Memory in unity 记录


To ensure your application runs with no performance issues, it’s important to understand how Unity uses and allocates memory. This section of the documentation explains how memory works in Unity, and is intended for readers who want to understand how they can improve the memory performance of their application.

Unity uses three memory management layers to handle memory in your application:

  • Managed memory: A controlled memory layer that uses a managed heap and a garbage collector to automatically allocate and assign memory.
  • C# unmanaged memory: A layer of memory management that you can use in conjunction with the Unity Collections namespace and package. This memory type is called “unmanaged” because it doesn’t use a garbage collector to manage unused parts of memory.
  • Native memory: C++ memory that Unity uses to run the engine. In most situations, this memory is inaccessible to Unity users, but it’s useful to be aware of it if you want to fine-tune certain aspects of the performance of your application.

Managed memory

Mono and IL2CPP’s scripting virtual machines (VMs) implement the managed memory system, which is sometimes referred to as the scripting memory system. These VMs offer a controlled memory environment divided into the following different types:

  • The managed heap: A section of memory that the VM automatically controls with a garbage collector (GC). Because of this, the memory allocated on the managed heap is referred to as GC Allocation. The Profiler
     records any occurrence of such an allocation as a GC.Alloc sample.
  • The scripting stack: This is built up and unwound as your application steps into and out of any code scopes.
  • Native VM memory: Contains memory related to Unity’s scripting layer. Most of the time, you won’t need to manipulate the native VM memory, but it’s useful to know that it includes memory related to the executable code that your code generates, in particular around the use of generics, type meta data that Reflection uses, and the memory required to run the VM.

Because the managed memory system uses VMs, it has a controlled environment that automatically tracks the references of allocations to manage their lifetime. This means that it’s less likely for your application to release memory too early, while other code is trying to access it. It also means that you have some safeguard against memory leaks that happen when memory is inaccessible from code, or from unused memory piling up.

Using managed memory in Unity is the easiest way to manage the memory in your application; but it has some disadvantages. The garbage collector is convenient to use, but it’s also unpredictable in how it releases and allocates memory, which might lead to performance issues such as stuttering, which happens when the garbage collector has to stop to release and allocate memory. To work around this unpredictability, you can use the C# unmanaged memory layer.

For more information on how managed memory works see the documentation on Managed memory.

C# unmanaged memory

The C# unmanaged memory layer allows you to access the native memory layer to fine-tune memory allocations, with the convenience of writing C# code.

You can use the Unity.Collectionsnamespace (including NativeArray) in the Unity core API, and the data structures in the Unity Collections package to access C# unmanaged memory. If you use Unity’s C# Job system, or Burst, you must use C# unmanaged memory. For more information about this, see the documentation on the Job system and Burst.

Native memory

The Unity engine’s internal C/C++ core has its own memory management system, which is referred to as native memory. In most situations, you can’t directly access or modify this memory type.

Unity stores the scenes
 in your project, assets, graphics APIs, graphics drivers, subsystem and plug-in
 buffers, and allocations inside native memory, which means that you can indirectly access the native memory via Unity’s C# API. This means that you can manipulate the data for your application in a safe and easy way, without losing the benefits of the native and performant code that’s at Unity’s native core.

Most of the time, you won’t need to interact with Unity’s native memory, but you can see how it affects the performance of your application whenever you use the Profiler, through Profiler markers

Managed memory

Unity’s managed memory system is a C# scripting environment based on the Mono or IL2CPP Virtual Machines (VMs). The benefit of the managed memory system is that it manages the release of memory, so you don’t need to manually request the release of memory through your code.

Unity’s managed memory system uses a garbage collector and a managed heap to automatically free memory allocations when your scripts
 no longer hold any references to those allocations. This helps safeguard against memory leaks. Memory leaks occur when memory is allocated, the reference to it is lost, and then the memory is never freed because it needs a reference to it to free it.

This memory management system also guards memory access, which means that you can’t access memory that has been freed, or that was never valid for your code to access. However, this memory management process impacts runtime performance, because allocating managed memory is time-consuming for the CPU. Garbage collection might also stop the CPU from doing other work until it completes.

