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转载 中医点滴 1 --- 冬季外感喉咙痛 寒性荨麻疹

喉咙肿痛会有两种情况: 一是扁桃体发炎,肿痛实在两腮之下,我们能够摸到扁桃体的地方。这个地方肿,一般是细菌感染,一定要用解毒的药物,西药抗生素也可以。 另一种疼痛,是在喉咙附近,在喉咙上下,咽吐沫的时候会感觉明显,就在喉结那里疼痛。有细菌感染,更可能有病毒感染,可能病毒居多。丹栀射郁汤: 牡丹花瓣6克,栀子花9克,射干9克,郁金9克,琵琶页9克,生甘草3克,赤茯苓9克, 牡丹皮 生栀子代替 ...

2019-05-29 08:29:37 477

原创 openGL 入门 2--顶点数组对象 VAO 和 缓存对象 VBO

用户输入的数据 以 顶点数组对象表示 Vertex Array Object,VAOvoid glGenVertexArrays(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays);返回 n个 顶点数组对象 的名称,这些名称存放与数组 arrays 中Returns n currently unused names for use as vertex-array objects in th...

2019-05-24 11:49:52 609

原创 OpenGL入门 (一)

什么是 openGL?OpenGL is an application programming interface—‘‘API’’ for short—which is merely a software library for accessing features in graphics hardwareOpenGL is designed as a streamlined, hardwar...

2019-05-24 11:49:35 1239

原创 二值网络训练--A Empirical Study of Binary Neural Networks' Optimisation

A Empirical Study of Binary Neural Networks’ OptimisationICLR2019https://github.com/mi-lad/studying-binary-neural-networksADAM for optimising the objective, (2) not using early stopping, (3) spli...

2019-05-22 09:36:18 855

转载 函数参数传递常用的三种方式

https://www.runoob.com/cprogramming/c-functions.html示例程序均以交换两个整数为例。值传递#include <stdio.h>void swap(int x, int y);void swap(int x, int y){ int temp; temp = x; x = y; y = t...

2019-05-21 13:30:28 1110

原创 二值网络训练--Training Competitive Binary Neural Networks from Scratch

Training Competitive Binary Neural Networks from Scratchhttps://github.com/hpi-xnor/BMXNet-v2 MXNet framework本文主要讨论了从零开始训练二值网络的一些情况以及 ResNet 和 DenseNet 二值网络的一些情况这里采用符号函数进行二值化二值梯度如何求导反向传播Strai...

2019-05-20 14:18:20 732

转载 CNN 常用网络结构解析 && 1x1 卷积运算 示意图

AlexNet 网络结构:VGG :conv3x3、conv5x5、conv7x7、conv9x9和conv11x11,在224x224x3的RGB图上(设置pad=1,stride=4,output_channel=96)做卷积,卷积层的参数规模和得到的feature map的大小如下:卷积神经网络基本计算原理http://m.elecfans.com/article/691826....

2019-05-18 16:43:36 2035

转载 opencv相机标定示例代码

https://blog.csdn.net/dcrmg/article/details/52939318#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp"#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hp...

2019-05-15 14:45:47 3566

原创 二值网络--Optimize Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Ternarized Weights and High Accuracy

Optimize Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Ternarized Weights and High AccuracyIEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2019https://github.com/elliothe/Ternarized_Neura...

2019-05-10 16:06:05 612

原创 二值网络--TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Binary Weights

TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Binary WeightsECCV2018本文的思路就是: 对 weight 进行二值量化+ scaling factor α , 对于 网络层的输入 进行 ternary value {−1,0,1} without the scaling factor3 Ternar...

2019-05-10 11:32:47 582

原创 三值网络--Trained Ternary Quantization

Trained Ternary QuantizationICLR 2017https://github.com/TropComplique/trained-ternary-quantization pytorchhttps://github.com/buaabai/Ternary-Weights-Network pytorch传统的二值网络将权重 W 量化为 +1、-1; 三值网络 ...

2019-05-08 14:16:21 1660 1

原创 二值网络--Training Binary Weight Networks via Semi-Binary Decomposition

Training Binary Weight Networks via Semi-Binary DecompositionECCV2018CNN模型的压缩或加速总体上分为三类: pruning-based methods, low-rank decomposition based methods, and quantization-based methods本文属于 low-rank dec...

