Phong lighting model for diffuse reflection

the Phong lighting model gives material properties to each surface; the material
properties control how lights illuminate the surface. Except for the specular exponent, these
properties can be set independently for each of the three colors.

Specular Reflection Properties.

Aspecular reflectivity coefficient, ρs, controls the amount
of specular reflection. A specular exponent, f , controls the shininess of the surface by
controlling the narrowness of the spread of specularly reflected light.


Figure III.3. Specularly reflected light is reflected primarily in the direction with the angle of incidence
equal to the angle of reflection. The double line is a beam of incoming light. The dotted arrows indicate
outgoing light; the longer the arrow, the more intense the reflection in that direction.

Diffuse Reflection Properties.

A diffuse reflectivity coefficient, ρd, controls the relative
intensity of diffusely reflected light.
Ambient Reflection Properties. An ambient reflectivity coefficient, ρa, controls the
amount of ambient light reflected from the surface.

Emissive Properties.

The emissivity of a surface controls how much light the surface
emits in the absence of any incident light. Light emitted from a surface does not act as a
light source that illuminates other surfaces; instead, it only affects the color seen by the


A*I ind = A/cos * I sur ----总能量不变。

Because of this, the energy flux arriving per unit area of the surface is only
(cos θ)I ind .到达物体表面的光能就只是原来入射光的cos


At this point, it would be reasonable to ask why there is not another cosine factor involving
the angle of reflection.

为什么不考虑跟反射角有关的余弦因子(前面的I sur计算不是涉及到了余弦因子吗?)


However, more careful consideration of why there is no factor involving the angle of reflection
reveals that Figure III.2 is a little misleading. It is not the case that the probability of
a single photon’s being reflected in a given direction is independent of the reflection direction
Instead, letting χ be the angle between the surface normal n and the outgoing light direction v,
we find the probability that a photon reflects out in the direction v is proportional to cos χ.
The viewer looking at the surface from this view angle of χ from the normal vector sees light
coming from a surface area of (1/ cos χ) times the apparent field of view area. (This is similar
to the justification of the cos θ factor.) The two factors of cos χ and 1/ cos χ cancel out, and
we are left with the Phong diffuse reflection formula III.1.


这个概率是正比于 cos x.

然后,我们再应用上面的I sur计算原理:总能量不变

A* I sur = (A/cos x)* I out * (概率 cosx) (这里并未考虑能量损失!,A跟上面的不同,它仅仅是单位面积)

哈哈,大家现在发现了吧,I sur == I out

所以漫反射强度仅仅是 (cos θ)I ind .





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