

What is Knald?

Knald is a ground breaking, standalone,ultra-fast GPU powered solution for generating incredibly high quality texturesfrom high to low polygonal meshes via The Baker or any 2d source texture fromthe real-time Color To Normals mode & the Normal & Height Maps providedby The Integrator.


Knald是开创性的,独立的,超快的GPU动力解决方案,产生令人难以置信的高质量纹理,通过从高模到低模的烘焙或任何2d纹理,如照片& Heightmaps,或者来自The Integrator提供的实时颜色法线模式和法线,高度图。


It provides the tools you need to reduceiteration times, increase the quality of your project & improve theproductivity of your artists by integrating seamlessly into current physicallybased pipelines with Knald’s next generation feature set.




Powerful Next Generation Baking Solution

Our powerful next generation bakingsolution sets the standard for content creation. We pride ourselves in provingthat speed and quality are not mutually exclusive endeavours as we harness thepower of modern hardware and push your PC to the limit in order to generateyour content.




With the ability to bake Tangent SpaceNormal, Object Space Normal, Derivative, Displacement/Height, AmbientOcclusion, Concavity, Convexity, Curvature (single & dual channel),Transmission, Vertex Color & Material ID maps, Knald can help give you thetools and functionality that you need to ensure that your project’s bakingpipeline is the best that it can be.

有烘焙切线空间法线的能力,对象空间法线,衍生(导数),位移(置换)/高度,环境闭塞,凹,凸,曲率(单、双通道),传输,顶点颜色和材质ID映射, Knald它烘焙管线功能可能是最好的工具,可以在你需要的项目帮助你.



Albedo(Color)、AmbientOcclusion、Concavity、Curvature、Height、Transmission、Convexity、Curature、MatID、Derivative、Tangent Space Normal、Object Space Normal

8k support


Simultaneous Vertex Color, Derivative,Height & Tangent/Object Space Normal Baking

 同时生成 顶点颜色、导数(衍生)、高度、切/对象空间法烘焙


Interactive Ambient Occlusion &Transmission Baking



Fast, High Poly Mesh Based Curvature(Single & Dual Channel)


Instant 100% Dilation/Bleed


Fast & Intuitive Mesh Loading with NGonSupport


Post Bake Normal Strength Scaling


Custom FBX Tangent Space Support



Savable User Settings




Interactive Cage Adjustment (Push)



Interactively adjust (push) the projection& range cages quickly & easily for fast, seamless iteration with ourrefined ray projection interface.



Non-topologically Matching Cages



Unlike many other baking solutions Knalddoes not require matching topology between the low poly and imported cagemeshes. This novel solution gives artists the freedom to adjust the cagemanually without having to worry about inadvertently altering the vertex order,UVs or triangle count prior to export from their 3d application of choice.



Unique Mesh Caching System



Knald’s next generation baker features aunique mesh caching system where all meshes are processed and cached during theinitial bake, to be then reused in all bakes thereafter.


This means that as long as the source filesare not modified on disk there is no need for Knald to reload & reprocessthem each time, which massively reduces redundancy in the baking pipeline &increases the productivity of artists.





16x Anti-aliasing (Supersampling)

16倍 抗锯齿(超级取样)

Knald features the incredible ability tobake all textures with ultra high quality 16x anti-aliasing (Supersampling)enabled all the way up to 8k, giving an increase in sampling quality of200-400% over other dedicated baking solutions that only offer a maximum of 4xor 8x anti-aliasing.




 Physically Based 3D Preview with Image BasedLighting (IBL)



Our fast, efficient & high quality 3dpreview window allows you to view your results instantly using currentgeneration physically based rendering standards & without having to worryabout a drop in quality or the need to waste time exporting content to externalprograms just to preview your results.


Beautifully rendered with Image Based Lighting(IBL), MSAA & with multiple user adjustable material surface presets, anintuitive interface and dock-able window, Knald provides a consistentenvironment in which to work your magic.



Metal/Smoothness Workflow


Knald uses the Metal/Smoothness workflowstandard which enables efficient viewing of source art and allows the user topreview either pre-made Albedo, Metalness or Smoothness textures or use ourintuitive Surface controls to define physically accurate materials within the3d preview window.


如下图:从左至右Final、Albedo 、Metalness、 Smoothness


100% MikkTSpace Support


MikkTSpace has been fully integrated intoKnald, ensuring the normal maps generated from within The Baker are instantlycompatible with the majority of current generation rendering engines, such asUnity 5.3+, Marmoset Toolbag 2 & Unreal Engine 4.7+.

MikkTSpace已经完全融入Knald,确保在烘焙生成的法线贴图瞬间兼容当前一代渲染引擎居多,如Unity5.3+兼容,Marmoset Toolbag2虚幻引擎4.7+。


Perfect Viewport Synchronisation 



We have painstakingly ensured that our 3dpreview is perfectly synchronized with the MikkTSpace compliant tangent spacenormals maps generated from within The Baker. This allows you to debug anypotential issues with your source art before wasting precious time andresources importing the content into the target engine



Real-time 3D preview Tessellation


With 7 levels of tessellation, Knald allowsyou to view your Heightmaps displaced on a multi-million polygon primitive meshin real-time, using our 3D preview’s fast, efficient & scalabletessellation.


