

At this difficult time, we remain committed to making it easier and more intuitive for you to achieve your aspirations. We believe the world is a better place with more creators in it. Today we want to go beyond the normal, so we’re doing two distinct things to try and help: We’re providing three months of complimentary access to Unity Learn Premium so that you have access to resources to help you bring your ideas to life. We’re also delivering virtual classes through Create with Code Live, free for students, teachers, and anyone else interested in learning to code.

在这个艰难的时刻,我们将继续致力于使您更轻松,更直观地实现自己的愿望。 我们相信,拥有更多创作者的世界将会变得更加美好。 今天,我们希望超越常规,因此我们正在做两件不同的事情来尝试和提供帮助:我们提供三个月的免费访问Unity Learn Premium的权限,以便您可以使用资源来帮助您将创意变为现实。 我们还将通过Create with Code Live提供虚拟课程,免费提供给学生,老师和其他对学习编码感兴趣的人。

The last 12 months have been huge – both for your success and for the progress of our technology. We delivered thousands of new improvements and features, unlocked graphics capabilities through the Scriptable Render Pipelines, made major gains in the world of 2D, brought our first industrial product to market, and greatly enhanced production workflows. Adding to our Multiplay and Vivox services that help you operate your game, Unity welcomed deltaDNA, Furioos, ChilliConnect, Graphine, and Artomatix into our family, giving you additional proven solutions across the product development lifecycle.

过去的12个月非常巨大-无论是您的成功还是我们技术的进步。 我们通过Scriptable Render Pipelines提供了成千上万的新改进和功能,解锁的图形功能,在2D世界中取得了重大进展,将我们的首款工业产品推向市场并大大增强了生产流程。 除了可帮助您操作游戏的Multiplay和Vivox服务外,Unity还欢迎deltaDNA,Furioos,ChilliConnect,Graphine和Artomatix加入我们的产品家族,从而在产品开发生命周期内为您提供了更多行之有效的解决方案。

It was also an amazing year for Unity creators, from indies to AAA studios, and to companies of all sizes. From the award-winning releases of Disco Elysium (four awards at The Game Awards, PC Gamer Game of the Year) and Untitled Goose Game (DICE Awards Game of the Year), to the record-breaking launches of Call of Duty: Mobile (100 million downloads in one week) and Mario Kart Tour (90 million downloads in the first week, and the most downloaded iPhone game of 2019), more creators are finding more success with Unity than ever before.

从独立开发者到AAA工作室,再到各种规模的公司,对于Unity创作者来说,这也是令人惊讶的一年。 从屡获殊荣的Disco Elysium发行版(The Game Awards,年度PC Gamer Game的四个奖项)和Untitled Goose Game (年度DICE奖项的年度游戏),再到创纪录的《 使命召唤:手机》 (一周内下载量达到1亿次)和Mario Kart Tour (第一周下载量为9000万,并且是2019年下载次数最多的iPhone游戏),Unity的创造者越来越多。

While our roots are in gaming, 2019 was, in many ways, the launch of a new phase for Unity and its creators in new business verticals such as Automotive, Transportation, Manufacturing and AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction). We introduced Unity Reflect, our first product dedicated to giving professionals in the AEC industry the power to see everything in context and quickly make design changes while improving collaboration and reducing costly mistakes. We saw companies like SHoP Architects and Skanska use Unity to take buildings to new heights, and Volvo break new ground in the automotive industry.

虽然我们扎根于游戏,但从许多方面来说,2019年都是Unity及其创建者在汽车,运输,制造和AEC(建筑,工程,建筑)等新业务领域启动了一个新阶段。 我们推出了Unity Reflect ,这是我们的第一款产品,致力于为AEC行业的专业人员提供查看上下文的能力,并快速进行设计更改,同时改善协作并减少代价高昂的错误。 我们看到像SHoP Architects和Skanska这样的公司使用Unity将建筑物推向新的高度, 沃尔沃在汽车行业开辟了新的领域。

As the world continues to change, we are committed to helping all of you learn new skills and capabilities that can help bring your vision to life. We are pleased to announce that we are giving everyone complimentary access to Unity Learn Premium starting today through June 20. Just log in to access live sessions with Unity experts and more than 350 hours of bite-sized tutorials, hands-on projects, and in-depth courses for game developers and any creator that can benefit from the power of real-time technology. This includes everything from Game Mechanic Design Fundamentals to Getting Started with Post-Processing Stack for VR. Additionally, we are delivering Create with Code Live, live virtual classes taught by Unity experts for students, educators, and anyone who wants to learn how to code, starting on Monday, March 23.

