

1. 安装Diamond:


wget http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/releases/download/v2.1.8/diamond-linux64.tar.gz

​tar -xzvf diamond-linux64.tar.gz
diamond blastx

./diamond blastx

/opt/diamond blastx

2. 准备数据集:


wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/FASTA/nr.gz
gunzip nr.gz
diamond makedb --in nr --db nr

3. 运行Diamond:


diamond blastx -d [参考序列文件] -q [待比对序列文件] -o [输出文件名]

wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/FASTA/nr.gz
gunzip nr.gz
diamond makedb --in nr --db nr

diamond blastx --db nr -q reads.fna -o dna_matches_fmt6.txt
diamond blastp --db nr -q reads.faa -o protein_matches_fmt6.txt


超算集群多计算节点并行计算(私房菜)Distributed computing






# Diamond distributed-memory parallel processing
#Diamond supports the parallel processing of large alignments on HPC clusters and #supercomputers, spanning numerous compute nodes. Work distribution is orchestrated by #Diamond via a shared file system typically available on such clusters, using lightweight #file-based stacks and POSIX functionality.

#To run Diamond in parallel, two steps need to be performed. First, during a short #initialization run using a single process, the query and database are scanned and chunks #of work are written to the file-based stacks on the parallel file system. Second, the #actual parallel run is performed, where multiple DIAMOND processes on different compute #nodes work on chunks of the query and the reference database to perform alignments and #joins.

#Initialization 先进行任务初始化,这个只需要在第一个节点上初始化就行了。其他节点直接启动后面一步的并行计算命令就行
#The initialization of a parallel run should be done (e.g. interactively on a login node) #using the parameters --multiprocessing --mp-init as follows:

diamond blastp --db DATABASE.dmnd --query QUERY.fasta --multiprocessing --mp-init --tmpdir $TMPDIR --parallel-tmpdir $PTMPDIR

#Here $TMPDIR refers to a local temporary directory, whereas $PTMPDIR refers to a #directory in the parallel file system where the file-based stacks containing the work #packages will be created. Note that the size of the chunking and thereby the number of #work packages is controlled via the --block-size parameter.

#Parallel run 开始真实的并行计算,可以在所有计算节点启动
#The actual parallel run should be done using the parameter --multiprocessing as follows:

diamond blastp --db DATABASE.dmnd --query QUERY.fasta -o OUTPUT_FILE --multiprocessing --tmpdir $TMPDIR --parallel-tmpdir $PTMPDIR

#Note that $PTMPDIR must refer to the same location as used during the initialization, #and it must be accessible from any of the compute nodes involved. To launch the parallel #processes on many nodes, a batch system such as SLURM is typically used. For the output #not a single stream is used but rather multiple files are created, one for each query #chunk.

#SLURM batch file example   slurm超算集群脚本,这个不多说了吧,使用这个更方便一点,没有也不用担心,使用前面那两个命令即可。
#The following script shows an example of how a massively parallel can be performed using #the SLURM batch system on a supercomputer.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --mem=185000
#SBATCH --nodes=520
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=80
#SBATCH --mail-type=none
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00

module purge
module load gcc impi
export SLURM_HINT=multithread

srun diamond FLAGS
FLAGS refers to the aforementioned parallel flags for Diamond. Note that the actual configuration of the nodes varies between machines, and therefore, the parameters shown here are not of general applicability. It is recommended to start with few nodes on small problems, first.

Abort and resume
Parallel runs can be aborted and later resumed, and unfinished work packages from a previous run can be recovered and resubmitted in a subsequent run.

Using the option --multiprocessing --mp-recover for the same value of --parallel-tmpdir will scan the working directory and configure a new parallel run including only the work packages that have not been completed in the previous run.

Placing a file stop in the working directory causes DIAMOND processes to shut down in a controlled way after finishing the current work package. After removing the stop file, the multiprocessing run can be continued.