Value and reference types

When a method is called, the scripting back end copies the values of its parameters to an area of memory reserved for that specific call, in a data structure called a call stack. The scripting back end can quickly copy data types that occupy a few bytes. However, it’s common for objects, strings, and arrays to be much larger, and it’s inefficient for the scripting back end to copy these types of data on a regular basis.

All non-null reference-type objects and all boxed value-typed objects in managed code must be allocated on the managed heap.

It’s important that you are familiar with value and reference types, so that you can effectively manage your code. For more information, see Microsoft’s documentation on value types, and reference types.

Automatic memory management

When an object is created, Unity allocates the memory required to store it from a central pool called the heap, which is a section of memory that your Unity project’s selected scripting runtime (Mono or IL2CPP) automatically manages. When an object is no longer in use, the memory it once occupied can be reclaimed and used for something else.

Unity’s scripting back ends use a garbage collector to automatically manage your application’s memory, so that you don’t need to allocate and release these blocks of memory with explicit method calls. Automatic memory management requires less coding effort than explicit allocation/release and reduces the potential for memory leaks.

Managed heap overview

The managed heap is a section of memory that your Unity project’s selected scripting runtime (Mono or IL2CPP) automatically manages.

A quantity of memory. Marked A on the diagram is some free memory.

A quantity of memory. Marked A on the diagram is some free memory.

In the above diagram, the blue box represents a quantity of memory that Unity allocates to the managed heap. The white boxes within it represent data values that Unity stores within the managed heap’s memory space. When additional data values are needed, Unity allocates them free space from the managed heap (annotated A).

Memory fragmentation and heap expansion

A quantity of memory, with some objects released represented by grey dashed lines.

A quantity of memory, with some objects released represented by grey dashed lines.

The above diagram shows an example of memory fragmentation. When Unity releases an object, the memory that the object occupied is freed up. However, the free space doesn’t become part of a single large pool of “free memory.”

The objects on either side of the released object might still be in use. Because of this, the freed space is a “gap” between other segments of memory. Unity can only use this gap to store data of identical or lesser size than the released object.

This situation is called memory fragmentation. This happens when there is a large amount of memory available in the heap, but it is only available in the “gaps” between objects. This means that even though there is enough total space for a large memory allocation, the managed heap can’t find a large enough single block of contiguous memory to assign to the allocation.

The object annotated A, is the new object needed to be added to the heap. The items annotated B are the memory space that the released objects took up, plus the free, unreserved memory. Even though there is enough total free space, because there isnt enough contiguous space, the memory for the new object annotated A cant fit on the heap, and the garbage collector must run.

The object annotated A, is the new object needed to be added to the heap. The items annotated B are the memory space that the released objects took up, plus the free, unreserved memory. Even though there is enough total free space, because there isn’t enough contiguous space, the memory for the new object annotated A can’t fit on the heap, and the garbage collector must run.

If a large object is allocated and there is insufficient contiguous free space to accommodate it, as illustrated above, the Unity memory manager performs two operations:

  • First, the garbage collector runs, if it hasn’t already done so. This attempts to free up enough space to fulfill the allocation request.
  • If, after the garbage collector runs, there is still not enough contiguous space to fit the requested amount of memory, the heap must expand. The specific amount that the heap expands is platform-dependent; however, on most platforms, when the heap expands, it expands by double the amount of the previous expansion.

Managed heap expansion considerations

The unexpected expansion of the heap can be problematic. Unity’s garbage collection strategy tends to fragment memory more often. You should be aware of the following:

  • Unity doesn’t release the memory allocated to the managed heap when it expands regularly; instead, it retains the expanded heap, even if a large section of it is empty. This is to prevent the need to re-expand the heap if further large allocations occur.
  • On most platforms, Unity eventually releases the memory that the empty portions of the managed heap uses back to the operating system. The interval at which this happens isn’t guaranteed and is unreliable.

Garbage collector overview

Unity uses a garbage collector to reclaim memory from objects that your application and Unity are no longer using. When a script tries to make an allocation on the managed heap but there isn’t enough free heap memory to accommodate the allocation, Unity runs the garbage collector. When the garbage collector runs, it examines all objects in the heap, and marks for deletion any objects that your application no longer references. Unity then deletes the unreferenced objects, which frees up memory.

