
MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:

>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:

-- Runtime error: Not creatable: Civil_View_Path___Surface_ConstraintMatrix3Controller <<
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: Not creatable: Civil_View_Swept_Object <<



I've had this error pop up before.  The way I fixed it was to go to this folder:


C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\en-US\plugcfg


and delete the CivilView.ini file.  You'll have to restart Max and re-initialize Civil View.  Worked for me.

maxscript rollout handler exception Syntax error: at.., expected <factor>

/BatchExportImport - josh_axey.ms///

3ds Max Batch Export/Import Tool
Author: josh_axey
Github: github.com/joshaxey
Version: 1.1.0

Based on the batch exporter/importer
script by Jos Balcaen which has been
decrypted, functionally improved.

To create a button for this script:
* Save the script to a sensible location.
* Execute the following code in the Maxscript editor:
        macroScript BatchExportImport
        tooltip:"Batch Export/Import by josh_axey - Export / import multiple model files"
            --Change the file location below to match where you have saved this script!
            fileIn @"C:\\BatchExportImport - josh_axey.ms"

global _data
__debug = true

struct Importer
    function Constructor =
        if (_data == undefined) do    _data = DataObject()
    init = Constructor(),
    function MImportFile path bShowOptions:false=
        importType = _data.optionImportType.Value()
        extension = getFilenameType path
        case extension of
            ".max": if bShowOptions then
                mergeMAXFile path #prompt #promptDups #promptMtlDups #promptReparent
                case importType of
                    1: mergeMAXFile path
                    -- We need to be able to rename.
                    2: mergeMAXFile path #renameMtlDups #AutoRenameDups #useSceneMtlDups #rename
                    3: mergeMAXFile path #deleteOldDups
            default: if bShowOptions then
                importFile path
                importFile path #noPrompt
                 Fix for import of multiple models with meshes
                 or components that have the same names,
                 otherwise, you just get a single useless import.
                $.name = getFilenameFile path

struct Exporter

    function Constructor =
        if (_data == undefined) do    _data = DataObject()
    init = Constructor(),
    visited_additional_objects = #(),

    function ResetObject = (),
    function ResetObjects = (),
    function DeleteTurbo = (),

    function InsertItemInArray array item =
        c = array.count
        for i = 0 to c do
            if (i!=c) do
                array[c - (i-1)] = array[c - i]
        array[1] = item
        return (makeUniqueArray array)

    function DeleteTurboSmoothOnObject obj =
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return obj
        for m in obj.modifiers do
            if classOf m == turboSmooth do deleteModifier obj m
        return obj
    fn getAllChildren obj =
        all_children = #()
        for obj in obj.children do
            append all_children obj
            all_children += (getAllChildren obj)
        return all_children

    function GetGroupMembers groupHead =
        members = #()
        for c in (getAllChildren groupHead) do
            if isGroupMember c do append members c
        return members

    function ResetGroup groupHead = 
        if IsValidNode groupHead == false do return groupHead
        groupPivot = groupHead.pivot
        groupName = groupHead.name
        groupMembers = GetGroupMembers groupHead
        explodeGroup groupHead
        for i=1 to groupMembers.count do
            groupMembers[i] = ResetObject groupMembers[i]
        group groupMembers name:groupName
        groupHead = getNodeByName groupName exact:true ignoreCase:false all:false
        groupHead.pivot = groupPivot
        return groupHead

    function ResetObject obj =
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return obj
        if isGroupMember obj == true do return obj
        if isGroupHead obj == true do
            return ResetGroup obj
        originalPivot = obj.pivot
        originalName = obj.name
        originalWireColor = obj.wirecolor
        originalChildren = #(); for c in obj.children do append originalChildren c
        originalParent = obj.parent
        resetObj = Box()
        resetObj = convertTo resetObj PolyMeshObject
        resetObj.EditablePoly.attach obj resetObj
        resetObj.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face #{1..6}
        resetObj.EditablePoly.delete #Face
        resetObj.name = originalName
        resetObj.wirecolor = originalWireColor

        for child in originalChildren do child.parent = resetObj

        resetObj.parent = originalParent
        if (_data.optionPivotToOrigin.Value() == false) do resetObj.pivot = originalPivot
        return resetObj

    function MoveObjectToOrigin obj =
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return obj
        obj.pos = [0,0,0]
        return obj

    function RotateObject obj =
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return obj
        rotArr = _data.optionRotateArr.Value()
        rotationValue = eulerangles rotArr[1] rotArr[2] rotArr[3]
        rotate obj rotationValue
        return obj

    function ScaleObject obj =
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return obj
        scaleValue = _data.optionScaleValue.Value()
        scale obj [scaleValue,scaleValue,scaleValue]
        return obj

    function EditObject obj =
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return obj
        if (_data.optionDeleteTurboSmooth.Value()) do (obj = DeleteTurboSmoothOnObject obj)
        if (_data.optionResetObj.Value()) do (obj = ResetObject obj)
        if (_data.optionMoveToOrigin.Value()) do (obj = MoveObjectToOrigin obj)
        if (_data.optionRotateObj.Value()) do (obj = RotateObject obj)
        if (_data.optionScaleObj.Value()) do (obj = ScaleObject obj)
        if (_data.optionResetObjAfter.Value()) do (obj = ResetObject obj)    
        return obj

    function MatchPrefixOrPostfix s matchString numAfter:0 =
        index = findString s matchString

        if ((index == (s.count - matchString.count + 1 - numAfter)) or (index == 1)) then
            return true
        ) else return false

    function IsObjectFirstLOD obj =
        bCombineLODs = _data.optionCombineLODs.Value()
        sLODString = _data.optionLODString.Value()
        if bCombineLODs do
            matchString = substituteString sLODString "*" "0"
            if (MatchPrefixOrPostfix obj.name matchString) do return true
        return false 

    function GetBaseNameFromLOD obj =
        sLODString = _data.optionLODString.Value()
        matchString = substituteString sLODString "*" "0"
        return substituteString obj.name matchString ""

    function GetAdditionalObjects obj =
        aditionalObjectArr = #()
        if IsValidNode obj == false do return aditionalObjectArr
        bCombineCollision = _data.optionCombineCollision.Value()
        sCollisionString = _data.optionCollisionString.Value()
        bCombineLODs = _data.optionCombineLODs.Value()
        sLODString = _data.optionLODString.Value()
        if bCombineCollision do
            collisionNode = getNodeByName (sCollisionString + obj.name) exact:true ignoreCase:true all:false
            if collisionNode == undefined do (collisionNode = getNodeByName (obj.name + sCollisionString) exact:true ignoreCase:true all:false)
            if collisionNode != undefined do 
                collisionNode.pivot = obj.pivot
                append aditionalObjectArr collisionNode

