unsigned int size_x_; //像素坐标系表示的坐标
unsigned int size_y_;
double resolution_;
double origin_x_;
double origin_y_;
unsigned char* costmap_;
unsigned char default_value_;
Costmap2D::Costmap2D() :
size_x_(0), size_y_(0), resolution_(0.0), origin_x_(0.0), origin_y_(0.0), costmap_(NULL)
access_ = new mutex_t();
* 作用:重新分配size_x*size_y 空间,并设置默认值
void Costmap2D::resizeMap(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y, double resolution,
double origin_x, double origin_y)
size_x_ = size_x;
size_y_ = size_y;
resolution_ = resolution;
origin_x_ = origin_x;
origin_y_ = origin_y;
initMaps(size_x, size_y);
// reset our maps to have no information
void Costmap2D::initMaps(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y)
boost::unique_lock<mutex_t> lock(*access_);
delete[] costmap_;
costmap_ = new unsigned char[size_x * size_y];
/*返回costmap 地图指针
* 必须要分清楚该指针是指向master costmap
* 还是其他分层的costmap
unsigned char* Costmap2D::getCharMap() const
return costmap_;
unsigned char Costmap2D::getCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const
return costmap_[getIndex(mx, my)];
void Costmap2D::setCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, unsigned char cost)
costmap_[getIndex(mx, my)] = cost;
/*static layer 中mx,my 为0 ,第二次为地图的宽width_和高height_
void Costmap2D::mapToWorld(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, double& wx, double& wy) const
{//+0.5 为了去除边界,防止计算到地图外面,(这里map 是指像素坐标系,单位为int,
//world 是指/map世界坐标系)
wx = origin_x_ + (mx + 0.5) * resolution_;
wy = origin_y_ + (my + 0.5) * resolution_;
将世界坐标系的点(map 坐标系,在启动建图时生成)转换成图像坐标系(图像左下角)下的点(以像素表示)
bool Costmap2D::worldToMap(double wx, double wy, unsigned int& mx, unsigned int& my) const
if (wx < origin_x_ || wy < origin_y_)
return false;
mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);
my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);
if (mx < size_x_ && my < size_y_)
return true;
return false;
void Costmap2D::worldToMapNoBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const
mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);
my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);
void Costmap2D::worldToMapEnforceBounds(double wx, double wy, int& mx, int& my) const
// Here we avoid doing any math to wx,wy before comparing them to
// the bounds, so their values can go out to the max and min values
// of double floating point.
if (wx < origin_x_)
mx = 0;
else if (wx > resolution_ * size_x_ + origin_x_)
mx = size_x_ - 1;
mx = (int)((wx - origin_x_) / resolution_);
if (wy < origin_y_)
my = 0;
else if (wy > resolution_ * size_y_ + origin_y_)
my = size_y_ - 1;
my = (int)((wy - origin_y_) / resolution_);
void Costmap2D::updateOrigin(double new_origin_x, double new_origin_y)
*返回costmap 的宽度,以像素表示
unsigned int Costmap2D::getSizeInCellsX() const
return size_x_;
*返回costmap 的高度,以像素表示
unsigned int Costmap2D::getSizeInCellsY() const
return size_y_;
*返回costmap 的宽度,以距离米表示
* -1+0.5是防止越界
double Costmap2D::getSizeInMetersX() const
return (size_x_ - 1 + 0.5) * resolution_;
*返回costmap 的高度,以距离米表示
* -1+0.5是防止越界
double Costmap2D::getSizeInMetersY() const
return (size_y_ - 1 + 0.5) * resolution_;
* 返回costmap 地图的左下角x坐标,global_costmap与local_costmap 此点
* 不一样
double Costmap2D::getOriginX() const
return origin_x_;
* 返回costmap 地图的左下角y坐标,global_costmap与local_costmap 此点
* 不一样
double Costmap2D::getOriginY() const
return origin_y_;
double Costmap2D::getResolution() const
return resolution_;
Costmap_layer.h 和costmap_layer.cpp
void CostmapLayer::updateWithTrueOverwrite(costmap_2d::Costmap2D& master_grid, int min_i, int min_j,int max_i, int max_j)
if (!enabled_)
//获取layer_costmap 某一层地图
unsigned char* master = master_grid.getCharMap();
//索引值,获取到costmap 地图宽度,以像素坐标系为参考的值
unsigned int span = master_grid.getSizeInCellsX();
for (int j = min_j; j < max_j; j++)
unsigned int it = span*j+min_i;
for (int i = min_i; i < max_i; i++)
//用static costmap 地图去更新master costmap 地图
master[it] = costmap_[it];
* 覆盖的方式更新
void CostmapLayer::updateWithOverwrite(costmap_2d::Costmap2D& master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j)
if (!enabled_)
unsigned char* master = master_grid.getCharMap();
unsigned int span = master_grid.getSizeInCellsX();
for (int j = min_j; j < max_j; j++)
unsigned int it = span*j+min_i;
for (int i = min_i; i < max_i; i++)
if (costmap_[it] != NO_INFORMATION)
master[it] = costmap_[it];