

1、 [单选] 完成进度计划中考虑的所有活动的估算成本为14,500美元。该项目的发起人需要至少90%的成本基准确定性水平,按照蒙特卡洛模拟的结果,计算的预计成本为:概率 估算成本 40% 10,000 美元 50% 12,000 美元 60% 13,000 美元 70% 15,000 美元 80% 18,000 美元 90% 20,000 美元 100% 21,000美元 若要满足发起人的要求,应急储备应该是多少?
The estimated cost of completing all activities considered in the schedule is $14,500. The sponsor of the project needs at least 90% of the cost baseline determination level and, based on the results of the Monte Carlo simulation, the estimated cost calculated is: probability estimated cost 40%; $10,000 50%; $12,000 60%; $13,000 70%; $15,000 80%; $18,000 90%; $20,000 100%; $21,000. What should be the contingency reserve to meet the sponsor's requirements?

  •  A:5,500美元
  •  B:6,500美元
  •  C:7,000美元
  •  D:8,200美元

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


2、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,大家注意到实际支出与基准成本估算相比过高。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During the execution of the project, it was noted that actual expenditures were too high compared to baseline cost estimates. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:重新审视项目范围并缩减高成本事项
    Re-examine the project scope and reduce high-cost matters
  •  B:查看假设日志以了解哪些成本假设是错误的
    Review the assumption log to see which cost assumptions are wrong
  •  C:查看历史数据以获得新的成本估算
    View historical data for new cost estimates
  •  D:更新成本预测并与项目发起人讨论选项
    Update the cost forecast and discuss options with the project sponsor

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P257-7.4控制成本。 题干关键词“实际支出超出成本基准”。 发生了问题,首先要分析问题,然后才是解决问题,优选B。 选项ACD都是在B之后可能采取的行动之一。

3、 [单选] 某项目最近几个月成本超支问题越来越严重。项目发起人对这种情况忧心忡忡,让项目经理采取强有力的纠正措施提高项目绩效。 项目经理该如何管控这种情况?
Cost overspending on a project has become more and more serious in recent months. Project sponsors are concerned about this situation and have the project manager take strong corrective action to improve project performance. How should the project manager manage this situation?

  •  A:请求项目发起人增加管理储备
    Request the project sponsor to increase the management reserve
  •  B:计算该项目的进度绩效指数(SPI)和成本绩效指数(CPI),以便了解这种情况
    Calculate the project's Schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI) to understand this situation
  •  C:说服项目团队提高效率
    Persuade the project team to be more efficient
  •  D:计算该项目当前的挣值(EV),以便了解这种情况
    Calculate the project's current earned value (EV) to understand this situation

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P263-进度绩效指数、成本绩效指数。 题干关键词“成本超支”、“项目绩效”。 发生问题首先要了解情况并进行分析,然后采取相应行动。 选项AC都是后续采取的行动,排除; 选项B与D相比,SPI和CPI反映了团队利用时间和成本的效率,而EV则代表已完成的工作价值。SPI和CPI属于挣值分析,用于评价偏离初始进度基准的程度(符合题意)。而EV只是一个单独的数值,单独无法说明项目现在对偏离基准的情况。结合题干的关键词,优选B。

4、 [单选] 随着项目临近尾声,公司高层管理人员询问迄今已完成的工作的价值,项目经理提供该信息时应使用以下哪种衡量标准?
As the project draws to a close, senior management asks about the value of the work done so far. Which metric should the project manager use to provide this information?

  •  A:完成预算(BAC)
    Budget at Completion (BAC)
  •  B:完工偏差 (VAC)
    Variance at Completion (VAC)
  •  C:实际成本(AC)
    Actual cost (AC)
  •  D:挣值(EV)
    Earned value (EV)

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P261-挣值。 题干关键词“已完成的工作的价值”。 概念题,EV代表已完成的工作的价值,故选D。

5、 [单选] 一个项目正在经历成本超支,并且预测表明这种成本超支可能会增加。项目经理应该做什么?
A project is experiencing cost overrun, and the forecast shows that this cost overrun may increase. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求项目发起人批准使用应急储备
    Request the project sponsor to approve the use of the contingency reserve
  •  B:请求项目发起人增加管理储备
    Request the project sponsor to increase the management reserve
  •  C:查看商业论证以确定项目的盈利状态,并在必要时建议变更
    Review the business case to determine the profitability of the project and recommend changes to if necessary
  •  D:参考项目范围以确定项目的盈利状态,并在必要时建议变更
    Refer to the project scope to determine the profitability of the project and recommend changes if necessary

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P269-变更请求。 题干关键词“成本超支可能会增加”。 本题用排除法。 选项A和B错误,因为应急储备和管理储备也包含在项目预算之内; 选项D错误,因为项目范围无法提供盈利状态的信息; 所以选C。

6、 [单选] 某经验丰富的项目经理最近被指派管理某经历破产正在复苏的城市的多个项目。该城市预算紧张。在计算非预期预算以便为项目的现金流突发情况作出调整时,项目经理规划预算时应将哪个成本要素考虑在内?
An experienced project manager was recently assigned to manage a number of projects in a city recovering from bankruptcy. The city is on a tight budget. Which cost factor should the project manager take into account when planning the budget when calculating the unexpected budget to make adjustments for the project's cash flow contingencies?

