl;
  if (tn / to > 3.0) ROS_ERROR("reallocate error.");

  t_adjust = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();

  // save planned results

  local_data_.position_traj_ = pos;

  double t_total = t_search + t_opt + t_adjust;
  cout << "[kino replan]: time: " << t_total << ", search: " << t_search << ", optimize: " << t_opt
       << ", adjust time:" << t_adjust << endl;

  pp_.time_search_   = t_search;
  pp_.time_optimize_ = t_opt;
  pp_.time_adjust_   = t_adjust;


  return true;

首先是FastPlannerManager::initPlanModules()函数,这部分除了设置ROS nh句柄空间下的参数外,最重要的是将kino_path_finder以及Bspline_optimizers进行初始化。




之后便进行均匀B样条优化,但需要加以注意的是,在当前轨迹只是达到感知距离以外并未达到目标点时,目标函数需要加上ENDPOINT优化项,此时的优化变量应该包含最后 p b p_b pb控制点。但当前端寻找的路径的状态已经是REACH_END时,由于拟合最后 p b p_b pb个控制点已经能保证位置点约束,因此优化项中不再包含EDNPOINT,优化变量也不再包含最后 p b p_b pb个控制点

最后利用非均匀B样条类进行迭代时间调整,将调整后的B样条轨迹赋值给local_data.position_traj. 并利用updateTrajInfo函数对local_data的其他数据进行更新。

4.2 kino_replan_fsm.cpp

最后一个比较重要的cpp文件,是kino_replan_fsm.cpp. 这之中定义了一个KinoReplanFSM类,这个类包含了一系列的参数, flag, 规划数据,ROS组件。最重要的是FastPlannerManager::Ptr 对象 plan_manager 以及一系列回调函数及一个init函数。


#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <nav_msgs/Path.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
#include <vector>
#include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>

#include <bspline_opt/bspline_optimizer.h>
#include <path_searching/kinodynamic_astar.h>
#include <plan_env/edt_environment.h>
#include <plan_env/obj_predictor.h>
#include <plan_env/sdf_map.h>
#include <plan_manage/Bspline.h>
#include <plan_manage/planner_manager.h>
#include <traj_utils/planning_visualization.h>

using std::vector;

namespace fast_planner {

class Test {
  /* data */
  int test_;
  std::vector<int> test_vec_;
  ros::NodeHandle nh_;

  Test(const int& v) {
    test_ = v;
  Test(ros::NodeHandle& node) {
    nh_ = node;
  ~Test() {
  void print() {
    std::cout << "test: " << test_ << std::endl;

class KinoReplanFSM {

  /* ---------- flag ---------- */

  /* planning utils */
  FastPlannerManager::Ptr planner_manager_;
  PlanningVisualization::Ptr visualization_;

  /* parameters */
  int target_type_;  // 1 mannual select, 2 hard code
  double no_replan_thresh_, replan_thresh_;
  double waypoints_[50][3];
  int waypoint_num_;

  /* planning data */
  bool trigger_, have_target_, have_odom_;
  FSM_EXEC_STATE exec_state_;

  Eigen::Vector3d odom_pos_, odom_vel_;  // odometry state
  Eigen::Quaterniond odom_orient_;

  Eigen::Vector3d start_pt_, start_vel_, start_acc_, start_yaw_;  // start state
  Eigen::Vector3d end_pt_, end_vel_;                              // target state
  int current_wp_;

  /* ROS utils */
  ros::NodeHandle node_;
  ros::Timer exec_timer_, safety_timer_, vis_timer_, test_something_timer_;
  ros::Subscriber waypoint_sub_, odom_sub_;
  ros::Publisher replan_pub_, new_pub_, bspline_pub_;

  /* helper functions */
  bool callKinodynamicReplan();        // front-end and back-end method
  bool callTopologicalTraj(int step);  // topo path guided gradient-based
                                       // optimization; 1: new, 2: replan
  void changeFSMExecState(FSM_EXEC_STATE new_state, string pos_call);
  void printFSMExecState();

