
SoftParticles Sample





SDK root/Samples/C++/Direct3D10/SoftParticles


SDK root/Samples/C++/Direct3D10/Bin/platform/SoftParticles.exe

Sample Overview


Particle systems are a common method for creating volumetric effects in games. They can be used to simulate such things as fire, cloudes, smoke, dust, glowing projectiles, magic spells, and so on. A common technique is to use 2D camera-aligned quads centered at each particle to represent the volume that the particle represents. Because the quads follow the camera, they give the illusion of a substance filling a 3D volume. However, this illusion often breaks down when the 2D sprites used to visualize the particles intersect with the world geometry. The intersection of the 2D quad with the 3D world geometry creates a hard, straight line — on one side of the line is particle, and on the other is world geometry. Figure 1 shows an example of this.


Figure 1.  Hard, Flat Particles


2D Particles with Depth

The first approach to dealing with this is to perturb the depth being output from the pixel shader by a depth stored in the particle texture. This makes the intersections with the world geometry follow the contour of the particle. Figure 2 shows an example of this.


Figure 2.  Depth Particles

图例2 深度粒子

2D Soft Particles


In the basic flat particle system, the line where the particle quad intersects the geometry is a giveaway that the particles are not actually 3D. To avoid this, the sample can read back the depth buffer as a texture. In the shader, this depth value is sampled and tested against the depth value being rendered for the current pixel in the particle. The alpha value increases as the difference between the depth value in the buffer, and then depth being written out from the pixel shader decreases. Therefore, the particle becomes more transparent as it approaches intersection with the scene geometry.

在基本的平坦粒子系统中,由于矩形粒子与几何体交叉产生的线使人感觉到它不是真正的3D。为了避免这个问题,这个实例把深度缓存作为一个纹理。在着色器中,这个深度值和当前正要被渲染的粒子像素的深度值进行比较和采样。ALPHA值作为区别增加 缓存中深度值,然后像素着色器中再输出减少的深度。这样粒子越靠近场景中的几何体,粒子就越变的透明。

Figure 3.  2D Soft Particles

图例3 2D软粒子

Depth Soft Particles


The same approach can be used with particles that output depth. The only difference is that the depth compared with the depth buffer is not the depth from the quad, but the depth from the quad augmented by the depth stored in the particle texture.


Figure 4.  Depth Soft Particles, example

图例4 深度软粒子,实例

Figure 5.  Depth Soft Particles, explanation



Animating the 2D Particles


To animate the 2D particles, the sample uses a series of animated particle texture frames stored in a volume texture. The first slice of the volume texture stores the first frame of the animation; the last slice stores the last. As the particle ages, the shader uses the age (in this case a float in the range of [0..1]) to look up a color in a 1D texture. This color modulates the color of the entire particle and makes the particle appear dark near its birth and lighter just before death.


Volumetric Particles


The volumetric techniques in the sample give the particles the appearance of true 3D volume instead of the flat look of 2D particles. To achieve this, the sample traces rays through an imaginary 3D primitive circumscribed by the camera-aligned particle quad. In this case, the sample uses a sphere as the imaginary primitive. There are three main reasons for choosing a sphere. First, it is always possible to circumscribe a sphere in a camera-aligned quad. Second, a sphere is a very symmetrical shape. It looks the same no matter how you orient it. Third, the intersection between a ray and a sphere is easy to compute.


The main process is as follows. The particles are handled in the same manner as in the 2D technique until they reach the pixel shader. The pixel shader computes a ray from the eye to the pixel being drawn on the quad.


Figure 6.  Volumetric Particles, Main Process

图例6 体积化粒子,主过程

It then calculates the intersections of this ray and the imaginary sphere circumscribed by the particle quad. If no intersections occur, the ray is discarded.


Figure 7.  Volumetric Particles, Calculate the Intersection

图例7 体积化粒子,计算交点

Using a fixed step-size, the shader determines the number of steps needed to march from one intersection point to the other. Along the way, several octaves of noise are sampled. These are stored in a 4-channel volume texture. The RGB channels contain the inverse density gradient. The alpha channel contains the density. Lighting is computed at the point using a combination of the normal from the center of the sphere at the point and the density gradient. Each step is summed with the previous step, and the final result is the opacity and color value for the ray traced through the volume. This result is modified slightly by some overall opacity values to get a specific look.


Figure 8.  March Between the Two Intersection Points

图例8 通过两个交点

If the ray intersects the depth buffer before it exits the sphere, the shader changes the rear exit point to be the depth buffer intersection. Optionally, to achieve the soft intersection with world geometry, the alpha can be attenuated based upon the distance between the sample and the depth buffer.


Figure 9.  Ray Intersecting the Depth Buffer

图例9 光线与深度缓存相交

Figure 10.  Hard Volume Particles

图例10 硬体积粒子

Figure 11.  Soft Volume Particles

图例11 软体积粒子

Animating the Volume Particles


Although the particles are animating (moving away from the source), added detail is gained by animating the texture coordinates used to calculate the lookup in the the noise volume texture. By moving the texture coordinates in one direction, the smoke is made to look like it is moving in the opposite direction.


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