2019-05-07 10:17:13 1409

原创 二值网络--Structured Binary Neural Networks for Accurate Image Classification and Semantic Segmentation

Structured Binary Neural Networks for Accurate Image Classification and Semantic Segmentationhttps://arxiv.org/abs/1811.10413Binary Ensemble Neural Network 的思路就是将 若干个独立的二值网络组合起来近似 实数值网络,本文提出的 Struct...

2019-05-06 10:40:33 1280

原创 实时车道检测--A Novel Vision-Based Framework for Real-Time Lane Detection and Tracking

A Novel Vision-Based Framework for Real-Time Lane Detection and TrackingSAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0690, 2019本文提出将传统方法和 CNN结合起来实现实时车道检测基于传统算法的车道检测方法依赖于strict assumptions ,只能在有限的场景中可以正常工作,速度快基于CNN...

2019-05-05 10:41:24 1101 2

原创 车道线检测--End-to-end Lane Detection through Differentiable Least-Squares Fitting

End-to-end Lane Detection through Differentiable Least-Squares Fittinghttps://github.com/wvangansbeke/LaneDetection_End2End本文使用 CNN网络来检测车道线,end-to-end 就是输入图像,输出拟合出的车道线参数,一步到位,不用后续处理什么的。传统的车道线检测是分步骤...

2019-04-30 15:51:15 1672

原创 车道检测--VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and Recognition

VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and RecognitionICCV2017https://github.com/SeokjuLee/VPGNet Caffe code本文针对车道线和 道路指示线检测和识别做了两个事 lane and road marking det...

2019-04-27 15:14:14 5620

原创 车道线检测--Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach

Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation ApproachIn IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’18)https://github.com/MaybeShewill-CV/lanenet-lane-detection以前的CNN网络将所有的车道线检测出来,没做区分,需...

2019-04-26 11:32:49 2573

原创 CNN交通场景解析--Spatial as Deep: Spatial CNN for Traffic Scene Understanding

Spatial as Deep: Spatial CNN for Traffic Scene UnderstandingAAAI 2018https://github.com/cardwing/Codes-for-Lane-Detectionhttps://github.com/harryhan618/SCNN_Pytorchhttps://github.com/XingangPan/SC...

2019-04-25 13:19:41 1059

原创 相机标定相关代码

Deltille Grids for Geometric Camera CalibrationICCV2017指出 Deltille Grid 三角形标定板 比 棋盘格标定板 标定精度要高https://github.com/deltille

2019-04-25 08:47:50 1484

原创 CNN网络量化--Two-Step Quantization for Low-bit Neural Networks

Two-Step Quantization for Low-bit Neural NetworksCVPR2018https://github.com/wps712/Two-Step-Quantization-AlexNethttps://github.com/HolmesShuan/Optimal-Ternary-Weights-Approximation本文的思路很简单:将CNN网络模...

2019-04-24 11:31:36 1574

原创 量化网络训练--Towards Effective Low-bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks

Towards Effective Low-bitwidth Convolutional Neural NetworksCVPR2018https://github.com/nowgood/QuantizeCNNModel本文针对 低 bitwidth CNN网络 提出三个训练技巧 以得到较高精度。这些技巧可以独立使用也可以结合使用。第一个技巧:首先量化 weight,得到足够好的效果后再...

2019-04-24 10:46:11 1713

原创 ImageNet 二值网络精度排名表

Comparison with state-of-the-arts on ImageNet using ResNet-18 (W-weights, A-activation)Bi-Real net 56.4%TBN 55.6Binary Ensemble 61.0%11

2019-04-24 09:19:54 1831

原创 二值网络--Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-bit CNNs

Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-bit CNNs With Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training AlgorithmECCV2018https://github.com/liuzechun/Bi-Real-net本文在 借鉴残差网络的 shortcut思想...

2019-04-23 10:44:25 1605

原创 二值网络--Binarized Neural Networks

Binarized Neural Networks NIPS2016https://github.com/MatthieuCourbariaux/BinaryNet本文针对二值网络提出了 训练方法1 Binarized Neural NetworksDeterministic vs Stochastic Binarization 二值化函数我们对 weights 和 activatio...