The garbage collector handles subsequent requests in the same way until there is no free area large enough to allocate the required block size. In this situation, it’s unlikely that all allocated memory is still in use. Unity’s scripting backends
 can only access a reference item on the heap as long as there are still reference variables that can locate it. If all references to a memory block are missing (if the reference variables have been reassigned or if they’re local variables that are now out of scope) then the garbage collector can reallocate the memory it occupied.

To determine which heap blocks are no longer in use, the garbage collector searches through all active reference variables and marks the blocks of memory that they refer to as “live.” At the end of the search, the garbage collector considers any space between the “live” blocks empty and marks them for use for subsequent allocations. The process of locating and freeing up unused memory is called garbage collection (GC).

Note: The garbage collector works differently in WebGL
. For more information, see Garbage collection considerations.

In Unity, the garbage collector has the following modes:

Tracking allocations

Unity has the following tools to keep track of memory allocations:

In the CPU Usage module, the Hierarchy view contains a GC Alloc column. This column displays the number of bytes that Unity allocated on the managed heap in a specific frame. It also displays the amount of memory that the garbage collector managed, and it includes memory that Unity might have allocated and reused in subsequent frames. This means that the sum of the GC Alloc over all frames doesn’t total how much the managed memory grew in that time.

To get the most accurate information, you should always profile your application on a development build
 on the target platform or device you want to build to. The Unity Editor works in a different way to a build, and this affects the profiling data; for example, the GetComponent method always allocates memory when it’s executed in the Editor, but not in a built project.

You can also use the Call Stacks mode in the Profiler
 to determine which method the allocations happen in. You can enable the full call stack traces for GC.Alloc samples, which then helps you determine where and when the garbage collector ran.

Incremental garbage collection

Incremental garbage collection (GC) spreads out the process of garbage collection over multiple frames. This is the default garbage collection behavior in Unity.

To enable incremental garbage collection, open the Player Settings and enable Use incremental GC. This is enabled by default.

To enable incremental garbage collection, open the Player Settings and enable Use incremental GC. This is enabled by default.

Unity’s garbage collector uses the Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector. By default, Unity uses it in incremental mode, which means that the garbage collector splits up its workload over multiple frames, instead of stopping the main CPU thread (stop-the-world garbage collection) to process all objects on the managed heap. This means that Unity makes shorter interruptions to your application’s execution, instead of one long interruption to let the garbage collector process the objects on the managed heap.

Incremental mode doesn’t make garbage collection faster overall, but because it distributes the workload over multiple frames, GC-related performance spikes are reduced. These interruptions are called GC spikes because they appear as large spikes in the Profiler window’s frame time graph.

If you disable incremental mode (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Configuration > Use Incremental GC), the garbage collector must examine the entire heap when it performs a collection pass. This is known as stop-the-world garbage collection, because whenever the garbage collector runs, it stops the main CPU thread. It only resumes execution once it has processed all objects on the managed heap, which might lead to GC spikes affecting the performance of your application. The garbage collector is also non-compacting, which means that Unity doesn’t redistribute any objects in memory to close the gaps between objects.

Important: The WebGL
 platform doesn’t support incremental garbage collection.

When incremental garbage collection is disabled, a GC spike happens when Unity stops running your program code to perform garbage collection. This delay might last for hundreds of milliseconds, depending on how many allocations the garbage collector needs to process, and the platform that your application is running on.

This is problematic for real-time applications such as games, because it’s difficult for your application to sustain the consistent frame rate that smooth animation requires when the garbage collector suspends your application’s execution.

Incremental garbage collection example

The following screenshots from the Profiler illustrate how incremental garbage collection reduces frame rate problems:

Profiling session with Incremental GC enabled

Profiling session with Incremental GC enabled

Profiling session with Incremental GC disabled

Profiling session with Incremental GC disabled

In the top profiling session, Incremental GC is enabled. The application has a consistent 60fps frame rate, because the garbage collector distributes the garbage collection operation over several frames, and uses a small time slice of each frame (the darker green fringe just above the yellow VSync trace).

The bottom profiling session has Incremental GC disabled, and there is a clear GC spike visible. This spike interrupts the otherwise smooth 60fps frame rate, and pushes the frame in which garbage collection happens over the 16 millisecond limit required to maintain 60fps.

