Unity 2017.3 Beta已发布

Have you ever considered being a beta tester? You’ll get early access to the latest new features, and you can test if your project is compatible with the new beta.

您是否曾经考虑过成为Beta测试员? 您将尽早使用最新功能,并可以测试您的项目是否与新Beta版兼容。

Thanks to everyone who helped us introduce the next generation of Unity by being part of the 2017.2 Beta Program. We’re now ready to invite you to help test the 2017.3 Beta version.

感谢所有帮助我们通过加入2017.2 Beta计划的成员介绍下一代Unity的人。 现在,我们准备邀请您帮助测试2017.3 Beta版本。

Participating in the Unity Beta Program will help our engineers and QA team ensure that the next stable version of Unity works for your project, your team, and your goals. It will give us insight into how you use new features in your projects, where you run into issues, and how we can help resolve them.

参与Unity Beta计划将帮助我们的工程师和质量检查团队确保下一个稳定的Unity版本适用于您的项目,您的团队和您的目标。 它将使我们深入了解您如何在项目中使用新功能,遇到问题的地方以及我们如何帮助解决这些问题。

如何成为Beta测试员 (How to become a beta tester)

If you’re new to the Beta program and aren’t sure where to start, just follow the four steps below. (If you’ve already downloaded the new beta version, just skip to Step 3.)

如果您是Beta程序的新手,并且不确定从哪里开始,请按照以下四个步骤操作。 (如果您已经下载了新的Beta版本,请跳到步骤3。)

  1. Download the latest beta build. To see the new features that you can try now, click on the Release Notes tab.

    下载最新的beta版本 。 要查看现在可以尝试的新功能,请单击“ 发行说明”选项卡。

  2. Run the Installer. Choose your options as usual, and be sure to install the beta in a new directory. It’s ok to have multiple versions of Unity side by side.

    运行安装程序 。 照常选择选项,并确保将Beta安装在 新目录中 。 可以并排使用多个版本的Unity。

  3. Make a copy of the project you plan to use for testing the beta. That way if the beta has regressions, it won’t affect your project. You also avoid having to re-import your project when you go back to your current stable version.

    复制您计划用于测试Beta的项目的副本。 这样,如果测试版具有回归功能,则不会影响您的项目。 当您回到当前的稳定版本时,还避免了必须重新导入项目。

  4. Open your project in the latest beta version. Once you’ve installed the beta version, you can continue developing as usual.

    以最新的Beta版本打开您的项目。 一旦安装了Beta版,就可以照常继续开发。

如果您在Beta中遇到问题 (If you experience problems in the beta)

If you experience issues with the beta, we encourage you to file a bug report using the Unity Bug Reporter accessible through the Help menu in the editor, and to post in the Beta Forums.

如果您遇到Beta版本的问题,建议您使用可通过编辑器中的“帮助”菜单访问的Unity Bug Reporter提交错误报告,并发布到 Beta论坛中

The Unity beta forum is a great community resource where you can see what other people have reported, find workarounds, and keep up to date with fixes. It’s also a good way to get in touch with someone at Unity if you have additional questions or information.

Unity beta论坛是一个很棒的社区资源,您可以在其中查看其他人的报告,找到解决方法并及时了解修复程序。 如果您还有其他问题或信息,这也是与Unity上的某人联系的好方法。

Another great resource is the Public Issue Tracker, where you can vote and comment on bugs reported by other users. This helps our team prioritize which bugs to tackle first.

另一个很好的资源是 Public Issue Tracker ,您可以在其中对其他用户报告的错误进行投票和评论。 这有助于我们的团队确定优先解决的错误的优先级。

订阅我们的Beta测试人员提示时事通讯 (Sign up to our beta tester tips newsletter)

Sign up and receive a notification when new versions are available, as well as tips on how to be an effective beta tester.


2017.3b中包含什么? (
What’s included in 2017.3b?

Over the course of the release of the 2017.3 version, we will add multiple fixes and improvements as we launch new beta versions. As of today, however, some of the features that you can test include the following additions:

在2017.3版本的发行过程中,我们将在启动新的Beta版本时添加多项修复和改进。 但是,从今天开始,您可以测试的某些功能包括以下新增功能:

  • Improvements to panoramic 360/180 2D/3D video workflows, now with XR support to Experimental Scriptable Render Pipelines.

    改进了 全景360/180 2D / 3D视频工作流程 ,现在对实验脚本渲染管道提供了XR支持。

  • Mono/.NET 2.0 support for Memory Profiler. This Makes it possible to take managed memory snapshots in the editor while using .NET 2.0.

    Mono / .NET 2.0对 Memory Profiler的 支持 。 这样就可以在使用.NET 2.0时在编辑器中拍摄托管内存快照。

  • Unlit and Surface shaders for use with Particle Systems, ribbonized particle trails, and various other Particle System improvements

    与粒子系统,带状粒子轨迹和其他各种 粒子系统改进 配合使用的未照明和曲面着色器 。

  • Support for HDR compressed lightmaps (BC6H) on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. This is enabled by setting the Lightmap Encoding option in Player Settings to High Quality.

    在PC,Xbox One和PlayStation 4上支持HDR压缩的光照贴图(BC6H)。可以通过将“播放器设置”中的“ 光照贴图编码”选项设置为“高质量”来启用。

  • Dynamic Resolution provides Dynamically Scaling to some or all of the render targets to reduce the workload on the GPU.

    动态分辨率 可动态缩放某些或所有渲染目标,以减少GPU上的工作量。

  • Assembly definition files feature for script compilation pipeline in the editor. Allows you to define your own managed assemblies based upon scripts inside a folder. By splitting your project’s scripts into multiple assemblies, script compilation times in the editor can be greatly reduced. Note that the latest version of Visual Studio Tools for Unity is required for this feature to work with solution and project generation for Visual Studio.

    程序集定义文件 功能可用于编辑器中的脚本编译管道。 允许您基于文件夹内的脚本定义自己的托管程序集。 通过将项目的脚本拆分为多个程序集,可以大大减少编辑器中的脚本编译时间。 请注意,此功能需要最新版本的Visual Studio Tools for Unity才能与Visual Studio的解决方案和项目生成一起使用。

  • Support for capturing VR device refresh rate, dimension, aspect ratio, HMD tracking and Controllers tracking as part of device info and device status events


For a list of all features, improvements and fixes, check the release notes, which also includes a list of the known issues.

有关所有功能,改进和修复的列表,请查看 发行说明 ,其中还包括已知问题的列表。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/09/30/unity-2017-3-beta-is-out/





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