1. pcap解析工具
Libpcap是Packet Capture Libray的英文缩写,即数据包捕获函数库。提供的接口函数实现和封装了与数据包截获有关的过程。
安装方法:sudo apt install libpcap-dev
2. pcap header中的时间戳解析
struct timeval
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__suseconds_t tv_usec; /* Microseconds. */
struct pcap_pkthdr {
struct timeval ts; /* time stamp */
bpf_u_int32 caplen; /* length of portion present */
bpf_u_int32 len; /* length this packet (off wire) */
其中 ,ts即为接收时间戳。利用Libpcap库中的pcap_next_ex()函数可从packet中解析其header数据
int InputPCAP::getPacket(velodyne_msgs::VelodynePacket *pkt, const double time_offset)
struct pcap_pkthdr *header;
const u_char *pkt_data;
while (true)
int res;
if ((res = pcap_next_ex(pcap_, &header, &pkt_data)) >= 0)
// Skip packets not for the correct port and from the
// selected IP address.
if (0 == pcap_offline_filter(&pcap_packet_filter_,
header, pkt_data))
// Keep the reader from blowing through the file.
if (read_fast_ == false)
memcpy(&pkt->data[0], pkt_data+42, packet_size);
if (!gps_time_) {
if (!pcap_time_) {
pkt->stamp = ros::Time::now(); // time_offset not considered here, as no synchronization required
} else {
pkt->stamp = ros::Time(header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec * 1000); //
} else {
// time for each packet is a 4 byte uint located starting at offset 1200 in
// the data packet
pkt->stamp = rosTimeFromGpsTimestamp(&(pkt->data[1200]), header);
empty_ = false;
return 0; // success
if (empty_) // no data in file?
ROS_WARN("Error %d reading Velodyne packet: %s",
res, pcap_geterr(pcap_));
return -1;
if (read_once_)
ROS_INFO("end of file reached -- done reading.");
return -1;
if (repeat_delay_ > 0.0)
ROS_INFO("end of file reached -- delaying %.3f seconds.",
usleep(rint(repeat_delay_ * 1000000.0));
ROS_DEBUG("replaying Velodyne dump file");
// I can't figure out how to rewind the file, because it
// starts with some kind of header. So, close the file
// and reopen it with pcap.
pcap_ = pcap_open_offline(filename_.c_str(), errbuf_);
empty_ = true; // maybe the file disappeared?
} // loop back and try again
3. pcap data中gps时间格式
velodyne的数据包格式中gps timestamp数据存放于[1200~1203],共4个字节。表示一小时内的毫秒数。
4. gps时间戳合成
第一步 从packet的status data中获取gps timestamp;
第二步 提取header中的时间戳,并将精度保留到小时;
第三步 将第二步结果与gps timestamp结合,得到时间戳;
第四步 对齐时间戳。
ros::Time resolveHourAmbiguity(const ros::Time &stamp, const ros::Time &nominal_stamp) {
const int HALFHOUR_TO_SEC = 1800;
ros::Time retval = stamp;
if (nominal_stamp.sec > stamp.sec) {
if (nominal_stamp.sec - stamp.sec > HALFHOUR_TO_SEC) {
retval.sec = retval.sec + 2*HALFHOUR_TO_SEC;
} else if (stamp.sec - nominal_stamp.sec > HALFHOUR_TO_SEC) {
retval.sec = retval.sec - 2*HALFHOUR_TO_SEC;
return retval;
ros::Time rosTimeFromGpsTimestamp(const uint8_t * const data, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header = NULL) {
const int HOUR_TO_SEC = 3600;
// time for each packet is a 4 byte uint
// It is the number of microseconds from the top of the hour
uint32_t usecs = (uint32_t) ( ((uint32_t) data[3]) << 24 |
((uint32_t) data[2] ) << 16 |
((uint32_t) data[1] ) << 8 |
((uint32_t) data[0] ));
ROS_INFO("gpstime: %d", usecs);
ros::Time time_nom = ros::Time();
// if header is NULL, assume real time operation
if (!header) {
time_nom = ros::Time::now(); // use this to recover the hour
} else {
ROS_INFO("header sec: %ld, usec: %ld", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec);
time_nom = ros::Time(header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec * 1000);
uint32_t cur_hour = time_nom.sec / HOUR_TO_SEC;
ros::Time stamp = ros::Time((cur_hour * HOUR_TO_SEC) + (usecs / 1000000),
(usecs % 1000000) * 1000);
ROS_INFO("before stamp sec: %d, nsec: %d", stamp.sec, stamp.nsec);
stamp = resolveHourAmbiguity(stamp, time_nom);
ROS_INFO("after stamp sec: %d, nsec: %d", stamp.sec, stamp.nsec);
return stamp;