2.1 Conceptual Modeling Tutorial












Required Files

此练习需要使用多个文件,这些文件应该已包含在Visual MODFLOW Flex安装中。

这些文件通常位于公共"My Documents"文件夹中,路径为:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Visual MODFLOW Flex\Tutorials\Conceptual Model\supp files


Creating the Project

•启动Visual MODFLOW Flex



•在项目名称中键入“Conceptual Modeling Tutorial”。


] 按钮,在弹出的对话框中导航到您希望保存项目的文件夹,然后点击​​。[OK].


•定义您的坐标系统和基准面(或保留默认值 - 本地笛卡尔)。








 Start Date



Setting the Start Date

此练习的模型开始日期应设置为2000年1月1日。Visual MODFLOW Flex使用标准的Windows日期选择器;以下是如何使用它的一些建议。点击下面显示的按钮,以加载Windows日期选择器。











] (下一步)继续。

Collect Data Objects






•在源文件字段中,点击【...】按钮,导航到您的“My Documents”文件夹,然后选择“Visual MODFLOW Flex\Tutorials\Conceptual Model\supp files”,并选择“boundary.shp”。

请注意:如果您在安装时选择使程序对所有用户可用,则这些文件可能位于公共文档文件夹中:“C:\Users\Public\Documents\Visual MODFLOW Flex\Tutorials\Conceptual Model\supp files”中。







•在源文件字段中,点击【...】按钮,导航到“我的文档”文件夹,然后到“VMODFlex\Tutorials\ConceptualModel\supp files”文件夹,并选择“ground.grd”。












. tab



Define Conceptual Model

•为概念模型提供一个名称(例如,Conceptual Model 1),并指定模型区域。









Define Structure























Define Property Zones



Using Structural Zone(s)








•为属性区域1输入以下值:Kx = 4E-6,Ky = 4E-6,Kz = 4E-7。







•为属性区域2输入以下值:Kx = 7E-5,Ky = 7E-5,Kz = 7E-6









Define Boundary Conditions



•选择“定值水头(Type 1)”

•输入名称:“Constant Head East”。





•下一个对话框允许我们定义定值水头。Visual MODFLOW Flex提供了定义边界条件属性的各种选项。属性可以从存储在Surface、Time Schedule、Shapefile和3D Gridded数据对象中的属性中分配。您还可以将属性设置为静态(随时间不变)或瞬态(随时间变化)。











•选择河流(Type 3 - 仅限MODFLOW)作为边界条件类型






•为河流定义以下属性,如下所示:Stage = 335 (m),Bottom = 333 (m),Riverbed Thickness = 1 (m),Width = 10 (m),Riverbed conductivity = 0.01 (m/s)。






•定义有限元网格:用于为FEFLOW .FEM文件准备输入;




Define Finite Difference Grid




















Convert to Numerical Model








Define Properties


•在“Views”下,选择您希望在Flex查看器中看到的各种视图;Visual MODFLOW Flex允许您同时显示一个层、行、列和3D视图。在所需视图旁边放置一个复选框,它将出现在屏幕上。






•在顶部“Initial Heads (m)”单元格中输入'350'。






 Please Note: this is available only when you do attribute rendering, and not when you are rendering by ZoneID

Show/hide grid lines

Show as cells

Show as Surface

•In the Toolbox, you can select a different parameter group and see the corresponding zonation in the Flex Viewers. For example, try turning on the column view and switching to Conductivity to see the two zones you defined earlier.

•Click [

] (Next Step) to proceed to the Define Boundary Conditions step.

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Define Boundary Conditions

At this step, you can view/edit the flow boundaries for the model.


•From the Objects in view window, select the Desired Boundary condition group (Constant Head, Rivers, etc..).

•Then select [Edit...].  

•Click on a cell that belongs to this group; a dialog will appear where you can see the values for the boundary you selected.

•Click [OK] to close the view.

•Click [

] (Next Step) to proceed. You will arrive at the 'Selection' step.