        if isGroupHead obj then
            members = getGroupMembers obj
            setGroupOpen obj false
            explodeGroup obj
            aditionalObjectArr += members
            if (IsObjectFirstLOD obj) do
                matchString = substituteString sLODString "*" "0"
                index = findString obj.name matchString
                start = index + sLODString.count - 1
                for i=1 to 10 do
                    lodName = replace obj.name start 1 (i as string)
                    lodObject = getNodeByName lodName
                    if lodObject == undefined then exit
                    else (append aditionalObjectArr  lodObject)

        join visited_additional_objects aditionalObjectArr
        return aditionalObjectArr

    function isAdditionalObject obj = 
        if (IsValidNode obj) == false do return false
        for o in visited_additional_objects do
            if o == obj do return true
        bCombineCollision = _data.optionCombineCollision.Value()
        sCollisionString = _data.optionCollisionString.Value()
        bCombineLODs = _data.optionCombineLODs.Value()
        sLODString = _data.optionLODString.Value()
        if (isGroupMember obj == true) do return true
        if bCombineCollision do
            if (MatchPrefixOrPostfix obj.name sCollisionString) do return true
        if bCombineLODs do
            matchString = substituteString sLODString "*" ""

            if (MatchPrefixOrPostfix obj.name matchString numAfter:1) do
                if (MatchPrefixOrPostfix obj.name (substituteString sLODString "*" "0")) do 
                    return false
                return true
        return false

    function CollapseGroups objectArr = 
        newArr = #()
        for obj in objectArr do
            if IsValidNode obj == false do continue
            if isGroupMember obj == true do continue
            if isGroupHead obj then
                originalName = obj.name
                originalPivot = obj.pivot
                members = GetGroupMembers obj
                setGroupOpen obj false
                explodeGroup obj
                convertTo members[1] PolyMeshObject
                for i = 2 to members.count do
                    members[1].attach members[i] members[1]
                members[1].name = originalName
                members[1].pivot = originalPivot
                append newArr members[1]

            ) else append newArr obj
        return newArr

    function ExportObjects objectArr maxFile: =
        outputPath = _data.optionOutputPath.Value(); outputPath = outputPath[1]
        extension = _data.optionFormat.Value(); extension = extension[1]
        bChangeName = _data.optionChangeName.Value()
        prefix = _data.optionPrefixName.Value()
        suffix = _data.optionSuffixName.Value()
        bExportOptions = _data.optionExportOptions.Value()
        bExportFBXPreset = _data.optionExportFBXUsePreset.Value()
        bMultipleMaxFiles = true; if maxFile == unsupplied then bMultipleMaxFiles = false
        bSeparate = _data.optionSeparate.Value()
        errors = #()
        successes = #()
        if (_data.optionCollapseGroups.Value()) do objectArr = CollapseGroups objectArr
        if bMultipleMaxFiles and bSeparate == false then
            for i=1 to objectArr.count do
                if IsValidNode objectArr[i] == false do continue

                if (isGroupMember objectArr[i] == true) do continue

                objectArr[i] = EditObject objectArr[i]
                if objectArr[i] == undefined do continue
            select objectArr
            if bChangeName do (maxFile = prefix + maxFile + suffix)
            filename = outputPath + "\\" + maxFile + "." + extension
            exportfile filename #noPrompt

            for i=1 to objectArr.count do
                if IsValidNode objectArr[i] == false do continue
                if (isAdditionalObject objectArr[i] == true) do continue

                objectName = objectArr[i].name
                if (IsObjectFirstLOD objectArr[i]) do
                    objectName = GetBaseNameFromLOD objectArr[i]
                if bChangeName do (objectName = prefix + objectName + suffix)

                if bMultipleMaxFiles then filename = outputPath + "\\" + maxFile + "_" + objectName + "." + extension
                else (filename = outputPath + "\\" + objectName + "." + extension)
                additionObjectArr = GetAdditionalObjects objectArr[i]

                objectArr[i] = EditObject objectArr[i]
                if IsValidNode objectArr[i] == true do                 
                    select objectArr[i]

                for a=1 to additionObjectArr.count do
                    additionObjectArr[a] = EditObject additionObjectArr[a]
                selectMore additionObjectArr

                if selection.count == 0 do
                    append errors ("Failed to export " + objectName)
                modDate = undefined
                if (doesFileExist filename) do (modDate = getFileModDate filename)
                if extension == "max" then
                    saveNodes $ filename quiet:false 
                    if bExportFBXPreset do (FBXExporterSetParam "LoadExportPresetFile" _data.optionExportFBXPreset[1])
                    if bExportOptions then 
                        exportFile filename selectedOnly:true
                        bExportOptions = false
                        exportFile filename #noPrompt selectedOnly:TRUE
                if ((doesFileExist filename) and (modDate != getFileModDate filename)) then (append successes ("Exported " + filename))
                else (append errors ("File not modified " + filename))
                join visited_additional_objects (getCurrentSelection()) 

            fetchMaxFile quiet:true
            message = ""
            if successes.count > 0 do
                message += "\n-------------\nSuccess\n-------------\n"
                for m in successes do
                    message += ("\n" + m)
            if errors.count > 0 do
                message += "\n-------------\nErrors\n-------------\n"
                for m in errors do
                    message += ("\n" + m)
            messageBox message title:"Batch Export" beep:false

    function ResetObjects objectArr =
        for i = 1 to objectArr.count do
            objectArr[i] = ResetObject objectArr[i]
        return objectArr

    function DeleteTurboSmoothOnObjects objectArr =
        for i = 1 to objectArr.count do
            objectArr[i] = DeleteTurboSmoothOnObject objectArr[i]
        return objectArr

    function DeleteTurboSmoothOnSelected =
        if selection.count != 0 then
            for obj in selection do DeleteTurboSmoothOnObject obj
        else messageBox "No selected objects found."

    function ResetObjectOnSelected =
        if selection.count != 0 then
            newSelection = #()
            for obj in selection do 
                if (isValidNode obj) and (isGroupMember obj == false) do
                    r = ResetObject obj
                    append newSelection r
            select newSelection
        else messageBox "No selected objects found."

    function MoveObjectToOriginOnSelected =
        if selection.count != 0 then
            for obj in selection do 
                MoveObjectToOrigin obj
        else messageBox "No selected objects found."

    function RotateObjectOnSelected =
        if selection.count != 0 then
            for obj in selection do 
                RotateObject obj
        else messageBox "No selected objects found."

    function ScaleObjectOnSelected =
        if selection.count != 0 then
            for obj in selection do 
                ScaleObject obj
        else messageBox "No selected objects found."

    function ExportSelectedObjects = 
        selectedObjs = selection as array
        if selectedObjs.count != 0 then
            ExportObjects selectedObjs
        else messageBox "No selected objects found."