If your application uses VSync
 or Application.targetFrameRate, Unity adjusts the time it allocates to garbage collection based on the remaining available frame time. This way, Unity can run the garbage collection in the time it would otherwise spend waiting, and can carry out garbage collection with a minimal performance impact.

Note: If you set the VSync Count to anything other than Don’t Sync (in your project’s Quality settings or with the Application.VSync property) or you enable the Application.targetFrameRate property, Unity automatically uses any idle time left at the end of a given frame for incremental garbage collection.

To get more precise control over incremental garbage collection behavior, you can use the Scripting.GarbageCollector class. For example, if you don’t want to use VSync or a target frame rate, you can calculate the amount of time available before the end of a frame yourself, and provide that time to the garbage collector to use.

Disabling incremental garbage collection

Incremental garbage collection might be problematic for your application, because when the garbage collector divides its work in this mode, it also divides the marking phase. The marking phase is the phase in which the garbage collector scans all managed objects to determine which objects are still in use, and which objects it can clean up.

Dividing up the marking phase works well when most of the references between objects don’t change between slices of work. However, when an object reference changes, the garbage collector must scan those objects again in the next iteration. This means that too many changes can overwhelm the incremental garbage collector and create a situation where the marking phase never finishes because it always has more work to do. If this happens, the garbage collector falls back to doing a full, non-incremental collection.

When Unity uses incremental garbage collection, it generates additional code (known as write barriers) to inform the garbage collector whenever a reference changes, so that it knows if it needs to rescan an object. This adds some overhead when changing references, which has a performance impact in managed code.

To disable Incremental Garbage Collection, open the Player Settings window (Edit > Project Settings > Player > Configuration) and disable Use Incremental GC. Most Unity projects benefit from incremental garbage collection, especially if they suffer from garbage collection spikes, but you should always use the Profiler
 to verify that your application performs as you expect.

Disabling garbage collection

You can use the GarbageCollector.GCMode to disable garbage collection at run time. This prevents CPU spikes, but the memory usage of your application never decreases, because the garbage collector doesn’t collect objects that no longer have any references.

Warning: Disabling the garbage collector requires careful memory management. If you don’t manage memory carefully, the managed heap continuously expands until your application runs out of memory, and the operating system shuts it down.

You can use the following APIs to fine-tune control over the automatic garbage collector:

  • System.GC.Collect: Performs a full, blocking garbage collection.
  • GarbageCollector.Mode.Disabled: Fully disables the garbage collector. Using System.Gc.Collect in this mode has no effect.
  • GarbageCollector.Mode.Manual: Disables automatic invocations of the garbage collector, but you can still use System.GC.Collect to run a full collection.
  • GarbageCollection.CollectIncremental: Runs the garbage collector incrementally.

You should only disable garbage collection during short, performance-critical parts of your application, when you are able to calculate and control how much memory you need to allocate. You should immediately enable the garbage collector afterward, and profile your project often to ensure that you don’t trigger additional managed allocation which might cause the managed heap to get too big.

When you disable the garbage collector, it doesn’t stop your application to perform a garbage collection. Calling System.GC.Collect has no effect and doesn’t start a collection. To avoid increased memory usage over time, you must take care when managing memory. Ideally, you should allocate all memory before you disable the garbage collector and avoid additional allocations while it is disabled.

It’s best practice to only disable the garbage collector for long-lived allocations. For example, you might want to allocate all required memory for a level of your game before it loads, and then disable the garbage collector to avoid performance overhead during the level. After the level is completed and all memory is released, you can then enable the garbage collector again and use System.GC.Collect to reclaim memory before loading the next level.

For more details on how to enable and disable garbage collection at run time, see the GarbageCollector Scripting API page.