  /* ROS functions */
  void execFSMCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& e);
  void checkCollisionCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& e);
  void waypointCallback(const nav_msgs::PathConstPtr& msg);
  void odometryCallback(const nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr& msg);

  KinoReplanFSM(/* args */) {
  ~KinoReplanFSM() {

  void init(ros::NodeHandle& nh);


}  // namespace fast_planner


首先来看 KinoReplanFSM::init()函数,这一函数首先是设置了一系列参数,然后对规划管理类的智能指针对象planner_manager_进行了初始化.接着,定义了一系列的ROS组件,包括定时器,订阅器,发布器。规划的具体步骤就在这些组件的调用及回调函数里实现。

void KinoReplanFSM::init(ros::NodeHandle& nh) {
  current_wp_  = 0;
  exec_state_  = FSM_EXEC_STATE::INIT;
  have_target_ = false;
  have_odom_   = false;

  /*  fsm param  */
  nh.param("fsm/flight_type", target_type_, -1);
  nh.param("fsm/thresh_replan", replan_thresh_, -1.0);
  nh.param("fsm/thresh_no_replan", no_replan_thresh_, -1.0);

  nh.param("fsm/waypoint_num", waypoint_num_, -1);
  for (int i = 0; i < waypoint_num_; i++) {
    nh.param("fsm/waypoint" + to_string(i) + "_x", waypoints_[i][0], -1.0);
    nh.param("fsm/waypoint" + to_string(i) + "_y", waypoints_[i][1], -1.0);
    nh.param("fsm/waypoint" + to_string(i) + "_z", waypoints_[i][2], -1.0);

  /* initialize main modules */
  planner_manager_.reset(new FastPlannerManager);
  visualization_.reset(new PlanningVisualization(nh));

  /* callback */
  exec_timer_   = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.01), &KinoReplanFSM::execFSMCallback, this);
  safety_timer_ = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.05), &KinoReplanFSM::checkCollisionCallback, this);

  waypoint_sub_ =
      nh.subscribe("/waypoint_generator/waypoints", 1, &KinoReplanFSM::waypointCallback, this);
  odom_sub_ = nh.subscribe("/odom_world", 1, &KinoReplanFSM::odometryCallback, this);

  replan_pub_  = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("/planning/replan", 10);
  new_pub_     = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("/planning/new", 10);
  bspline_pub_ = nh.advertise<plan_manage::Bspline>("/planning/bspline", 10);

我们首先来看两个定时器的回调函数。第一个是KinoReplanFSM::execFSMCallback(),这个函数的触发时间是每0.01秒。首先,每1秒打印一次当前执行状态。然后,根据执行状态变量 exec_state_进入switch循环。

如果状态是INIT,则判断有没有收到odometry 和 plan的 ttrigger是否被触发。 have_odom 和 trigger 这两个bool变量分别在KinoReplanFSM::odometryCallback()和KinoReplanFSM::waypointCallback() 这两个消息订阅的回调函数中被改变。如果都通过,改变当前状态为WAIT_TARGET,并跳出当前循环。

如果状态是WAIT_TARGET, 则判断是否有target,如果有,则改变状态为GEN_NEW_TRAJ,并跳出当前循环。

void KinoReplanFSM::execFSMCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& e) {
  static int fsm_num = 0;
  if (fsm_num == 100) {
    if (!have_odom_) cout << "no odom." << endl;
    if (!trigger_) cout << "wait for goal." << endl;
    fsm_num = 0;

  switch (exec_state_) {
    case INIT: {
      if (!have_odom_) {
      if (!trigger_) {
      changeFSMExecState(WAIT_TARGET, "FSM");

    case WAIT_TARGET: {
      if (!have_target_)
      else {
        changeFSMExecState(GEN_NEW_TRAJ, "FSM");

    case GEN_NEW_TRAJ: {
      start_pt_  = odom_pos_;
      start_vel_ = odom_vel_;