随着世界不断变化,我们致力于帮助大家学习可以帮助您实现愿景的新技能和能力。 我们很高兴地宣布,从今天开始至6月20日,我们将为每个人免费提供Unity学习高级版的权限。只需登录即可访问与Unity专家进行的实时会议,以及超过350个小时的小型教程,动手项目以及为游戏开发人员和任何可以从实时技术的功能中受益的创作者的深入课程。 这包括游戏机制设计基础知识VR后处理堆栈入门 。 此外,从3月23日星期一开始,我们还将提供Unity专家为学生,教育工作者以及任何想学习编码的人开设的Live with Code Live创建的实时虚拟课程。

来年:钉牢基础 (The year ahead: Nailing the fundamentals)

While 2019 brought a lot of improvements and creator achievements, there’s still a lot of work to be done. We’ve heard you – that’s why in 2020 we are focused on delivering more stable releases, more intuitive workflows, and more capabilities, all validated with real-world productions so that you have the confidence to use them in your own projects. Our key areas of product focus are Reliability and Performance, Creative Workflows, Scalable Quality, and Reaching Your Audience.

尽管2019年带来了许多改进和创作者成就,但仍有许多工作要做。 我们已经听到了您的声音,这就是为什么我们在2020年专注于提供更稳定的版本,更直观的工作流程和更多功能,这些功能均已在真实作品中得到验证,因此您有信心在自己的项目中使用它们。 我们关注产品的关键领域是可靠性和性能,创新的工作流程,可扩展的质量以及吸引受众。

You can learn more about this in the two roadmap sessions that we have planned for the coming weeks. Subscribe to the Unity YouTube channel, so you don’t miss them.

您可以在我们计划的未来几周的两个路线图会议中了解有关此问题的更多信息。 订阅Unity YouTube频道 ,这样您就不会错过他们。

  • Wednesday, March 25 – Core Engine & Creator Tools

    3月25日,星期三 –核心引擎和创作者工具

  • Wednesday, April 1 – Live Games

    4月1日,星期三 –现场游戏

After the roadmap sessions, we want to hear from you. What questions do you have about what’s coming to Unity in 2020? Join Unity’s product experts for a Q&A on the Unity Forum where we’ll be answering all of your burning questions about topics like reliability, performance, workflows, how to reach new audiences, or how our Cloud team is making it easier for you to make connected games.

路线图会议结束后,我们希望收到您的来信。 您对2020年Unity的发展有什么疑问? 加入Unity的产品专家,在Unity论坛上进行问答 ,我们将回答您所有与可靠性,性能,工作流,如何吸引新受众或我们的Cloud团队如何使您更轻松地进行讨论有关的所有紧迫问题。联网游戏。

These are just the first of many pieces of on-demand content that we have planned for you. You’ll be able to tune into all of this on Unity.com.

这些只是我们为您计划的许多按需内容的第一部分。 您将可以在Unity.com收听所有这些内容

Here’s how we’re committed to you:


  • Increasing stability. We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear – you want fewer major releases, but more timely package updates that improve the stability and quality of our tools. That’s why we are moving to two TECH stream releases this year (2020.1 and 2020.2). Furthermore, starting with our next release, the default version of Unity you download from the Hub will be the Long-Term Support (LTS) version. That way you can be sure that you are downloading the most stable version for projects in production. You will still be able to opt in to downloading our beta and alpha releases should you wish to give us feedback on them.

    增加稳定性。 我们已经听到您的反馈意见清晰明了–您希望减少主要版本,但需要更及时的软件包更新,以提高我们工具的稳定性和质量。 这就是为什么我们今年将转向两个TECH版本(2020.1和2020.2)。 此外,从我们的下一个版本开始,您从集线器下载的Unity的默认版本将是长期支持(LTS)版本。 这样,您可以确保下载的是生产中项目的最稳定版本。 如果您希望向我们提供有关它们的反馈,您仍然可以选择下载我们的beta和alpha版本。

  • Improving quality of life. We are modernizing Unity to be more flexible for your needs. We’re subtracting as many seconds standing between you and your creativity as possible, and we are planning to provide even more capabilities.

