HDLBits刷题之Circuits->Combinational Logic->Karnaugh Map to Circuit

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Exams/ece241 2013 q2

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Exams/m2014 q3

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 Exams/2012 q1g

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Exams/ece241 2014 q3

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Implement the circuit described by the Karnaugh map below.

Try to simplify the k-map before coding it. Try both product-of-sums and sum-of-products forms. We can't check whether you have the optimal simplification of the k-map. But we can check if your reduction is equivalent, and we can check whether you can translate a k-map into a circuit.

 Write your solution here

module top_module(
    input a,
    input b,
    input c,
    output out  ); 

    assign out = a | b | c;


Implement the circuit described by the Karnaugh map below.

Try to simplify the k-map before coding it. Try both product-of-sums and sum-of-products forms. We can't check whether you have the optimal simplification of the k-map. But we can check if your reduction is equivalent, and we can check whether you can translate a k-map into a circuit.

 Write your solution here

module top_module(
    input a,
    input b,
    input c,
    input d,
    output out  ); 

    //assign out = (~a)&(~c)&(~d) | (~a)&(~b)&(~c)&d | a&(~b)&(~c) | (~a)&b&c | a&c&d | (~a)&(~b)&c&(~d);
    assign out = ~a&~d | ~b&~c | ~a&b&c | a&c&d;


Implement the circuit described by the Karnaugh map below.

Try to simplify the k-map before coding it. Try both product-of-sums and sum-of-products forms. We can't check whether you have the optimal simplification of the k-map. But we can check if your reduction is equivalent, and we can check whether you can translate a k-map into a circuit.

 Write your solution here

module top_module(
    input a,
    input b,
    input c,
    input d,
    output out  ); 

    assign out = a | (~b)&c;
//“~”会将变量的各个位依次取反如:a[3:0] ={1,0,1,1} , ~a ={0,1,0,0};
//“!”会将变量作为一个值去做处理,非0为1:a[3:0] ={1,0,1,1} ,a=11,!a=0。a[3:0] ={0,0,0,0} ,a=0,!a=1


Implement the circuit described by the Karnaugh map below.

Try to simplify the k-map before coding it. Try both product-of-sums and sum-of-products forms. We can't check whether you have the optimal simplification of the k-map. But we can check if your reduction is equivalent, and we can check whether you can translate a k-map into a circuit.

 Write your solution here

module top_module(
    input a,
    input b,
    input c,
    input d,
    output out  ); 

    assign out = (~a)&(b)&(~c)&(~d) | (a)&(~b)&(~c)&(~d)
        | (~a)&(~b)&(~c)&(d) | (a)&(b)&(~c)&(d)
        | (~a)&(b)&(c)&(d) | (a)&(~b)&(c)&(d)
        | (~a)&(~b)&(c)&(~d) | (a)&(b)&(c)&(~d);
// +==|,*==&
//=(a^b)c’d’ + (a^b’)c’d + (a^b)cd + (a^b’)cd’
//=(a^b)&(c^d’) + (a^b’)&(c^d)  
//=(a^b)&(c^d)’ + (a^b)’&(c^d)  
    //(a^b)’= (ab’+a’b)’ =  (ab’)’(a’b)’ =(a’+b)(a+b’) = a’a+a’b’+ab+b’b =a’b’+ab=a^b’

Exams/ece241 2013 q2

A single-output digital system with four inputs (a,b,c,d) generates a logic-1 when 2, 7, or 15 appears on the inputs, and a logic-0 when 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, or 14 appears. The input conditions for the numbers 3, 8, 11, and 12 never occur in this system. For example, 7 corresponds to a,b,c,d being set to 0,1,1,1, respectively.

Determine the output out_sop in minimum SOP form, and the output out_pos in minimum POS form.

Write your solution here

module top_module (
    input a,
    input b,
    input c,
    input d,
    output out_sop,
    output out_pos

    //SOP form 即与或式,对应于卡诺图就是圈1即可(画大圈可把d圈进来尽可能大,多余的d不圈)
	//POS form 即或与式, 对应于卡诺图就是圈0后,整体取反(d同理)
    // ab\cd  00  01  11  10
    //   00   0   0   d   1
    //   01   d   0   1   0
    //   11   d   0   1   0
    //   10   0   0   0   0
    assign out_sop = c&d | (~a)&(~b)&c;
    assign out_pos = ~((~c) | b&(~d) | a&(~b));

Exams/m2014 q3

Consider the function f shown in the Karnaugh map below.

Implement this function. d is don't-care, which means you may choose to output whatever value is convenient.

Write your solution here

module top_module (
    input [4:1] x, 
    output f );

    assign f = (~x[1])&x[3] | x[2]&(~x[3])&x[4];

 Exams/2012 q1g

Consider the function f shown in the Karnaugh map below. Implement this function.

(The original exam question asked for simplified SOP and POS forms of the function.)

Write your solution here 

module top_module (
    input [4:1] x,
    output f
    assign f = (~x[1])&x[3] | (~x[2])&(~x[4]) | x[2]&x[3]&x[4];

Exams/ece241 2014 q3

For the following Karnaugh map, give the circuit implementation using one 4-to-1 multiplexer and as many 2-to-1 multiplexers as required, but using as few as possible. You are not allowed to use any other logic gate and you must use a and b as the multiplexer selector inputs, as shown on the 4-to-1 multiplexer below.

You are implementing just the portion labelled top_module, such that the entire circuit (including the 4-to-1 mux) implements the K-map.

(The requirement to use only 2-to-1 multiplexers exists because the original exam question also wanted to test logic function simplification using K-maps and how to synthesize logic functions using only multiplexers. If you wish to treat this as purely a Verilog exercise, you may ignore this constraint and write the module any way you wish.)

Write your solution here

module top_module (
    input c,
    input d,
    output [3:0] mux_in
    assign mux_in[0] = c?1:(d?1:0);
    assign mux_in[1] = 0;
    assign mux_in[3] = c?(d?1:0):0;//注意图是10,而不是11
    assign mux_in[2] = d?0:1;


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