
文献阅读“Demand and key technology for a LEO constellation as augmentation of satellite navigation systems” ,2024,Satellite Navigation,Yuanxi Yang,Xi’an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping

1. 中国现状

Up to now, China has more than 10 LEO augmentation navigation satellites in orbit, providing precious data and experience for experiment and verifcation.


The signal design and ephemeris broadcasting are the foundation for realizing the LEO augmented navigation. 


It was pointed out that the conventional broadcast ephemeris with 16 parameters cannot fulfll the accuracy requirement of LEO satellites, and the singular point problem may occur especially for those with small eccentricity and small/large inclination angle. It was proposed that six third order harmonic terms could be added to the 16-parameter ephemeris (22 ephemeris parameters in total) to improve the accuracy and stability of ephemeris ftting and solve the singular point problem.


The simulation experiment results show that the Orbit Determination (OD) precision at centimeter level can be achieved with the optimized topology of inter satellite links.

2. 低轨导航卫星的需求分析


Te application of LEO augmentation constellations will not only enable precise positioning at centimeter-level, navigation at decimeter-level, and timing at nanosecond level, but also improve the reliability of PNT services. 还能缩短收敛时间。





For a lower orbit altitude, the landing power of LEO satellites will be signifcantly increased even if the signals are transmitted with the same power as BDS.


However, with a highintensity electromagnetic confrontation, signal power enhancement of lower than 20 dB can barely compensate the thermal noise of receivers, not to mention resisting the interference. Besides, the satellites having both communication and navigation functions may be interfered as well, as the navigation signal with stronger power may interfere the communication signal.


The integrity provided by a single GNSS system is not enough to satisfy all kinds of users’ integrity requirements.例如:航空、高速公路、电力系统、无人驾驶和无人机等。

3. 低轨导航增强卫星可能得贡献






LEO satellites have a more signifcant Doppler efect for ground users as they move relatively faster than MEO satellites, which can improve the velocity determination accuracy. Similarly, the functional correlation of the observations between epochs can be reduced, since the observation confguration of LEO constellation varies faster; as a result, the difficulty of stochastic model is reduced in PNT data processing.




The LEO augmentation navigation constellation could broadcast GNSS satellite-based augmentation corrections and integrity information like the three BDS GEO satellites, improving the reliability and security of the satellite-based augmentation service.也可以辅助完好性监测和降低虚警概率。





The design of LEO, MEO and HEO signals should meet the requirement of compatibility and interoperability to make sure that the signals will not interfere with each other and be easily for users to receive and process.


To adapt to the requirement in special periods, the problem of adaptive transformation of signal modulation mode and the diffculty of software defined frequency must be solved for navigation satellites. Besides, the navigation signal should also consider the electromagnetic compatibility with other on-board radio devices especially for multi-function LEO constellations.



增强的能力要求在30dB以上,同时,要能够solve the resilient and rapid signal enhancement in a special period, special area, and special electromagnetic environment.


It’s impossible to operate such a large constellation with limited ground-based resources, especially with only regional ground tracking systems. Then, it is necessary to solve the problems of autonomous orbit determination, autonomous timekeeping and timing for a large LEO constellation, and the challenges of autonomous Telemetry, Tracking and Commanding (TT&C) of the large constellation.



The LEO navigation constellation must break through the technology of multiple PNT functions with a small satellite platform to control the construction cost of the whole constellation, which is also the premise to realize the rapid networking capability through ride-sharing missions.





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