    function ExportAllObjects =
        allObjs = ($* as array)
        if allObjs.count != 0 then
            ExportObjects allObjs
        else messageBox "No objects found."

struct Option
    function Constructor =
        optionsFile = (systemTools.getEnvVariable("APPDATA") + @"\Maxscript\BatchExportImportOptions.ini")
        defaultSection = "global"
        name = "undefined"
        if not (doesFileExist optionsFile) do
                makeDir (systemTools.getEnvVariable("APPDATA") + @"\Maxscript\")
                s = createFile optionsFile
                close s
            ) catch(print getCurrentException())
        if not (doesFileExist optionsFile) do
            s = "Please create this file manually\n" + optionsFile
            messageBox s title:"Failed to create file."
            throw "Failed to create file"
        return true

    init = Constructor(),
    function Exists = 
        return hasINISetting optionsFile defaultSection name

    function GetValue =
        return (getINISetting optionsFile defaultSection name)

    function SetValue value =
        setINISetting optionsFile defaultSection name (value as string)

    function Add value =
        if not Exists() do 
            SetValue (value as string)

    function GetBool =
        return (GetValue() as booleanClass)

    function ReplaceCharacter s chFrom chTo =
        offset = 0
        s = s as string
        for i = 1 to s.count do
            if s[i+offset] == chFrom then
                s = replace s (i+offset) 1 chTo
                offset += (chTo.count)
        return s

    function GetArray =
        s = GetValue()
        s = ReplaceCharacter s @"\" @"\\"
        return (execute s)

    function GetInt = 
        return (GetValue() as integer)

    function GetFloat =
        return (GetValue() as float)

struct DataObject

    function Constructor =
        struct OptionCommercialStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ExportName";base.Add value)
        optionCommercial = OptionCommercialStruct(); optionCommercial.Create false
        struct OptionSelectedTabStruct (
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetInt,
            function Create value = (base.name = "SelectedTab";base.Add value)
        optionSelectedTab = OptionSelectedTabStruct(); optionSelectedTab.Create 0
        struct OptionImportFilesStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetArray,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ImportFiles";base.Add value)
        optionImportFiles = OptionImportFilesStruct(); optionImportFiles.Create #()
        struct OptionImportTypeStruct (
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetInt,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ImportType";base.Add value)
        optionImportType = OptionImportTypeStruct(); optionImportType.Create 1

        struct OptionImportOptionsStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ExportOptions";base.Add value)
        optionImportOptions = OptionImportOptionsStruct(); optionImportOptions.Create true
        struct OptionResetObjStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ResetObj";base.Add value)
        optionResetObj = OptionResetObjStruct(); optionResetObj.Create true
        struct OptionResetObjAfterStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ResetObjAfter";base.Add value)
        optionResetObjAfter = OptionResetObjAfterStruct(); optionResetObjAfter.Create false
        struct OptionPivotToOriginStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "PivotToOrigin";base.Add value)
        optionPivotToOrigin = OptionPivotToOriginStruct(); optionPivotToOrigin.Create false
        struct OptionPivotToOriginAfterStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "PivotToOriginAfter";base.Add value)
        optionPivotToOriginAfter = OptionPivotToOriginAfterStruct(); optionPivotToOriginAfter.Create false
        struct OptionDeleteTurboSmoothStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "DeleteTurboSmooth";base.Add value)
        optionDeleteTurboSmooth = OptionDeleteTurboSmoothStruct(); optionDeleteTurboSmooth.Create true
        struct OptionMoveToOriginStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "MoveToOrigin";base.Add value)
        optionMoveToOrigin = OptionMoveToOriginStruct(); optionMoveToOrigin.Create true
        struct OptionRotateStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "RotateObj";base.Add value)
        optionRotateObj = OptionRotateStruct(); optionRotateObj.Create false
        struct OptionRotateArrStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetArray,
            function Create value = (base.name = "RotateArr";base.Add value)
        optionRotateArr = OptionRotateArrStruct(); optionRotateArr.Create #(0,0,0)
        struct OptionScaleStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ScaleObj";base.Add value)
        optionScaleObj = OptionScaleStruct(); optionScaleObj.Create false
        struct OptionScaleValueStruct (
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetFloat,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ScaleValue";base.Add value)
        optionScaleValue = OptionScaleValueStruct(); optionScaleValue.Create 1.0

        struct OptionOutputPathStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetArray,
            function Create value = (base.name = "OutputPath";base.Add value)
        optionOutputPath = OptionOutputPathStruct(); optionOutputPath.Create #(GetDir #export)
        struct OptionFormatStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetArray,
            function Create value = (base.name = "Format";base.Add value)
        optionFormat = OptionFormatStruct(); optionFormat.Create #("obj","fbx","3ds","max","ase","dwf","dwg","dxf","dae")
        struct OptionChangeNameStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ChangeName";base.Add value)
        optionChangeName = OptionChangeNameStruct(); optionChangeName.Create false
        struct OptionPrefixNameStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetValue,
            function Create value = (base.name = "PrefixName";base.Add value)
        optionPrefixName = OptionPrefixNameStruct(); optionPrefixName.Create ""
        struct OptionSuffixNameStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetValue,
            function Create value = (base.name = "SuffixName";base.Add value)
        optionSuffixName = OptionSuffixNameStruct(); optionSuffixName.Create ""
        struct OptionCollisionStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "CombineCollision";base.Add value)
        optionCombineCollision = OptionCollisionStruct(); optionCombineCollision.Create true
        struct OptionCollisionPrefixStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetValue,
            function Create value = (base.name = "CollisionString";base.Add value)
        optionCollisionString = OptionCollisionPrefixStruct(); optionCollisionString.Create "UCX_"
        struct OptionCombineLODStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "CombineLODs";base.Add value)
        optionCombineLODs = OptionCombineLODStruct(); optionCombineLODs.Create true
        struct OptionLODPostfixStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetValue,
            function Create value = (base.name = "LODString";base.Add value)
        optionLODString = OptionLODPostfixStruct(); optionLODString.Create "_LOD*"
        struct OptionCollapseGroupsStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "CollapseGroups";base.Add value)
        optionCollapseGroups = OptionCollapseGroupsStruct(); optionCollapseGroups.Create true
        struct OptionExportOptionsStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "ExportOptions";base.Add value)
        optionExportOptions = OptionExportOptionsStruct(); optionExportOptions.Create true