    改善生活质量。 我们正在对Unity进行现代化改造,以更加灵活地满足您的需求。 我们将尽可能减少您与您的创造力之间的停留时间,并且我们计划提供更多功能。

  • Listening. We are revamping our Beta Program so that you have a more direct path to the Engineering team that is building and improving new and existing tools and technologies. We are thankful for our Beta community’s passion for better tools and technologies, and through this program, we are putting a higher priority on sourcing actionable feedback that will enable more transparency and help your production workflows. More information is coming soon.

    听着 我们正在修订Beta版计划,以便您可以更直接地联系工程团队,以构建和改进新的和现有的工具和技术。 我们感谢Beta社区对更好的工具和技术的热情,并且通过此计划,我们将采购可操作反馈的优先级提高到更高,这将提高透明度并帮助您的生产工作流程。 更多信息即将推出。

一个拥有更多玩耍的世界 (A world with more play)

It’s important that we support you through all stages of the game creation lifecycle. Once you’ve launched, we make it easy for you to operate and monetize your game. For example, we’re:

在游戏创建生命周期的所有阶段中为您提供支持非常重要。 启动后,我们将使您轻松操作游戏并从中获利。 例如,我们是:

  • Making Connected Games easier to achieve. Many of you have aspirations to create multiplayer games, and to that end, we’ve made major progress in the tools and services that you need to connect millions of players around the world. We recently worked with MADFINGER Games on Shadowgun War Games to pressure-test our new Transport Layer and Matchmaker. Those technologies will deliver low-latency netcode, and the tools you need to connect players together, all coming to you later this year.

    使联网游戏更容易实现。 你们中的许多人都有创造多人游戏的愿望,为此,我们在连接世界各地数百万玩家所需的工具和服务方面取得了重大进展。 我们最近与MADFINGER Games合作开发了Shadowgun War Games,以对我们的新运输层和媒人进行压力测试。 这些技术将提供低延迟的网络代码,以及将播放器连接在一起所需的工具,所有这些都将在今年晚些时候问世。

  • Maximizing server uptime and player joy. The server scaling and secure voice chat from our Multiplay and Vivox services connect hundreds of millions of players across games like League of Legends, PUBG, Apex Legends, and Rainbow Six: Siege. Our engine-agnostic services easily integrate with your games to deliver the best possible experience for your players.

    最大化服务器的正常运行时间和玩家的欢乐度。 我们的Multiplay和Vivox服务提供的服务器扩展功能和安全的语音聊天功能,可将英雄联盟PUBGApex传奇Rainbow Six:Siege等游戏中的亿万玩家连接起来。 我们与引擎无关的服务可以轻松地与您的游戏集成,为您的玩家提供最佳体验。

  • Giving you the power to do more. Unity Game Simulation (release in beta later this month) uses the power of cloud simulation to efficiently and accurately balance your game and accelerate time to soft-launch. We’re also launching ML-Agents 1.0 soon, which allows you to create non-player characters without having to invest heavily in engineering and development.

    赋予您做更多事情的权力。 Unity Game Simulation(本月晚些时候发布的Beta版)利用云模拟的功能来高效,准确地平衡您的游戏并加快软启动的时间 。 我们还将很快发布ML-Agents 1.0,它使您可以创建非玩家角色,而无需在工程和开发上投入大量资金。

  • Helping you find and keep new players after launch. Last year we welcomed two new companies to the family, both focused on helping you engage players and keep them playing your games. DeltaDNA brings powerful messaging, analytics, and player management features to give each player the best possible experience and develop long-term relationships. ChilliConnect has brought easy-to-instrument critical game components including cloud save, economy management, and leaderboards. Finally, our monetization network continues to fuel creator success on the millions of titles in the market and bring the right players into your game.

