unity谷歌白日梦使用_了解Google的Poly如何与Unity EditorXR一起使用


With our launch of Poly for Unity EditorXR and Google’s new Poly Toolkit for Unity, you can now import Poly models directly into your VR project. Get ready to explore thousands of 3D assets on Google’s Poly that will spark your imagination and help you build great experiences.

随着我们推出Poly for Unity EditorXR和Google新的Unity Unity工具包,您现在可以将Poly模型直接导入到VR项目中。 准备在Google的Poly上探索成千上万的3D资产,这些资产将激发您的想象力并帮助您建立良好的体验。

Note that Poly for Unity EditorXR (developed by Unity Labs) is currently under experimental status. This particular implementation is not officially supported by Unity and any upcoming changes to Google’s Poly Toolkit could break the package.

请注意,Poly for Unity EditorXR(由Unity Labs开发)目前处于实验状态。 Unity并未正式支持此特定实现,并且对Google的Poly Toolkit的任何即将进行的更改都可能破坏软件包。

If you’re not familiar with Google’s Poly, it allows artists and developers to download 3D objects created on Tilt Brush and Blocks, and then use them in their own apps on any platform for free. There are thousands of Tilt Brush sketches, Blocks objects and 3D assets available for your Unity project, and you can mix various models or even customize and bring them back into Tilt Brush.

如果您不熟悉Google的Poly ,它允许艺术家和开发人员下载在Tilt BrushBlocks上创建的3D对象,然后在任何平台上的自己的应用程序中免费使用它们。 Unity项目提供了成千上万的Tilt Brush草图,Blocks对象和3D资源,您可以混合使用各种模型,甚至可以自定义并将其带回到Tilt Brush中。

Galactic Cat by 3Dominus – Poly
Enter the Deep by Karl Channell – Poly
Blocks Truck by Chris Ross – Poly
Mountain // Bunker // Cave by Danny Bittman – Poly
卡尔·通道(Karl Channell)–保利进入
克里斯·罗斯(Chris Ross)的方块卡车–保利

Google的Poly API (Google’s Poly API)

Today, Google released the Poly API, which gives developers direct access to the growing collection of 3D Poly assets directly within Unity, allowing them to search, download and import Poly objects dynamically across desktop, mobile, VR and AR or traditional 3D applications.

今天,Google发布了Poly API,使开发人员可以直接在Unity中直接访问不断增长的3D Poly资产集合,从而使他们可以跨台式机,移动设备,VR和AR或传统3D应用程序动态搜索,下载和导入Poly对象。

Poly Toolkit for Unity插件 (Poly Toolkit for Unity plugin)

Google has also made available the Poly Toolkit, a Unity Editor plugin available on the Asset Store. This plugin allows Unity creators to easily import and use any Poly model directly in Unity. Once you install the Poly Toolkit plugin, you just need to download the package, click the model you want to import, and it shows up in your scene.

Google还提供了Poly Toolkit ,这是Asset Store上的Unity Editor插件。 该插件使Unity创建者可以轻松地直接在Unity中导入和使用任何Poly模型。 一旦安装了Poly Toolkit插件,您只需要下载该软件包,单击要导入的模型,它就会显示在您的场景中。


Poly for Unity EditorXR插件 (Poly for Unity EditorXR plugin)

As part of Unity Labs’ Poly support, the team has extended access directly into EditorXR with the Poly for Unity EditorXR plugin, which was built with your AR and VR development in mind. With the latest version of EditorXR and the Poly Toolkit, you can easily discover and download thousands of free 3D objects and scenes, and it is fully integrated with Tilt Brush and Blocks, meaning you can quickly grab what you want and add it to your scene.

作为Unity实验室Poly支持的一部分,该团队使用Poly for Unity EditorXR插件将访问权限直接扩展到EditorXR,该插件是在考虑到AR和VR开发的基础上构建的。 使用最新版本的EditorXR和Poly Toolkit ,您可以轻松发现并下载数千个免费3D对象和场景,并且它与Tilt Brush and Blocks完全集成,这意味着您可以快速获取所需内容并将其添加到场景中。


This marks one of the first examples of cross-compatibility among major VR creation apps. Unity is thrilled with this breakthrough, as it will benefit creators in the VR community who are hungry for exploring new possibilities.

