SV_12_Clocking Block

摘要:SV添加了一个时钟块,用于识别时钟信号,实现计时和同步需求 。

  • 输入采样
  • 同步事件
  • 同步驱动

1. input and output skew

  • 通常在基于周期的代码设计和验证中,输入在时钟边沿采样,输出在时钟边沿驱动;
  • 如果指定了skew,则输入在时钟skew时间之前采样,输出在时钟skew之后驱动。
  • skew必须是一个常量表达式,并且可以指定为参数。如果skew没有指定时间单位,则使用当前时间单位,如果使用数字,则使用当前时间作用域的时间刻度解释倾斜。

 input output skews

  1 `timescale 1ns/1ns
  2 // program declaration with ports.
  3 program clocking_skew_prg (
  4   input  wire        clk,
  5   output logic [7:0] din,
  6   input  wire  [7:0] dout,
  7   output logic [7:0] addr,
  8   output logic       ce,
  9   output logic       we
 10 );
 12   // Clocking block 
 13   clocking ram @(posedge clk);
 14      input  #1 dout;
 15      output #1 din,addr,ce,we;
 16   endclocking
 18   initial begin
 19     // Init the outputs
 20     ram.addr <= 0;
 21     ram.din <= 0;
 22     ram.ce <= 0;
 23     ram.we <= 0;
 24     // Write Operation to Ram
 25     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin
 26       @ (posedge clk);
 27       ram.addr <= i;
 28       ram.din <= $random;
 29       ram.ce <= 1;
 30       ram.we <= 1;
 31       @ (posedge clk);
 32       ram.ce <= 0;
 33     end
 34     // Read Operation to Ram
 35     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin
 36       @ (posedge clk);
 37       ram.addr <= i;
 38       ram.ce <= 1;
 39       ram.we <= 0;
 40       // Below line is same as  @ (posedge clk);
 41       @ (ram); 
 42       ram.ce <= 0;
 43     end
 44     #40 $finish;
 45   end
 47 endprogram
 49 // Simple top level file
 50 module clocking_skew();
 52 logic        clk = 0;
 53 wire   [7:0] din;
 54 logic  [7:0] dout;
 55 wire   [7:0] addr;
 56 wire         ce;
 57 wire         we;
 58 reg    [7:0] memory [0:255];
 60 // Clock generator
 61 always #10 clk++;
 63 // Simple ram model
 64 always @ (posedge clk)
 65  if (ce)
 66    if (we)
 67      memory[addr] <= din;
 68    else
 69      dout <= memory[addr];
 71 // Monitor all the signals
 72 initial begin
 73  $monitor("@%0dns addr :%0x din %0x dout %0x we %0x ce %0x",
 74            $time, addr, din,dout,we,ce);
 75 end
 76 // Connect the program
 77 clocking_skew_prg U_program(
 78  .clk   (clk),
 79  .din   (din),
 80  .dout  (dout),
 81  .addr  (addr),
 82  .ce    (ce),
 83  .we    (we)
 84 );
 86 endmodule
 88 //compile skew
 90  @0ns addr :xx din xx dout xx we x ce x
 91  @11ns addr :0 din 24 dout xx we 1 ce 1
 92  @31ns addr :0 din 24 dout xx we 1 ce 0
 93  @51ns addr :1 din 81 dout xx we 1 ce 1
 94  @71ns addr :1 din 81 dout xx we 1 ce 0
 95  @91ns addr :0 din 81 dout xx we 0 ce 1
 96  @110ns addr :0 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 1
 97  @111ns addr :0 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 0
 98  @131ns addr :1 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 1
 99  @150ns addr :1 din 81 dout 81 we 0 ce 1
100  @151ns addr :1 din 81 dout 81 we 0 ce 0
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2. hierarchical names

  • 时钟块可以访问(输入)任意 的层次性好,这意味着不仅可以访问本地信号,而且可以访问层次内部的信号
 1 `timescale 1ns/1ns
 2 // program declaration with ports.
 3 program clocking_hier_prg (
 4   input  wire        clk,
 5   output logic [7:0] din,
 6   input  wire  [7:0] dout,
 7   output logic [7:0] addr,
 8   output logic       ce,
 9   output logic       we
10 );
12   // Clocking block 
13   clocking ram @(posedge clk);
14      input  #1 dout = clocking_skew.dout;
15      output #1 din,addr,ce,we;
16   endclocking
18   initial begin
19     $monitor("@%0dns addr :%0x din %0x dout %0x we %0x ce %0x",
20            $time, addr, din,ram.dout,we,ce);
21     // Init the outputs
22     ram.addr <= 0;
23     ram.din <= 0;
24     ram.ce <= 0;
25     ram.we <= 0;
26     // Write Operation to Ram
27     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin
28       @ (posedge clk);
29       ram.addr <= i;
30       ram.din <= $random;
31       ram.ce <= 1;
32       ram.we <= 1;
33       @ (posedge clk);
34       ram.ce <= 0;
35     end
36     // Read Operation to Ram
37     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin
38       @ (posedge clk);
39       ram.addr <= i;
40       ram.ce <= 1;
41       ram.we <= 0;
42       // Below line is same as  @ (posedge clk);
43       @ (ram); 
44       ram.ce <= 0;
45     end
46     #40;
47   end
49 endprogram
51 // Simple top level file
52 module clocking_skew();
54 logic        clk = 0;
55 wire   [7:0] din;
56 logic  [7:0] dout;
57 wire   [7:0] addr;
58 wire         ce;
59 wire         we;
60 reg    [7:0] memory [0:255];
62 // Clock generator
63 always #10 clk++;
65 // Simple ram model
66 always @ (posedge clk)
67  if (ce)
68    if (we)
69      memory[addr] <= din;
70    else
71      dout <= memory[addr];
73 // Connect the program
74 clocking_hier_prg U_program(
75  .clk   (clk),
76  .din   (din),
77  .dout  (),
78  .addr  (addr),
79  .ce    (ce),
80  .we    (we)
81 );
83 endmodule
85 //compile result
87  @0ns addr :xx din xx dout xx we x ce x
88  @11ns addr :0 din 24 dout xx we 1 ce 1
89  @31ns addr :0 din 24 dout xx we 1 ce 0
90  @51ns addr :1 din 81 dout xx we 1 ce 1
91  @71ns addr :1 din 81 dout xx we 1 ce 0
92  @91ns addr :0 din 81 dout xx we 0 ce 1
93  @111ns addr :0 din 81 dout xx we 0 ce 0
94  @130ns addr :0 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 0
95  @131ns addr :1 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 1
96  @151ns addr :1 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 0
97  @170ns addr :1 din 81 dout 81 we 0 ce 0
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3. cycle delay