        struct OptionExportFBXPresetStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetArray,
            function Create value = (base.name = "FBXPreset";base.Add value)
        optionExportFBXPreset = OptionExportFBXPresetStruct(); optionExportFBXPreset.Create #()
        struct OptionExportFBXUsePresetStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "UseFBXPreset";base.Add value)
        optionExportFBXUsePreset = OptionExportFBXUsePresetStruct(); optionExportFBXUsePreset.Create false
        struct OptionSeparateStruct(
            base = Option(), SetValue = base.SetValue, Value = base.GetBool,
            function Create value = (base.name = "SeparateObjects";base.Add value)
        optionSeparate = OptionSeparateStruct(); optionSeparate.Create true
        return true

    init = Constructor()

struct ImportRollout
    function Constructor =
        if (_data == undefined) do    _data = DataObject()
        rollout roll "Import"
            button btnBrowseFile "Browse for files" width:250
            multiListbox mlbImportFiles height:18 width:250 align:#center tooltip:"Double click to delete a file" items:(_data.optionImportFiles.Value())
            button btnSelectedFiles "No files to import" align:#left across:2 offset:[0,-5] height:20 border:false
            button btnClear "Clear" align:#right height:20 offset:[0,-5] border:false
            radioButtons rbtImportType labels:#("import","merge","replace") default:(_data.optionImportType.Value()) \
            tooltip:#("Import non-native files into 3ds Max","Insert objects from external 3ds Max files into the current scene",\
                "Replaces objects in the current 3ds Max scene with objects from a exernal scene")
            checkbox cbxImportOptions "Import options" checked:(_data.optionImportOptions.Value())
            button btnImportSelection "Import Selection" width:204 height:25 across:2 offset:[35,0]
            button btnImportAll "All" width:50 height:25 offset:[43,0]

            function updateSelectedButton = 
                if (mlbImportFiles.items.count == 0) do
                    btnSelectedFiles.text = "No files to import"
                    return undefined

                bitArr = mlbImportFiles.selection  
                number_of_selected_files = 0
                for i = 1 to bitArr.count do
                    if bitArr[i] == true do number_of_selected_files+=1
                if number_of_selected_files == 0 then
                    btnSelectedFiles.text = "All files"
                    number_of_files = mlbImportFiles.items.count
                    btnSelectedFiles.text = (number_of_selected_files as string) + "/" + number_of_files as string + " files selected"

            function isNothingSelected =
                bitArr = mlbImportFiles.selection
                for i = 1 to bitArr.count do
                    if bitArr[i] == true do 
                        return false
                return true

            function import all =
                bitArr = mlbImportFiles.selection
                nothingSelected = isNothingSelected()
                bShowOptions = _data.optionImportOptions.Value()
                i = Importer()
                for i_files = 1 to (mlbImportFiles.items.count) do
                    item = mlbImportFiles.items[i_files]
                    if item != undefined do
                        if nothingSelected or bitArr[i_files] == true or all do
                            fileName = item as string
                            i.MImportFile fileName bShowOptions:bShowOptions
                            if bShowOptions do bShowOptions = false
            on btnBrowseFile pressed do
                browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog"
                browse_dialog.title = "PLEASE Select One Or More Files"
                browse_dialog.Multiselect = true
                browse_dialog.Filter = "OBJ Files (*.obj)|*.obj|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
                browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 2
                result = browse_dialog.showDialog()
                if (result.Equals result.OK) do 
                    itemArr = mlbImportFiles.items
                    join itemArr browse_dialog.fileNames
                    mlbImportFiles.items = itemArr
                    _data.optionImportFiles.SetValue itemArr
            on mlbImportFiles doubleClicked index do
                mlbImportFiles.items = deleteItem mlbImportFiles.items index
                _data.optionImportFiles.SetValue (mlbImportFiles.items)
            on mlbImportFiles selected index do (updateSelectedButton())
            on btnSelectedFiles pressed do (mlbImportFiles.selection = #{};    updateSelectedButton())
            on btnClear pressed do (
                mlbImportFiles.items = #()
                _data.optionImportFiles.SetValue #()
            on rbtImportType changed state do (_data.optionImportType.SetValue state)
            on cbxImportOptions changed state do (_data.optionImportOptions.SetValue state)
            on btnImportSelection pressed do (import false)
            on btnImportAll pressed do (import true)
        return true

    init = Constructor()

struct ExportObjectsRollout
    function Constructor =
        if (_data == undefined) do    _data = DataObject()
        rollout roll "Export Settings"
            checkbox cbxDeleteTurbo offset:[-5,0] across:3 checked:(_data.optionDeleteTurboSmooth.Value()) \
                tooltip:"Delete turboSmooth modifiers on selected objects when exporting \n(will be undone after export)"
            button btnDeleteTurbo "Now" width:50 tooltip:"Delete turboSmooth modifiers on selected objects" offset:[-80,-3]
            label lblInfo2 "Delete turboSmooth" offset:[-85,0] align:#left
            checkbox cbxReset offset:[-5,0] across:4 checked:(_data.optionResetObj.Value()) \
                tooltip:"Reset geometry when exporting \n(will be undone after export)"
            button btnReset "Now" width:50 tooltip:"reset geometry now" offset:[-50,-3]
            label lblInfo "Reset geometry (" offset:[-45,0] align:#left
            checkbox chbResetPivot "Pivot)" checked:(_data.optionPivotToOrigin.Value()) offset:[-20,0] \
                tooltip:"Unchecked will the pivot stay at the same location"
            checkbox cbxMoveToOrigin across:3 offset:[-5,0] checked:(_data.optionMoveToOrigin.Value())
            button btnMoveToOrigin "Now" width:50 offset:[-80,-3]
            label lblMoveToOrigin "Move objects to [0,0,0]" offset:[-85,0] align:#left
            checkbox chbRotateObj across:5 offset:[-5,0] checked:(_data.optionRotateObj.Value())
            button btnRotateObj "Now" width:50 offset:[-32,-3]
            spinner spnRotateX "Rotate   " range:[-360,360,(_data.optionRotateArr.Value())[1]] type:#integer fieldwidth:30 offset:[14,0]
            spinner spnRotateY range:[-360,360,(_data.optionRotateArr.Value())[2]] type:#integer fieldwidth:30 offset:[12,0]
            spinner spnRotateZ range:[-360,360,(_data.optionRotateArr.Value())[3]] type:#integer fieldwidth:30 offset:[10,0]
            checkbox chbScaleObj across:3 offset:[-5,0] checked:(_data.optionScaleObj.Value())
            button btnScaleObj "Now" width:50 offset:[-80,-3]
            spinner spnScale "Scale     " range:[0.001,1000,(_data.optionScaleValue.Value())] type:#float fieldwidth:35 align:#left offset:[-85,0]
            checkbox cbxResetAfter offset:[-5,0] across:4 checked:(_data.optionResetObjAfter.Value()) \
                tooltip:"Reset geometry when exporting \n(will be undone after export)"
            button btnResetAfter "Now" width:50 tooltip:"reset geometry now" offset:[-50,-3]
            label lblInfo3 "Reset geometry after (" offset:[-45,0] align:#left
            checkbox chbResetPivotAfter "Pivot)" checked:(_data.optionPivotToOriginAfter.Value()) offset:[6,0] \
                tooltip:"Unchecked will the pivot stay at the same location"
            dropdownlist ddlOutputpath width:230 height:20 items:(_data.optionOutputPath.Value()) tooltip:"" across:2 offset:[-5,0]
            button btnGetFolder "..." width:25 height:20 tooltip:"Browse for folder" offset:[60,0]
            label lblformat "Format" across:2 align:#left
            dropdownlist ddlFormat items:(_data.optionFormat.Value()) selection:1 width:50 align:#left offset:[-80,-3]
            subRollout subRollAdvancedOptions width:275 height:140 align:#center
            button btnExportSelection "Export Selection" width:204 height:25 across:2 offset:[35,0]
            button btnExportAll "All" width:50 height:25 offset:[43,0]

