CCAffineTransform(仿射变换 :点乘 差乘 单位化。。。)



#include "CCGeometry.h"

#include "platform/CCPlatformMacros.h"


struct CCAffineTransform {

  float a, b, c, d;

  float tx, ty;


->         关于CC_DLL (dll->dynamic link library 动态链接库)         

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform __CCAffineTransformMake(float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty);

#define CCAffineTransformMake __CCAffineTransformMake

CC_DLL CCPoint __CCPointApplyAffineTransform(const CCPoint& point, const CCAffineTransform& t);

#define CCPointApplyAffineTransform __CCPointApplyAffineTransform

CC_DLL CCSize __CCSizeApplyAffineTransform(const CCSize& size, const CCAffineTransform& t);

#define CCSizeApplyAffineTransform __CCSizeApplyAffineTransform

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity();

CC_DLL CCRect CCRectApplyAffineTransform(const CCRect& rect, const CCAffineTransform& anAffineTransform);

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformTranslate(const CCAffineTransform& t, float tx, float ty);

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformRotate(const CCAffineTransform& aTransform, float anAngle);

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformScale(const CCAffineTransform& t, float sx, float sy);

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformConcat(const CCAffineTransform& t1, const CCAffineTransform& t2);

CC_DLL bool CCAffineTransformEqualToTransform(const CCAffineTransform& t1, const CCAffineTransform& t2);

CC_DLL CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformInvert(const CCAffineTransform& t);

extern CC_DLL const CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformIdentity;



CCAffineTransform __CCAffineTransformMake(float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty)


  CCAffineTransform t;

  t.a = a; t.b = b; t.c = c; t.d = d; t.tx = tx; t.ty = ty;

  return t;


CCPoint __CCPointApplyAffineTransform(const CCPoint& point, const CCAffineTransform& t)


  CCPoint p;

  p.x = (float)((double)t.a * point.x + (double)t.c * point.y + t.tx);

  p.y = (float)((double)t.b * point.x + (double)t.d * point.y + t.ty);

  return p;


CCSize __CCSizeApplyAffineTransform(const CCSize& size, const CCAffineTransform& t)


  CCSize s;

  s.width = (float)((double)t.a * size.width + (double)t.c * size.height);

  s.height = (float)((double)t.b * size.width + (double)t.d * size.height);

  return s;


CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity()


    return __CCAffineTransformMake(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);


extern const CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformIdentity = CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity();

CCRect CCRectApplyAffineTransform(const CCRect& rect, const CCAffineTransform& anAffineTransform)


    float top    = rect.getMinY();

    float left   = rect.getMinX();

    float right  = rect.getMaxX();

    float bottom = rect.getMaxY();


    CCPoint topLeft = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(CCPointMake(left, top), anAffineTransform);

    CCPoint topRight = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(CCPointMake(right, top), anAffineTransform);

    CCPoint bottomLeft = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(CCPointMake(left, bottom), anAffineTransform);

    CCPoint bottomRight = CCPointApplyAffineTransform(CCPointMake(right, bottom), anAffineTransform);

    float minX = min(min(topLeft.x, topRight.x), min(bottomLeft.x, bottomRight.x));

    float maxX = max(max(topLeft.x, topRight.x), max(bottomLeft.x, bottomRight.x));

    float minY = min(min(topLeft.y, topRight.y), min(bottomLeft.y, bottomRight.y));

    float maxY = max(max(topLeft.y, topRight.y), max(bottomLeft.y, bottomRight.y));


    return CCRectMake(minX, minY, (maxX - minX), (maxY - minY));


CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformTranslate(const CCAffineTransform& t, float tx, float ty)


    return __CCAffineTransformMake(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.tx + t.a * tx + t.c * ty, t.ty + t.b * tx + t.d * ty);


CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformScale(const CCAffineTransform& t, float sx, float sy)


    return __CCAffineTransformMake(t.a * sx, t.b * sx, t.c * sy, t.d * sy, t.tx, t.ty);


CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformRotate(const CCAffineTransform& t, float anAngle)


    float fSin = sin(anAngle);

    float fCos = cos(anAngle);

    return __CCAffineTransformMake(    t.a * fCos + t.c * fSin,

                                    t.b * fCos + t.d * fSin,

                                    t.c * fCos - t.a * fSin,

                                    t.d * fCos - t.b * fSin,




/* Concatenate `t2' to `t1' and return the result:

     t' = t1 * t2 */

CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformConcat(const CCAffineTransform& t1, const CCAffineTransform& t2)


    return __CCAffineTransformMake(    t1.a * t2.a + t1.b * t2.c, t1.a * t2.b + t1.b * t2.d, //a,b

                                    t1.c * t2.a + t1.d * t2.c, t1.c * t2.b + t1.d * t2.d, //c,d

                                    t1.tx * t2.a + t1.ty * t2.c + t2.tx,                  //tx

                                    t1.tx * t2.b + t1.ty * t2.d + t2.ty);                  //ty


/* Return true if `t1' and `t2' are equal, false otherwise. */

bool CCAffineTransformEqualToTransform(const CCAffineTransform& t1, const CCAffineTransform& t2)


    return (t1.a == t2.a && t1.b == t2.b && t1.c == t2.c && t1.d == t2.d && t1.tx == t2.tx && t1.ty == t2.ty);


CCAffineTransform CCAffineTransformInvert(const CCAffineTransform& t)


    float determinant = 1 / (t.a * t.d - t.b * t.c);

    return __CCAffineTransformMake(determinant * t.d, -determinant * t.b, -determinant * t.c, determinant * t.a,

                            determinant * (t.c * t.ty - t.d * t.tx), determinant * (t.b * t.tx - t.a * t.ty) );






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