Parameter optimization
The granularity of the size of the work packages can be adjusted via the --block-size which at the same time affects the memory requirements at runtime. Parallel runs on more than 512 nodes of a supercomputer have been performed successfully.

4. 结果解读:



见: 生物信息学分析-blast序列比对及结果详细说明-CSDN博客



# downloading the tool,下载工具
wget http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/releases/download/v2.1.8/diamond-linux64.tar.gz
tar xzf diamond-linux64.tar.gz
# creating a diamond-formatted database file  创建diamond数据库
./diamond makedb --in reference.fasta -d reference
# running a search in blastp mode  使用blastp模式比对序列
./diamond blastp -d reference -q queries.fasta -o matches.tsv
# running a search in blastx mode 使用blastx 模式比对序列
./diamond blastx -d reference -q reads.fasta -o matches.tsv
# downloading and using a BLAST database
update_blastdb.pl --decompress --blastdb_version 5 swissprot
./diamond prepdb -d swissprot
./diamond blastp -d swissprot -q queries.fasta -o matches.tsv

Some important points to consider:

Repeat masking is applied to the query and reference sequences by default. To disable it, use --masking 0.  默认情况下是允许重复结果,如果只输出最优结果就加上 --masking 0
DIAMOND is optimized for large input files of >1 million proteins. Naturally the tool can be used for smaller files as well, but the algorithm will not reach its full efficiency.
The program may use quite a lot of memory and also temporary disk space. Should the program fail due to running out of either one, you need to set a lower value for the block size parameter -b.  DIAMOND是大文件效率更好,对于小文件建议添加 -b 的参数
The sensitivity can be adjusted using the options --fast, --mid-sensitive, --sensitive, --more-sensitive, --very-sensitive and --ultra-sensitive.   比对敏感性,越往后其结果越接近原生blast结果,但速度也越慢,一般使用--more-sensitive比较适中,计算资源不够的就使用fast。



diamond --help
diamond v2.0.11.149 (C) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
Documentation, support and updates available at http://www.diamondsearch.org
Please cite: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41592-021-01101-x Nature Methods (2021)

Syntax: diamond COMMAND [OPTIONS]

makedb	Build DIAMOND database from a FASTA file  #以fasta文件创建diamond格式数据库
blastp	Align amino acid query sequences against a protein reference database #功能与原生blastp功能一致
blastx	Align DNA query sequences against a protein reference database #功能与原生blastx一致
view	View DIAMOND alignment archive (DAA) formatted file
help	Produce help message
version	Display version information
getseq	Retrieve sequences from a DIAMOND database file
dbinfo	Print information about a DIAMOND database file
test	Run regression tests
makeidx	Make database index

General options:
--threads (-p)           number of CPU threads #指定需要运行的线程数,可尽量大
--db (-d)                database file   #diamond makedb产生的diamond可使用格式的数据库
--out (-o)               output file  #比对结果输出命名
--outfmt (-f)            output format #outfmt,一般选6表格格式,与原生blast一致
	0   = BLAST pairwise
	5   = BLAST XML
	6   = BLAST tabular
	100 = DIAMOND alignment archive (DAA)
	101 = SAM

	Value 6 may be followed by a space-separated list of these keywords:

	qseqid means Query Seq - id
	qlen means Query sequence length
	sseqid means Subject Seq - id
	sallseqid means All subject Seq - id(s), separated by a ';'
	slen means Subject sequence length
	qstart means Start of alignment in query
	qend means End of alignment in query
	sstart means Start of alignment in subject
	send means End of alignment in subject
	qseq means Aligned part of query sequence
	qseq_translated means Aligned part of query sequence (translated)
	full_qseq means Query sequence
	full_qseq_mate means Query sequence of the mate
	sseq means Aligned part of subject sequence
	full_sseq means Subject sequence
	evalue means Expect value
	bitscore means Bit score
	score means Raw score
	length means Alignment length
	pident means Percentage of identical matches
	nident means Number of identical matches
	mismatch means Number of mismatches
	positive means Number of positive - scoring matches
	gapopen means Number of gap openings
	gaps means Total number of gaps
	ppos means Percentage of positive - scoring matches
	qframe means Query frame
	btop means Blast traceback operations(BTOP)
	cigar means CIGAR string
	staxids means unique Subject Taxonomy ID(s), separated by a ';' (in numerical order)
	sscinames means unique Subject Scientific Name(s), separated by a ';'
	sskingdoms means unique Subject Super Kingdom(s), separated by a ';'
	skingdoms means unique Subject Kingdom(s), separated by a ';'
	sphylums means unique Subject Phylum(s), separated by a ';'
	stitle means Subject Title
	salltitles means All Subject Title(s), separated by a '<>'
	qcovhsp means Query Coverage Per HSP
	scovhsp means Subject Coverage Per HSP
	qtitle means Query title
	qqual means Query quality values for the aligned part of the query
	full_qqual means Query quality values
	qstrand means Query strand

	Default: qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
--verbose (-v)           verbose console output
--log                    enable debug log
--quiet                  disable console output
--header                 Write header lines to blast tabular format.

Makedb options:
--in                     input reference file in FASTA format
--taxonmap               protein accession to taxid mapping file
--taxonnodes             taxonomy nodes.dmp from NCBI
--taxonnames             taxonomy names.dmp from NCBI

Aligner options:
--query (-q)             input query file
--strand                 query strands to search (both/minus/plus)
--un                     file for unaligned queries
--al                     file or aligned queries
--unfmt                  format of unaligned query file (fasta/fastq)
--alfmt                  format of aligned query file (fasta/fastq)
--unal                   report unaligned queries (0=no, 1=yes)
--max-target-seqs (-k)   maximum number of target sequences to report alignments for (default=25)
--top                    report alignments within this percentage range of top alignment score (overrides --max-target-seqs)
--max-hsps               maximum number of HSPs per target sequence to report for each query (default=1)
--range-culling          restrict hit culling to overlapping query ranges
--compress               compression for output files (0=none, 1=gzip, zstd)
--evalue (-e)            maximum e-value to report alignments (default=0.001)
--min-score              minimum bit score to report alignments (overrides e-value setting)
--id                     minimum identity% to report an alignment
--query-cover            minimum query cover% to report an alignment
--subject-cover          minimum subject cover% to report an alignment
--fast                   enable fast mode
--mid-sensitive          enable mid-sensitive mode
--sensitive              enable sensitive mode)
--more-sensitive         enable more sensitive mode
--very-sensitive         enable very sensitive mode
--ultra-sensitive        enable ultra sensitive mode
--iterate                iterated search with increasing sensitivity
--global-ranking (-g)    number of targets for global ranking
--block-size (-b)        sequence block size in billions of letters (default=2.0)
--index-chunks (-c)      number of chunks for index processing (default=4)
--tmpdir (-t)            directory for temporary files
--parallel-tmpdir        directory for temporary files used by multiprocessing
--gapopen                gap open penalty
--gapextend              gap extension penalty
--frameshift (-F)        frame shift penalty (default=disabled)
--long-reads             short for --range-culling --top 10 -F 15
--matrix                 score matrix for protein alignment (default=BLOSUM62)
--custom-matrix          file containing custom scoring matrix
--comp-based-stats       composition based statistics mode (0-4)
--masking                enable tantan masking of repeat regions (0/1=default)
--query-gencode          genetic code to use to translate query (see user manual)
--salltitles             include full subject titles in DAA file
--sallseqid              include all subject ids in DAA file
--no-self-hits           suppress reporting of identical self hits
--taxonlist              restrict search to list of taxon ids (comma-separated)
--taxon-exclude          exclude list of taxon ids (comma-separated)
--seqidlist              filter the database by list of accessions
--skip-missing-seqids    ignore accessions missing in the database