2019-04-22 13:25:50 1600

原创 CVPR2019--Binary Ensemble Neural Network--二值CNN网络集成

Binary Ensemble Neural Network:More Bits per Network or More Networks per Bit?CVPR2019本文最基本的思想: 二值CNN网络虽然速度快,占用内存少,但是精度低。本文分析了 二值CNN网络精度低的可能原因,然后提出 组合多个二值CNN网络来提升精度。1 Introduction深度神经网络 DNNs 在学术界...

2019-04-22 13:22:02 1385

原创 棋盘格检测--Automatic Detection of Checkerboards on Blurred and Distorted Images

Automatic Detection of Checkerboards on Blurred and Distorted ImagesIn Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008本文主要介绍了一种棋盘格检测方法,先分析 opencv中 现有算法的问题,然后在此基础上提出改进...

2019-04-22 13:20:32 3838

原创 二值网络--XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural Networks

XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural NetworksECCV2016http://allenai.org/plato/xnornet本文介绍了两种二值网络: Binary-Weight-Networks 和 XNOR-Networks,Binary-Weight-Networks 只对滤波器 ...

2019-04-22 10:59:32 891

原创 棋盘格检测--Automatic camera and range sensor calibration using a single shot

Automatic camera and range sensor calibration using a single shotRobotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2012: 3936-39432012 IEEE International Conference on.这里主要介绍一下 Automatic camera and range senso...

2019-04-10 10:16:31 5183 5

原创 相机模型--Omnidirectional Camera

Omnidirectional CameraDavide ScaramuzzaDefinition 定义omnidirectional camera (from omni, meaning all) 广角相机: 在一个水平面有360度视野的相机,或视野能覆盖半个球或近似整个球的相机Background 背景知识大多数商业相机可以使用 pinhole 相机模型来描述,使用一个 per...

2019-04-09 13:58:17 10464 5

原创 相机标定--A Flexible New Technique for Camera Calibration

A Flexible New Technique for Camera CalibrationTechnical ReportMSR-TR-98-71张正友的标定算法:提出简单实用的相机标定算法,使得普通研究者可以自己打印棋盘格来快速准确的完成相机标定任务。2 Basic Equations一个 2D point m = [u,v]T, 一个 3D point is denoted ...

2019-04-08 14:49:27 3911

原创 相机模型--A Theory of Catadioptric Image Formation

A Theory of Catadioptric Image FormationICCV 1998本文主要内容:推导出所有由 单个普通镜头和单个反射面(a single conventional lens and a single mirror)构建的具有 single effective viewpoint 的 catadioptric systemsderiving the entire...

2019-04-08 10:15:05 549

原创 相机模型--A Unifying Theory for Central Panoramic Systems and Practical Implications

A Unifying Theory for Central Panoramic Systems and Practical ImplicationsECCV 2000AbstractOmnidirectional vision systems 可以提供全景图像, omnidirectional vision 的 Catadioptric 实现: reflective surfaces 和 l...

2019-04-04 09:52:28 630

原创 数学知识--Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems(第三章)

Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems 非线性最小二乘问题的方法2nd Edition, April 2004K. Madsen, H.B. Nielsen, O. Tingleff3 Non-linear least squares problems 非线性最小二乘问题接下来我们主要关注非线性最小二乘问题的讨论。给定一个向量函数 f:...

2019-04-02 09:07:18 3055

原创 数学知识--Unconstrained Optimization(第二章)

Unconstrained Optimization3. Edition, March 2004Poul Erik Frandsen, Kristian Jonasson Hans Bruun Nielsen, Ole Tingleff2 Descent Methods这里我们介绍的方法都是迭代方法。对于求解函数的 局部极小值点 x*, 我们通过迭代产生一系列点,不断的逼近 x*...

2019-03-30 17:02:26 1624 1

原创 数学知识--Unconstrained Optimization(第一章)

Unconstrained Optimization3. Edition, March 2004Poul Erik Frandsen, Kristian Jonasson Hans Bruun Nielsen, Ole Tingleff1 Introduction最优化问题,对于一个给定函数 F,我们寻找一个向量 x* 使得 F(x*)为函数局部极小值函数的最大值问题和最小值问题本质是...

