

Our new course, Real-Time Animated Storytelling, is designed to help artists learn how to use Unity’s fast and powerful suite of cinematic tools for animation.

我们的新课程 Real-Time Animated Storytelling 旨在帮助艺术家学习如何使用Unity的快速而强大的动画工具进行动画制作。

As a storyteller, you want to immerse people in a world of your own making. As an artist, you want to experiment and play, and you need the tools to execute on your vision, quickly and flexibly.

作为讲故事的人,您想让人们沉浸在自己创造的世界中。 作为一名艺术家,您想尝试和玩耍,并且需要工具来快速灵活地实现您的愿景。

Unity’s real-time production tools, traditionally used for game development, make rendering time lightning-fast when you use them for animation in film, television, games and virtual reality (VR). This makes it easier for you to create animations rapidly – and see your changes and iterations immediately – while unleashing creative freedom. These techniques combined with the interactivity already possible in games are revolutionizing the way stories are created and shared. 

传统上用于游戏开发的Unity实时制作工具在将其用于电影,电视,游戏和虚拟现实(VR)中的动画时,可以使渲染时间如闪电般迅捷。 这使您更容易快速创建动画-并立即查看您的更改和迭代-同时释放创作自由。 这些技术与游戏中已经可以实现的交互性相结合,正在彻底改变故事的创建和共享方式。

Real-Time Animated Storytelling is a course for artists to help them build the technical skills required for a career in animation. Unity is recognized as one of the most in-demand tech skills today, across industries, with a high forecasted growth rate. Students who choose to invest in learning Unity are future-proofing their careers in an increasingly competitive job market.

实时动画故事讲述 是一门面向艺术家的课程,旨在帮助他们建立动画职业所需的技术技能。 Unity被公认为是当今各行业中需求最大的技术技能之一,并且预计增长率很高。 选择投资学习Unity的学生正在日益竞争激烈的就业市场中证明自己的职业前景。

无需编程 (No programming required)

This is a course built with artists in mind. Studios are searching for better ways to innovate, collaborate, and streamline their creative processes, and real-time 3D is making it easier. Unity is fast becoming a mainstay in the world of digital filmmaking.

这是一门考虑艺术家的课程。 制片厂正在寻找创新,协作和简化创作过程的更好方法,而实时 3D则使它变得更容易。 Unity正在Swift成为 数字电影制作领域 的中流tay柱 。

In this course, you’ll learn how it’s done – from previsualization, to modeling, set dressing, cinematography, lighting and post-processing. We’ll even cover visual effects, audio and final rendering. This course is designed to empower storytellers and artists like you with all the foundational Unity skills you need to launch your storytelling career. 

在本课程中,您将学习如何做-从预可视化到建模,布景,摄影,照明和后处理。 我们甚至将介绍视觉效果,音频和最终渲染。 本课程旨在使像您这样的讲故事者和艺术家拥有启动讲故事事业所需的所有基本Unity技能。

对于学生 (For students)

Whether you are a university student in your final years of study or a passionate hobbyist, this course will serve as a gentle introduction to the core concepts that animation studios use in their pipelines. 


Not only will you learn about real-time 3D animation concepts and workflows, you’ll become acquainted with a wide range of Unity tools and techniques for content creation of all kinds. This is the foundational knowledge that may set you on a path to becoming an animation layout artist,

您不仅会了解实时3D动画概念和工作流程,还将熟悉各种用于创建各种内容的Unity工具和技术。 这是基础知识,可让您踏上成为动画排版艺术家的道路,

programmer, technical artist, or VR developer. This course’s Creative Challenges will also give you a chance to flex your imagination and share your work with the community through our gallery. 

程序员,技术美术师或VR开发人员。 本课程的创意挑战也将使您有机会发挥想象力,并通过我们的画廊与社区分享您的作品。

对于讲师 (For instructors)

For instructors interested in introducing this material in your classroom, we’re providing educator materials to help you tailor this course to your teaching objectives and schedule. By empowering your students with in-demand job skills, you also expand their economic opportunities for the future.

对于有兴趣在您的教室中介绍这种材料的讲师,我们提供了 教育者材料, 以帮助您根据您的教学目标和时间表来定制本课程。 通过赋予学生按需的工作技能,您还可以扩大他们未来的经济机会。

Additionally, instructors can visit our Unity Learn for Educators for more teaching resources or the Unity Teach Community on Facebook to share best practices and experiences with others.

此外,讲师可以访问我们的 Unity for Educator for Educator 获取更多教学资源,或 访问Facebook上Unity Teach社区, 与他人分享最佳实践和经验。

Start Learning


Real-time 3D technology is a flexible, collaborative, time-saving animation tool, and mastering its fundamentals is a distinct advantage for aspiring artists in today’s job market. You don’t need to be an expert programmer to realize your creative vision.

实时3D技术是一种灵活,协作,省时的动画工具,掌握其基础知识对于当今工作市场上有抱负的艺术家来说是一个明显的优势。 您无需成为专业的程序员就可以实现自己的创造力。

You can learn more about the course during our live Unite Now session on Wednesday, July 1 at 9 am PT. In Empowering Storytellers with Real-Time Technology you’ll discover how quickly you can get started as a Unity animation creator. Register now. 

您可以在 7月1日(星期三)太平洋时间上午9点 在我们的现场“ 立即团结 ”课程中了解有关该课程的更多信息 。 在使用实时技术为讲故事者赋权的过程中,您将发现以Unity动画创作者的入门速度有多快。 现在注册。  







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