Unity由两部分内存来组成,原生内存(Native Memory)和托管内存(Managed Memory)。其中Native Memory大家接触的会比较少,而且可操控性也比较少,例如AssetBundle,Texture,Audio这些所占的内存,这一部分内存是由Unity自身来进行管理的。我们平时开发通常会接触到的是Managed Memory,也就是我们自己定义的各种类,如果这部分内存爆了,就需要我们自己去进行优化。

Native Memory

我们先来介绍一下Native Memory,看看Unity是如何分配和释放内存的。



Obj *a = new Obj;
delete a;
Obj *a = (obj *)malloc(sizeof(obj));


首先new属于c++的操作符(类似于 +、-等),而malloc是c里面的函数,理论上来讲操作符永远快于函数。

其次new分配成功时,返回的是对象类型的指针,无须进行类型转换,而分配失败则会抛出Exception。而malloc分配成功则是返回void * ,需要通过强制类型转换变为我们需要的类型,分配失败只会返回一个空(NULL)。


另外从严格的c++和c的意义上来讲,他们分配内存的位置是不一样的,new会分配在自由存储区(Free Store),而malloc会分配在堆(heap)上。这两者的区别简单来说,你new分配的内存再delete后是否直接释放还给系统是由new自己来决定的,而malloc分配的内存再free后是一定会还回去的。



因此大部分的工业软件,在写软件的第一件事情就是去重载整个的new和malloc,例如重载operator new() 和operator delete()来重新定义new和delete操作符的功能。因此Unity也是这样的,即不会用原生的这套内存分配系统,而是自己去实现一套。




简单来说Unity会自定义一整套的宏,例如图中的UNITY_MALLOC,此外也会有自己的new等一系列的宏。当Unity代码里面通过这个宏去分配内存的时候,实际上并不会直接去调用库函数(malloc)或者说是我们对应的操作符(new),而是会交到一个叫Memory Manager的管理器里。如果大家去看一下我们的Profiler,里面会列出忙忙多的Manager(如下图),但是却找不到Memory Manager,因为我们看见的那些Manager信息大部分都是由它提供的,所以它自己并没有被包含进去。


当Unity要去malloc一个东西的时候,我们会给这个内存一个标识符,也就是图中的Memory Label。我们在Profiler的Detailed信息里,能够看见很多的分类,这些分类里面展示了各个项的内存占用情况,如下图:

那么Unity如何在运行时区分出这块内存到底是谁的呢,就是通过Memory Label来进行区分的。

同时Memory Label还会帮Memory Manager去做一个筛选,Unity在底层会有一系列的内存分配策略,不同的策略会对应不同的分配器。图中列举了三个简单的分配器:栈分配器(Stack Allocator),批量分配器(Batch Allocator,在SRP和URP系统里经常会用到,此处又是一个饼),和比较常用的动态堆分配器(DynamicHeap Allocator),在读Unity源码时会经常碰见他们。


因此Memory Manager就可以通过Memory Label知道我们要做什么样的内存分配,从而选择一个合适的分配器来帮我们分配出一块合适的内存。unity底层大概有大概15-20种分配器,每种分配器适用的环境和它的场景是不同的。接下来我们举个例子,也就是栈分配器。

栈分配器(Stack Allocator)


  • 临时性



图中一整个大块叫做一个Heap Block,当我们要分配一块内存的时候,实际上Unity帮我们分配的两块的内存:Header和User。


  • 当前这块是不是要被删掉,即图中的Deleted标记。
  • 下面User这块真正要给用户的区域要有多大,即一个size。
  • 当前这一块它前面的那一块是谁,应该是个指针吧。




  • Editor模式下,主线程里有16MB的大小,在任何一个子线程(worker)里面会有256KB的大小。
  • Runtime模式下,根据不同的平台,主线程里有128KB-1MB不等,每个子线程是64KB。






  • 快:因为每次分配只有移动指针,变更标记位,并没有做其他事情,并不实际的去malloc一块内存出来,所以非常非常的快。通过测试一万个对象的数据分配,它能比主分配器也就是动态堆分配器快三到五倍。
  • 小:假如我分配了512M的内存给整个栈,会导致其中大量的内存可能会被浪费掉。因为这个Block一旦申请出来就不会被释放了,不会还给系统,所以这一块内存就永远在你的内存中杠着你,所以我们要设计的尽可能的小。
  • 临时性:意味着内存栈会快速的收缩和膨胀,也就是说栈顶会经常的被释放,导致整个栈的内存可以高效和重复的利用。