2019-03-30 17:02:08 922

原创 数学知识--Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems(第二章)

Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems 非线性最小二乘问题的方法2nd Edition, April 2004K. Madsen, H.B. Nielsen, O. Tingleff2 Descent Methods第二章 下降方法非线性优化的所有方法都是 iterative:从一个起始点 x0 开始,算法生成一系列向量 x1 , ...

2019-03-30 17:01:46 1683

转载 数学知识--Levenberg-Marquardt算法浅谈


2019-03-29 13:50:19 930

转载 数学知识-- 信赖域(Trust Region)算法是怎么一回事

信赖域(Trust Region)算法是怎么一回事转载自: https://www.codelast.com/原创信赖域trust-region算法是怎么一回事/ 如果你关心最优化(Optimization),你一定听说过一类叫作“信赖域(Trust Region)”的算法。在本文中,我将讲述一下信赖域算法...

2019-03-29 13:26:34 2581

原创 数学知识--Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems(第一章)

Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems 非线性最小二乘问题的方法2nd Edition, April 2004K. Madsen, H.B. Nielsen, O. Tingleff1 Introduction and Definitions第一章 介绍和定义这本小册子主要关注 Least Squares Proble...

2019-03-29 09:15:26 1365

原创 相机模型--Catadioptric Omnidirectional Camera

Catadioptric Omnidirectional Camera CVPR97Abstract 摘要传统相机具有有限的视野(limited fields of view)使其在视觉应用中受到限制。当前存在几种方法可以提升相机视野。但是,整个成像系统必须只有一个有效视野点(a single effective viewpoint), 这样可以从 sensed image 生成 pu...

2019-03-27 11:58:00 1726

Accuracy of Laplacian Edge Detectors

The sources of error for the edge finding technique proposed by Marr and Hildreth (D. Marr and T. Poggio, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B204, 1979, 301–328; D. Marr and E. Hildreth, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. B.207, 1980, 187–217) are identified, and the magnitudes of the errors are estimated, based on idealized models of the most common error producing situations. Errors are shown to be small for linear illuminations, as well as for nonlinear illuminations with a second derivative less than a critical value. Nonlinear illuminations are shown to lead to spurious contours under some conditions, and some fast techniques for discarding such contours are suggested.


The Canny Edge Detector Revisited

Canny (1986) suggested that an optimal edge detector should maximize both signal-to-noise ratio and localization, and he derived mathematical expressions for these criteria. Based on these criteria, he claimed that the optimal step edge detector was similar to a derivative of a gaussian. However, Canny’s work suffers from two problems. First, his derivation of localization criterion is incorrect. Here we provide a more acurate localization criterion and derive the optimal detector from it. Second, and more seriously, the Canny criteria yield an infinitely wide optimal edge detector. The width of the optimal detector can however be limited by considering the effect of the neighbouring edges in the image. If we do so, we find that the optimal step edge detector, according to the Canny criteria, is the derivative of an ISEF filter, proposed by Shen and Castan (1992). In addition, if we also consider detecting blurred (or non-sharp) gaussian edges of different widths, we find that the optimal blurred-edge detector is the above optimal step edge detector convolved with a gaussian. This implies that edge detection must be performed at multiple scales to cover all the blur widths in the image. We derive a simple scale selection procedure for edge detection, and demonstrate it in one and two dimensions.


OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook

Overview of OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook Teaches you how to program computer vision applications in C++ using the different features of the OpenCV library Demonstrates the important structures and functions of OpenCV in detail with complete working examples Describes fundamental concepts in computer vision and image processing Gives you advice and tips to create more effective object-oriented computer vision programs Contains examples with source code and shows results obtained on real images with detailed explanations and the required screenshots


Learning based Symmetric Features Selection for Vehicle Detection

Learning based Symmetric Features Selection for Vehicle Detection This paper describes a symmetric features selection strategy based on statistical learning method for detecting vehicles with a single moving camera for autonomous driving. Symmetry is a good class of feature for vehicle detection, but the areas with high symmetry and threshold for segmentation is hard to be decided. Usually, the additional supposition is added artificially, and this will decrease the robustness of algorithms. In this paper, we focus on the problem of symmetric features selection using learning method for autonomous driving environment. Global symmetry and local symmetry are defined and used to construct a cascaded structure with a one-class classifier followed by a two-class classifier.