  1 `timescale 1ns/1ns
  2 // program declaration with ports.
  3 program clocking_skew_prg (
  4   input  wire        clk,
  5   output logic [7:0] din,
  6   input  wire  [7:0] dout,
  7   output logic [7:0] addr,
  8   output logic       ce,
  9   output logic       we
 10 );
 12   // Clocking block 
 13   default clocking ram @(posedge clk);
 14      input  #1 dout;
 15      output #1 din,addr,ce,we;
 16   endclocking
 18   initial begin
 19     // Init the outputs
 20     ram.addr <= 0;
 21     ram.din <= 0;
 22     ram.ce <= 0;
 23     ram.we <= 0;
 24     // Write Operation to Ram
 25     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin
 26       // Below line is same as  repeat (2) @ (posedge clk);
 27       ## 2 ;
 28       ram.addr <= i;
 29       ram.din <= $random;
 30       ram.ce <= 1;
 31       ram.we <= 1;
 32       ## 2;
 33       ram.ce <= 0;
 34     end
 35     // Read Operation to Ram
 36     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin
 37       // Below line is same as   @ (posedge clk);
 38       ## 1 ;
 39       ram.addr <= i;
 40       ram.ce <= 1;
 41       ram.we <= 0;
 42       // Below line is same as  repeat (3) @ (posedge clk);
 43       ## 3;
 44       ram.ce <= 0;
 45     end
 46     #40 $finish;
 47   end
 49 endprogram
 51 // Simple top level file
 52 module clocking_skew();
 54 logic        clk = 0;
 55 wire   [7:0] din;
 56 logic  [7:0] dout;
 57 wire   [7:0] addr;
 58 wire         ce;
 59 wire         we;
 60 reg    [7:0] memory [0:255];
 62 // Clock generator
 63 always #10 clk++;
 65 // Simple ram model
 66 always @ (posedge clk)
 67  if (ce)
 68    if (we)
 69      memory[addr] <= din;
 70    else
 71      dout <= memory[addr];
 73 // Monitor all the signals
 74 initial begin
 75  $monitor("@%0dns addr :%0x din %0x dout %0x we %0x ce %0x",
 76            $time, addr, din,dout,we,ce);
 77 end
 78 // Connect the program
 79 clocking_skew_prg U_program(
 80  .clk   (clk),
 81  .din   (din),
 82  .dout  (dout),
 83  .addr  (addr),
 84  .ce    (ce),
 85  .we    (we)
 86 );
 88 endmodule
 90 //compile result
 92  @0ns addr :x din x dout x we x ce x
 93  @11ns addr :0 din 0 dout x we 0 ce 0
 94  @51ns addr :0 din 24 dout x we 1 ce 1
 95  @91ns addr :0 din 24 dout x we 1 ce 0
 96  @131ns addr :1 din 81 dout x we 1 ce 1
 97  @171ns addr :1 din 81 dout x we 1 ce 0
 98  @191ns addr :0 din 81 dout x we 0 ce 1
 99  @210ns addr :0 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 1
100  @251ns addr :0 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 0
101  @271ns addr :1 din 81 dout 24 we 0 ce 1
102  @290ns addr :1 din 81 dout 81 we 0 ce 1
103  @331ns addr :1 din 81 dout 81 we 0 ce 0
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4. default clocking

  • 在给定的模块、接口或程序中,可以指定一个时钟作为所有周期延迟操作的默认值;
  • 在程序、模块。接口中只能指定一个 default时钟;
  •  任何##语句都将按照指定的default时钟进行。
 1 module clocking_default();
 3 logic        clk = 0;
 4 always #10 clk++;
 6 // Specify the default clocking
 7 default clocking test @ (posedge clk);
 9 endclocking
11 initial begin
12   $display("%0dns is current time",$time);
13   // Any ## is evaluated with respect to default clock
14   ##100;
15   $display("%0dns is current time",$time);
16   $finish;
17 end
19 endmodule
20 //compile result
22  0ns is current time
23  1990ns is current time
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