这个东西是干什么的呢?简单来说,刚刚我们说栈大小只有128KB-1MB,如果爆了怎么办。Unity整体的设计原则不会让大家的程序Crash。例如你拿到的Shader不一定是你想要的Shader,但是绝对会保证你不出错;以及你写的C#可能会抛异常,但是绝对不会让你的游戏崩溃。这是unity设计的一个理念,会做一个兜底行为(FallBack机制)。在写Shader时会要求你去写一个FallBack,不写就FallBack到一个Error Shader,也就是我们常见的紫红色效果,如下图:


什么时候可能出现呢?比如说我们的Animation/Animator系统,当我们的数据量很大的时候,Unity在计算整个Animator的时候,是用了大量的Tempory Location内存,也就是说用了大量的栈。在这个过程中,就有可能因为我们数据量过大而把整个栈撑爆。一旦撑爆了就会看见这个前面说的Tag,然后游戏出现卡顿。



  1. 减少每一帧的数据量,例如原来一帧处理100个,变成一帧处理10个,分10帧去处理,这个速度会比一帧去处理快很多。
  2. 买unity源码,直接改底层代码,把栈加大一点就行了。

Managed Memory


该图表示的是Unity的Mono Memory,蓝色的线表示预留的内存(Reserve),绿色的线表示已经使用了的内存(Use)。前半部分我们可以发现当使用的内存快达到和预留内存一样大小时,Unity会再申请一部分内存给预留内存。后半部分绿线突然降低说明此处发生了一次GC,使得很多使用内存被回收,但是预留内存并不会被回收,依旧保持现有的大小。

如果我们想要预留内存也被回收,那么首先我们的Scripting Backend要选IL2CPP,不能是Mono。然后当一个Block连续6次GC都没有被访问到,这块内存会被返回给系统,蓝线就会下来,条件非常苛刻。(之前的分享里讲到VM内存池时提到过)





Boehm GC

简单来看下BDWGC(全称:Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector),也就是常说的Boehm回收器。其实它除了回收之外还做了很多分配的工作,甚至还可以用来检查内存泄漏。


  • 保守式回收(Conservative GC),以Boehm为代表。
  • 分代式回收(Generational GC),以SGen(Simple Generational GC)为代表。
  • 引用(计数)式内存回收(Reference Counting GC),例如Java就是使用的这种,但是它是结合了保守式的引用式内存回收。





如图,Boehm在内存管理的时候实际上是两级的管理。第一级我们叫做类型(Kind),实际上就是一个三个元素的数组 GC_obj_kinds[3],如下图:




该数组中每一个元素它关联的内存块的大小,下标为index的元素对应大小为 16*index,因此下标为0的那个元素是没有用的。从下标为1元素开始对应着16字节,然后32字节,48字节...,以16字节为增量,最多到2KB(下标128*16=2048)。


链表里面的每个元素代表的就是一小块内存,其内存大小就是 ok_freelist[i] 对应的大小。例如图中Size(16)下面挂着Block0,Block1,Block2,说明每个Block的大小都是16字节,Size(32)下面每个Block自然都是32字节。

所以总体来说,我们有一个GC_obj_kinds[3]数组,然后每个GC_obj_kinds元素下面会有一个ok_freelist[MAXOBJGRANULES+1]数组。而 ok_freelist[index] 里存的是一个链表指针,指向大小为 index*16 的内存块。





在保守内存回收器来看,当我要去回收一个内存块的时候,我会尝试找到这个内存块下面所有的指针(图中的0x011-0x013)指向的地址,并且标记为引用。例如图中ObjectA引用l ObjectB,当ObjectA发现不能被回收的时候,同时会标记ObjectB也不能被回收。这样的算法我们称之为标记清除算法(Mark&Sweep),即标记阶段通过标记所有根节点可达的对象,未被标记的对象则表示无引用、可回收,所有从堆中分配的内存Boehm中均有记录。