Intensity and Edge-Based Symmetry Detection Applied to Car-Following

Intensity and Edge-Based Symmetry Detection Applied to Car-Following We present two methods for detecting symmetry in images, one based directly on the intensity values and another one based on a discrete representation of local orientation. A symmetry finder has been developed which uses the intensity-based method to search an image for compact regions which display some degree of mirror symmetry due to intensity similarities across a straight axis. In a different approach, we look at symmetry as a bilateral relationship between local orientations. A symmetryenhancing edge detector is presented which indicates edges dependent on the orientations at two different image positions. SEED, as we call it, is a detector element implemented by a feedforward network that holds the symmetry conditions. We use SEED to find the contours of symmetric objects of which we know the axis of symmetry from the intensity-based symmetry finder. The methods presented have been applied to the problem of visually guided car-following. Real-time experiments with a system for automatic headway control on motorways have been successful.


Accurate Robust Symmetry Estimation

Accurate Robust Symmetry Estimation Stephen Smith and Mark Jenkinson There are various applications, both in medical and non-medical image analysis, which require the automatic detection of the line (2D images) or plane (3D) of reflective symmetry of objects. There exist relatively simple methods of finding reflective symmetry when object images are complete (i.e., completely symmetric and perfectly segmented from image “background”). A much harder problem is finding the line or plane of symmetry when the object of interest contains asymmetries, and may not have well defined edges.


Approach of vehicle segmentation based on texture character

Approach of vehicle segmentation based on texture character


Method of removing moving shadow based on texture

Method of removing moving shadow based on texture


Environmentally Robust Motion Detection for Video Surveillance

Most video surveillance systems require to manually set a motion detection sensitivity level to generate motion alarms. The performance of motion detection algorithms, embedded in closed circuit television (CCTV) camera and digital video recorder (DVR), usually depends upon the preselected motion sensitivity level, which is expected to work in all environmental conditions. Due to the preselected sensitivity level, false alarms and detection failures usually exist in video surveillance systems. The proposed motion detection model based upon variational energy provides a robust detection method at various illumination changes and noise levels of image sequences without tuning any parameter manually. We analyze the structure mathematically and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model with numerous experiments in various environmental conditions. Due to the compact structure and efficiency of the proposed model, it could be implemented in a small embedded system.


Optimal multi-level thresholding using a two-stage Otsu optimization approach

Otsu’s method of image segmentation selects an optimum threshold by maximizing the between-class variance in a gray image. However, this method becomes very time-consuming when extended to a multi-level threshold problem due to the fact that a large number of iterations are required for computing the cumulative probability and the mean of a class. To greatly improve the efficiency of Otsu’s method, a new fast algorithm called the TSMO method (Two-Stage Multithreshold Otsu method) is presented. The TSMO method outperforms Otsu’s method by greatly reducing the iterations required for computing the between-class variance in an image. The experimental results show that the computational time increases exponentially for the conventional Otsu method with an average ratio of about 76. For TSMO-32, the maximum computational time is only 0.463 s when the class number M increases from two to six with relative errors of less than 1% when compared to Otsu’s method. The ratio of computational time of Otsu’s method to TSMO-32 is rather high, up to 109,708, when six classes (M = 6) in an image are used. This result indicates that the proposed method is far more efficient with an accuracy equivalent to Otsu’s method. It also has the advantage of having a small variance in runtimes for different test images.


A Background Reconstruction Method Based on Double-background

In this paper, we show a new method to reconstruct and update the background. This approach is based on double-background. We use the statistical information of the pixel intensity to construct a background that represents the status during a long time, and construct another background with feedback information in motion detection that represents the recent changes at a short time. This couple of background images is fused to construct and update the background image used to motion detection. The background reconstruction algorithm can perform well on the tests that we have applied it to.