Advanced options:
--algo                   Seed search algorithm (0=double-indexed/1=query-indexed/ctg=contiguous-seed)
--bin                    number of query bins for seed search
--min-orf (-l)           ignore translated sequences without an open reading frame of at least this length
--freq-sd                number of standard deviations for ignoring frequent seeds
--id2                    minimum number of identities for stage 1 hit
--xdrop (-x)             xdrop for ungapped alignment
--gapped-filter-evalue   E-value threshold for gapped filter (auto)
--band                   band for dynamic programming computation
--shapes (-s)            number of seed shapes (default=all available)
--shape-mask             seed shapes
--multiprocessing        enable distributed-memory parallel processing
--mp-init                initialize multiprocessing run
--mp-recover             enable continuation of interrupted multiprocessing run
--mp-query-chunk         process only a single query chunk as specified
--ext-chunk-size         chunk size for adaptive ranking (default=auto)
--no-ranking             disable ranking heuristic
--ext                    Extension mode (banded-fast/banded-slow/full)
--culling-overlap        minimum range overlap with higher scoring hit to delete a hit (default=50%)
--taxon-k                maximum number of targets to report per species
--range-cover            percentage of query range to be covered for range culling (default=50%)
--dbsize                 effective database size (in letters)
--no-auto-append         disable auto appending of DAA and DMND file extensions
--xml-blord-format       Use gnl|BL_ORD_ID| style format in XML output
--stop-match-score       Set the match score of stop codons against each other.
--tantan-minMaskProb     minimum repeat probability for masking (default=0.9)
--file-buffer-size       file buffer size in bytes (default=67108864)
--memory-limit (-M)      Memory limit for extension stage in GB
--no-unlink              Do not unlink temporary files.
--target-indexed         Enable target-indexed mode
--ignore-warnings        Ignore warnings

View options:
--daa (-a)               DIAMOND alignment archive (DAA) file
--forwardonly            only show alignments of forward strand

Getseq options:
--seq                    Sequence numbers to display.

Online documentation at http://www.diamondsearch.org



diamond --help
diamond v2.1.8.162 (C) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Benjamin Buchfink, University of Tuebingen
Documentation, support and updates available at http://www.diamondsearch.org
Please cite: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41592-021-01101-x Nature Methods (2021)

Syntax: diamond COMMAND [OPTIONS]

makedb                   Build DIAMOND database from a FASTA file
prepdb                   Prepare BLAST database for use with Diamond
blastp                   Align amino acid query sequences against a protein reference database
blastx                   Align DNA query sequences against a protein reference database
cluster                  Cluster protein sequences
linclust                 Cluster protein sequences in linear time
realign                  Realign clustered sequences against their centroids
recluster                Recompute clustering to fix errors
reassign                 Reassign clustered sequences to the closest centroid
view                     View DIAMOND alignment archive (DAA) formatted file
merge-daa                Merge DAA files
help                     Produce help message
version                  Display version information
getseq                   Retrieve sequences from a DIAMOND database file
dbinfo                   Print information about a DIAMOND database file
test                     Run regression tests
makeidx                  Make database index
greedy-vertex-cover      Compute greedy vertex cover

Possible [OPTIONS] for COMMAND can be seen with syntax: diamond COMMAND

Online documentation at http://www.diamondsearch.org


diamond makedb
diamond v2.1.8.162 (C) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Benjamin Buchfink, University of Tuebingen
Documentation, support and updates available at http://www.diamondsearch.org
Please cite: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41592-021-01101-x Nature Methods (2021)

--threads                number of CPU threads
--verbose                verbose console output
--log                    enable debug log
--quiet                  disable console output
--tmpdir                 directory for temporary files
--db                     database file
--in                     input reference file in FASTA format/input DAA files for merge-daa
--taxonmap               protein accession to taxid mapping file
--taxonnodes             taxonomy nodes.dmp from NCBI
--taxonnames             taxonomy names.dmp from NCBI
--file-buffer-size       file buffer size in bytes (default=67108864)
--no-unlink              Do not unlink temporary files.
--ignore-warnings        Ignore warnings
--no-parse-seqids        Print raw seqids without parsing