Proceed to Run or Define Optional Model Elements

You will arrive at a choice screen; here you can add optional/supplementary model inputs for the model that are not necessarily required to run a groundwater model simulation, including defining:

•Zone Budget Zones,

•Particles for Particle Tracking,

•Observation Wells for model calibration

Or, you can proceed directly to Running the simulation.

•Click the [Select Run Type] button to proceed (Mouse over this and you will see the blue "Next" arrow appear on top; just left click once to select this option.  (Alternatively, the [

] (Next step) button will take you to this step, as it is pre-defined as the default step.

•Click the [Single Run] button to proceed (Alternatively, the [

] (Next step) button will take you to this step).

•You will arrive at the 'Select Engines' step.  Here you can choose what engines you want (what version of MODFLOW: 2000, 2005, etc..), and if you want to include MODPATH and ZoneBudget in the run.

•MODFLOW-2005 should be selected by default.

•Click [

] (Next Step) to proceed.

Translate Packages

•You will arrive at the 'Translation Step'.

At this step, you choose if the model is steady-state or transient, choose the solver you want to use, and define any other MODFLOW package/run settings, such as cell-rewetting, etc.

 Please Note: in the General Settings, there is a default location indicating where the MODFLOW and related files will be generated.

•Click the [

] button near the [

] button to proceed; this will read the input from the numerical model and “translate” this into the various input files needed by MODFLOW and the other engines. The files will be created in the directory defined in the previous step.


•Click the [

] (Next step) button to proceed. You will arrive at the “Run Engines Step”.

Run Engines

•Click the [

] button near the [

] button on the main workflow toolbar to start running the engines.  You will see the Engine progress presented in a chart in the top half of the screen and as text in the scrolling window below:

 Please Note: after a successful run, the Heads (and other applicable output items) will be added the tree in the Model Explorer tree in the lower left of the application window.

•Once finished, Click the [

] (Next step) button to proceed.

View Results

•You can then choose to view results in the form of Maps (Contours and Color shading) or Charts

•Click the [View Maps] button.

•Hit F4 to hide the Workflow tree and make more viewing area for the maps.

 Please Note: you can turn the workflow tree back on by hitting F4 at any time.

•Make sure in views you only have Layer checked "on". By default, the maps always show heads first. You can change this by checking one of the other output options in the Model Explorer:



•You can see color shading of the calculated heads, in layer view.

•You can display heads along a row, and along a column, and in 3D, using the same tools as you used earlier (refer to View/Edit Properties section).

•If your model is transient (this exercise does not apply), you can use the time controls above the Flex Viewer to change the output time; as you do this, all active viewers (layer, row, column, 3D), will refresh to show the heads for the new output time.

•The next section will discuss how you can generate a new grid with a different size and resolution, and generate a numerical model using this grid.

Evaluating Different Grids

In some cases, the initial grid size you defined may not be adequate to provide the solution resolution you require from your model. In this section, we explain how you can generate multiple grids from the conceptual model and run the corresponding numerical models.

•At the top of the grid view you will see a list of active tabs:


•Click on the first tab, which should be your Conceptual Model workflow to make this the active window, and it should now appear on your display.

•Click [Select Grid Type] from the workflow tree.

•Click [Define Finite Difference Grid] button and the Define Grid window will appear.

•Define a new grid with the desired grid size and rotation. (try a grid with twice as many rows and columns; i.e. 200 rows and 200 columns)

•Click [Next>>].

•Specify the desired vertical discretization; you may wish to use a different vertical grid type, or refine any of the vertical layers.

•Click [Finish] when you are done.

•The new grid should now appear, and you will also see the grid appear as a new node in the Model Explorer tree.

•Click the [

]  (Next step) button to proceed.

Now you are ready to populate the numerical grid/mesh with the conceptual elements. The 'Convert to Numerical Model' display should appear similar as below. Now, in the 'Select Grid' combo box, you will see there are 2 grids; by default, the grid you just created should be selected.

