// point that keeps track of the last point after the boustrophedon path in each cell
cv::Point robot_pos = rotated_starting_point;
// this is the trajectory of centers of the robot footprint or the field of view
std::vector<cv::Point2f> fov_middlepoint_path;
for(size_t cell=0; cell<cell_polygons.size(); ++cell)
computeBoustrophedonPath(rotated_room_map, map_resolution,
cell_polygons[optimal_order[cell]], fov_middlepoint_path,
robot_pos, grid_spacing_as_int,
half_grid_spacing_as_int, path_eps,
max_deviation_from_track, grid_obstacle_offset/map_resolution);
// computes the Boustrophedon path pattern for a single cell
void computeBoustrophedonPath(const cv::Mat& room_map, const float map_resolution,
const GeneralizedPolygon& cell,std::vector<cv::Point2f>& fov_middlepoint_path,
cv::Point& robot_pos,
const int grid_spacing_as_int, const int half_grid_spacing_as_int,
const double path_eps, const int max_deviation_from_track, const int
// compute the basic Boustrophedon grid lines
BoustrophedonGrid grid_lines;
GridGenerator::generateBoustrophedonGrid(rotated_cell_map, rotated_inflated_cell_map,
-1, grid_lines, cv::Vec4i(-1, -1, -1, -1),
grid_spacing_as_int, half_grid_spacing_as_int,
1, max_deviation_from_track);
class BoustrophedonLine
// points of the upper part of the line (always filled first)
std::vector<cv::Point> upper_line;
// points of the potentially existing lower part of the line
std::vector<cv::Point> lower_line;
// true if both lines, upper and lower,
// concurrently provide valid alternative points at some locations
// (i.e. only if this is true, there are two individual lines of places to visit)
bool has_two_valid_lines;
: has_two_valid_lines(false)
class BoustrophedonGrid : public std::vector<BoustrophedonLine>
// 第一步,遍历全图,计算得出区间的上下左右四个边界点
int min_x=inflated_room_map.cols, max_x=-1, min_y=inflated_room_map.rows, max_y=-1;
for (int v=0; v<inflated_room_map.rows; ++v)
for (int u=0; u<inflated_room_map.cols; ++u)
if (inflated_room_map.at<uchar>(v,u) == 255)
if (min_x > u)
min_x = u;
if (max_x < u)
max_x = u;
if (min_y > v)
min_y = v;
if (max_y < v)
max_y = v;
int y=min_y;
// loop through the vertical grid lines with regular grid spacing
for (; y<=max_y+half_grid_spacing; y += grid_spacing)
if (y > max_y) // this should happen at most once for the bottom line
y = max_y;
BoustrophedonLine line;
const cv::Point invalid_point(-1,-1);
// for keeping the horizontal grid distance
cv::Point last_added_grid_point_above(-10000,-10000), last_added_grid_point_below(-10000,-10000);
// for adding the rightmost possible point
cv::Point last_valid_grid_point_above(-1,-1), last_valid_grid_point_below(-1,-1);
// loop through the horizontal grid points with horizontal grid spacing length
for (int x=min_x; x<=max_x; x+=1)
// 从左往右,逐个像素点判断,将该 Y 坐标下的非障碍物点添加到覆盖线 line 里面
// 此处省略,需要可以下载源码阅读
... ...
// 上面生成的是一条覆盖线,下面则是把当前生成的覆盖直线添加到覆盖线数组里面
// 需要注意的是这里用到了upper_line和lower_line两条线
BoustrophedonLine cleaned_line;
if (line.upper_line.size()>0 && line.lower_line.size()>0)
... ...
// add cleaned line to the grid
// downsamples a given path original_path to waypoint distances of
// path_eps and appends the resulting path to downsampled_path
void downsamplePath(const std::vector<cv::Point>& original_path,
std::vector<cv::Point>& downsampled_path,
cv::Point& cell_robot_pos, const double path_eps);
// downsamples a given path original_path to waypoint distances
// of path_eps in reverse order as given in original_path
// and appends the resulting path to downsampled_path
void downsamplePathReverse(const std::vector<cv::Point>& original_path,
std::vector<cv::Point>& downsampled_path,
cv::Point& robot_pos, const double path_eps);
这其中 downsamplePath是从左往右取点,downsamplePathReverse是从右往左取点,path_eps是路径点的间隔,即第一条直线从左往右取点,下一条直线从右往左取点,再下一条从左往右取点,这样依次循环执行,就生成弓字形的覆盖路径点。