Statistical Change Detection by the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm

In this paper we present a statistical change detection approach aimed at being robust with respect to the main disturbance factors acting in real-world applications, such as illumination changes, camera gain and exposure variations, noise. We rely on modeling the effects of disturbance factors on images as locally order-preserving transformations of pixel intensities plus additive noise. This allows us to identify within the space of all the possible image change patterns the subspace corresponding to disturbance factors effects. Hence, scene changes can be detected by a-contrario testing the hypothesis that the measured pattern is due to disturbance factors, that is by computing a distance between the pattern and the subspace. By assuming additive gaussian noise, the distance can be computed within a maximum likelihood non-parametric isotonic regression framework. In particular, the projection of the pattern onto the subspace is computed by an O(N) iterative procedure known as Pool Adjacent Violators algorithm.


Cooperative Fusion of Stereo and Motion

Cooperative Fusion of Stereo and Motion This paper presents a new matching algorithm based on cooperative fusion of stereo and motion cues. In this algorithm, stereo disparity and image flow values are recovered from two successive pairs of stereo images by solving the stereo and motion corresponde


A Treatise on Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1944)(ISBN 0486601749)

Love, A Treatise on Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1944)(ISBN 0486601749).djvu 第三部分(共三部分)


A Treatise on Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1944)(ISBN 0486601749)

Love, A Treatise on Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1944)(ISBN 0486601749).djvu 第二部分(共三部分)


Love, A Treatise on Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1944)(ISBN 0486601749)

Love, A Treatise on Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1944)(ISBN 0486601749) 第一部分(共三部分)


Computation of Real-Time Optical Flow Based on Corner Features

This paper describes an approach to real-time optical flow computation that combines the corner features and pyramid Lucas-Kanade. Corners instead of all the points in the image are taken into optical flow computation, which could reduce the amount of calculation to a large extend. The experiment has shown that using this optical flow algorithm to track targets is effective and could meet the requirements of real-time applications.


II-LK – A Real-Time Implementation for Sparse Optical Flow

In this paper we present an approach to speed up the computation of sparse optical flow fields by means of integral images and provide implementation details. Proposing a modification of the Lucas-Kanade energy functional allows us to use integral images and thus to speed up the method notably while affecting only slightly the quality of the computed optical flow. The approach is combined with an efficient scanline algorithm to reduce the computation of integral images to those areas where there are features to be tracked. The proposed method can speed up current surveillance algorithms used for scene description and crowd analysis.


Medical Image Reconstruction A Conceptual Tutorial --pdf

Medical Image Reconstruction: A Conceptual Tutorial" introduces the classical and modern image reconstruction technologies, such as two-dimensional (2D) parallel-beam and fan-beam imaging, three-dimensional (3D) parallel ray, parallel plane, and cone-beam imaging. This book presents both analytical and iterative methods of these technologies and their applications in X-ray CT (computed tomography), SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography), PET (positron emission tomography), and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Contemporary research results in exact region-of-interest (ROI) reconstruction with truncated projections, Katsevich's cone-beam filtered backprojection algorithm, and reconstruction with highly undersampled data with l0-minimization are also included.


Extraction and recognition of license plates of motorcycles and vehicles on highways

Extraction and recognition of license plates of motorcycles and vehicles on highways


High Performance Implementation of License Plate Recognition in Image Sequences

High Performance Implementation of License Plate Recognition in Image Sequences


Vs-star-- A visual interpretation system for visual surveillance

Vs-star-- A visual interpretation system for visual surveillance


Robust fragments-based tracking with adaptive feature selection

Robust fragments-based tracking with adaptive feature selection


Robust and automated unimodal histogram thresholding and potential applications

Robust and automated unimodal histogram thresholding and potential applications


角点检测方法研究-- 毛雁明, 兰美辉






Fast image region growing

Fast image region growing---Fast image region growing


Extracting Straight Lines

Extracting Straight Lines---line detection edge detection


Corner Detection Algorithms for Digital Images in Last Three Decades

Corner Detection Algorithms for Digital Images in Last Three Decades


Application of Shape Analysis Techniques for the Classification of Vehicles

Application of Shape Analysis Techniques for the Classification of Vehicles


Solving the process of hysteresis without determining the optimal thresholds

Solving the process of hysteresis without determining the optimal thresholds


Direct methods for sparse matrices

second edition 2017, Oxford University Press





CLIP-Q CVPR2018 code

CLIP-Q: Deep Network Compression Learning by In-Parallel Pruning-Quantization,CVPR2018 code


Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Car Video Based on Motion Model

Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Car Video Based on Motion Model--This work aims at real-time in-car video analysis to detect and track vehicles ahead for safety, auto-driving, and target tracing. This paper describes a comprehensive approach to localize target vehicles in video under various environmental conditions. The extracted geometry features from the video are projected onto a 1D profile continuously and are tracked constantly. We rely on temporal information of features and their motion behaviors for vehicle identification, which compensates for the complexity in recognizing vehicle shapes, colors, and types. We model the motion in the field of view probabilistically according to the scene characteristic and vehicle motion model. The Hidden Markov Model is used for separating target vehicles from background, and tracking them probabilistically. We have investigated videos of day and night on different types of roads, showing that our approach is robust and effective in dealing with changes in environment and illumination, and that real time processing becomes possible for vehicle borne cameras.


Projection and Least Square Fitting

Projection and Least Square Fitting with Perpendicular Offsets based Vehicle License Plate Tilt Correction


A Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of Urban Traffic

Automatic video analysis from urban surveillance cameras is a fast-emerging field based on computer vision techniques. We present here a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art computer vision for traffic video with a critical analysis and an outlook to future research directions. This field is of increasing relevance for intelligent transport systems (ITSs). The decreasing hardware cost and, therefore, the increasing de- ployment of cameras have opened a wide application field for video analytics. Several monitoring objectives such as congestion, traffic rule violation, and vehicle interaction can be targeted using cameras that were typically originally installed for human oper- ators. Systems for the detection and classification of vehicles on highways have successfully been using classical visual surveillance techniques such as background estimation and motion tracking for some time. The urban domain is more challenging with respect to traffic density, lower camera angles that lead to a high degree of occlusion, and the variety of road users. Methods from object categorization and 3-D modeling have inspired more advanced techniques to tackle these challenges. There is no commonly used data set or benchmark challenge, which makes the direct com- parison of the proposed algorithms difficult. In addition, evalu- ation under challenging weather conditions (e.g., rain, fog, and darkness) would be desirable but is rarely performed. Future work should be directed toward robust combined detectors and classifiers for all road users, with a focus on realistic conditions during evaluation.


On Improving the Efficiency of Tensor Voting

This paper proposes two alternative formulations to reduce the high computational complexity of tensor voting, a robust perceptual grouping technique used to extract salient information from noisy data. The first scheme consists of numerical approximations of the votes, which have been derived from an in-depth analysis of the plate and ball voting processes. The second scheme simplifies the formulation while keeping the same perceptual meaning of the original tensor voting: The stick tensor voting and the stick component of the plate tensor voting must reinforce surfaceness, the plate components of both the plate and ball tensor voting must boost curveness, whereas junctionness must be strengthened by the ball component of the ball tensor voting. Two new parameters have been proposed for the second formulation in order to control the potentially conflictive influence of the stick component of the plate vote and the ball component of the ball vote. Results show that the proposed formulations can be used in applications where efficiency is an issue since they have a complexity of order O(1). Moreover, the second proposed formulation has been shown to be more appropriate than the original tensor voting for estimating saliencies by appropriately setting the two new parameters.


Fast LOG Filtering Using Recursive Filters

Marr and Hildreth's theory of LoG filtering with multiple scales has been extensively elaborated. One problem with LoG filtering is that it is very time-consuming, especially with a large size of filters. This paper presents a recursive convolution scheme for LoG filtering and a fast algorithm to extract zero-crossings. It has a constant computational complexity per pixel and is independent of the size of the filter. A line buffer is used to determine the locations of zero-crossings along with filtering hence avoiding the need for an additional convolution and extra memory units. Various images have been tested


A discrete expression of Canny's criteria for step

Optimal filters for edge detection are usually developed in the continuous domain and then transposed by sampling to the discrete domain. Simpler filters are directly defined in the discrete domain. We define criteria to compare filter performances in the discrete domain. Canny has defined (1983, 1986) three criteria to derive the equation of an optimal filter for step edge detection: good detection, good localization, and low-responses multiplicity. These criteria seem to be good candidates for filter comparison. Unfortunately, they have been developed in the continuous domain, and their analytical expressions cannot be used in the discrete domain. We establish three criteria with the same meaning as Canny's.



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