Uniy3D优化之Optimizing Graphics Performance (一)

Optimizing Graphics Performance 优化图形性能

Desktop 桌面游戏


Good performance is critical to the success of many games. Below are some simple guidelines for maximizing the speed of your game's graphical rendering.



Optimizing Meshes 优化网格

You only pay a rendering cost for objects that have aMesh Renderer attached and are within the view frustum. There is no rendering cost from emptyGameObjects in the scene or from objects that are out of the view of any camera.

您仅仅只需要渲染视域体内含有Mesh Renderer的物体,而对于空的或者视域体外的游戏物体则不需要进行渲染。


Modern graphics cards are really good at handling a lot of polygons but there is a significant overhead for each batch (ie, mesh) that you submit to the graphics card. So if you have a 100-triangle object it is going to be just as expensive to render as a 1500-triangle object. The "sweet spot" for optimal rendering performance is somewhere around 1500-4000 triangles per mesh.



Usually, the best way to improve rendering performance is to combine objects together so that each mesh has around 1500 or more triangles and uses only oneMaterial for the entire mesh. It is important to understand that combining two objects which don't share a material does not give you any performance increase at all. The most common reason for having multiple materials is that two meshes don't share the same textures, so to optimize rendering performance, you should ensure that any objects you combine share the same textures.

通常情况下,提高渲染性能的最佳途径是将物体组合一起,使每个网格大概拥有大约 1500个三角形面片,并且整个网格只使用一种材质。值得注意的一点是,您需要了解将拥有不同材质的两个物体拼合在一起并不会给您带来任何的性能提升。最常见的原因两个网格所用的材质并不共享相同的纹理,所以要优化渲染性能,您至少应该确保您所组合的任何物体共享相同的纹理。


However, when using many pixel lights in theForward rendering path, there are situations where combining objects may not make sense, as explained below.

但是,在Forward rendering path的渲染方式下,如果每个像素使用多个光源,那么可能会出现拼合物体不起作用的情况,我们将在下面对其进行解释。


Pixel Lights in the Forward Rendering Path 前向渲染路径的像素光源

Note: this applies only to theForward rendering path.

If you use pixel lighting then each mesh has to be rendered as many times as there are pixel lights illuminating it. If you combine two meshes that are very far apart, it will increase the effective size of the combined object. All pixel lights that illuminate any part of this combined object will be taken into account during rendering, so the number of rendering passes that need to be made could be increased. Generally, the number of passes that must be made to render the combined object is the sum of the number of passes for each of the separate objects, and so nothing is gained by combining. For this reason, you should not combine meshes that are far enough apart to be affected by different sets of pixel lights.



During rendering, Unity finds all lights surrounding a mesh and calculates which of those lights affect it most. TheQuality Settings are used to modify how many of the lights end up as pixel lights and how many as vertex lights. Each light calculates its importance based on how far away it is from the mesh and how intense its illumination is. Furthermore, some lights are more important than others purely from the game context. For this reason, every light has aRender Mode setting which can be set toImportant orNot Important; lights marked as Not Important will typically have a lower rendering overhead.

在渲染过程中,Unity会查找一个网格周边的所有光源,并计算最影响这些光线的。质量设置(Quality Settings)是用来修改多少光源将最终会作为像素光源和多少光源将作为顶点光源。每个光源的重要性计算是基于它距离物体的远近以及它自身的亮度强弱。此外,一些光源的重要性与否需要根据游戏内容而定,因此,每个光源都有一个渲染模式(Render Mode)设置,来制定其是重要还是不重要的;被标记为不重要的光源通常会被设定为较低的渲染开销。


As an example, consider a driving game where the player's car is driving in the dark with headlights switched on. The headlights are likely to be the most visually significant light sources in the game, so their Render Mode would probably be set to Important. On the other hand, there may be other lights in the game that are less important (other cars' rear lights, say) and which don't improve the visual effect much by being pixel lights. The Render Mode for such lights can safely be set to Not Important so as to avoid wasting rendering capacity in places where it will give little benefit.


光源,所以它们的渲染模式应该被设定为重要(Important)。同时,游戏中很可能存在一些不重要的光源(比如其他车的车尾灯)。对于这些光源,其绘制模式可以被设定为不重要(Not Important),以此来避免渲染方面的开销,从而达到更良好的运行性能。


Per-Layer Cull Distances 每层裁剪距离

In some games, it may be appropriate to cull small objects more aggressively than large ones in order to reduce number of draw calls. For example, small rocks and debris could be made invisible at long distances while large buildings would still be visible. To accomplish this culling, you can put small objects into aseparate layer and setup per-layer cull distances using theCamera.layerCullDistances script function.




Shadows 阴影

If you are deploying for Desktop platforms then you should be careful when using shadows because they can add a lot of rendering overhead to your game if not used correctly. For further details, see theShadows page.



Note: Shadows are not currently supported on iOS or Android devices.





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