Stunning Parallax


Our high quality Parallax solution, asynthesized tangent space and true height field, allows you to visualize themagnitude of displacement which correctly corresponds to the Normal/Derivativemap in a fast and efficient manner.


Lighting, Mesh rotation & UV control


Effortlessly control your lighting, meshrotation, UV offset & tiling amounts – then reset them with a click of abutton.

毫不费力地控制你的灯光,模型网格旋转,UV偏移及平铺量 - 然后用一个按钮,点击重置。


GGX Specular Term


Our specular solution fully supports thecurrent physically based industry standard GGX specular term, which improvesrealism & physical accuracy with a shorter, more visually pleasing hotspotsize (peak) & increased tail length over specular terms found in previousgenerations.



Knald’s accurate implementation of GGX isextremely robust & provides noiseless results, even with the most demandingenvironment maps. This allows you to integrate Knald into your pipelineseamlessly, and without sacrifices in visual quality.




The Integrator & Other Key Features


Best in class Normal to Height Generation& High Precision Work Flow


All calculations & processing isperformed in double/single precision floating point (float64/float32) togenerate excellent quality, accurate height maps generated from aNormal/Derivative or photo-sourced texture.

所有的计算和处理是双/单精度浮点执行(float64 / float32)产生优良的品质,准确的高度图生成正常/衍生物或来源照片的纹理。

Pixel perfect 8, 16 and 32bit support


Our robust 8, 16 and 32bit file I/O andimage processing pipeline preserves your high precision data.

 我们强大的8、16和32位文件I / O和图像处理管道保持你的高精度数据。

We have painstakingly ensured that with ourrobust I/O pipeline, with full 8, 16 and 32bit (integer and float) support, youwill never suffer from precision drop due to lazy or poor coding and can focuson creating great art!

我们精心确保我们强大的I/ O管道,以8,16和32位(整数和float)的支持,你将永远不会遭受因懒惰或糟糕的编码受到精度的下降,可以专注于创造伟大的艺术!

You can preview your Heightmaps displacedon a primitive mesh, in real-time, with our 3D preview’s fast, efficient andscalable tessellation. There is no more need to go through complex workflows toget a Heightmap into your engine only to find that it doesn’t look the way youhoped.


You can be sure that your textures are ingood hands with Knald!



AO, Concavity, Convexity & CurvatureMaps


Knald’s ultra fast & extremely highquality image based Ambient occlusion results rival that of “baked” AO & isinherently noiseless. Fully adjustable in real-time which means no morewaiting!



Our stunning Concavity, Convexity &Curvature maps can be tailored quickly and efficiently to suit your specificneeds & are optimized & ready to use directly after export. If youdon’t have the time to wait for bakes to finish or are using image based sourcecontent, simply adjust the results to your liking & get stuck in!



Mesh Ambient Occlusion


In addition to our ground breaking Baker,Knald also offers a fantastic solution for those times when High Poly sourcedata is not available.



Even bakes from multi-million polygonalmeshes that can take almost 30 minutes in other modern GPU baking tools takeonly 2-3 minutes in Knald.**

尽管烘焙数百万多边形网格,在其他现有的GPU烘焙工具上可能需要近30分钟,而在knald只需要2-3分钟。* *

By harnessing the power of 64bit and modernGPUs, Knald can even generate Mesh AO from UV mapped multi-million polygonalmeshes with only your amount of VRAM limiting your potential! Want to use a 10million triangle mesh straight from your sculpting application of choice? Noproblem! As long as your GPU has sufficient VRAM you are good to go!



When used with our Concavity, Convexity& Image based AO, you may never need to “bake” another AO map again!



Transmission Maps


Designed to be used as omni-directionalthickness map (with an attenuation ramp) for semi-translucent materials,Transmission are generated in much the same way as our high quality Mesh AOsolution. & it’s just as fast. Simply load a mesh into Knald (multi-millionpolygonal meshes are supported), check a box and then watch Knald do its magic.



After only a couple of seconds you will begreeted by your new and beautiful texture which is viewable with real-time translucencyin the 3d preview window.




Dynamic Photo & Heightmap Processing



Powerful ColorToNormal functionality



Knald’s versatile ColorToNormal modeenables you to create Normal maps from photo or Heightmap source data, via ourrobust I/O pipeline, with full 8, 16 and 32bit (integer and float) support.



Unrivalled Quality & Speed



Tweak the settings to generate your desiredresult – all instantly viewable, non-destructive & adjustable in real-timeprior to integration for near instant gratification.

调整设置来生成你想要的结果 - 所有的即时可见,无损、实时调节一体化接近即时的满足感






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