unity windows_Windows上的Unity,它变得越来越近了!

unity windows

As most of the Unity universe already knows, we recently announced that Unity 2.5 is coming soon, and that among other new features it will most prominently include Unity editor support on Windows. In case you live in a cave or are otherwise out of the loop with respect to Unity news:

众所周知,大多数Unity领域都知道,我们最近宣布Unity 2.5即将面世,在其他新功能中,它将最突出地包括对Windows的Unity编辑器支持。 如果您住在山洞里,或者在其他方面与Unity新闻无关:

Unity: Coming Soon in Unity 2.5

Unity:Unity 2.5即将推出

I think it goes without saying that this has caused an incredible stir amongst the game developer community and it’s caused a lot of new eyeballs to look our way. For those of us working on Unity it’s an incredible time to say the least and all signs seem to indicate that this year’s roller coaster ride is just getting started…

我认为这毋庸置疑,这在游戏开发者社区中引起了不可思议的轰动,并引起了许多新的关注。 对于在Unity上工作的我们来说,这是一个令人难以置信的时刻,至少可以说,所有迹象都表明,今年的过山车之旅才刚刚开始……

Email, IMs, Skype, You name it! Being as I’m the one that sends out our announcement emails, and I help monitor our pre-sales queue, I can say that without a doubt the announcement that Unity 2.5 is coming soon has generated more email volume than anything before it. And please note, I say that after being buried in iPhone emails twice last year (once when we announced we were working on it, then again at release time)! On top of all that I’m one to reasonably broadcast things like my IM and Skype handles, which means that I can’t be on either of those for more than a few minutes without getting pinged for info, there’s no rest for the weary. The volume has been incredible and that’s a good thing as we want customers, we want interest in Unity, so the huge piles of messages to attend to are being tackled with vigor and a touch of glee. :)

电子邮件,即时消息,Skype,您为它命名! 就像我是发送公告电子邮件的人一样,并且我帮助监视我们的售前队列,我可以肯定地说,Unity 2.5即将发布的公告无疑产生了比以前更多的电子邮件量。 而且请注意,我说去年被埋入iPhone电子邮件两次之后(一次是在我们宣布进行这项工作时,然后在发布时又一次)! 最重要的是,我可以合理地广播IM和Skype句柄之类的内容,这意味着我不能在几分钟之内使用其中任何一个都无法获取信息,疲倦无余。 数量令人难以置信,这对我们来说是一件好事,因为我们希望客户,我们希望对Unity感兴趣,因此,正在蓬勃发展和欢欣鼓舞地解决大量要参加的消息。 :)

Community Explosion! In addition to lots of direct contact, a quick cruising of the Unity Community Forums shows that our community is growing quickly and a lot of the new users and post volume is coming from folks interested in Unity 2.5. That of course includes existing and potential Mac users that want to get their hands on the new release, and naturally a fleet of new users coming into the fold as they wait for Unity to arrive on Windows. For sure the “vibe” in our community will change with all the new bodies but in the end it’s a good thing to have more game developers on board, sharing creative ideas and making cool content.

社区爆炸! 除了直接联系外,快速浏览Unity社区论坛还表明,我们的社区正在Swift发展,并且许多新用户和新帖子来自对Unity 2.5感兴趣的人们。 当然,这包括希望获得新版本的现有Mac用户和潜在Mac用户,以及当他们等待Unity进入Windows时自然会吸引大量新用户。 当然,随着所有新机构的出现,我们社区的“氛围”将发生变化,但最终,让更多的游戏开发人员参与其中,共享创意并制作有趣的内容是一件好事。

We’re all working incredibly hard (I’m at the tail end of a 15 hour day) as we want Unity 2.5 to see the light of day as soon as possible. We really believe that Unity 2.5 and our introduction on Windows will be a “game changing” event, pun intended! So to everyone out there waiting on Unity 2.5 I can only ask that you hang in there, it’s coming soon…

我们都非常努力地工作(我正处于15小时工作日的尾声),因为我们希望Unity 2.5能够尽快看到曙光。 我们真的相信,Unity 2.5和我们在Windows上的介绍将是一次“改变游戏规则”的活动! 因此,对于在那里等待Unity 2.5的每个人,我只能要求您挂在那,即将推出……

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/02/05/unity-on-windows-its-getting-ever-so-close/

unity windows





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