            on cbxReset changed state do (_data.optionResetObj.SetValue state)
            on chbResetPivot changed state do (_data.optionPivotToOriginAfter.SetValue state)
            on cbxResetAfter changed state do (_data.optionResetObjAfter.SetValue state)
            on chbResetPivotAfter changed state do (_data.optionPivotToOriginAfter.SetValue state)
            on btnReset pressed do
                e = Exporter()
                undo "Reset selected objects" on (e.ResetObjectOnSelected())
            on btnResetAfter pressed do
                e = Exporter()
                undo "Reset selected objects" on (e.ResetObjectOnSelected())
            on cbxDeleteTurbo changed state do (_data.optionDeleteTurboSmooth.SetValue state)
            on btnDeleteTurbo pressed do
                e = Exporter()
                undo "Delete turboSmooth modifiers on selected" on (e.DeleteTurboSmoothOnSelected())
            on cbxMoveToOrigin changed state do (_data.optionMoveToOrigin.SetValue state)
            on btnMoveToOrigin pressed do
                e = Exporter()
                undo "Move selected to origin" on (e.MoveObjectToOriginOnSelected())
            on btnRotateObj pressed do
                e = Exporter()
                undo "Rotate selected" on (e.RotateObjectOnSelected())
            on btnScaleObj pressed do
                e = Exporter()
                undo "Scale selected" on (e.ScaleObjectOnSelected())
            on btnGetFolder pressed do
                OutputArr = ddlOutputpath.items
                savePath = (getSavePath "Save to:" initialDir:(@"C:\Users\"+sysInfo.username+"\Desktop")) as string
                if (savePath != "undefined") do
                    e = Exporter()
                    OutputArr = e.InsertItemInArray OutputArr savePath

                    if (OutputArr.count > 10) do
                        newArr = #()
                        for i = 1 to 10 do (newArr[i] = OutputArr[i])
                        OutputArr = newArr
                    ddlOutputpath.items = OutputArr
                    ddlOutputpath.selection = 1
                    ddlOutputpath.tooltip = ddlOutputpath.items[1] as string
                    _data.optionOutputPath.SetValue OutputArr
            on ddlOutputpath selected arg do
                arr = ddlOutputpath.items
                ddlOutputpath.tooltip = arr[arg] as string 
                sel = arr[arg]
                e = Exporter()
                arr = e.InsertItemInArray arr sel
                ddlOutputpath.selection = 1
                ddlOutputpath.items = arr
                _data.optionOutputPath.SetValue arr
            on ddlFormat selected arg do
                arr = ddlFormat.items
                sel = arr[arg]
                e = Exporter()
                arr = e.InsertItemInArray arr sel
                ddlFormat.selection = 1
                ddlFormat.items = arr
                _data.optionFormat.SetValue arr
            on chbRotateObj changed state do (_data.optionRotateObj.SetValue state)
            on spnRotateX changed value do (arr=_data.optionRotateArr.Value();arr[1]=value;_data.optionRotateArr.SetValue arr)
            on spnRotateY changed value do (arr=_data.optionRotateArr.Value();arr[2]=value;_data.optionRotateArr.SetValue arr)
            on spnRotateZ changed value do (arr=_data.optionRotateArr.Value();arr[3]=value;_data.optionRotateArr.SetValue arr)
            on chbScaleObj changed state do (_data.optionScaleObj.SetValue state)
            on spnScale changed value do (_data.optionScaleValue.SetValue value)
            on btnExportSelection pressed do (e = Exporter(); e.ExportSelectedObjects())
            on btnExportAll pressed do (e = Exporter();    e.ExportAllObjects())
        rollout rollAdvancedOptions "Advanced"
            checkbox cbxChangeName "Enable name change" checked:(_data.optionChangeName.Value()) offset:[-5,0]
                    tooltip:"change exportname, example:\nhouse_+scene name+_v2" 
            edittext edtPrefix width:75 text:(_data.optionPrefixName.Value()) across:3 offset:[10,0]
            label lblObjectName "+ obj name +" offset:[4,0]
            edittext edtSuffix width:75 text:(_data.optionSuffixName.Value())
            checkbox cbxExportCollision "Combine collisionmesh, string:" offset:[-5,0] checked:(_data.optionCombineCollision.Value()) across:2
                tooltip:"objects with name x and prefix_x/postfix_x in selection will be exported together"
            edittext edtCollisionPrefix width:50 text:(_data.optionCollisionString.Value()) offset:[35,0]
            checkbox chbCombineLODs "Combine LODs, string:" offset:[-5,0] checked:(_data.optionCombineLODs.Value()) across:2 \
                tooltip:"Export meshes with given prefix/postfix (* is numbering) to the same file"
            edittext edtLODPostfix width:60 text:(_data.optionLODString.Value()) offset:[7,0]
            checkbox cbxCollapseGroups "Collapse groups" offset:[-5,0]
                tooltip:"Convert group to editable poly before exporting.\n(will be undone after export)" checked:(_data.optionCollapseGroups.Value())
            checkbox cbxExportOptions "Export options" offset:[-5,0]
                tooltip:"Display export dialog" checked:(_data.optionExportOptions.Value())
            checkbox cbxFBXPreset "FBX Preset" offset:[-5,0]
                tooltip:"FBX Preset File" checked:(_data.optionExportFBXUsePreset.Value()) across:3
            dropdownlist ddlPreset width:150 height:20 items:(_data.optionExportFBXPreset.Value()) 
                tooltip:"Preset file" offset:[-8,0]
            button btnGetPreset "..." width:25 height:20 tooltip:"Browse for preset" offset:[40,0]
            on cbxChangeName changed state do (_data.optionChangeName.SetValue state)
            on edtPrefix changed text do (_data.optionPrefixName.SetValue text)
            on edtSuffix changed text do (_data.optionSuffixName.SetValue text)
            on cbxExportCollision changed state do (_data.optionCombineCollision.SetValue state)
            on edtCollisionPrefix changed text do (_data.optionCollisionString.SetValue text)
            on chbCombineLODs changed state do (_data.optionCombineLODs.SetValue state)
            on edtLODPostfix changed text do (_data.optionLODString.SetValue text)
            on cbxCollapseGroups changed state do (_data.optionCollapseGroups.SetValue state)
            on cbxExportOptions changed state do (_data.optionExportOptions.SetValue state)
            on chbFBXPreset changed state do (_data.optionExportFBXUsePreset.SetValue state)
            on btnGetPreset pressed do
                browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog"
                browse_dialog.title = "Please select preset"
                browse_dialog.Multiselect = false
                browse_dialog.Filter = "FBX Preset Files (*.fbxexportpreset)|*.fbxexportpreset|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
                browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 1
                browse_dialog.InitialDirectory = "C:\Users\josh_axey\Documents\3dsMax\FBX\3dsMax2014_X64\Presets\2014.0.1\export\BatchExport.fbxexportpreset"
                result = browse_dialog.showDialog()
                if (result.Equals result.OK) do 
                    preset_arr = ddlPreset.items
                    e = Exporter()
                    preset_arr = e.InsertItemInArray preset_arr browse_dialog.fileNames[1]

