unite_来自Unite LA的Unity汽车技术峰会的最新汽车技术


At the AutoTech Summit, thought leaders and innovators from the automotive and transportation industries shared how they’ve leveraged Unity’s real-time development platform to redefine the way they design, manufacture, and market their vehicles, thus transforming their businesses. Most importantly, attendees took away from the Summit: lessons from real-time configuration tools, in-vehicle applications, and XR experiences that help shape consumer perceptions.

在汽车技术峰会上,来自汽车和运输行业的思想领袖和创新者分享了他们如何利用Unity的实时开发平台重新定义他们设计,制造和销售汽车的方式,从而改变了他们的业务。 最重要的是,与会者没有参加此次峰会:实时配置工具,车载应用程序以及XR体验等课程可以帮助塑造消费者的观念。

REWIND和数字经销商 (REWIND and the digital dealership)

REWIND, HP, and Intel revealed cutting-edge VR tools they’ve developed for the automotive industry to better tailor the sales process to Millennials, who are doing more of their shopping research online rather than in store. In fact, 88% of Millennials use the internet to research a car purchase according to AutoTrader.

REWIND,HP和Intel透露了他们为汽车行业开发的尖端VR工具,以更好地为千禧一代量身定制销售流程,因为千禧一代在网上而不是在商店进行更多的购物研究。 实际上,根据AutoTrader的统计,有88%的千禧一代使用互联网来研究购车。

These industry innovators provide car manufacturers the ability to control the narrative across the marketing process, beginning with the earliest stages of customer exploration continuing to presenters at dealerships, and ultimately into the homes of customers.


It starts in the consideration phase, where customers identify their wants, in turn providing data – through in-app interaction – that a dealer needs to improve selling through smart tools and analytics, and finally assisting the customer to make faster and more satisfying decisions. Imagine, no longer do salespeople have to wait for someone to walk into the store. Instead, they’re now empowered to start conversations with their audiences from the very beginning during the online shopping process.

它从考虑阶段开始,在此阶段,客户确定了他们的需求,然后通过应用内交互提供了经销商需要通过智能工具和分析改善销售的数据,并最终帮助客户做出更快,更令人满意的决策。 想象一下,销售人员不再需要等待有人走进商店。 取而代之的是,他们现在有权从在线购物过程的最开始就开始与受众进行对话。

通过实时功能重新定义在线车辆配置器 (Redefining the online vehicle configurator through the power of real-time)

Online vehicle configurators are an accepted and expected part of today’s online car buying experience. While these configurators offer shoppers a degree of personalization, they are usually limited to a small number of options, and images must be rendered in advance.

在线车辆配置器是当今在线汽车购买经验中公认的一部分。 尽管这些配置器为购物者提供了一定程度的个性化设置,但它们通常仅限于少数选项,并且必须预先渲染图像。

Lexus and its creative agency, Team One, wanted to explore how the power of real-time with Unity’s development platform could allow them to push boundaries and even redefine the meaning of “vehicle configurator.”

雷克萨斯及其创意代理商Team One希望探索Unity开发平台的实时功能如何使他们突破界限,甚至重新定义“车辆配置器”的含义。

In partnership with Unity, Team One undertook the challenge of building a true real-time vehicle configurator for the Lexus UX, Lexus’ bold, new, hyper-connected crossover that is due to release in December of this year. Team One’s vision of a real-time car configurator includes:

通过与Unity合作,Team One承担了为Lexus UX构建真正的实时车辆配置器的挑战,这是Lexus的大胆,全新,超连接式跨界车,将于今年12月发布。 Team One的实时汽车配置器愿景包括:


    探索未来的车载体验 (Exploring the in-vehicle experience of the future)

    As we increasingly move toward a world where someone – or something, in the case of self-driving cars – is doing the driving for us, automakers and Mobility-as-a-Service companies are starting to explore the in-vehicle experience of the future.


    Ridesharing company Lyft and Emmy-nominated immersive content studio REWIND shared how they tackled the challenge of imagining a backseat entertainment experience to engage and delight Lyft riders at scale and solved a difficult technical challenge in the process – how to get AR working in the back of a moving vehicle.


    Typically, the development of spatial experiences relies on the IMU – the Inertial Measurement Unity. However,  relying on the IMU in a moving vehicle means characters fly off into outer space. REWIND shared how they were able to workaround reliance on the IMU by using smart camera tech and the car’s GPS, the thinking being: if the device knows where it is relative to the car and the car knows where it is relative to the world, the experience can play out as it should. Ultimately, they arrived at an AR solution that was a combination of Unity power, internal scripts/plugins, ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia.

    通常,空间体验的发展依赖于IMU –惯性测量单位。 但是,依靠移动车辆中的IMU意味着角色会飞到外太空。 REWIND分享了他们如何使用智能相机技术和汽车的GPS解决依赖IMU的问题,其思路是:如果设备知道它相对于汽车的位置,而汽车知道它相对于世界的位置,则经验可以发挥应有的作用。 最终,他们得出了一个AR解决方案,该解决方案将Unity功能,内部脚本/插件,ARKit,ARCore和Vuforia结合在一起。

    Once they solved how to keep characters tethered to the world, the REWIND and Lyft creative teams once again turned to the world of gaming for inspiration and collaborated with legendary creator Bay Raitt to create a character and story Lyft riders would love…a whimsical, magical tour guide. The back of the car was turned into a new kind of stage, where the digital tour guide controls the lights in the real world,  reacts to the rider behavior, and is all controlled by a dedicated iPad in the hands of the rider.