  •  A:实际成本(AC)
    Actual cost (AC)
  •  B:挣值(EV)
    Earned value (EV)
  •  C:计划价值(PV)
    Planned value (PV)
  •  D:成本偏差 (CV)
    Cost variance (CV)

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


7、 [单选] 某项目团队完成了项目A的可交付成果,该团队需要立即开始项目B这个新项目,以便按时交付该项目。项目经理希望与该团队举行外部会议。以获取项目A的经验教训,但忘记为该活动安排预算。项目经理如何才能举行该会议?
A project team has completed the deliverables of Project A and needs to start the new project, Project B, immediately in order to deliver the project on time. The project manager wishes to hold an external meeting with the team to capture the lessons learned on Project A, but he forgets to budget for the activity. How can the project manager hold the meeting?

  •  A:动用项目 A 的应急储备来举行该会议
    Hold the meeting from the contingency reserve under Project A
  •  B:在项目 B 的项目启动阶段增加一项任务
    Add a task during the project initiation phase of Project B
  •  C:举行内部会议以获得经验教训
    Hold internal meetings to get lessons learned
  •  D:提出针对额外资金的变更请求,以便举行该会议
    Make a change request for additional funds in order to hold the meeting

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P269-变更请求。 题干关键词“忘记为该活动安排预算”。 问题的原因已经清楚了,那就着手解决问题,通过整理变更控制流程来完成,故选D。 选项A错误,项目A已经结束,不应动用A的应急储备来处理额外的超支; 选项B错误,语焉不详,未说明增加一个什么任务; 选项C错误,内部会议未必能取得外部会议同样的效果,排除。

8、 [单选] 一位重要的相关方坚持使用替代执行方法,预计会增加项目成本,项目经理应该做什么?
What should the project manager do if a significant stakeholder insists on using alternative execution methods that are expected to increase project costs?

  •  A:向相关方解释无法变更执行方法的原因
    Request the stakeholders to explain why you cannot change the execution method
  •  B:将潜在的方法变更升级上报给项目发起人以获得批准
    Report potential method changes and upgrades to the project sponsor for approval
  •  C:忽略该请求,并继续执行计划的执行方法
    Ignore the request and continue with the planned execution method
  •  D:评估该相关方的方法,看看他们的期望是否能够得到满足
    Evaluate the methods of the stakeholders to see if their expectations can be met

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P269-变更请求。 题干关键词“替代执行方法”。 相关方其实是提出了变更,那么就要评估这个变更请求会带来什么影响,选D。 ABC都不符合整体变更控制流程。

9、 [单选] 项目执行六个月后,项目经理确定成本绩效指数(CPI)为 0.9,且趋势分析显示CPI显下降趋势。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
After six months of project execution, the project manager determined that the cost performance index (CPI) was 0.9, and the trend analysis showed a significant downward trend in CPI. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:提交重定成本基准的变更请求
    Submit a change request to reschedule the cost baseline
  •  B:请求额外的资源
    Request additional resources
  •  C:对项目进度赶工
    Work on the project schedule
  •  D:使用管理储备
    Utilization management reserve

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


10、 [单选] 在项目执行中,项目经理发现了严重成本超支问题。在进行根本原因分析后,项目经理确定批准的预算与原始估算不一致。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
During project execution, the project manager discovered significant cost overruns. After a root cause analysis, the project manager determines that the approved budget is inconsistent with the original estimate. To avoid this issue, what should the project manager do beforehand?

  •  A:注意在每次挣值审查期间的趋势,并在第一次出现超支迹象时重新估算
    Note trends during each earned value review and re-estimate at the first sign of over-expenditure
  •  B:预测成本超支,并请求提供更高的应急储备以解决潜在的差距
    Anticipate cost overruns and request higher contingency reserves to address potential gaps
  •  C:在创建成本管理计划期间识别这种差异,并增加预算
    Identify these variations during the creation of the cost management plan and increase the budget
  •  D:减少团队估算的小时数以与原始项目预算保持一致
    Reduce the team's estimated hours in line with the original project budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P261-挣值分析。 题干关键词“避免”、“事先”。 此题定位在7.4控制成本,应该在控制成本的过程中比较实际成本与成本基线的差距并做好预测,如果发现超支,应采取相应对策,故选A。 选项B错误,因为事先预测成本超支没有依据; 选项C错误,成本管理计划描述如何规划、安排和控制项目成本,并没有识别差异的内容; 选项D错误,没有通过整体变更控制流程。

11、 [单选] 一个项目已经支出350万美元,现在已经完成400万元美元的工作。该项目的计划价值(PV)为800万美元。主题专家(SME)估算还需要600万美元来完成该项目。完成该项目的技术方法不再有效。当前的完工估算(EAC)是多少?
A project has spent $3.5 million, and work worth $4 million has now been completed. The planned value (PV) of the project is $8 million. The subject matter expert (SME) estimates that another $6 million will be needed to complete the project. The technical method to complete the project is no longer valid. What is the current estimate at completion (EAC)?

