
void glfwDefaultWindowHints (void)
Resets all window hints to their default values. More...
void glfwWindowHint (int hint, int value)
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value. More...
void glfwWindowHintString (int hint, const char *value)
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value. More...
GLFWwindow * glfwCreateWindow (int width, int height, const char *title, GLFWmonitor *monitor, GLFWwindow *share)
Creates a window and its associated context. More...
void glfwDestroyWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Destroys the specified window and its context. More...
int glfwWindowShouldClose (GLFWwindow *window)
Checks the close flag of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowShouldClose (GLFWwindow *window, int value)
Sets the close flag of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowTitle (GLFWwindow *window, const char *title)
Sets the title of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowIcon (GLFWwindow *window, int count, const GLFWimage *images)
Sets the icon for the specified window. More...
void glfwGetWindowPos (GLFWwindow *window, int *xpos, int *ypos)
Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowPos (GLFWwindow *window, int xpos, int ypos)
Sets the position of the content area of the specified window. More...
void glfwGetWindowSize (GLFWwindow *window, int *width, int *height)
Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowSizeLimits (GLFWwindow *window, int minwidth, int minheight, int maxwidth, int maxheight)
Sets the size limits of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowAspectRatio (GLFWwindow *window, int numer, int denom)
Sets the aspect ratio of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowSize (GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height)
Sets the size of the content area of the specified window. More...
void glfwGetFramebufferSize (GLFWwindow *window, int *width, int *height)
Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window. More...
void glfwGetWindowFrameSize (GLFWwindow *window, int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
Retrieves the size of the frame of the window. More...
void glfwGetWindowContentScale (GLFWwindow *window, float *xscale, float *yscale)
Retrieves the content scale for the specified window. More...
float glfwGetWindowOpacity (GLFWwindow *window)
Returns the opacity of the whole window. More...
void glfwSetWindowOpacity (GLFWwindow *window, float opacity)
Sets the opacity of the whole window. More...
void glfwIconifyWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Iconifies the specified window. More...
void glfwRestoreWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Restores the specified window. More...
void glfwMaximizeWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Maximizes the specified window. More...
void glfwShowWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Makes the specified window visible. More...
void glfwHideWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Hides the specified window. More...
void glfwFocusWindow (GLFWwindow *window)
Brings the specified window to front and sets input focus. More...
void glfwRequestWindowAttention (GLFWwindow *window)
Requests user attention to the specified window. More...
GLFWmonitor * glfwGetWindowMonitor (GLFWwindow *window)
Returns the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode. More...
void glfwSetWindowMonitor (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWmonitor *monitor, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int refreshRate)
Sets the mode, monitor, video mode and placement of a window. More...
int glfwGetWindowAttrib (GLFWwindow *window, int attrib)
Returns an attribute of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowAttrib (GLFWwindow *window, int attrib, int value)
Sets an attribute of the specified window. More...
void glfwSetWindowUserPointer (GLFWwindow *window, void *pointer)
Sets the user pointer of the specified window. More...
void * glfwGetWindowUserPointer (GLFWwindow *window)
Returns the user pointer of the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowposfunglfwSetWindowPosCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowposfun callback)
Sets the position callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowsizefunglfwSetWindowSizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowsizefun callback)
Sets the size callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowclosefunglfwSetWindowCloseCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowclosefun callback)
Sets the close callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowrefreshfunglfwSetWindowRefreshCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowrefreshfun callback)
Sets the refresh callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowfocusfunglfwSetWindowFocusCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowfocusfun callback)
Sets the focus callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowiconifyfunglfwSetWindowIconifyCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowiconifyfun callback)
Sets the iconify callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowmaximizefunglfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowmaximizefun callback)
Sets the maximize callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWframebuffersizefunglfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWframebuffersizefun callback)
Sets the framebuffer resize callback for the specified window. More...
GLFWwindowcontentscalefunglfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback (GLFWwindow *window, GLFWwindowcontentscalefun callback)
Sets the window content scale callback for the specified window. More...
void glfwPollEvents (void)
Processes all pending events. More...
void glfwWaitEvents (void)
Waits until events are queued and processes them. More...
void glfwWaitEventsTimeout (double timeout)
Waits with timeout until events are queued and processes them. More...
void glfwPostEmptyEvent (void)
Posts an empty event to the event queue. More...
void glfwSwapBuffers (GLFWwindow *window)
Swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window. More...
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