Z-Buffering or W-Buffering
z-buffering 和 w-buffering都表示深度值。几乎所有的3-D加速卡都支持z-buffering,这样就使得z-buffers成为现在最常用的深度缓冲类型。
The Z-Buffering
在 z-buffering中,the depth is stored as 1/z.using 1/z has a negative consequence when the values in the depth buffer are not linear. 这就是说在depth buffer中的值不能随着真实的深度值变化,but follow more of an exponential curve.
The W-Buffering
W-Bufferin保存投影变化后的w value,这时的W是线性的。WDepth = Depth / Far_Z_Clip.
Using Alpha Channel
在Render Target中有alpha channel,平常是没有作用的,所以 the blurring factors can be put in this channel and used in the final DOF pass to determine how much of the blurred render target to apply.