                    if (preset_arr.count > 10) do
                        newArr = #()
                        for i = 1 to 10 do (newArr[i] = preset_arr[i])
                        preset_arr = newArr
                    ddlPreset.items = preset_arr
                    ddlPreset.selection = 1
                    ddlPreset.tooltip = ddlPreset.items[1] as string
                    _data.optionExportFBXPreset.SetValue preset_arr
            on ddlPreset selected arg do
                arr = ddlPreset.items
                ddlPreset.tooltip = arr[arg] as string 
                sel = arr[arg]
                e = Exporter()
                arr = e.InsertItemInArray arr sel
                ddlPreset.selection = 1
                ddlPreset.items = arr
                _data.optionExportFBXPreset.SetValue arr
        return true
    init = Constructor()

struct ExportFilesRollout
    function Constructor = 
        if (_data == undefined) do    _data = DataObject()
        rollout roll "Export Multiple Max Files"
            button btnBrowseFile "Browse for files" width: 250
            multiListbox mlbMaxFiles height:14 width:250 align:#center tooltip:"Double click to delete a file"
            button btnSelectedFiles "No files to export" align:#left across:2 offset:[0,-5] height:20 border:false
            button btnClear "Clear" align:#right height:20 offset:[0,-5] border:false
            checkbox cbxSeparate "Separate objects" offset:[-5,0]
                tooltip:"Export all objects to separate files" checked:(_data.optionSeparate.Value())
            button btnExportSelection "Export Selection" width:204 height:25 across:2 offset:[35,0]
            button btnExportAll "All" width:50 height:25 offset:[43,0]
            function updateSelectedButton = 
                if (mlbMaxFiles.items.count == 0) do
                    btnSelectedFiles.text = "No files to export"
                    return undefined
                bitArr = mlbMaxFiles.selection  
                number_of_selected_files = 0
                for i = 1 to bitArr.count do
                    if bitArr[i] == true do number_of_selected_files+=1
                if number_of_selected_files == 0 then (btnSelectedFiles.text = "All files")
                    number_of_files = mlbMaxFiles.items.count
                    btnSelectedFiles.text = (number_of_selected_files as string) + "/" + number_of_files as string + " files selected"

            function exportFiles onlySelected: =
                bitArr = mlbMaxFiles.selection  
                e = Exporter()
                for i_files = 1 to (mlbMaxFiles.items.count) do
                    if onlySelected == unsupplied or bitArr[i_files] == true or btnSelectedFiles.text == "All files" do
                        loadMaxFile (mlbMaxFiles.items[i_files] as string) quiet:true
                        select $*
                        selectionList = getCurrentSelection()
                        filename = getFilenameFile (mlbMaxFiles.items[i_files] as string)
                        e.ExportObjects selectionList maxFile:filename
            on btnBrowseFile pressed do
                browse_dialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog"
                browse_dialog.title = "Please Select One Or More Files"
                browse_dialog.Multiselect = true
                browse_dialog.Filter = "MAX Files (*.max)|*.max"
                browse_dialog.FilterIndex = 1
                result = browse_dialog.showDialog()
                if (result.Equals result.OK) do
                    itemArr = mlbMaxFiles.items
                    join itemArr browse_dialog.fileNames
                    mlbMaxFiles.items = itemArr
            on mlbMaxFiles doubleClicked index do
                mlbMaxFiles.items = deleteItem mlbMaxFiles.items index
            on mlbMaxFiles selected index do (updateSelectedButton())
            on btnSelectedFiles pressed do (mlbMaxFiles.selection = #{};updateSelectedButton())
            on btnClear pressed do (mlbMaxFiles.items = #();updateSelectedButton())
            on cbxSeparate changed state do (_data.optionSeparate.SetValue state)
            on btnExportSelection pressed do (exportFiles onlySelected:true)
            on btnExportAll pressed do (exportFiles())
        return true
    init = Constructor()

struct InfoRollout
    function Constructor =
        rollout roll "Info"
            dotNetControl lblInfo "System.Windows.Forms.Label" height:53 width:250 align:#center
            hyperLink lblLink "" address:"" color:(color 200 128 50) visitedColor:(color 200 128 50) across:2
            hyperLink lblLinkMail "" address:"" color:(color 200 128 50) visitedColor:(color 200 128 50)
            on roll open do
                lblInfo.text = "Batch Export/Import Tool is a script to import, modify (or not) and export multiple objects at once."
                lblInfo.backcolor = lblInfo.backcolor.fromARGB 70 70 70
                lblInfo.forecolor = lblInfo.forecolor.fromARGB 200 200 200
        return true
    init = Constructor()

struct LicenseRollout
    function CreateNonCommercial =
        rollout roll "License"
            hyperLink lblLink "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" address:"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" color:(color 200 128 50) visitedColor:(color 200 128 50)
            dotNetControl lblLicense "System.Windows.Forms.Label" height:110 width:250 align:#center
            on roll open do
                lblLicense.text = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
                lblLicense.backcolor = lblLicense.backcolor.fromARGB 70 70 70
                lblLicense.forecolor = lblLicense.forecolor.fromARGB 200 200 200
        return true
    function CreateCommercial =
        rollout roll "License"
            hyperLink lblLink "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" address:"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" color:(color 200 128 50) visitedColor:(color 200 128 50)
            dotNetControl lblLicense "System.Windows.Forms.Label" height:110 width:250 align:#center
            on roll open do
                lblLicense.text = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
                lblLicense.backcolor = lblLicense.backcolor.fromARGB 70 70 70
                lblLicense.forecolor = lblLicense.forecolor.fromARGB 200 200 200
        return true