•Click on the [Convert to Numerical Model] button to proceed.

•After clicking on the conversion button, a new workflow window will appear which includes the steps for the numerical model for this new grid.

 Please Note:  the new tab is titled with the name of the new grid you provided and this new tab will appear in the list of active tabs at the top of the grid view.

•In addition, this new model run will appear in the model tree. The model run has a grid and corresponding inputs; this can also be seen in the figure above.

•When the conversion is complete, click [

] (Next Step) to proceed to the Properties step.

•Now, as explained previously, you can review the properties and boundary conditions, and translate and run this model.

•Once the heads are generated, you can compare this to the results from previous grids.

Using Unstructured Grids

It's also very easy to generate different grid types (such as unstructured V-grids, or quadtree grids (Q-grids) when you use the conceptual modeling workflow. To test these alternate grid types return to the conceptual modeling workflow. On the 'Select Grid Type' workflow step you can select either the 'Define Unstructured V-Grid' or 'Define Unstructured Q-grid' option (the steps below are for a Q-grid example).

•At the top of the grid view you will see a list of active tabs:

•Click on the first tab, which should be your Conceptual Model workflow ('Conceptual Model 1') to make this the active window, and it should now appear on your display.

•Click [Select Grid Type] from the workflow tree.

•Click [Define Unstructured Q-grid] button and the 'Create Unstructured Q-Grid' window will appear.

Let's perform a simple refinement around the boundary conditions within the model. Using the table at the top of this window we will visualize the constant head and river boundary condition objects, and refine the cells which contain these boundaries to a desired size.

•Activate the 'Visible' checkbox for the river and constant head (East and West) boundary conditions

•Type '10000' in the 'Min Area (m^2)' field for all three boundary conditions

•Click the 'Refine to Min' button for all three boundary conditions

•The resulting Q-grid should look like the image below:

•Click 'OK' in the 'Create Unstructured Q-Grid' window

•Proceed to the 'Convert to MODFLOW-USG Model' workflow step

•Click on the [Convert to Numerical Model] button to proceed.

•After clicking on the conversion button, a new workflow window will appear which includes the steps for the numerical model for this new grid. For unstructured grids, you are able to choose between MODFLOW-USG and MODFLOW-6. For this run, use MODFLOW-6:

•When the conversion is complete, click [

] (Next Step) to proceed to the Properties step.

•Now, as explained previously, you can review the properties and boundary conditions, and translate and run this model.

•Once the heads are generated, you can compare this to the results from previous grids.

•When the model runs successfully you should see the following results (map of heads in layer 1) for the Q-grid realization of your model:

Compare Model Runs

It's possible to run multiple realizations of the same model and compare their model outputs. This is a useful tool for visualizing how changes to things like solver settings, flow engines, and discretizations affect model results.

Let's compare how the results of MODFLOW-6 compares to the results of MODFLOW-USG:

•In the Model Explorer, under Q-Grid, right-click Run1 (or whatever the run you just finished was named) and select Clone Model Run...

•A new workspace tab will open. Always be sure you're working in the correct workspace tab!

•In the new workspace tab, select "Single Run." Select for the flow engine, select "USGS MODFLOW-USG from WH"

•Translate and run the model

•In the Model Explorer, find the Heads outputs that were just calculated, under the Outputs node of the current run. Right-click the heads outputs and select Compare...

•The Compare Heads dialogue will open. From the Model Explorer, left-click to select the Heads outputs from the original model run done with MODFLOW-6.

•Select the blue arrow button under "Heads from Numerical Model". The MODFLOW-6 heads should be loaded in. Select OK to calculate the residuals between the runs

•You should now see a map of residuals:

As you can see, the conceptual modeling workflow is ideal for generating multiple realizations of your model using different grid types, different levels of grid refinement, etc. This makes scenario analysis easier than ever!

This concludes the Conceptual Modeling tutorial.





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