      Eigen::Vector3d rot_x = odom_orient_.toRotationMatrix().block(0, 0, 3, 1);
      start_yaw_(0)         = atan2(rot_x(1), rot_x(0));
      start_yaw_(1) = start_yaw_(2) = 0.0;

      bool success = callKinodynamicReplan();
      if (success) {
        changeFSMExecState(EXEC_TRAJ, "FSM");
      } else {
        // have_target_ = false;
        // changeFSMExecState(WAIT_TARGET, "FSM");
        changeFSMExecState(GEN_NEW_TRAJ, "FSM");

    case EXEC_TRAJ: {
      /* determine if need to replan */
      LocalTrajData* info     = &planner_manager_->local_data_;
      ros::Time      time_now = ros::Time::now();
      double         t_cur    = (time_now - info->start_time_).toSec();
      t_cur                   = min(info->duration_, t_cur);

      Eigen::Vector3d pos = info->position_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur);

      /* && (end_pt_ - pos).norm() < 0.5 */
      if (t_cur > info->duration_ - 1e-2) {
        have_target_ = false;
        changeFSMExecState(WAIT_TARGET, "FSM");

      } else if ((end_pt_ - pos).norm() < no_replan_thresh_) {
        // cout << "near end" << endl;

      } else if ((info->start_pos_ - pos).norm() < replan_thresh_) {
        // cout << "near start" << endl;

      } else {
        changeFSMExecState(REPLAN_TRAJ, "FSM");

    case REPLAN_TRAJ: {
      LocalTrajData* info     = &planner_manager_->local_data_;
      ros::Time      time_now = ros::Time::now();
      double         t_cur    = (time_now - info->start_time_).toSec();

      start_pt_  = info->position_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur);
      start_vel_ = info->velocity_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur);
      start_acc_ = info->acceleration_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur);

      start_yaw_(0) = info->yaw_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur)[0];
      start_yaw_(1) = info->yawdot_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur)[0];
      start_yaw_(2) = info->yawdotdot_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(t_cur)[0];

      std_msgs::Empty replan_msg;

      bool success = callKinodynamicReplan();
      if (success) {
        changeFSMExecState(EXEC_TRAJ, "FSM");
      } else {
        changeFSMExecState(GEN_NEW_TRAJ, "FSM");


bool KinoReplanFSM::callKinodynamicReplan() {
  bool plan_success =
      planner_manager_->kinodynamicReplan(start_pt_, start_vel_, start_acc_, end_pt_, end_vel_);

  if (plan_success) {


    auto info = &planner_manager_->local_data_;

    /* publish traj */
    plan_manage::Bspline bspline;
    bspline.order      = 3;
    bspline.start_time = info->start_time_;
    bspline.traj_id    = info->traj_id_;

    Eigen::MatrixXd pos_pts = info->position_traj_.getControlPoint();

    for (int i = 0; i < pos_pts.rows(); ++i) {
      geometry_msgs::Point pt;
      pt.x = pos_pts(i, 0);
      pt.y = pos_pts(i, 1);
      pt.z = pos_pts(i, 2);

    Eigen::VectorXd knots = info->position_traj_.getKnot();
    for (int i = 0; i < knots.rows(); ++i) {

    Eigen::MatrixXd yaw_pts = info->yaw_traj_.getControlPoint();
    for (int i = 0; i < yaw_pts.rows(); ++i) {
      double yaw = yaw_pts(i, 0);
    bspline.yaw_dt = info->yaw_traj_.getInterval();


    /* visulization */
    auto plan_data = &planner_manager_->plan_data_;
    visualization_->drawGeometricPath(plan_data->kino_path_, 0.075, Eigen::Vector4d(1, 1, 0, 0.4));
    visualization_->drawBspline(info->position_traj_, 0.1, Eigen::Vector4d(1.0, 0, 0.0, 1), true, 0.2,
                                Eigen::Vector4d(1, 0, 0, 1));

    return true;