    function Constructor =
        if (_data == undefined) do    _data = DataObject()
        if _data.optionCommercial.Value() then CreateCommercial()
        else CreateNonCommercial()
        return true
    init = Constructor()

struct CommercialLicenseRollout
    function Constructor =
        rollout roll "License"
            hyperLink lblLink "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" address:"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" color:(color 200 128 50) visitedColor:(color 200 128 50)
            dotNetControl lblLicense "System.Windows.Forms.Label" height:110 width:250 align:#center
            on roll open do
                lblLicense.text = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
                lblLicense.backcolor = lblLicense.backcolor.fromARGB 70 70 70
                lblLicense.forecolor = lblLicense.forecolor.fromARGB 200 200 200
        return true
    init = Constructor()

struct BatchExportImport
    function Constructor =
        if (_data == undefined) do _data = DataObject()
        rollout rollBatchExportImport "Batch Export/Import Tool"
            local import = ImportRollout()
            local export = ExportObjectsRollout()
            local exportFiles = ExportFilesRollout()
            local info = InfoRollout()
            local license = LicenseRollout()
            local rollArr = #(
                    #("          Import          ",#(import.roll)),
                    #("          Export          ",#(export.roll,exportFiles.roll)),
                    #("  Info  ",#(info.roll, license.roll))
            local lastSubRollout = 1
            dotNetControl dnTabs "System.Windows.Forms.TabControl" height:20 width:420 align:#left
            subRollout theSubRollout width:280 height:390 align:#center
            on dnTabs Selected itm do
                for subroll in rollArr[lastSubRollout][2] do
                removeSubRollout theSubRollout subroll
                lastSubRollout = itm.TabPageIndex+1
                for subroll in rollArr[lastSubRollout][2] do    
                addSubRollout theSubRollout subroll
                addSubRollout export.roll.subRollAdvancedOptions export.rollAdvancedOptions rolledUp:false
                _data.optionSelectedTab.SetValue itm.TabPageIndex
            on rollBatchExportImport open do
                for aTab in rollArr do
                    dnTabs.TabPages.add aTab[1]
                if _data.optionSelectedTab.Value() == 0 then
                    for subroll in rollArr[1][2] do    
                    addSubRollout theSubRollout subroll
                ) else dnTabs.SelectTab (_data.optionSelectedTab.Value())
        return true

    function Show =
        createDialog rollBatchExportImport 280 425 style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)

        titleLabel = "Batch Export/Import Tool"
        if (_data.optionCommercial.value()) then titleLabel += " (Commercial)"
        else titleLabel += " (Non Commercial)"

        rollBatchExportImport.title = titleLabel

    init = Constructor()

w = BatchExportImport()


files = #()

fs = openFile "e:\\files.txt"
while not eof fs do
    l = readline fs
    append files l
dd = "aha a file"
    dd = dd + files[4]
--for i in 1 to files.count
for i in 1 to files.count do
    dd = "E:\\ClientProject\\Assets\\Art\\Enviroment\\Engine_mesh\\"
    dd = dd + files[i]
    --print dd
    --string nm = files[i]
    --string fn = "E:\\ClientProject\\Assets\\Art\\Enviroment\\Engine_mesh\\" + nm
    importfile dd #noprompt
    --fn = "E:\\NewExportFbx\\"+files[i]
    dd = "E:\\NewExportFbx\\"
    dd = dd + files[i]
    exportfile dd #noprompt
    actionMan.executeAction 0 "16"  -- File: New Scene, Clear All

=====[maxscript] 导出 vertex xyz=====

我们来创建一个 box,然后导出其顶点坐标(xyz)。

3dmax右边,选择 [Create] => [Object Type] => [Box],在场景中拉一个 box 出来。

然后设置其大小,选择场景中的 box,选 [Modify] => [Parameters],将 Length / Width / Height 都设置为 20.0。

最后选择 Select and Move,然后将 box 的位置设置到 (0, 0, 0)。


--------------------- export_verts.ms ----------------------

filename = getSaveFileName types:"Data(*.dat)|*.dat|All|*.*|"

if filename != undefined then


    convertToMesh $

    fp = openFile filename mode:"wt"


    vertex_num = getNumVerts $

    for i = 1 to vertex_num do


      v = getVert $ i

      format "#%: %, %, %\n" i v[1] v[2] v[3] to:fp


    close fp



maxscript 很简单,只是一些语法习惯不同,比如:函数的参数都是"空格"隔开 等等


getSaveFileName一看就知道对应 win32 哪个 api。

$ 表示当前选中的 object;openFile 用来写 text file。如果写 binary file,请用 fopen, writeLong 等函数。


#1: -10.0, -10.0, 0.0

#2: 10.0, -10.0, 0.0

#3: -10.0, 10.0, 0.0

#4: 10.0, 10.0, 0.0

#5: -10.0, -10.0, 20.0

#6: 10.0, -10.0, 20.0

#7: -10.0, 10.0, 20.0

#8: 10.0, 10.0, 20.0


文件操作的函数,参考 MAXScript Reference 中的:

[MAXScript Tools and Interaction with 3dx Max]

  ==> [File Access]

    ==> [Text and Binary File Input and Output]


[MAXScript Language Reference]

  ==> [Values]

    ==> [Stream Values]

      ==> [FileStream Values]


[MAXScript Tools and Interaction with 3ds Max]

   ==> [File Access]

     ==> [External Files Access]

       ==> [Standard Open and Save File Dialogs]

=======maxscript导出 vertex color =======

现在来导出顶点色(vertex color)。

首先,增加一个 VertexPaint Modifier。


  <1> 选择 point selection 方式,然后选中场景 object 上需要修改顶点色的点

  <2> 选择颜色

  <3> 给选中的顶点上色

  <4> 选择在场景中查看顶点色



---------------- export_vertex_color.ms ------------------

function export_one_triangle fp tri_index =


    tri_vertices = getFace $ tri_index    -- only index

    tri_colors   = getVCFace $ tri_index


    format "triangle #%\n" tri_index to:fp

    for i = 1 to 3 do


        v = getVert $ tri_vertices[i]

        c = getVertColor $ tri_colors[i]

        format "v%: xyz(%,%,%) c(%,%,%)\n" i v[1] v[2] v[3] c.red c.green c.blue to:fp


    format "\n" to:fp



filename = getSaveFileName types:"Data(*.dat)|*.dat|All|*.*|"

if filename != undefined then


    convertToMesh $

    fp = openFile filename mode:"wt"


    num = getNumFaces $  -- triangle num

    for i = 1 to num do


        export_one_triangle fp i



    fclose fp



其中,getNumFaces 返回的是三角形的个数。getFace / getVCFace 返回的是 getVert / getVertColor 对应的 index。