    一旦他们解决了如何使角色与世界保持联系的方式,REWIND和Lyft的创意团队便再次转向游戏世界寻求灵感,并与传奇创作者Bay Raitt合作创建了Lyft骑手们喜欢的角色和故事……一个异想天开,神奇导游。 汽车的后部变成了一个新的阶段,数字导游在这里控制现实世界中的灯光,对骑手的行为做出React,并全部由骑手专用的iPad控制。

    This is a great example of the type of innovation and user experience that Unity’s flexibility enables and is a precursor to a lot more exploration and innovation in the years to come. As more people share rides and self-driving cars get closer to reality, there are huge opportunities for imaginative, engaging in-car entertainment and experiences.

    这是Unity的灵活性实现的创新和用户体验类型的一个很好的例子,并且是未来几年更多探索和创新的先驱。 随着越来越多的人共享出行方式,无人驾驶汽车越来越接近现实,为想象力,吸引人的车内娱乐和体验提供了巨大的机会。

    我们揭示了SimViz解决方案工具包,可实现自动车辆仿真 (We revealed SimViz Solution Toolkits to enable autonomous vehicle simulation)

    Using simulated scenarios for testing in the automotive industry is a well-established practice. However, the scenarios previously used to train, for example, automated emergency braking systems, are insufficient for autonomous vehicle training, which require highly complex simulations to train AI to essentially behave like a capable human driver.

    在汽车行业中使用模拟方案进行测试是一种公认​​的做法。 但是,以前用于训练(例如,自动紧急制动系统)的场景不足以进行自动驾驶汽车训练,这需要高度复杂的模拟来训练AI,使其本质上像有能力的驾驶员一样。

    A key part of autonomous vehicle training simulation is the simulation environment and Unity is a natural choice for developing these environments. It provides engineering teams all the features and toolsets used in creating other types of rich interactive content, such as lighting and physics, particle and weather systems, animation, machine learning and more, while enabling them to create environments that are rich in sensory and physical complexity, provide compelling cognitive challenges, and support dynamic multi-agent interaction.

    自主车辆训练模拟的关键部分是模拟环境,而Unity是开发这些环境的自然选择。 它为工程团队提供了用于创建其他类型的丰富交互内容的所有功能和工具集,例如照明和物理,粒子和天气系统,动画,机器学习等,同时使他们能够创建充满感官和物理环境的环境。复杂性,提供引人注目的认知挑战,并支持动态的多主体交互。

    To help engineering teams focused on autonomous vehicle development a leg up on environment creation, we’ve created a set of SimViz Solution Toolkits – custom packages that provide everything you need to get started and accelerate the building of your simulation environments, so you can focus on autonomous simulation and scaling your development.


    Early access to the sample SimViz Scenarios and Sensors Solution Templates are now available by request, so you can get started experimenting and building.


    向设计师展示直观的3D内容创建 (Showcasing intuitive 3D content creation for designers)

    Gravity Sketch, a multi-platform 3D-creation tool that enables you to immerse yourself in your design, dazzled the audience by showing how to create natural and intuitive real-world experiences in 3D.

    Gravity Sketch是一款跨平台的3D创建工具,可让您沉浸于设计中,它通过展示如何在3D中创建自然直观的真实体验来使观众眼花azz乱。

    Built with Unity, Gravity Sketch is eliminating barriers between your inspiration and 3D modeling. They showcased their user-focused development process that enables the most expressive creative tool with useful NURBS-based output, leading to an iterative process that resolves creative needs and workflow requirements of designers.

    利用Unity构建的Gravity Sketch消除了灵感和3D建模之间的障碍。 他们展示了以用户为中心的开发过程,该过程使最具表现力的创意工具具有基于NURBS的有用输出,从而导致了一个迭代过程,可以解决设计师的创意需求和工作流程要求。

    Just recently, Car Design News hosted a webinar showcasing how Gravity Sketch and Unity empower creative expression in 3D design workflows. In the webinar, James Robbins, Senior Designer with the Digital Modeling and Visualization group at Honda R&D, joined Unity’s Frank Naggies to explore how VR creation tools are putting the designer back at the center.  Watch the on-demand recording to learn how designers are using Gravity Sketch throughout their design process and the integration in the wider workflow.

    就在最近,《汽车设计新闻》 举办了一个网络研讨会,展示了Gravity Sketch和Unity如何增强3D设计工作流程中的创意表达。 在网络研讨会中,本田研发部门数字建模和可视化小组的高级设计师James Robbins与Unity的Frank Naggies一起探讨了VR创作工具如何将设计师重新置于中心位置。 观看点播记录,以了解设计师在整个设计过程中如何使用Gravity Sketch以及如何将其集成到更广泛的工作流程中。

    Watch the webinar on-demand


    It was such an exciting event! The AutoTech Summit also included presentations from industry leaders such as BMW, and we’ll be releasing session videos in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!

    这真是令人兴奋的事件! AutoTech峰会还包括来自宝马等行业领导者的演讲,我们将在未来几周内发布会议视频,敬请关注!

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/10/25/the-latest-from-unity-for-automotive-from-autotech-summit-at-unite-la/






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