  } else {
    cout << "generate new traj fail." << endl;
    return false;




void KinoReplanFSM::checkCollisionCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& e) {
  LocalTrajData* info = &planner_manager_->local_data_;

  if (have_target_) {
    auto edt_env = planner_manager_->edt_environment_;

    double dist = planner_manager_->pp_.dynamic_ ?
        edt_env->evaluateCoarseEDT(end_pt_, /* time to program start + */ info->duration_) :
        edt_env->evaluateCoarseEDT(end_pt_, -1.0);

    if (dist <= 0.3) {
      /* try to find a max distance goal around */
      bool            new_goal = false;
      const double    dr = 0.5, dtheta = 30, dz = 0.3;
      double          new_x, new_y, new_z, max_dist = -1.0;
      Eigen::Vector3d goal;

      for (double r = dr; r <= 5 * dr + 1e-3; r += dr) {
        for (double theta = -90; theta <= 270; theta += dtheta) {
          for (double nz = 1 * dz; nz >= -1 * dz; nz -= dz) {

            new_x = end_pt_(0) + r * cos(theta / 57.3);
            new_y = end_pt_(1) + r * sin(theta / 57.3);
            new_z = end_pt_(2) + nz;

            Eigen::Vector3d new_pt(new_x, new_y, new_z);
            dist = planner_manager_->pp_.dynamic_ ?
                edt_env->evaluateCoarseEDT(new_pt, /* time to program start+ */ info->duration_) :
                edt_env->evaluateCoarseEDT(new_pt, -1.0);

            if (dist > max_dist) {
              /* reset end_pt_ */
              goal(0)  = new_x;
              goal(1)  = new_y;
              goal(2)  = new_z;
              max_dist = dist;

      if (max_dist > 0.3) {
        cout << "change goal, replan." << endl;
        end_pt_      = goal;
        have_target_ = true;

        if (exec_state_ == EXEC_TRAJ) {
          changeFSMExecState(REPLAN_TRAJ, "SAFETY");

        visualization_->drawGoal(end_pt_, 0.3, Eigen::Vector4d(1, 0, 0, 1.0));
      } else {
        // have_target_ = false;
        // cout << "Goal near collision, stop." << endl;
        // changeFSMExecState(WAIT_TARGET, "SAFETY");
        cout << "goal near collision, keep retry" << endl;
        changeFSMExecState(REPLAN_TRAJ, "FSM");

        std_msgs::Empty emt;

  /* ---------- check trajectory ---------- */
  if (exec_state_ == FSM_EXEC_STATE::EXEC_TRAJ) {
    double dist;
    bool   safe = planner_manager_->checkTrajCollision(dist);

    if (!safe) {
      // cout << "current traj in collision." << endl;
      ROS_WARN("current traj in collision.");
      changeFSMExecState(REPLAN_TRAJ, "SAFETY");

4.3 流程总结


  1. Fast_planner_node.cpp -> 注册ROS节点,实例化kinoReplanFSM类对象并进行初始化,ROS开始循环。
  2. kino_replan_fsm.cpp -> 订阅无人机位置和目标点信息, 并通过定时回调函数execFsmCallback判断当前状态,利用exec_state判断是否等待目标点,是否进行重规划,是否执行轨迹。利用定时回调函数checkCollisionCallback判断是否需要重新寻找目标点,是否需要进行重规划。规划的接口都是CallKinodynamicReplan函数,其中利用的是planner_manager的kinodynamicReplan函数。
  3. planner_manager.cpp -> kinodynamicReplan函数中,首先从kino_path_finder_->search找到路径,再到NonUniformBspline::parameterizeToBspline对B样条进行拟合,再到BsplineOptimizeTraj均匀B样条优化,再到非均匀B样条迭代时间优化reallocateTime。 分别对应了Path-finding包,Bspline包,Bspline-Optimization包。


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