


⛄ 内容介绍


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% Massive simulation



Nue = 10000;    % <- reduce this number to shorter simulation time (coarser results)

DATA = load('citymap/urbanMapSingleUserK2.mat');

U = DATA.U; PosBS = DATA.PosBS; 

DATA = load('citymap/losStatistics.mat');

losStat.Plos = DATA.Plos;

losStat.ElvAngles = DATA.ElvAngles;

clear DATA


U.K = 2;

if U.K == 2

    U.Alpha = [-21.4, -30.3];

    U.Beta =[-36.92, -38.42];

elseif U.K == 3

    U.Alpha = [-22, -28, -36];

    U.Beta =[-28, -24, -22];


    error('K should be 2 or 3.');


U.A0 = -20.8; U.B0 = -38.5;

U.A1 = U.Alpha(1); U.B1 = U.Beta(1); 

U.A2 = U.Alpha(2); U.B2 = U.Beta(2);

Noise_dBm = -80;

Power_BS_dBm = 33;

Power_UAV_dBm = 33;

U.Noise = 10^(Noise_dBm/10) / 1000; % Watt in linear scale

U.Pb = 10^(Power_BS_dBm/10) / 1000; 

U.Pd = 10^(Power_UAV_dBm/10) / 1000; 

U.Hbs = 45;     % meter, BS height

U.Hmin = 45;    % meter, minimum UAV operation height

U.Hdrone = 50;  % meter, UAV search height

stepSizeMeter = 5;  % UAV search step size

fun = @(x,y) max(-log2(1 + U.Pd * real(x)), -log2(1 + U.Pb * real(y)));

fun0 = @(x) -log2(1 + U.Pb * x);

% Ergodic capacity

SNRs_dB = -10:2:20; Ks_dB = [9, -Inf];

Rerg = capacity_ergodic(Ks_dB, SNRs_dB);

fun1 = @(x,y) max(- max(0, ppval(spline(SNRs_dB, Rerg(1, :)), 10 * log10(U.Pd * real(x)))), ... 

                  - log2(1 + U.Pb * real(y))); % UAV-UE_LOS(K-factor = 9dB, 

fun2 = @(x,y) max(- max(0, ppval(spline(SNRs_dB, Rerg(2, :)), 10 * log10(U.Pd * real(x)))), ... 

                  - log2(1 + U.Pb * real(y))); % UAV-UE_NLOS, Rayleigh fading 


N_scheme = 6;


Nue = min(size(Topology, 1), Nue);

Rates0 = zeros(Nue, N_scheme);

strongUserIds = zeros(Nue, 1);

failIds = zeros(Nue, 1);

parfor i = 1:Nue

    PosUE = Topology{i}.PosUE; 

    Blds = Topology{i}.Blds;

    BldTypes = Topology{i}.BldTypes;

    BldLines = Topology{i}.BldLines; 

    BldHeight = Topology{i}.BldHeight; 

    Nbld = size(Blds, 1);

    los = IsLosK(PosUE, [PosBS, U.Hbs], BldLines, BldHeight, U.Hdrone, BldTypes);

    if los == 1

        strongUserIds(i) = 1;

        % continue    % We are only interested in the case where the direct BS-user link is blocked


    urbanMap = struct();

    urbanMap.BldLines = BldLines;

    urbanMap.BldHeight = BldHeight;

    urbanMap.BldTypes = BldTypes;

    % Direct BS-user link

    k = round((1 - los) * (U.K - 1) + 1);   % propagation segment index

    d = norm([PosBS, U.Hbs] - [PosUE, 0], 2);

    snr = 10 ^ ((U.Alpha(k) * log10(d) + U.Beta(k)) / 10) / U.Noise;

    F0 = fun0(snr);


        % [Fmin3, Xhat3] = finduavpos3d(PosUE, PosBS, U, fun, stepSizeMeter, urbanMap);

        % Fmin3 = min(Fmin3, F0);

        Fmin3 = 0;

        [~, Xhat2] = finduavpos(PosUE, PosBS, U, fun, stepSizeMeter, urbanMap);

        los = IsLosK(PosUE, [Xhat2, U.Hdrone], BldLines, BldHeight, U.Hdrone, BldTypes);

        Fmin2 = getcostf2DK_ergodic([Xhat2, U.Hdrone], [PosUE, 0], [PosBS, U.Hbs], los, U, fun1, fun2);

        % Fmin2 = min(Fmin2, F0);

        [~, Xhat1] = finduavpos1d(PosUE, PosBS, U, fun, stepSizeMeter, urbanMap);

        los = IsLosK(PosUE, [Xhat1, U.Hdrone], BldLines, BldHeight, U.Hdrone, BldTypes);