那么我怎么知道它们是不是指针呢?Boehm用猜的,所以我们管它们叫潜在指针(potential pointer),并不确定是不是一个真的指针。Boehm会以一个pattern的方式来检查当前这个数有没有可能是一个指针。比如说我先去检查0x011地址里面有没有东西,发现有ObjectB,那么ObjectB就不会被回收。然后检查0x012,发现有ObjectC,那么ObjectC同样就不会被回收。但是实际上我们的0x012并不是一个指针,也就是说逻辑上来讲ObjectA和ObjectC没有引用关系,但是恰好分配在0x012内存上。但是对于Boehm来说发现0x012指的这块地方有东西,因此ObjectC就回收不了。最后检查0x013,发现它指向一块没有被使用的内存,那么Boehm就会把这块内存加到黑名单里,然后当你下次要进行大内存分配的时候,碰巧踩到了这个地址,Boehm会告诉你这块内存你不能用,得再去分配一块。这样就很好理解前面所说的非精准了,你要回收的内存可能收不回来,对于你没用的内存他也可能不让你用。









Mark&Sweep算法:也叫标记清除算法,标记阶段通过标记所有根节点可达的对象,未被标记的对象则表示无引用,可回收,BOEHM正是使用该算法实现内存自动回收; 节点复制算法:将活的节点复制到新内存区,老内存区一次性释放,对象会被转移,应该还需要设置元数据中间层,具体实现未做研究;

















此数据结构为关键数据结构,GC能否正常运行全靠这个块信息描述。当从GC_hblkfreelist分配PAGE_SIZE的一块内存时,会生成一个hblkhdr的对象,此对象描述该PAGE_SIZE内存块,该hblkhdr会存储(hb_sz, hb_mark5,descr等信息),hb_sz存储上层分配的传递的内存块大小,当分配16字节时,hb_sz就会被设置为16。


分配好HBLKHDR结构后,它会被存储到二级数组中,存储方式为(这里假定PAGE的起始位置为P指针) top_index[p>>22]->bottom_index[p>>12 & 1024]的位置,12是因为每个PAGE为4096字节,即2的12次方。即会把每个PAGE的地址的高10位作为索引,中10位作为索引,在二级数组中存储该HBLKHDR(当然,这个二级数组并非一启动就生成这么大的二级数组,而是运行过程中生成(否则过于浪费内存,如果一开始就生成,则至少需要102410248,即8M内存,而很多巢位在运行期间根本不会被用到)),






I should clarify that the profiler isn't lying about the fallback allocations. Those fallback allocations are indeed happening, but it may not be clear exactly where or how it occurs. Usually, they occur because someone forgot to free an allocation from the Allocator.TempJob allocator. If the leak starts to accumulate, it can exhaust Allocator.TempJob's fast memory arena and start to use the fallback instead to satisfy allocation requests. These fallback allocations are costly and that's what's being reported in the profiler. The way to fix this is to find the leak and plug it.

Most of the time, the leak is from forgetting to dispose a native container or forgetting to call UnsafeUtility.Free() on native memory that you explicitly requested. Usually, forgetting to dispose a native container is not a big problem since we have leak checking built in to Collections native containers to help you find those leaks. But if you have used UnsafeUtility.Malloc() to get memory on your own, there is no built in leak checking for that so you have to be very careful to UnsafeUtility.Free() everything. Finding this kinds of leak is very challenging at the moment and we are currently working on a solution to make it much easier to find these.

Another possibility is that Unity's code is leaking somewhere and as a side effect, your allocations may be hitting the fallback because the allocator is full. In these cases, the problem is still fundamentally the same but you may have less visibility into where the leak is originating from. This is a super frustrating case and we're working on finding these leaks and fixing them so they don't affect customers.

One diagnostic check to see if you're running into memory leaks is to see if you have this message in your log: 

Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak

 If you have that, you are almost certainly running into this problem due to memory leaks and should start looking for any cases where a dispose or UnsafeUtility.Free call is missing. Unfortunately, if you don't have full source code access, you won't be able to get much help in terms of finding where the leak is originating from (this is what we're improving right now).

Finally, another way you can get fallback allocations without a leak is if you happen to be allocating memory that's too big for Allocator.TempJob to satisfy. For example, if you're allocating megabytes of memory in one allocation, then it's unlikely to fit in the fast arena that Allocator.TempJob maintains so it is forced to fallback allocate. These cases are uncommon and usually don't fill the profiler timeline the same way as having a leak because large, multi-megabyte allocations are done seldomly. But it's still worth checking to see how much memory you're requesting to see if this is the reason why the fallback allocation is done. Usually, the cutoff is 1 MB before you start to use the fallback allocator.






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