17 附录 A - 输入文件和包

当您在数值模型中“翻译”时,将创建许多文本文件; 这些输入文件(称为包)是数值模型
中; 例如:
在 Visual MODFLOW Flex 中,大多数包含数组的包都会有一个主“索引”文件,该文件列出全
局设置/参数,并提供对其他文件的文件引用,这些文件也是该包的输入。 MODFLOW .DIS
包就是一个例子; 该projectname.DIS 文件中描述了一些通用参数(例如单位)和时间离散化
(应力周期数和时间步长); 但是,每个层的像元高程在其自己的单独文件中进行描述,例
如 Projectname.DIS.Bot1(包含第 1 层每个像元的底部高程)

MODFLOW (2000, 2005, NWT)
A brief description of these files is listed below, where projectname is the name assigned to
the model.
Input files:
· projectname.modflow.IN List of translated files for MODFLOW
· projectname.BAS: Basic Package data file
· projectname.BCF: Block-Centered Flow Package data file.
· projectname.CHD: Time-variant specified head data file
· projectname.DIS: Model discretization data file
· projectname.DRN: Drain Package data file
· projectname.EVT: Evapotranspiration Package data file.
· projectname.FHB: Flow and Head Boundary Package data file.
· projectname.GHB: General-Head Boundary Package data file
· projectname.HFB: Horizontal Flow Boundary Package data file.
· projectname.LPF: Layer Property Flow data file
· projectname.MNW: Multi-Node Well (1/2) Package data file
· projectname.MNWI: Multi-Node Well Input/Output data file
· projectname.OC: Output control options data file
· projectname.PCG: PCG2 Solver Package data file
· projectname.RCH: Recharge Package data file
· projectname.RIV: River Package data file

· projectname.SFR: Streamflow-Routing Package data file
· projectname.SIP: SIP Solver Package data file
· projectname.SOR: SOR Solver Package data file
· projectname.UZF: Unsaturated Zone Flow Package date file
· projectname.WEL Well Package data file
· projectname.WHS: WHS Solver data file
Input Packages specific to MODFLOW-NWT:
· projectname.UPW: Upstream Weighting (property package, only when MODFLOWNWT
is selected)
· projectname.NWT: NWT Solver settings (this solver must be used when MODFLOWNWT
is selected)
Input Packages specific to MODFLOW-USG:
· projectname.CLN: connected linear network package file
· projectname.GNC: Ghost-node correction package, which includes additional node
coordinate information facilitate corrections for cell geometries that do not inherently
satisfy the requirements of the flow formulation in MODFLOW-USG
· projectname.GSF: Grid Specification file, which includes grid cell vertex coordinates
and connectivity
· projectname.SMS: Sparse Matrix Solver package file
Output files:
· projectname.BGT* MODFLOW file containing water budget data used by MODPATH
· projectname.CBB* MODFLOW-SURFACT file containing water budget data used by
MODPATH (Binary format)
· projectname.CBC* MODFLOW-USG file containing water budget data used by MODPATH3DU
(Binary format)
· projectname.DDN MODFLOW file containing drawdown X, Y, Z heads for each node
(Binary format)
· projectname.FLO* MODFLOW file containing cell-by-cell flow terms (Binary format)
· projectname.HDS* MODFLOW file containing head results (Binary format)
· projectname.LST* MODFLOW listing file containing information and messages from
A brief description of these files is listed below, where projectname is the name assigned to
the model.
Input files:
Simulation Files
· mfsim.nam: simulation composition including options and links to models, time
discretization, model exchanges, and solution group information
· projectname.tdis: simulation time discretization package data

Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model files:
· .\GWF\projectname.NAM list of translated files for the flow model and related options
· .\GWF\projectname.IMS: iterative matrix solution package data containing solver
· .\GWF\projectname.DIS(V): grid discretization (by vertices) package data containing
grid information
· .\GWF\projectname.IC: initial condition package data containing starting heads
· .\GWF\projectname.OC: output control package data containing information on which
data to include in the outputs and for which time steps
· .GWF\projectname.NPF: node property flow package data containing conductivities
· .\GWF\projectname.STO: storage package data containing transient storage
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.EVT: evapotranspiration package
data file
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.RCH: recharge package data file
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.CHD: time-variant specified head file
(one per Constant Head boundary condition in the model tree)
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.DRN: drain package data file (one per
Drain boundary condition in the model tree)
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.GHB: general head package data file
(one per General Head boundary condition in the model tree)
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.RIV: river package data file (one per
River boundary condition in the model tree)
· .\GWF\projectname.{boundary condition name}.WEL: well package data file (one per
Well boundary condition in the model tree)
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model files: (one set of files per species {S001}, if
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.NAM list of translated files for the transport model and
related options
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.IMST: iterative matrix solution package data containing
solver settings for the transport solution
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.DIS(V): grid discretization (by vertices) package data
containing grid information
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.IC: initial condition package data containing starting
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.OC: output control package data containing information on
which data to include in the outputs and for which time steps
· .GWT\{S001}\projectname.ADV: advection package data
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.DSP: dispersion package data containing mechanical
dispersion and diffusion values
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.MST: mobile storage and transfer package data containing
porosities, retardation, and reaction parameter values for the mobile domain
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.IST: immobile storage and transfer package data
containing porosities, retardation, and reaction parameter values for the immobile
domain (up to three immobile domains may be specified)
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.SSM: source-sink mixing package data containing a list of
boundary condition from the flow model with (auxiliary) concentrations

· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.CNC: constant concentration package data file (one per
constant concentration boundary condition in the model tree)
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.SRC: mass source loading package data file (one per
constant Mass Flux boundary condition in the model tree)
Output files:
Simulation Files:
· mfsim.lst: simulation progress and diagnostic listing file
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model:
· .\GWF\projectname.lst: groundwater flow model progress and diagnostic file
· .\GWF\projectname.hds: file containing output heads (Binary format)
· .GWF\projectname.bgt: file containing output cell-by-cell flows/budgets and used to
calculate velocity vectors (Binary format)
· .\GWF\projectname.ddn file containing output drawdown values (Binary file generated
by Visual MODFLOW Flex)
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model: (one set of files per species {S001}, if
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.lst: groundwater flow model progress and diagnostic file
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.hds: file containing output heads (Binary format)
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.bgt: file containing output cell-by-cell flows/budgets and
used to calculate velocity vectors (Binary format)
· .\GWT\{S001}\projectname.ddn file containing output drawdown values (Binary file
generated by Visual MODFLOW Flex)
Input files:
· BACKWARD.IN Backward tracking particle locations data file
· BACKWARD.PTH Backward tracking run options data file
· FORWARD.IN Forward tracking particle locations data file
· FORWARD.PTH Forward tracking run options data file
· projectname.MPT Main MODPATH input data file
· MODPATH.IN List of MODPATH input files
Output files:
· projectname.CBF Composite Budget file used by MODPATH
· projectname.MPB MODPATH file containing backward tracking particle information
(ASCII format)
· projectname.MPF MODPATH file containing forward particle information (ASCII
· SUMMARY.PTH* MODPATH file containing listing information and messages from

Input files:
· Conceptual Model.JSON Primary input file in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
· Conceptual Model.MP3DU.GSF grid specification file compatible with MOD-PATH3DU
· Conceptual Model.MP3DU.IN model input file
· Conceptual Model.P3D model property file
· One set of files per input particle group:
o Conceptual Model_{pathiline group}.shp shapefile with particle group starting
location coordinates
o Conceptual Model_{pathiline group}.dbf shapefile database with particle group
o Conceptual Model_{pathiline group}.shx shapefile spatial index
Output files:
· MP3DU.log output listing file in JSON format
· One set of files per corresponding output pathline group:
o Conceptual Model_{globally_unique_id}.PATHLINE.BIN binary output file with
particle group pathlines
o Conceptual Model_{globally_unique_id}.PATHLINE.shp shapefile with particle group
o Conceptual Model_{globally_unique_id}.PATHLINE.dbf shapefile database with
pathline attributes
o Conceptual Model_{globally_unique_id}.PATHLINE.shx shapefile spatial index
Input files:
· projectname.AD3 Advection data file
· projectname.BT3 Basic Transport data file
· projectname.DP3 Dispersion data file
· projectname.GCG Transport Solver data file
· projectname.RC3 Chemical Reaction data file
· projectname.SS3 Source / Sink Mixing data file
Packages specific to MT3DMS:
· MT3D.IN List of MT3D input files
Packages specific to RT3D:
· RT3D.IN List of RT3D input files

Packages specific to SEAWAT:
· SEAWAT.IN List of SEAWAT input files
· projectname.VDF Variable Density Flow data file
· projectname.VSC Viscosity data file
Output files:
· projectname.OT* MT3D output file containing listing information and messages from
MT3D e.g. cumulative mass budget data (ASCII format)
· projectname.CNF* MT3D file containing model grid configuration file (ASCII format)
· projectname.MAS* MT3D file containing mass balance file (ASCII format)
Please Note: The mass balance files are displayed by MS-Windows as
projectname.001, projectname.002, etc.
· projectname.OBS* MT3D file containing concentration at observation points (ASCII
format). The data is presented with units of mass/length^3
· projectname.UCN* MT3D file containing unformatted concentration information -
(Binary format)

Input files:
· projectname.ZBI Zone Budget data file
· ZONEBUD.IN List of Zone Budget input files
Output files:
· projectname.ZOT Zone Budget file containing water balance data (ASCII format).

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