Error: Missing parameter: database file (--db/-d)


1. 根据比对的得分进行过滤

Diamond Blastp 会产生比对得分,你可以根据得分来筛选结果。通过设置一个阈值,只保留得分高于阈值的比对结果。例如:

diamond blastp -d database.fasta -q query.fasta -o output.m8 --min-score 100

###  --min-score 100 表示只保留得分高于等于 100 的比对结果。

2. 根据期望的价值(E 值)进行过滤

E 值表示在随机情况下,期望观察到给定比对得分的次数。可以根据 E 值来过滤结果,只保留期望值低于设定阈值的比对结果。例如:

diamond blastp -d database.fasta -q query.fasta -o output.m8 --evalue 1e-5

### --evalue 1e-5 表示只保留 E 值低于或等于 1e-5 的比对结果。

 3. 根据相似性阈值过滤

diamond blastp -d database.fasta -q query.fasta -o output.m8 --id 97

### --id 97 表示只保留相似性大于等于 97% 的比对结果。

 4. 取唯一结果

### 使用 AWK 命令根据第一个列(query ID)或其他标识符来提取唯一结果
sort -k1,1 -u output.m8 > unique_output.m8


# 打开 Diamond Blastp 输出文件
with open('output.m8', 'r') as file:
    best_hit = {}
    # 逐行读取文件
    for line in file:
        fields = line.strip().split('\t')  # 根据制表符分割字段
        query_id, subject_id, percent_identity, alignment_length, e_value, bit_score = fields[:6]
        # 如果查询 ID 不在 best_hit 中或当前行比最佳结果更好,则更新最优结果
        if query_id not in best_hit or float(bit_score) > float(best_hit[query_id]['bit_score']):
            best_hit[query_id] = {
                'subject_id': subject_id,
                'percent_identity': float(percent_identity),
                'alignment_length': int(alignment_length),
                'e_value': float(e_value),
                'bit_score': float(bit_score)

# 输出最优结果
for query_id, hit_info in best_hit.items():
    print(f"Query ID: {query_id}")
    print(f"Subject ID: {hit_info['subject_id']}")
    print(f"Percent Identity: {hit_info['percent_identity']}")
    print(f"Alignment Length: {hit_info['alignment_length']}")
    print(f"E-value: {hit_info['e_value']}")
    print(f"Bit Score: {hit_info['bit_score']}")


  • 脚本读取 Diamond Blastp 输出文件,并遍历每一行。
  • 对于每个查询 ID,它保留具有最高比对分数(或其他选择的标准)的比对结果。
  • 最终输出每个查询 ID 对应的最优匹配结果的相关信息。

6. 使用R提取最有结果

# 读取 Diamond Blastp 输出文件
data <- read.table("output.m8", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")

# 命名列名
colnames(data) <- c("query_id", "subject_id", "percent_identity", "alignment_length", "e_value", "bit_score")

# 根据查询 ID 获取最优结果

best_hits <- data %>%
  group_by(query_id) %>%
  slice(which.max(bit_score))  # 根据最高比对分数选择最优结果,可以根据其他标准替换 bit_score

# 显示最优结果


  • 脚本使用 read.table() 函数读取 Diamond Blastp 输出文件。
  • 使用 dplyr 包中的 group_by()slice() 函数按照查询 ID 分组,并选择每个查询 ID 的最高比对分数,以获取最优结果。
  • 最终输出包含最优匹配结果的数据框。

7. 参考文献

Benjamin Buchfink, Chao Xie, and Daniel H. Huson. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using diamond. Nature methods, 12(1):59–60, Jan 2015.

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