  •  A:800万美元
    $8 million
  •  B:950万美元
    $9.5 million
  •  C:1000万美元
    $10 million
  •  D:1150万美元
    $11.5 million

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-表7-1挣值计算汇总表。 题干关键词“技术方法不再有效”。 由关键词可知,最初的计划不再有效,意味着CPI和SPI都不能对后续的工作产生影响,那么要应用EAC=AC+ETC, 本题中,AC=350万,ETC=600万,所以EAC=950万,选B。

12、 [单选] 一个正在执行的项目的成本绩效指数(CPI)为1.25,进度绩效指数(SPI)为0.8,计划价值(PV)为10,000美元,完工预算(BAC)为100,000美元。为了让项目按计划完成,必须保持的效率是多少? 
The cost performance index (CPI) of an ongoing project is 1.25, the schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.8, the planned value (PV) is $10,000, and the budget at completion (BAC) is $100,000. What is the efficiency that must be maintained in order for the project to be completed as planned?

  •  A:0.728
  •  B:0.983
  •  C:1.017
  •  D:1.563

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-表7-1挣值计算汇总表。 题干关键词“按计划完成”。 本题已知CPI=1.25,SPI=0.8,PV=10000,BAC=100000,问的是TCPI是多少? 需要先求得EV和AC: EV=SPI*PV=0.8*10000=8000, AC=EV/CPI=8000/1.25=6400. 由于要求按计划完成,所以TCPI=(BAC-EV)/(BAC-AC)=(100000-8000)/(100000-6400)=0.983,故选B。

13、 [单选] 一个项目预算为6000万美元,预计需要24个月才能完成。12个月后,该项目完成了 60%,并使用了 3500万美元。那么预算和进度的状态如何?
A project with a budget of $60 million is expected to take 24 months to complete. Twelve months later, the project was 60% complete and used $35 million. What is the status of budget and progress?

  •  A:符合预算,并超前于进度
    On budget and ahead of schedule
  •  B:超出预算,但超前于进度
    Over the budget and ahead of schedule
  •  C:符合预算和进度
    On budget and on schedule
  •  D:落后于进度,并超出预算
    Behind schedule and over the budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-表7-1挣值计算汇总表。 由题干已知,BAC=6000万,24个月完工。 12个月后,EV=60%*6000万=3600万,PV=50%*6000=3000万,AC=3500万, 则SPI=EV/PV=3600/3000>1,代表进度超前; CPI=EV/AC=3600/3500>1,代表成本有结余; 综上,选A。

14、 [单选] 在一个价值 50,000 美元的项目中途,项目经理进行挣值分析(EVA)。结果显示计划价值(PV)为 25,000 美元,挣值(EV)为 20,000 美元,实际成本(AC)为 15, 000 美元。根据这些结果,项目的状态是什么?
Midway through a $50,000 project, the project manager performs earned value analysis (EVA). The results show a projected value (PV) of $25,000, an earned value (EV) of $20,000, and an actual cost (AC) of $15,000. Based on these results, what is the status of the project?

  •  A:落后于进度,并超出预算
    Behind schedule and over the budget
  •  B:落后于进度,但低于预算
    Behind schedule, but below budget
  •  C:超前于进度,并低于预算
    Be ahead of schedule and under budget
  •  D:超前于进度,但超出预算
    Ahead of schedule, but over the budget

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P267-挣值分析。 本题中,PV=25000,EV=20000,AC=15000,则 CV=EV-AC=20000-15000>0,说明成本未超出预算; SV=EV-PV=20000-25000<0,说明进度落后; 综上,选B。

15、 [单选] 项目经理正在确定一个具有非常详细风险登记册的项目预算。若要估算应急储备,项目 经理应该做什么?
The project manager is establishing a project budget with a very detailed risk register. To estimate contingency reserves, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:询问另一个项目经理
    Ask another project manager
  •  B:以保险成本为基础
    Base on the cost of insurance
  •  C:执行定量分析
    Execute quantitative analysis
  •  D:考虑法律规定
    Take into account legal provisions

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK P242 估算成本-输入-项目文件-风险登记册。关键词“详细风险登记册的项目预算”“估算应急储备”,题干中明确要估算应急储备,且有详细的风险登记册,则可以认为是估算风险应急储备,那么就要先进行风险分析之后确定了风险应对策略才能确定,所以选风险相关选项,选项C正确。其他三个选项和题目中的风险登记册无关,排除。





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