        Fmin1 = getcostf2DK_ergodic([Xhat1, U.Hdrone], [PosUE, 0], [PosBS, U.Hbs], los, U, fun1, fun2);

        % Fmin1 = min(Fmin1, F0);

        % [Fmin_exhst, Xhat_exhst] = finduavpos2d_exhst(PosUE, PosBS, U, fun, stepSizeMeter, urbanMap);

        Fmin_exhst = Fmin3;

        [~, XhatStat] = finduavposStat(PosUE, PosBS, U, fun, stepSizeMeter, urbanMap, losStat);

        los = IsLosK(PosUE, [XhatStat, U.Hdrone], BldLines, BldHeight, U.Hdrone, BldTypes);

        FminStat = getcostf2DK_ergodic([XhatStat, U.Hdrone], [PosUE, 0], [PosBS, U.Hbs], los, U, fun1, fun2);

        % FminStat = min(FminStat, F0);


        Fmin1 = 0;

        Fmin2 = 0;

        Fmin3 = 0;

        Fmin_exhst = 0;

        FminStat = 0;

        failIds(i) = 1;


    Rates0(i, :) = - [F0, FminStat, Fmin1, Fmin2, Fmin3, Fmin_exhst];



%% Plot results

my_line_styles = {'-', '--', '-.', ':'}.';

Alg_scheme_name = {

    'Direct BS-User linkxx'

    'Probabilistic Alg'

    'Simple Search'


    'Proposed (3D)'



schemes_to_show = [1 2 3 4 6];

N_scheme_to_show = length(schemes_to_show);

validUserId = failIds < 1;

Rates = Rates0(validUserId, :);

Nue = size(Rates, 1);

maxdata = max(Rates(:));

Npt = 40;

XI = sort([0.1 0.17 0.3 0.5 (0:1/(Npt - 1 - 4):1) * maxdata], 'ascend');

X_data = zeros(Npt, N_scheme_to_show);

F_data = zeros(Npt, N_scheme_to_show);

for i = 1:N_scheme_to_show

    n = schemes_to_show(i);

    r_vec = Rates(:, n);

    [F1,X1] = ksdensity(r_vec, XI, 'function', 'cdf');

    X_data(:, i) = X1(:);

    F_data(:, i) = F1;



h = plot(X_data, F_data,'linewidth', 2);

set(gca, 'FontSize', 14);

legend(Alg_scheme_name{schemes_to_show}, 'location', 'southeast');

xlim([0 ceil(max(Rates(:)))]);

set(gca, 'YTick', 0:0.2:1);




set(h(1), 'linewidth', 2);

set(h(1), 'Marker', '*', 'Markersize', 6);

set(h(1), 'LineStyle', ':');

set(h(2), 'LineStyle', '-.');

set(h(3), 'LineStyle', ':');

set(h(4), 'LineStyle', '-');

set(h(4), 'LineWidth', 3);

set(h(5), 'linestyle', '--');

set(h(5), 'LineWidth', 3);

% ----

schemes_to_show = [1 2 3 4];


rateNoUav = Rates(:, 1);

[~, sortedIndex] = sort(rateNoUav, 'ascend');

low20percentileIndex = sortedIndex(1:round(Nue * 0.2));

high20percentileIndex = sortedIndex(round(Nue * 0.8): end);

RateLow = mean(Rates(low20percentileIndex, schemes_to_show), 1);

RateMean = mean(Rates(:, schemes_to_show), 1);

RateHigh = mean(Rates(high20percentileIndex, schemes_to_show), 1);

h = bar([RateLow



set(gca, 'FontSize', 14);

set(h, 'linewidth', 2);

ylim([0, 10]);

legend(Alg_scheme_name{schemes_to_show}, 'location', 'northwest');

set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {'20th percentile', 'Mean', 'Top 20th percentile'});

set(gca, 'YTick', 0:2:10);

ylabel('Average end-to-end throughput [bps/Hz]');

% label the bars

Xdata = [RateLow



bartext = [];

for i = 1:size(Xdata, 1)

    for j = 1:size(Xdata, 2)

        bartext(i, j) = text(i + (j - 2.5) * 0.18, Xdata(i, j) + 0.05, ...

            sprintf('%1.2f', Xdata(i, j)), 'fontsize', 12);



% Use the handles TH to modify some properties


'verticalalignment','bottom') ;


[im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(gcf,'\-x./+',0,0,[],150,2,2);

⛄ 运行结果



⛄ 参考文献

[1] Chen J ,  Gesbert D . Efficient Local Map Search Algorithms for the Placement of Flying Relays:, 10.48550/arXiv.1801.03595[P]. 2018.

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