    启动后帮助您找到并留住新玩家。 去年,我们欢迎两家新公司加入这个家族,它们都致力于帮助您吸引玩家并保持他们玩游戏。 DeltaDNA带来了强大的消息传递,分析和玩家管理功能,可为每个玩家提供最佳的体验并建立长期的合作关系。 ChilliConnect带来了易于使用的关键游戏组件,包括云保存,经济管理和排行榜。 最终,我们的获利网络将继续推动创造者在市场上数百万种游戏中取得成功,并将合适的玩家带入您的游戏中。

工作中的世界 (A world at work)

The real-time 3D technology that was forged in gaming is also changing how products and buildings are designed, engineered, made, sold, serviced, and maintained. Here’s how we’re helping our customers at every stage:

游戏中伪造的实时3D技术也正在改变产品和建筑物的设计,工程,制造,销售,服务和维护方式。 以下是我们在每个阶段为客户提供帮助的方式:

  • Extending real-time 3D across the building lifecycle. As project timelines in the AEC industry become tighter, it becomes imperative for project stakeholders across the fields to collaborate effectively and make design iterations quickly. Our new AEC product Unity Reflect solves this hard problem by making it easy to create interactive experiences that are live-linked to the original designs. Together with our partner Autodesk, we are unlocking the value of BIM data by putting it directly in the hands of any AEC professional to explore design options, solve complex engineering issues, and accelerate construction projects through real-time immersive experiences.

    在整个建筑生命周期中扩展实时3D。 随着AEC行业中的项目时间表越来越紧迫,跨领域的项目利益相关者必须有效地协作并快速进行设计迭代。 我们的新AEC产品Unity Reflect通过轻松创建与原始设计实时链接的交互式体验来解决了这一难题。 我们将与合作伙伴Autodesk一起,将BIM数据的价值直接提供给任何AEC专业人员,以探索设计选项,解决复杂的工程问题并通过实时的沉浸式体验加速建设项目,从而释放其价值。

  • Extending real-time 3D across the product lifecycle. Unity Enterprise for Product Lifecycle and other offerings coming this year are making it easier for businesses to accelerate innovation, create immersive experiences at every stage of the lifecycle of their products, and engage with consumers in more interactive ways.

    在整个产品生命周期中扩展实时3D。 产品生命周期的Unity Enterprise和今年推出的其他产品使企业更容易加速创新,在产品生命周期的每个阶段创建沉浸式体验,并以更具交互性的方式与消费者互动。

  • Making products better, safer, and more reliable. Unity Simulation is a cloud service that runs multiple instances of Unity and enables you to test, train and validate all of your scenarios at once. This new offering will help more creators unlock the power of simulation to generate synthetic data at scale and train machine learning perception models much faster than ever before.

    使产品更好,更安全,更可靠。 Unity Simulation是一项云服务,可运行Unity的多个实例,并使您能够一次测试,培训和验证所有方案。 这项新产品将帮助更多创作者释放仿真的力量,以大规模生成合成数据,并以比以往更快的速度训练机器学习感知模型。

团结始于你 (Unity begins with you)

The world is truly a better place with more creators in it, and we want to know how we can unlock your inner creator. Everything we do at Unity is in service of you; we create with you, for you.

这个世界确实是一个拥有更多创作者的更好的地方,我们想知道如何释放您内在的创作者。 我们在Unity所做的一切都为您服务; 我们与您一起为您创造。

As we look forward to the rest of 2020, we’re excited to connect with you online and through the many upcoming games made with Unity. Amazing games such as Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Moon Studios), Wasteland 3 (inXile entertainment), League of Legends: Wild Rift (Riot Games), and Hardspace: Shipbreaker (Blackbird Interactive) are all arriving in the coming months. We’ve put together this trailer so you can see some of the great games coming later this year. We also want to hear about the games you are creating, so please share them in the comments so we can learn more about them!

展望2020年余下的时间,我们很高兴与您在线交流并通过Unity即将推出的许多游戏与您联系。 在接下来的几个月中,将出现诸如《 Ori and the Wisps of Wisps》 (月亮工作室),《 Wasteland 3》 (inXile娱乐), 《英雄联盟:狂野裂谷》 (Riot Games)和《 Hardspace:Shipbreaker》 (黑鸟互动公司)等惊人的游戏。 我们将这部预告片放在一起,以便您可以看到今年晚些时候推出的一些出色游戏。 我们也希望听到有关您正在创建的游戏的信息,因此请在评论中分享它们,以便我们进一步了解它们!


From all of us at Unity, thank you. We are looking forward to another great year of building, creating, and growing, together.

来自Unity全体员工,谢谢。 我们期待着建立,创建和共同成长的又一个美好的一年。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/03/19/state-of-unity-2020-in-this-together/






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