且 getVertColor 返回的是 class color 的 instance。


triangle #1

v1: xyz(-10.0,-10.0,0.0) c(255.0,0.0,0.0)

v2: xyz(-10.0,10.0,0.0) c(255.0,0.0,0.0)

v3: xyz(10.0,10.0,0.0) c(255.0,255.0,255.0)


triangle #2

v1: xyz(10.0,10.0,0.0) c(255.0,255.0,255.0)

v2: xyz(10.0,-10.0,0.0) c(255.0,255.0,255.0)

v3: xyz(-10.0,-10.0,0.0) c(255.0,0.0,0.0)



[MAXScript Language Reference]

  ==> [Values]

    ==> [Basic Data Values]

      ==> [Color Values]


[MAXScript Language Reference]

  ==> [3ds Max Objects]

    ==> [Editable Meshes, Splines, ...]

      ==> [Editable_Mesh and TriMesh]

        ==> [Mesh Color-Per-Vertex Methods]


============[maxscript] 导出 vertex normal===============

继续来导出 vertex normal (法线)。

给我们的 box 增加个 Edit Normals Modifier。

选中某个 normal,然后通过“旋转“,改变其方向。

--------------------------- export_vertex_normal.ms -----------------------------

function export_one_triangle fp tri_index =


    tri_vertices = getFace $ tri_index -- only index

    tri_normals = meshop.getFaceRNormals $ tri_index


    format "triangle #%\n" tri_index to:fp

    for i = 1 to 3 do


        v = getVert $ tri_vertices[i]

        n = tri_normals[i]

        format "v%: xyz(%,%,%) n(%,%,%)\n" i v[1] v[2] v[3] n[1] n[2] n[3] to:fp


    format "\n" to:fp



filename = getSaveFileName types:"Data(*.dat)|*.dat|All|*.*|"

if filename != undefined then


    convertToMesh $

    fp = openFile filename mode:"wt"


    num = getNumFaces $ -- triangle num

    for i = 1 to num do


        export_one_triangle fp i



    fclose fp




triangle #1

v1: xyz(-10.0,-10.0,0.0) n(0.0,0.0,-1.0)

v2: xyz(-10.0,10.0,0.0) n(0.0,0.0,-1.0)

v3: xyz(10.0,10.0,0.0) n(0.0,0.0,-1.0)


triangle #2

v1: xyz(10.0,10.0,0.0) n(0.0,0.0,-1.0)

v2: xyz(10.0,-10.0,0.0) n(0.0,0.0,-1.0)

v3: xyz(-10.0,-10.0,0.0) n(0.0,0.0,-1.0)



关键就在?meshop.getFaceRNormals,取得 face render normals。

meshop 就相当于一个 namespace,包含着一些高级的操作函数。


getNormal <mesh> <vert_index_integer>

但不知道这样取出来的 normal 对应着啥?不解~~

另外,getFaceRNormals 获取的 normal 数值,并没有体现出 Edit Normals Modifier 的修改效果?

============[maxscript] 导出 vertex uv===============

如何导出贴图坐标(texture uv)了。为啥使用字母 uv 呢?因为位置坐标是 xyz ,所以贴图坐标就用 uvw,huh?


首先打开 Material Editor。

  <1> 选择 Material Editor 按钮,打开 Material Editor

  <2> 添加一个 Diffuse Map

再选择 Bitmap,选择一个图片作为数据源。

OK,这时可看到图片显示到对应的 material 上了。选择 01 - Default 切换到 Map #1 的父结点(material #1)。

最后将此 material 作用到 object 上。

  <1> 这里可以看到,此 matieral 有一个对应的 Diffuse Map

  <2> 鼠标点中 (2),并拖动到对应的 object 上

  <3> 点(3),可以看到 object 上正确地显示了贴图效果

-------------------- export_uv_color.ms ----------------------

function export_one_triangle fp tri_index =


    tri_vertices = getFace $ tri_index    -- only index

    tri_uvws     = getTVFace $ tri_index


    format "triangle #%\n" tri_index to:fp

    for i = 1 to 3 do


        v  = getVert $ tri_vertices[i]

        uv = getTVert $ tri_uvws[i]

        format "v%: xyz(%,%,%) uv(%,%)\n" i v[1] v[2] v[3] uv[1] uv[2] to:fp


    format "\n" to:fp



function export_uv fp =


    m = $.material

    if m == undefined then return undefined


    bm = getSubTexmap m 2

    if bm == undefined then return undefined


    format "tex: %\n" bm.filename to:fp



filename = getSaveFileName types:"Data(*.dat)|*.dat|All|*.*|"

if filename != undefined then


    convertToMesh $

    fp = openFile filename mode:"wt"


    export_uv fp


    num = getNumFaces $  -- triangle num

    for i = 1 to num do


        export_one_triangle fp i



    fclose fp



tex: E:\texture.PNG

triangle #1

v1: xyz(-10.0,-10.0,0.0) uv(1.0,0.0)

v2: xyz(-10.0,10.0,0.0) uv(1.0,1.0)

v3: xyz(10.0,10.0,0.0) uv(0.0,1.0)


triangle #2

v1: xyz(10.0,10.0,0.0) uv(0.0,1.0)

v2: xyz(10.0,-10.0,0.0) uv(0.0,0.0)

v3: xyz(-10.0,-10.0,0.0) uv(1.0,0.0)



关于 uv,可以说说关于 channel 的东西。

channel 0 - vertex color

channel 1 - uvw map

一个 mesh face 必然有对应的 texture and color face。这个是 3dmax channel 的基本使用规则。

getTVFace 取得对应的 uv face;getTVert 取得对应的 uv 坐标。

要重点理解下这个,getSubTexmap 取得 material 的某个 texmap。

material 的 texmap 一共有24个,所以 getNumSubTexmaps m 返回24,而 getSubTexmap m 2 其实是取第二个 texmap,也就是 diffuse color 这个。



[3ds Max Objects]

  ==> [Editable Meshes, Splines, ...]

    ==> [Editable_Mesh and TriMesh]

      ==> [Mesh Texture Vertex Methods] & [Understanding Texture Coordinates and Vertex Colors]


[3ds Max Objects]

  ==> [Material: MAXWrapper]

    ==> [Material Common Properties, Operators, and Methods]


[3ds Max Objects]

  ==> [TextureMap: Material]

    ==> [TextureMap Types]

      ==> [BitmapTexture: TextureMap]


目录中类似 TextureMap: Material 的文字,表示 TextureMap 继承自 Material。



评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


