沃斯托比亚(Vostopia)的Bjarne Rene访谈

 Vostopia provides customizable 3D avatars for mobile, desktop and Web games. Founded in Norway in 2009 by industry veterans Bjarne Rene, Mike Man and Tore Birkeland, Vostopia is now a small multinational team with employees in Norway, the UK and New Zealand.

Vostopia为手机,台式机和网络游戏提供了可定制的3D化身。 由业内资深人士Bjarne Rene,Mike Man和Tore Birkeland于2009年在挪威成立,Vostopia现在是一支小型跨国团队,在挪威,英国和新西兰均设有员工。

Explain the concept behind Vostopia?


Our core concept is a universal avatar system. We’ve been making games since the early nineties, and have been playing them since the seventies, and in the era of free to play and in-app

我们的核心概念是通用化身系统。 我们从90年代初开始制作游戏,并且从70年代开始玩游戏,并且在免费游戏和应用内游戏时代

purchases, we wanted to shake things up a bit and bring a little persistence to the party.


For players, we thought it’d be cool if they were able to do more than just create and customise their avatar. We want to enable them to bring their avatar with them to new games and apps along with all the loot they’ve acquired for them. So that kick ass pirate hat they’ve just bought isn’t just locked to the game and ecosystem they bought it in. This also benefits developers as it’s another avenue of exposure for their game. Players can check out what their friends are wearing and see what games they’re from.

对于玩家来说,我们认为如果他们能够做的不仅仅是创建和自定义头像,那就太好了。 我们希望使他们能够将化身与他们一起为他们获得的所有赃物一起带到新游戏和应用中。 因此,他们刚刚购买的海盗帽海盗帽子不仅限于购买它的游戏和生态系统。这也使开发人员受益,因为这是他们开发游戏的另一途径。 玩家可以查看他们的朋友穿着什么,看看他们来自什么游戏。


For developers, we provide an easy time saving solution, along with all the documentation and support they need to get customisable avatars in their games and apps, plus the tools they need to monetise. They get all the micro-transaction and store management stuff they need to create, sell and manage their game, app and avatar items and offers. It’s all packaged up nicely so that it can be integrated into a game or app in minutes!

对于开发人员,我们提供了一种省时的简便解决方案,以及他们在游戏和应用中获得可自定义头像所需的所有文档和支持,以及他们需要货币化的工具。 他们获得了创建,销售和管理他们的游戏,应用程序和头像项目和优惠所需的所有微交易和商店管理内容。 一切都包装得很好,以便可以在几分钟内将其集成到游戏或应用程序中!

Can you describe the role that the Unity Asset Store plays in your vision?

您能否描述Unity Asset Store在您的愿景中扮演的角色?

We think the Unity Asset Store is absolutely brilliant and it keeps getting better! It is a huge time saver and it makes it possible to get technology (that would previously require big teams of specialists) into your project in hours or minutes as opposed to months and years.

我们认为Unity资产商店绝对出色,而且还在不断改善! 它可以节省大量时间,并且可以在数小时或数分钟内(而不是数月或数年)将技术(以前需要大量的专家团队)用于您的项目。

There is tech on the Asset Store that matches Vostopia avatars really well, such as Mixamo animations and Photon networking. The combination of the three gives you a great starting point to create a virtual world. By cleverly combining that with the many art assets available, the possibilities are endless.

Asset Store上有一项技术可以很好地匹配Vostopia头像,例如Mixamo动画和Photon联网。 三者的结合为您创建虚拟世界提供了一个很好的起点。 通过将其与众多可用的艺术品巧妙地结合起来,可能性是无限的。

What do you like about Unity?


We really like how flexible and powerful it is, and how quickly it is to get great results. The component based architecture makes it possible to slot different building blocks into your project, and that empowers smaller teams to build awesome things.

我们非常喜欢它的灵活性和强大性,以及获得理想结果的速度。 基于组件的体系结构使您可以将不同的构建基块放入您的项目中,从而使较小的团队可以构建很棒的东西。

Do you have any advice for developers who might use your service?


Build real social experiences! With customisable avatars, you can build deeper experiences for players. They can show off their style through personalising their avatars, and interact with friends (and make new ones) inside the game worlds.

建立真实的社交体验! 借助可定制的头像,您可以为玩家建立更深刻的体验。 他们可以通过个性化头像来炫耀自己的风格,并与游戏世界中的朋友互动(并结交新朋友)。

Have a play with the new animation system in Unity 4. We have had great fun playing with it so far. Different character scales are great fun! The animation trees and blending feel really good as well.

体验Unity 4中的新动画系统。到目前为止,我们已经玩得很开心。 不同的角色比例非常有趣! 动画树和混合效果也非常好。

Also, have a look at the multiplayer demo we built based on Photon. It sets you up with a small environment, a lobby and a multiplayer chat room where each player has their own avatar. It is a good example of what can be done in a very short time, and a good base to build on.

另外,看看我们基于Photon构建的多人游戏演示。 它为您提供了一个小环境,一个大厅和一个多人聊天室,其中每个玩家都有自己的头像。 这是在很短的时间内可以完成的工作的一个很好的例子,并且是一个很好的基础。

And if you have any questions then please feel free to email us directly to contact@vostopia.com. We’re a friendly lot, and would love to hear your feedback and give you a hand if you need it :D

如果您有任何疑问,请随时直接给我们发送电子邮件至contact@vostopia.com 。 我们非常友好,很想听听您的反馈,并在需要时帮助您:D

What can Unity developers look forward to in the future from Vostopia?


We are hard at work on bringing out our asset creator plan enabling our developers to create their own clothes and avatar assets that can be sold or given away within their games.


For the avatars themselves, we are working on a facial animation system that will lift them to another level. We have even more things in the pipeline, and we are also listening to feedback from our developers on what is most important, so please let us know what you need.

对于化身本身,我们正在开发一个面部动画系统,它将把它们提升到另一个层次。 我们有更多的产品正在筹备中,我们还在听取开发人员关于最重要内容的反馈,因此请让我们知道您的需求。

What is your vision for the future of game development?


We see Vostopia, Unity and game developers working hard to fill players’ insatiable need for more games to play with their avatars! Players can personalize their avatar and use them everywhere!

我们看到Vostopia,Unity和游戏开发人员正在努力满足玩家对使用化身玩更多游戏的无限需求! 玩家可以个性化他们的头像并在任何地方使用它们!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/08/07/interview-with-bjarne-rene-of-vostopia/

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