采访Manufactura K4的Michael Orkisz(Michael O.)

Michael Orkisz. He’s created a wide range of environments, from sci-fi kits and modern city ruins to dungeons, dystopian futuristic cityscapes to medieval construction kits and top-down fantasy environment packs. His richly detailed nature packages are incredibly versatile and suitable for almost any game genre imaginable! Michael Orkisz创建的惊人的环境资产。 他创造了广泛的环境,从科幻工具包和现代城市废墟到地牢,反乌托邦的未来派城市景观到中世纪建筑工具包和自上而下的幻想环境包。 他丰富的细节自然包具有令人难以置信的多功能性,几乎适用于任何可以想象的游戏类型!

告诉我们您,您的创作热情和历史。 (Tell us about you, your creative passions and history.)

I live in Poland. I know it’s a little weird, but I’m interested in game design and microbiology. My adventure with gamedev began many years ago at Reality Pump. It was my first job in game productions. First, we created an RPG game “Two Worlds”, then “Two Worlds 2”. Four years ago a couple of friends and I created a small business: Gamelab. Then I worked on mobile games in Unity. In 2013 I worked for some time with Witcher 3.

我住在波兰。 我知道这有点奇怪,但我对游戏设计和微生物学感兴趣。 我与gamedev的冒险始于多年前的Reality Pump。 这是我在游戏制作中的第一份工作。 首先,我们创建了RPG游戏“两个世界”,然后创建了“两个世界2”。 四年前,我和几个朋友创立了一家小企业:Gamelab。 然后我在Unity中从事手机游戏。 2013年,我在Witcher 3工作了一段时间。

告诉我们您的产品,他们的灵感,为什么决定制造它们。 (Tell us about your products, their inspiration, why you decided to make them.)

Mostly I like to create an environment. I take inspiration from many sources; games, movies and travel. Sometimes, finding an interesting photo on the web is inspiration enough, then I say: “That’s what I was looking for!” When creating most packages I just try to follow reality. My decision to sell my work on the Asset Store started with the fact that I had some of my own work sitting around on a drive. This work wasn’t being used, so I decided to share it on the Asset Store and it proved to be a hit.

通常,我喜欢创造一个环境。 我从许多方面汲取了灵感; 游戏,电影和旅行。 有时候,在网络上找到一张有趣的照片就足够了启发,然后我说:“这就是我想要的!” 创建大多数程序包时,我只是尝试遵循现实。 我决定在Asset Store上出售作品的决定始于我自己的一些作品坐在驱动器上的事实。 这项工作没有被使用,所以我决定在Asset Store上分享它,结果证明它很受欢迎。

您喜欢Unity的什么? (What do you like about Unity?)

There are a few things that I like about Unity, I can mention three major points:


First: the free version of Unity makes it possible for a lot of people who can’t necessarily afford the expensive software to make games. In this way, Unity promotes the creation of games. Second, Unity gives quick and easy creative tools. I do not need to “fight” with the software, I just focus on work and creation. Thirdly, the Asset Store: in one minute I can find, and put in a project just what I need. Just a few clicks and you’re done.

首先:Unity的免费版本使很多人不一定能负担得起昂贵的软件来制作游戏。 这样,Unity促进了游戏的创作。 其次,Unity提供了快速简便的创意工具。 我不需要与软件“打架”,我只专注于工作和创造。 第三,资产商店:一分钟内我就能找到所需的东西,并将其放入项目中。 只需单击几下,您就完成了。

您如何了解Asset Store? (How did you learn about the Asset Store?)

It was a few years ago. One day at work, I updated Unity and I noticed a new feature: the Asset Store…

那是几年前的事。 在工作的一天,我更新了Unity,并注意到了一项新功能:资产商店…

作为中间件开发人员和游戏设计师,资产商店在您的生活中扮演什么角色? (What role does the Asset Store play in your life as a middleware developer and game designer?)

As a developer, it’s helped me in my job, and saved a lot of time, and as a designer it’s allowed me to show people my work. In the Asset Store I can find a lot of really interesting things. It’s an amazing space

作为开发人员,它为我的工作提供了帮助,并节省了大量时间,而作为设计师,它使我可以向人们展示我的作品。 在资源商店中,我可以找到很多非常有趣的东西。 这是一个了不起的空间

您对可能使用您的工具的开发人员有何建议? (Do you have any advice for developers who might use your tools?)

The best designer or concept artist is the world around us. Sometimes, you may have come across a place so interesting and unusual that there just needs to be a translation in the virtual world. My tools help to create just such worlds.

最好的设计师或概念艺术家是我们周围的世界。 有时,您可能遇到了一个如此有趣且与众不同的地方,以至于在虚拟世界中只需要翻译即可。 我的工具有助于创建这样的世界。

贵公司的Unity开发人员将来会如何看待? (What can Unity developers look towards in the future from your company?)

They can expect new, useful packages of even better quality. I’ll try not to disappoint my users! Besides that, I’m sure I will develop a “series” of some packages.

他们可以期望获得质量更高的有用的新包装。 我会尽量不要让我的用户失望! 除此之外,我确定我将开发一些软件包的“系列”。


您对游戏开发的未来有何看法? (What is your vision for the future of game development?)

A few years ago, someone prophesied that traditional consoles were dying but on the horizon are the new next-gens and technologies with big potential, such as the Oculus Rift or “Google glass”. The gamedev industry has split into several platforms: Facebook / social, mobile, PC / consoles. It is difficult to determine which direction is best.

几年前,有人预言传统游戏机将要消失,但即将出现的是具有巨大潜力的新一代游戏机和新技术,例如Oculus Rift或“ Google glass”。 gamedev行业已经分裂为多个平台:Facebook /社交,移动,PC /游戏机。 很难确定哪个方向最好。

One thing is certain, making games will become easier (at least through Unity) and playing games will be more and more popular.


Check out Manufactura K4 on the Asset Store.

在资产商店中查看Manufactura K4

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/07/18/interview-with-michael-orkisz-of-manufactura-k4-michael-o/

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