这标志着主要的VR创作应用之间的交叉兼容性的第一个例子。 Unity对这一突破感到非常兴奋,因为它将使渴望探索新可能性的VR社区的创作者受益。

入门 (Getting started)

Here are some useful resources to help you get started. Note that to use Unity EditorXR you’ll need a Vive or an Oculus Rift.

这里有一些有用的资源可以帮助您入门。 请注意,要使用Unity EditorXR,您将需要Vive或Oculus Rift。

For more information about Google’s Poly and their Poly Toolkit for Unity, check out these additional resources:

有关Google的Poly及其Unity的Poly Toolkit的更多信息,请查看以下其他资源:

使用Unity EditorXR访问Poly 3D资产 (Accessing Poly 3D assets with Unity EditorXR)

After installing the necessary resources, pick the Poly workspace from the main menu. You’ll see a grid of featured assets shared by Blocks and Tilt Brush users. Just like the project workspace, you can scroll and scale the grid, and click-and-hold to grab any models that have loaded their previews. Larger models take time to download and import, so we represent them with cubes and thumbnails. Once you click a cube to start downloading its model, the label turns blue and displays “Importing…”

安装必要的资源后,从主菜单中选择“多边形”工作区。 您将看到由Blocks和Tilt Brush用户共享的特色资产网格。 就像项目工作区一样,您可以滚动和缩放网格,然后单击并按住以获取已加载其预览的所有模型。 较大的模型需要花费一些时间来下载和导入,因此我们用立方体和缩略图来表示它们。 单击多维数据集以开始下载其模型后,标签将变为蓝色并显示“正在导入…”。

Importing a Poly 3D asset directly into Unity EditorXR

将Poly 3D资源直接导入Unity EditorXR

Feel free to click a few more cubes, scroll the list and grab other models while waiting. When the import completes, the cube will return to its original size and the model will preview when you hover the ray over the cube. At this point, grab the model and place it in the scene.

等待时,可以单击更多的多维数据集,滚动列表并获取其他模型。 导入完成后,多维数据集将恢复为其原始大小,并且当您将射线悬停在多维数据集上时,模型将进行预览。 此时,抓住模型并将其放置在场景中。

Panel options and filtering by Blocks and Tilt Brush models


Beyond just scrolling and grabbing models, you can sort and filter the list using the UI on the front of the Workspace. You can sort by newest or most popular, and filter by format, complexity, and category. The Poly Toolkit handles web requests and model imports, and will intelligently cache downloaded models and resources, up to a maximum file size, which you can configure in the Editor’s main menu under Poly -> Settings.

除了滚动和抓取模型外,您还可以使用工作区前面的UI对列表进行排序和过滤。 您可以按最新或最受欢迎的排序,也可以按格式,复杂性和类别进行过滤。 Poly Toolkit可处理Web请求和模型导入,并将智能地缓存下载的模型和资源,最大文件大小可在“编辑器”主菜单中的“ Poly”->“设置”下进行配置。

局限性和用户反馈 (Limitations and user feedback)

Because this workflow is new and experimental, we have made a few key decisions that are VR-specific:


    We’ll be regularly providing updates and add-ons, and welcome any and all feedback. If you have suggestions or general comments, please add an issue on GitHub.

    我们将定期提供更新和加载项,并欢迎任何和所有反馈。 如果您有任何建议或一般性意见,请在GitHub上添加一个问题。

    创建和共享您的作品 (Creating and sharing your work)

    There are thousands of beautiful creations waiting for you to explore, remix, and incorporate into your projects. Be sure to share your screenshots and progress GIFs on social media with #poly and remember to add @Unity3d when you do. We’re excited to see what you make!

    有成千上万的精美作品等待着您进行探索,重新混合并将其纳入您的项目。 确保与#poly分享您的屏幕截图并在社交媒体上显示GIF,并记得在操作时添加@ Unity3d 。 我们很高兴看到您的成就!

    Note that all of the content in the Poly API is available through a Creative Commons license and is free to use in whatever you create. Just be sure to give the proper attribution.

    请注意,Poly API中的所有内容都可以通过知识共享许可获得,并且可以在您创建的任何内容中免费使用。 只要确保提供适当的归属即可。

    Learn more about Poly API
    了解有关Poly API的更多信息
    Learn more about Unity EditorXR
    了解有关Unity EditorXR的更多信息

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/11/30/learn-how-googles-poly-works-with-unity-editorxr/






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